Peach Fortune

Chapter 9 Sister's Dream

"Zhang Qian, don't be reckless!" Zhang Hailong glared at Zhang Qian and sighed, "You don't understand what happened back then, Chen Xuwu really couldn't help himself, I can understand him. It's my intention to take the responsibility off, after all At that time, only me was found, and I would only add another person to confess him. What's the point? Besides, life is not easy for anyone, why should we suffer together? I was fired, there were already many rumors at that time, and he left Andu County is also trying to avoid the limelight, which is normal. Besides, didn't he make a baby kiss just to compensate our family!"

"What baby kiss? It's just lip service. Now that he's the director, would his daughter be willing to marry into a family like ours? Do you think it's possible? Just wishful thinking!" Qin Suzhen obviously didn't believe it, "If Chen Xuwu If you really take this matter to heart, will you not contact us for so many years?"

"What baby kiss? Dad, you mean... my younger brother Zhang Qian has been engaged to Chen Xuwu's daughter since he was a child?" Zhang Lin said with obvious surprise, "Miss Qianjin, is this possible?"

"Ahem... To be honest, it's impossible that I don't know, but if Chen Xuwu really hasn't forgotten this agreement, it's still possible." Zhang Hailong said earnestly, "Let's not mention the matter of baby's marriage. It may also be related to our move. He may have looked for us but failed to find us. Then we don't need to make fun of ourselves, but if he still takes into account his previous relationship, I think he can still help our family in many ways."

As soon as Zhang Hailong, who was coughing, said this, Qin Suzhen didn't refute.Indeed, the reason for the decline of the old Zhang family may be related to Chen Xuwu, but after all these years have passed, it is meaningless to argue about these. If Chen Xuwu is really willing to repay his kindness, then the life of the old Zhang family will undoubtedly be changed.So the most important thing now is to know what Chen Xuwu is thinking.

Zhang Qian really couldn't laugh or cry at this time, why there is an extra fiancée for no reason, and he still doesn't know how tall, short, fat, and thin the fiancée is!Darling, it's funny to think about it, after more than ten years, it's probably impossible for any kind of kissing!He is not a person without self-awareness, he is now a daughter of the daughter of a daughter, the director's daughter, how could he be able to climb up?

The dinner ended hastily like this. Apart from knowing the secret of his family's decline, Zhang Qian also knew that he had an extra fiancée who was almost impossible to be together.But he didn't put his mind on it. All he could think about was how to convince his father that he didn't have to go to school after finishing junior high school.

Forced to do some messy homework, Zhang Qian slept on the mat after taking a shower.After waiting for a long time, Zhang Lin, the elder sister who came out of the bath, wiped her black and wet hair and walked into the room. Seeing that Zhang Qian was lying on the mat, she seemed to be thinking about something, and she couldn't help but smiled coquettishly, "My good brother, now is Are you wondering what your fiancée looks like?"

Zhang Qian's thoughts were interrupted by the voice, and when he looked up, he saw the elder sister who was wiping her hair in a pink nightgown, and said with a blushing face, "Sister, how many times have I said that I am a man now , not the child from before, you...can you not wear such a skirt..."

"Why can't you wear it? You are my younger brother, so what if you have seen it all? Besides, it's not that you haven't seen it..." Zhang Linjiao smiled and continued indifferently, "I was changing clothes at home back then. I don't know who suddenly rushed in and looked at me up and down?"

"Sister!! Don't talk about it, then, you were only in the fourth grade of elementary school at that time, and I was only in the second grade, what do you know!" The blushing Zhang Qian said speechlessly, "Please don't keep talking about this Put it in your mouth, okay?"

"Really? That's all right, brother, if you want to see it, I can show you up and down now." Zhang Lin said with a charming smile, and suddenly stretched out her small hand to lightly lift the bottom of her nightgown. The hem of the skirt teased, "How is it? Do you want to see it?"

"Don't look at it! My sister is not my wife no matter how beautiful she is, what's so good about it!" Zhang Qian hurriedly turned over in embarrassment and covered his cheeks with a pillow. He really couldn't stand his sister's temptation.Although she is a real sister, she is also a beautiful woman after all. She has been teasing her all day long, so she should die!

"Haha, cute silly brother, sister is playing with you, are you angry?" Seeing Zhang Qian turning over and ignoring her, Zhang Lin couldn't help smiling, put the towel for wiping her hair away, and then came to the mat After falling asleep on the bed, the whole delicate body was suddenly pressed on Zhang Qian's body, and the fragrance all over his body suddenly spread over his face. The strange feeling of being pressed on his body made Zhang Qian couldn't help turning over, and looked at his sister dissatisfied. Zhang Lin.

"Yo, I'm so sorry, aren't you good at fighting? Why are you shyer than women now? Look at you, you have slept with me since you were a child, and you haven't gotten used to it yet?" Zhang Lin smiled doting Touching Zhang Qian's hair, he said gently, "How is it, does the wound on your face still hurt?"

"It's okay, the swelling will go away tomorrow." Zhang Qian curled his lips, he knew that his sister liked to joke with him, and it is estimated that there are countless men in the world who would envy him to sleep with such a beautiful woman every day.But the problem is, she is his own sister, a beauty who can only be admired but not blasphemed!This is probably Zhang Qian's greatest sorrow...

"Let me tell you, you can't do this next time, you know? Those rich people are not something we can provoke." Zhang Lin sighed softly, hugged Zhang Qian and said softly, "Sister's body Ah, only my younger brother is the only man who can get so close. You can't understand how dirty a rich man is. My sister has lived in the society for two years, and I don't know how many men have been targeted by her. She almost had an accident several times But this society is like this, you can only silently try to protect yourself, but you can't resist at all... Brother, you must stand out, you are the future and hope of our family. Supporting you behind the scenes, helping you."

"Sister... Don't worry, I will work hard!" Zhang Qian nodded vigorously, and vowed, "For my parents, for you, I will definitely make myself stronger and stronger, and I will protect you in the future. Never let any bad man bully you again!"

"Boy, if that day really comes, then sister will be happy. However, sister will get married sooner or later. You should take care of yourself and your parents when you get there. Do you understand?" Zhang Lin kissed Zhang Qian on the forehead , The touch of soft red lips feels very good.She patted Zhang Qian's face and sighed, "This society has spoiled all men. The rich are too bad, and the poor are lazy. There are too few really good men. Your sister doesn't know when Only then can you find what you like…”

"Sister, if you can't find a man you like, then let my younger brother accompany you and support you for the rest of your life!" Zhang Qian said seriously, "If you have any dreams, my younger brother will help you realize them."

"It's really my good brother, my sister didn't love you for nothing. That's fine, if you can't find a good man in the future, then you can forget about it with your brother." Zhang Lin smiled and faced her younger brother Zhang Qian, and after thinking about it, said, "Sister, in this life...actually, I don't have any big dreams. Apart from helping my father cure his illness and taking good care of my parents and you, my biggest dream may be to open my own beauty salon. This should be my biggest dream. dream of..."

"Beauty salon? Is this dream very difficult?" Zhang Qian felt a little funny and said, "Everyone's dream is to become a big boss, a businessman or a high-ranking official, but you only dream of a small beauty salon. Is the dream too small?"

"Small? You think it's very small, but I find it very difficult. Zhang Qian, you have to know that a beauty salon with all internal organs needs to invest at least a million. This is only in our county town. If you go to the city, The price is naturally more expensive, do you think it is out of reach for my sister?" Zhang Lin patted Zhang Qian's forehead lightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'll have another one tomorrow Get up early and go to work, go to bed first, good night."

"Good night." Zhang Qian looked at his sister Zhang Lin who was turning sideways to enter her dream, and secretly clenched his fists and swore in his heart.

Sister, Zhang Qian, the biggest dream in my life is to cure my father's illness and make you happy.Your dream is to open a beauty salon, Zhang Qian will definitely work hard to realize it!Maybe I don't have the ability now, but the ancients said it well: It is better to bully the white-bearded man than to bully the young and poor.In the end, there must be a day when the dragon wears the phoenix, and if you don’t believe it, your pants will wear holes!The same goes for me, Zhang Qian. I won’t live in poverty all my life, and I will definitely make a fortune!

After saying the vows in his heart, Zhang Qian slowly closed his eyes, and gradually fell asleep.Perhaps for him, his sister's dream made him more confident and firm in the direction of his future efforts...

"Ring, ring, ring..." The bell rang in the morning, Zhang Qian, who was in a daze, turned off the alarm clock next to his pillow, and gradually opened his eyes.However, the first thing that came into view was a piece of milky white. His face touched the softness of this whiteness, and he could smell a faint smell of sex.

moment!His eyes were bigger than an owl's, because Zhang Qian had been awakened at this time, and remembered where his face was close to!He jerked his head back, and suddenly the plump Jade Rabbit with two peaks was in front of his eyes!After a long time, it wasn't my pillow that I slept on all night, but... but my sister's plump, soft and elastic breasts!

What's more terrible is that his sister Zhang Lin's white and slender legs are pressing on his body, and her plump and round buttocks are tightly squeezing his waist!

Zhang Qian's old face flushed instantly, and he hurriedly wanted to move his sister's delicate body away from him in embarrassment, but it was okay if he didn't move, maybe Zhang Lin felt uncomfortable in his sleep, and turned over completely completely. It was on Zhang Qian's body!

Now Zhang Qian smelled the faint fragrance from his sister, his brain short-circuited for a while, and he didn't know what to do.In desperation, he could only move closer to her jade neck, and said softly, "Sister, you are going to be late for work..."

"Ah!" Zhang Lin almost instantly jumped up from Zhang Qian's body and was awakened directly, but at the same time as she was jumping up, her jade feet just happened to touch the most important part of Zhang Qian, and the pain caused him to immediately bruise. Mao, blushing and staring wide-eyed, can't laugh or cry, it's as funny as it needs to be.

"I'm late, I'm late..." Zhang Lin didn't expect how much damage she would do to her younger brother just now, so she turned around and rushed into the locker room with the work suit she prepared last night.Poor Zhang Qian was rolling on the mat in pain clutching his vital parts, almost crying.

I don't know if it's Zhang Qian's happiness or Zhang Qian's sorrow to have a sister who tempts the dead and often has trouble...

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