Peach Fortune

Chapter 10 The Bet With the School Belle 1

Feeling the pain in his lower body, Zhang Qian could only turn his grief and anger into appetite. He gnawed hard on the delicious meat buns steamed by his sister in his mouth, and pedaled on an old bicycle, rushing along the path towards the school.To be counted today, it was the first day that he and the school belle Chen Zitong became the official tablemate. When he thought of the school belle Chen Zitong who was always nosy, he would think of her cute and beautiful appearance.

Compared with my sister Zhang Lin, the beauty of the two beauties is completely different.Zhang Lin is more feminine, with a more perfect figure and a more mature and charming face.And Chen Zitong is beautiful in youth, lively and cute, although her figure is still a little green, but green has a green taste, she is a typical young girl.Compared with each other, the two women have their own merits. I am afraid that no one can beat the other. It depends on each person's aesthetic concept.

"En? Why do I want to compare that talkative woman with my most beautiful and beloved sister? What's wrong? Could it be..." Zhang Qian was stunned, swallowing the bun in his mouth before muttering He said, "Could it be that an unexpected kiss after school yesterday made me feel for that school belle? No, no way..."

Zhang Qian, who didn't believe in this logic at all, quickly denied his absurd guess. Although Chen Zitong was very beautiful, he was recognized as a school girl and a lover of boys, but Zhang Qian grew up with his beautiful sister Zhang Lin since he was a child. Naturally, my concept has improved a lot. It's not like you just fall in love with someone just because you're pretty for no reason.As for why he thought of that annoying school belle Chen Zitong so early in the morning, I'm afraid I don't know how to answer this question.

Putting aside the random thoughts in his mind, Zhang Qian focused on riding his bicycle, and soon came to the gate of Pailing Town Junior High School.As soon as he entered the school gate, he saw Hao Ren standing by the flower bed.He was holding a bag of things in his hand, which looked quite delicate, but his face looked tense and tangled.

Zhang Qian came quietly behind him, patted him on the shoulder lightly and smiled, "Good man! What are you doing here?"

Hao Ren obviously didn't expect Zhang Qian's arrival, he was taken aback, hurriedly put the bag in his hand behind him and smiled awkwardly, "Yes, it's you Zhang, nothing, I, I'm here Wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?" Zhang Qian looked at the route from the flower bed to the teaching building in a strange way, and said inexplicably, "This is the place where cars are parked. Are you waiting for a special car to pick up a rich classmate?"

"Hehe, no, I'll wait casually. That Zhang Qian, if you have nothing to do, go to the class first, don't wait for me." Hao Ren said awkwardly, "I, I still have something to do."

"Something?" Zhang Qian suddenly looked behind him with a curious smirk, grabbed the bag in his hand and opened it, and suddenly smiled in surprise, "Wow, who is it for such an exquisite gift?" of?"

"Zhang Qian... I, I didn't give it to anyone, this thing belongs to me..."

"Come on, explaining is equivalent to covering up! Let me guess, you are waiting here for someone, you must be giving a gift, it should be the girl you like, right?" Zhang Qian smiled curiously, "That girl Who is it? Well, Haoren, you are so gentle and honest, so you already have a female classmate you have a crush on?"

"I, I..." Hao Ren blushed for a moment, not knowing how to answer, he squeezed the gift nervously, and whispered to Zhang Qian, "Today, today is her birthday, so I, I want to give this birthday present to her today."

"Okay, that's a good thing!" Zhang Qian smiled mysteriously, "Tell me, what's the name of the girl you want to give as a birthday gift? What kind of girl would you like?"

"This, this..." Seeing that his good deed was bumped into, Haoren was obviously a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.At this time, a black Passat sedan slowly drove into the school gate and came to the parking lot beside the flower bed.From the car, came out a slim female classmate in a black and white school uniform with a ponytail.Zhang Qian took a closer look and couldn't help being stunned. Isn't this beautiful female classmate his new deskmate, the nosy school belle Chen Zitong?

After Chen Zitong said goodbye to the driver, he turned around and saw Zhang Qian and Hao Ren standing by the flower bed. He blushed and turned around without looking back. He turned around and walked towards the teaching building without even looking at it. Take a look this way.Obviously, the school girl at the same table didn't want to meet them.To be precise, this is entirely Zhang Qian's problem.

"Student Chen... She usually walks this way, this..." Hao Ren who was at the side didn't expect that Chen Zitong would rather take a long detour than go to this flower bed, he couldn't help being full of surprise and frustration, and this time When Zhang Qian heard this, he immediately realized it.

"Hao Ren? Aren't you? The person you are going to give this gift to is her?" Zhang Qian looked at Chen Zitong's beautiful back full of surprise and puzzlement and said, "What's so good about this woman? Not to mention being arrogant and selfish, You still like to meddle in other people's business so much, you have the sense of superiority of a good student, cut it!"

"I, I..." Haoren didn't know how to answer, he lowered his head and sighed in frustration, "I just want to give her a birthday present..."

Originally Chen Zitong put on a bad face and refused to meet him, he could bear it, but Haoren's frustration and sincerity made Zhang Qian a little dissatisfied!If he didn't happen to be standing here, Haoren's birthday gift would definitely be given to her. In this way, wouldn't he ruin Haoren's original good deed and become a sinner?

Almost without any hesitation, he took Haoren's arm and chased after Chen Zitong in front of him frantically!

"Stop! Classmate Chen Zitong!!" Zhang Qian yelled loudly, which made Chen Zitong, who was walking in front, stop in his tracks.When that pure and pretty face turned around, Zhang Qian pulled the panic-stricken Hao Ren to come right in front of her.

Chen Zitong couldn't help frowning her eyebrows, and mumbled a little out of breath, "Student Zhang Qian, what can I do for you?"

"Let me ask you, why did you leave after seeing us? Don't you understand the basic etiquette among classmates?" Zhang Qian said angrily, no matter who she is, "I won't mind if you meddle in my own business." More to say, there is a car to pick you up, why did you go home from the alley after school last night? Also, the matter between me and you is between us, why did Hao Ren provoke you? You are not on good terms If I say hello, I can't help but say hello to him!"

"You..." Hearing Zhang Qian's words, Chen Zitong was furious, crossed her small waist with both hands, and said angrily, "You are so unreasonable! Why should I respect the etiquette of my classmates and say hello to you all?" ?Do I have to say hello to every classmate I meet? Besides, it was not because I was nosy after school last night, but because my dad needed a car for something, so he didn’t have a car to take me home! For poor students like you Damn, I have no interest in fighting! Also, let me tell you clearly, the original Haoren student I wanted to say hello to was because there was a bad classmate like you, so I even ignored him ! Now, are you satisfied with my answer??"

"Hehe, so it seems that you are still talking about you, or is it our fault? You..." Zhang Qian is also a guy who refuses to admit defeat, and it doesn't matter if she is a school girl or not when she gets angry.After all, Haoren is his best friend, so he borrowed him to copy so many homework, and if he didn't help him, he would hurt him instead!

"Zhang Qian, don't talk about it. It's student Chen's freedom to say hello, and we can't force it." Hao Ren's grass fell much faster than Zhang Qian expected, and blocked Zhang Qian with a single sentence. With all the excuses to justify, he was speechless and almost wanted to strangle this guy with the opposite sex and no humanity.

"Student Hao Ren understands the truth, and student Zhang Qian, if you don't like studying all day long, learn the principles of dealing with people and things with Hao Ren, so that you won't be idle all day long!" Chen Zitong turned to Zhang Qian Rolling his eyes, he said casually.

"What?? You, what are you talking about me??" What Zhang Qian couldn't bear the most was being taught a lesson by a girl, or a girl who was not happy at all!He said angrily, "Yes, I don't like studying. You have good grades and are a good student, but you can't look down on people just because you study well! Let me tell you, I just don't want to study. If I study hard Get up, I am afraid myself!"

"It's up to you? You're not ashamed!" Chen Zitong pursed his lips in disbelief and said contemptuously, "Do you think that learning is something that can be done temporarily? You only know how to speak loudly, what a skill!"

"Let me tell you, I can't stand being provoked the most! Don't look down on others, you!" Zhang Qian knew that the reason why Chen Zitong quarreled with him so rudely today must be because of the accidental kiss yesterday. But the problem is that he also feels wronged, it was an accident, who wants to kiss her secretly!

"Excuse you? I don't have that patience. Even if you learn, you're only short of one child! If there's nothing else, I'll leave. If you don't want to study, I will!" Chen Zitong turned his head and wanted to leave with a soft snort, "Like you If you are a poor student, you will fight with those hooligans and get into trouble, and your academic performance will always be at the bottom, you are hopeless!"

"Chen Zitong, wait, I want to make a bet with you!!" Zhang Qian, who was irritated by the contempt, said loudly, "I'll learn from you, do you dare to bet with me!"

"Compare me to studying? Zhang Qian, are you out of your mind?" Chen Zitong blinked her beautiful eyes, obviously disbelieving, "Besides, why should I bet with you? So what if you win, and what if you lose? How? What does your study have to do with me?"

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