When Lu Nianzi heard that Ye Ming had been beaten at the police station and was still in the hospital, he became anxious and couldn't help crying again, crying and asking: "Secretary Li, how is he injured? Is there anything wrong?" Danger?"

Li Wu'an quickly comforted her and said, "Director Lu, don't worry. According to my opinion, Comrade Ye Ming's injury is not very serious. He has practiced martial arts, his physique is very good, and his ability to resist blows is very strong. Hei’s hands were not injured, but his bones were not hurt. I can also tell you one more thing that you can rest assured: After I drove Comrade Ye Ming to the police station to loosen his shackles and handcuffs, he was so angry that he punched and kicked the Several tall and strong defenders fell to the ground. So, you can rest assured. Although Comrade Ye Ming suffered a little injury, he is still alive and kicking! Hahaha!"

Lu Nianzi originally cared about Ye Ming very much, but when he heard that he was beaten, he burst into tears in desperation.Now hearing that Li Wuan's tone is very relaxed, and hearing that Ye Ming went to beat up those who bullied him when he was injured, he couldn't help breaking into a smile, and laughed and scolded on the phone: "This bastard, it's I love to fight! I heard from Zhang Yan that last time he came to the capital to find me on business, he actually went to fight an underground boxing match behind my back, and he actually won three games in a row. I haven’t settled this matter with him yet .This time I come here, I must give him a hard lesson, and see if he dares to fight with others in the future!"

Like most sisters who love their younger brothers, Lu Nianzi is actually very proud of Ye Ming's superb martial arts.Therefore, she complained that Ye Ming shouldn't go to the boxing match, but she was actually showing off Ye Ming's strengths to Li Wu'an.

Li Wuan was taken aback when she heard the words "I'm coming this time", and hurriedly asked, "Director Lu, are you going to come here?"

Lu Nianzi said: "That's right, Lin Jiang and I are already at the Capital Airport, and we're going to catch the zero o'clock flight to Yan'an. You don't know: just now you said that my brother was missing, and I was shaking with fear. Lin Jiang was also very worried about Ye Ming's safety. Therefore, he hurriedly entrusted a good friend to inquire about flight information at the Capital Airport, and learned that there was a temporary flight to Yan'an at midnight tonight. So he asked that friend to get it at the airport. Two air tickets to Yan'an tonight. We will arrive at Yan'an Airport in about two hours. At that time, I may ask you to arrange a car to pick me up at the airport and Lin Jiang. I will call you now, That's why!"

When Li Wuan heard that Zhang Linjiang would also come, he was very happy, and hurriedly said: "Director Lu, you and Director Zhang are welcome to come to Luchuan as guests! How about this, let me tell Ye Ming later, I will meet with my driver personally Let’s go to Yan’an Airport to pick you up. I’m in N County, which happens to be relatively close to Yan’an Airport, and we’ll get there in less than an hour’s drive.”

Lu Nianzi has always regarded Li Wu'an and Xu Lizhong as brothers in his heart, so when he said he was going to pick her up and Zhang Linjiang, he didn't refuse. He just said it was hard work, and asked if he could have a few words with Ye Ming now .

Li Wu'an said that Ye Ming is still bandaging his wounds in the emergency room, and he can't answer the phone for the time being, but he can go and tell him that you are coming.

At this time, Ye Ming's wound was almost bandaged, and the nurse was about to give him an anti-inflammatory injection.When he heard Li Wuan say that Lu Nianzi and his wife had already arrived at the Capital Airport and were about to fly over, he was shocked just like Li Wuan, and at the same time felt very uneasy...

During the two hours when Li Wuan went to Yan'an Airport to meet Lu Nianzi and Zhang Linjiang, Long Jianxiang, Secretary Liu, County Magistrate Ma, Director Su and others took advantage of this opportunity to sit around Ye Ming's ward and accompany them. I watched him laughing and chatting, hoping to leave a good impression on him, let him say something nice to Secretary Li, and it is best not to further hold them accountable.

Of course Ye Ming understood their intentions, and he really didn't want Long Jianxiang, Secretary Liu, County Magistrate Ma and others to be implicated in this matter again.

Therefore, he told them very clearly: tomorrow he will go to Lujiazhuang with Secretary Li to do something very important.During this period, he will have a detailed talk with Secretary Li about what happened today, and will tell him: This incident has nothing to do with the leaders at all. He and Director Wu of the police station were all in the same group as the two tour guides.Therefore, they conspired together and wanted to retaliate against themselves and the veteran cadre, which is why today's vicious incident happened.Therefore, this incident is accidental, and it is a case of collusion between a very small number of evil forces and rioters, and it cannot deny the work of the leaders...

When Long Jianxiang and the others heard Ye Ming say this, they were all overjoyed—because they could see that the relationship between Secretary Li and this young man named Ye Ming was very important!Moreover, looking at Secretary Li's attitude towards Ye Ming, he was not only very enthusiastic, but also respectful.If Ye Ming is willing to intercede with them, Secretary Li should give him face.

Therefore, after hearing what Ye Ming said, Long Jianxiang, Secretary Liu, and County Mayor Ma all showed grateful smiles on their faces.

After Secretary Liu expressed his gratitude to Ye Ming, he asked him how things happened today?Why did they go to the police station in the end?

Chen Mengqi, who has been guarding Ye Ming's bedside, said angrily: "From the beginning to the end, this incident was caused by that unscrupulous tour guide surnamed Ma. Those people are too bad. If you leaders don't want to manage , it is estimated that no foreign tourists will dare to visit your county in the future!"

Ye Ming knew that Chen Mengqi was not good at turning corners when speaking, and he was afraid that she would say something that would embarrass Secretary Liu and the others, so he squeezed her wrist, signaling her to keep silent.

Then, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, turned on the video playback function, found the video he had recorded in the car, and said, "Leaders, just take a look at this video I secretly recorded. If you watch the video, you will know how what happened today, and how those black tour guides blackmail foreign tourists."

Secretary Liu took Ye Ming's cell phone over, and Long Jianxiang, County Magistrate Ma, Director Su and others all leaned their heads over to watch the video together.When it appeared in the video that the horse guide threatened passengers with a knife and publicly said that he was a descendant of bandits, Long Jianxiang, Secretary Liu and others showed extreme anger and hatred on their faces.Especially Secretary Liu and County Mayor Ma, both of them were blushing, and apart from anger, there was also a very proud and ashamed expression...

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