"Dad... Yesterday I heard from Mom that you were going to stop taking your medicine again? Why did you do this? Didn't we agree to treat it well? Your emphysema is not incurable, you have to have confidence." Zhang Linsheng He handed a bowl of rice to his father, and said with some dissatisfaction, "I'm going to be really angry if you stop taking medicine randomly in the future."

"Cough cough..." Zhang Qian's father named Zhang Longhai coughed twice, looked at Zhang Lin with some guilt and said softly, "Linlin...Father, it's not that father doesn't want to continue the treatment, but the medical expenses are too expensive ... You said that you worked so hard to earn that little salary every month, treat my illness, and educate your brother, how much is left? After all, you are going to marry, and our family can't even make up the dowry now Qi, how dare you use your money again..."

"Dad! What are you talking about? I am your daughter, and of course I have to pay for this family." Zhang Lin said anxiously, "My daughter is still young and hasn't wanted to marry yet. We will talk about marriage later. Well, now you must insist on taking medicine, so that when our family has money, we will wash your lungs and expel sputum for treatment, and then perform surgery for a complete cure. Your disease is not in the advanced stage, and it is very possible to recover. "

"Linlin, don't I know about my body? Emphysema is not so easy to treat, not to mention that my emphysema is also accompanied by pneumoconiosis, and the treatment of lung washing alone costs 10,000+. Is it possible to have a major surgery without a few million? Millions! It is impossible to get all of them together even if you lose your entire fortune, so let’s not cure such a disease!” Zhang Longhai said here a little excitedly, patted his chest and said painfully, "Besides, this disease just makes me have difficulty breathing, my limbs are weak and I can't work, and it's not really terminally ill. I'm not a competent father, but I can't be a father who hinders my children!"

Zhang Lin sighed lightly, not knowing what to say for a while.Indeed, what my father Zhang Longhai said is correct, when can such a huge medical fee be earned by working part-time?Not to mention the surgery for a complete cure, the initial lung washing treatment will cost 10,000+, which is an astronomical figure for such a destitute family.

"Linlin, you still insist on taking the medicine for your father's disease. Although you can't afford the 10,000+ treatment fee for lung washing now, as long as the medicine continues, the condition will not continue to deteriorate. I will find a part-time job at night. In the future, his medicine I will be responsible for the money. I just hope that you can help your younger brother. If your younger brother goes to high school and college, no matter how hard and tired you are, you must help him finish his studies, okay?" At this time, I kept eating Qin Suzhen, the mother who didn't speak, said helplessly, "The family is like this, it's really hard for you two children."

"Dad, Mom, sister, I, I have something to tell you." Zhang Qian finally couldn't help putting down the bowls and chopsticks when he heard this, and couldn't help but blurt out the words suffocated in his heart, "My son is not filial, you raise him I am so old, I am already very grateful. To be honest, I am now in the third year of junior high school, and my grades are not good. At the end of the month, I started looking for a job as a security guard on weekends. It costs 1000 yuan a month. I plan to stop studying after finishing the third grade of junior high school. I will start as a security guard first. This will also relieve the pressure at home. I can also be self-reliant. No need to spend money at home..."

"No! Absolutely not!!" Before Zhang Qian finished speaking, Zhang Longhai immediately objected dissatisfied loudly, "I can tell you Zhang Qian, it doesn't matter what you want, but you must read the book to me !Father's biggest dream in life is to send you to college, and your sister dropped out of high school because of this, are you right for your sister? "

"Dad! Why do I have to go to some university? So much money will burden the family for no reason, and I don't want to drag the family down because of me!" Zhang Qian pointed excitedly at the bruises and redness on his face and said, "You Look, your son knows how to fool around and fight all day long, and he is not the material for studying at all! You can't just make your poor family worse because of one of your dreams!"

"You...you want to piss me off, don't you!" Zhang Longhai gasped for breath suddenly, at this moment Zhang Lin immediately pinched Zhang Qian quietly, then hurriedly supported his father's arm and began to massage his chest.

Seeing that his father was in pain, Zhang Qian didn't dare to speak any more. Except for the news broadcast on the TV, the family suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"With the advancement of the three reforms and one demolition project of our county government, the current old city renovation plan has officially surfaced, so the specific areas will be involved in this reform and demolition, and it will also affect the future construction planning of our county. What a far-reaching impact it has had, let Chen Xuwu, Director of the County Construction Bureau, conduct a specific analysis and explanation..."

In the TV screen, the host handed the microphone to a tall and steady middle-aged man in his 40s with a Chinese face and gold-rimmed glasses. This man was Chen Xuwu, the director of the Construction Bureau that the host said.

"My wife...Chen Xuwu? He is really Chen Xuwu! He, when did he come back to Andu County? He became the director of the Construction Bureau? My God..." In the silence, Qin Suzhen, Zhang Qian's mother, suddenly let out a cry Exclaimed, her eyes were fixed on the TV screen!

"Chen Xuwu...it's really Chen Xuwu! Yes, it's him. Although he wears glasses, he is the same Chen Xuwu we know in terms of appearance and figure. There's nothing wrong with that!" Qin Suzhen said excitedly and happily, "My wife , That's great, he's now the director of the Construction Bureau, and he's making his way to the top, we can ask him for help, your illness..."

"Suzhen! What nonsense are you talking about! Even if he is really Chen Xuwu, after so many years, will he still buy your account? If he really wanted to, he wouldn't have lost contact for so many years and only now Go back to Andu County!" Zhang Longhai said coldly, "I think Chen Xu, the director of the Wudang Construction Bureau, must not have been in a day or two, but has he approached us? You should stop wishful thinking!"

Zhang Longhai's words seemed to have poured cold water on her, making Qin Suzhen shut up immediately and her expression turned ugly.At this time, Zhang Lin was a little surprised, "Dad... you mean the one who used to be very close to you... Uncle Chen? My God, he, he has become a high official?"

Zhang Longhai didn't respond to Zhang Lin's words, but Zhang Qian, who was confused, couldn't help asking, "What's going on? Is Chen Xuwu related to our family? Why do you all know, but I don't know anything?" ?”

"Brother, you were still young at that time. I remember that you were only a few months old. How could I know. Even I only have a little impression. If it wasn't for that Uncle Chen who came to play at home, I would not have remembered it." It's gone." Zhang Lin said to her father, "Dad, since Uncle Chen, who is so close to you, has become a high-ranking official, we have to ask him if he is willing to help regardless of your illness? He..."

"Okay, Linlin, stop talking... Your dad is right, you Uncle Chen has been hiding from us for so many years, so he probably won't be willing to help." Qin Suzhen said a little frustrated and dissatisfied, "An ungrateful guy like this , Thanks to us helping him so much back then, he..."

"Suzhen, don't talk about it anymore. What happened back then has already been decided, so why bring it up again?" Zhang Longhai coughed dryly at this point, "Let's just let the matter pass..."

"In the past? Huh, you said it lightly, but I still don't accept it!" Qin Suzhen showed grief and indignation, "If it wasn't for him, Chen Xuwu, would you be like this? If it weren't for him, Chen Xuwu, our family would be like this? At that time , you are still the supply and demand director of the supply and marketing cooperative, you should be the high official now! If it weren't for him, Chen Xuwu, you would have been reduced to work as a decoration worker and contracted this disease? I just don't accept it, why can he live a life in style , but we have to linger on in pain because of him! The reason for our family's downfall is all given by him, I can't do such a thing as smiling!"

"Mom, what are you talking about? What, what's going on here?" Zhang Lin couldn't help asking in surprise, not only her, but Zhang Qian was also full of confusion and puzzlement.

"What's going on? Linlin, don't you know that your dad was fired from the supply and marketing cooperative because of his mistakes? Huh, let me tell you, the mistakes he made were all because of this Chen Xuwu!" Qin Suzhen pointed loudly at On the old TV, the image of Chen Xuwu, the director of the construction bureau who was being interviewed, said, "This is the man who caused your father to change from a director of a supply and marketing cooperative to a decoration worker. He is responsible for all this!"

"Shut up Qin Suzhen! How can you talk nonsense with your children like this!" Zhang Longhai frowned and said angrily, "I can't slap the things back then, and I am also responsible."

"You have a fart responsibility! Yes, you have a responsibility. Your responsibility is that you trust your good friend Chen Xuwu too much, and let him make our family look like this!" Qin Suzhen cried and said sadly, " Your responsibility is to be too kind to your friends and to be a good person! You said that Chen Xuwu gave birth to a young daughter, but his wife was short of milk, and his son was seriously ill and needed nutritional supplements. Zhang Qian himself wanted a milk powder ticket, and if he didn’t have enough, he would lend him some extra! At that time, his daughter was so short of milk that he couldn’t help it. It was because of the power of the deputy director of the warehouse that you privately provided him with milk powder to save the child’s life. Daughter, but it turned out that the matter was exposed later and was discovered, and you took the initiative to take the responsibility, and the victim was fired directly! And what about him, Chen Xuwu? After the baby got married, she disappeared and left Andu County, and there has been no news for more than ten years, but now she is willing to come back!"

Qin Suzhen's words made Zhang Qian and Zhang Lin stunned. They didn't expect their father to become like this at all because of this!For a moment, both of them had a deep disgust and dissatisfaction with Chen Xuwu.What qualifications does a man who dares to do but not dare to be a high official have?

"Dad, this kind of person has made our family miserable. I must sue him and expose all his scandals! I don't think he is comfortable being the director of the Construction Bureau!" Zhang Qian clapped dissatisfied The table said, "Why should our family be so miserable, why should he, Chen Xuwu, be able to sit back and relax!"

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