Li Wu'an heard Director Su's stance was very firm, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Well, the first step you have to do now is to resolutely destroy the criminal gang headed by the director of the Chengguan Police Station, and liquidate all their crimes. Crimes should restore the common people's clarity. At the same time, we must draw inferences from one instance and do a good job in the construction of the work style and clean government of the cadres and employees of your county's public security system, reverse all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, and eliminate all kinds of black sheep. It is now October, and before the Spring Festival this year, I will ask Comrade Long Jianxiang about the results of your county bureau’s rectification.”

At this time, Director Su also hated Director Wu and others who made him almost dismissed from office. Hearing Secretary Li's instructions, he hurriedly said: "Secretary Li, please rest assured: Regarding Wu Xiong and those who colluded with him A group of people, I will definitely organize a capable force to interrogate them, dig out all their violations of discipline and law, and punish them according to law. At that time, I will also ask the procuratorate, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and other law enforcement agencies to intervene to give them a quick trial. Sentence, and report the results to the county party committee and the city public security bureau at any time!"

At this time, several policemen from the County Public Security Bureau's Inspectorate Brigade walked in with the veteran cadre and his wife, Chen Mengqi, and returned Ye Ming and the others' confiscated mobile phones, travel bags, and wallets to them.

Chen Mengqi was the last one to walk in. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Ye Ming's face and body were covered with blood. Wiping the blood that was still flowing on Ye Ming's face with his hand, he cried and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Who beat you like this?"

Ye Ming hurriedly grabbed her hand, with a smile on his face, and comforted her, "Qiqi, don't worry. It's just a little bit of trauma to me. I didn't hurt any muscles or bones. Just go to the hospital to bandage it and get some anti-inflammatory injections. You How? Those bastards didn't hit you, did they!"

Chen Mengqi shook her head and said, "No. Just locked me and this aunt in a small room with iron gates and iron railings, and no one came to take care of us. This old man doesn't know what to do!"

The old cadre was not beaten either, but after seeing Ye Ming's blood all over his body, his face turned pale with anger, and he couldn't help cursing again: "These bastards are really good at it! Young man, you have to Hurry up to the hospital for treatment. Wait for our old couple to accompany you. Tomorrow I will sue them for their bastard grandchildren! I don’t believe it: In this world of peace and harmony, there is no place for reason, and there is no host Justice officials!"

It turned out that this veteran cadre did not know the real reason for his release, nor did he know who Li Wuan and others were, so he still said indignantly that he would file a complaint.

Ye Ming hurriedly took his hand, pointed to Li Wuan and said, "Old Man, this is Comrade Li Wuan, Secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee. He came here from Luchuan City to deal with this matter. Just now , the director of the police station, the head of the law enforcement team of the Tourism Bureau, the two black tour guides, and the joint defense team members who beat me have all been arrested by Secretary Li. Secretary Li also said that for these black sheep who commit crimes, They will definitely be severely punished. Therefore, there is no need for you to sue."

When the old cadre heard that Li Wu'an was the secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee, and that he had come from Luchuan to County N specially for them, he couldn't help being startled. It's an expression of disbelief.

Li Wu'an hurriedly took two steps forward, took the old cadre's hand, shook it enthusiastically for a few times, and said with a smile: "Hi, senior! I am Li Wu'an, Secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee, and I am also a friend of Comrade Xiaoye. Just now I basically learned what happened from Xiaoye, and I feel very ashamed in my heart. I am the main person in charge of Luchuan City. Today’s heinous and vicious incident happened in our city, and it was aimed at Foreign tourists, I, the secretary of the municipal party committee, have an unshirkable responsibility. Therefore, I would like to sincerely apologize to you, your wife, Xiaoye and his friends here.

"Two of the people around me are the heads of the public security organs at the city and county levels, and the other two are the county party secretary and county magistrate of county n. Like me, they are also responsible for today's incident. Responsibility. So, I have just seriously criticized them and instructed them to reflect on and rectify the problems that have been exposed. Here, I warmly invite you to visit N County for two days, and all expenses will be borne by the County Party Committee Office. Please continue to supervise the work of our government departments during the game, and make reasonable suggestions."

When the veteran cadre heard Li Wuan's very sincere and sincere words, his face flushed with excitement, and he hurriedly said: "Secretary Li, you are too modest and blame yourself too much! Black sheep can be found everywhere. How can I take responsibility for the leadership of the leader? How can I afford it! Although the old man is old, he is not confused. It is even better that you and this young man are friends. This is a good young man, not only has a strong sense of justice, but also has good kung fu , and can speak well. According to the old man, this son will become a great weapon in the future. Hahaha!"

At this time, someone outside reported that the hospital's ambulance and doctors had arrived at the police station.

Li Wuan took Ye Ming's hand, walked out with him, and asked his driver to drive to the People's Hospital to wait, and he personally accompanied Ye Ming in the ambulance.

Long Jianxiang, Director Liu, County Magistrate Ma, and Director Su are all anxious now, wondering how Secretary Li will deal with them.Therefore, when Secretary Li accompanied Ye Ming to the hospital, none of them dared to leave without permission. They all followed Secretary Li to the County People's Hospital, and accompanied Ye Ming for examination, wound dressing, and injections for anti-inflammation.

While Ye Ming was bandaging the wound, Secretary Li suddenly received a call from Lu Nianzi.On the phone, Lu Nianzi anxiously asked him how the situation is now?Is there any news about Ye Ming?

Only then did Li Wu'an remember: he was only focused on dealing with those people at the police station, and forgot the agreement with Lu Nianzi, and he hadn't informed her of the situation for almost two hours.

So, he quickly replied: "Director Lu, don't worry, we have found Comrade Ye Ming."

"Really? Then where are you now? What's his situation? Why did he suddenly lose contact?"

Li Wuan hesitated for a moment, and then answered cautiously: "We are now in the People's Hospital of N County. Comrade Ye Ming was illegally detained by the County Chengguan Police Station in the afternoon, and he was beaten at the police station. Therefore, I will accompany him to the The hospital came for an examination, and we will stay in the hospital for observation for one night before we talk about it.”

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