Peach Fortune

Chapter 7 The Secret in the Backpack

What is this and what!The more Zhang Qian thought about it, the more guilty and crazy he felt, he hurriedly shook his head desperately, not daring to think about it anymore.At this time, Zhang Lin also changed her clothes, and transformed from a white-collar beauty in work attire to a young and beautiful home girl.

"Brother, study hard. It's not long before the high school entrance examination. Don't be like your sister who only has a high school education. Try to get a good high school, and then go to university to become a high-achieving student, so that our family can get rid of poverty, do you understand?" Zhang Lin walked to Zhang Qian's side, patted his shoulder lightly and said, "Come on, I believe you can succeed."

"Sister...does it have to be a college student to get rid of poverty?" Zhang Qian was a little unconvinced, "I see that many people who graduated from college haven't found any good jobs?"

"But you have to know that if you don't have a college degree, you won't be able to find a good job even more." Zhang Lin said softly, "Read the book carefully, and I'm going to cook you delicious food today. I'll call you later."

Zhang Qian wanted to say something else, but Zhang Lin turned and left to prepare dinner.He could only sigh lightly, staring at the textbook in front of him in a daze.With his current grades, not to mention any high school exams, even ordinary high schools are basically useless, so why talk about what universities he will take in the future?He really wants to listen to his sister Zhang Lin's words and get into a good high school, but the problem is that it's too late to say anything now. He has given up on himself for a long time, and Zhang Qian has always felt that he should work early to make money instead of continuing to give to the family. add to the burden.Being admitted to a high school means more than three years of tuition and living expenses, and it also means the tuition and living expenses of the next three years of university. This is an astronomical sum. With this current family, can it be paid out?

In fact, Zhang Qian's heart is undoubtedly contradictory. On the one hand, he really thought about studying hard to not disappoint his sister and parents, but on the other hand, he didn't want to bring a huge burden to the family, and now he has no progress. achievement hope.This kind of complicated psychology made him always feel bad, but he was helpless.

Distraught, Zhang Qian lay down on the table, staring blankly at the English textbook in front of him for a few moments, looking at these completely incomprehensible English words, he couldn't help closing his eyes in frustration.However, what he didn't expect was that in his mind, those English words popped up vividly and inexplicably one by one!

"Wait..." Zhang Qian suddenly opened his eyes, picked up a pen in disbelief and began to write silently. What he wrote turned out to be those unfamiliar words that he just glanced at!Just glanced at it, but unexpectedly remembered it abruptly, which was impossible to happen all the time before!Although Zhang Qian is not stupid, his memory is obviously not so good.After taking the words I wrote silently and comparing them with the English books, they are completely consistent and correct!

"Hey, what's going on here?? Could it be... that yellow light not only allowed me to have the ability to slow down, but also the ability to remember?" Zhang Qian could only blame this weird phenomenon Because of the yellow light that shot into his body.It seems that this yellow light has obviously transformed his body, making his body seem to have acquired some kind of mutation, but the question now is, what is that yellow light?

With a mystery in mind, Zhang Qian quickly focused on the canvas bag.This canvas bag was dropped by the middle-aged man. Apart from the mysterious item emitting yellow light, it also contained some clothes and a notepad.Maybe the secret of the yellow light is recorded in this notepad?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Zhang Qian hurriedly opened the canvas bag, and took out the thick notebook from it.After opening it, all the densely packed formulas recorded on it, as well as completely incomprehensible data and notes, were printed in his eyes.Judging from these data formulas, this should be a notebook for work notes, and there are no other records except symbols and numbers on it, not even a single Chinese character.After flipping through the pages, a yellowed black and white photo suddenly fell out of one of the pages of the notepad!

This photo is not big. The one on it is a little girl about ten years old. I have to say that although this is just a black and white photo, the little girl in it still looks very cute and beautiful .Zhang Qian glanced at the date written in the lower right corner of the photo, and after doing the math, he realized that it has been ten years since now.So, the beautiful little girl in the photo has now become a woman in her 20s.According to his estimation, since the backpack belonged to that panicked middle-aged man, then this woman must be the middle-aged man's daughter.

This discovery made Zhang Qian a little excited, that is to say, as long as he found this woman, he would be able to know the identity of that middle-aged man, and maybe he would be able to know what the yellow light that shot into his body was!However, how easy is it to find such a woman in the vast crowd?It would be fine if this woman was in Andu County, but if she was in other places, not to mention other countries, but in China, she would have little hope like finding a needle in a haystack.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian suddenly felt that there was no hope, so he threw the photo on the table casually.The black-and-white photo was turned over, but at this time, a line of small characters on the back of the photo happened to be revealed, which said, Ruru, Dad abandoned you for science, Dad is sorry for you.

"Ruru... this should be the woman's nickname, and her full name should not be this." Zhang Qian thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it will be very difficult to find it..."

Reluctantly, Zhang Qian continued flipping through the notepad, and when he turned to the last page, he was surprised to find that there were design drawings drawn on it!And the reason why he was so surprised was because the designed item painted on it was the mysterious container that emitted yellow light!After observing carefully for a while, he found a line of small writing under the design drawing of the mysterious container!

X medicine can change the genetic structure of a certain part of the human body and produce genetic mutations, thus possessing special abilities beyond ordinary human bodies.

"X potion... So, it is this kind of potion that was injected into my body?" Zhang Qian felt that his guess was correct. It should be that this potion changed his body genes, so he would When fighting Ji Shengchong, he felt that his brain had mutated, and then a series of strange abilities appeared.In this way, possessing the x potion is equivalent to possessing special abilities that ordinary people cannot possess!

"Since I have the special ability of this x potion, why don't I make good use of it for my future?" Zhang Qian said excitedly, "I have to think about it, such a special ability, What can you do to help me!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." In the living room, covering his handkerchief, his pale and emaciated father was coughing violently. Zhang Lin beside him was patting his father's back with her small hands, trying to make him feel better.

Zhang Qian was eating with the vegetarian dishes on the table, but what he was thinking about was the series of tests and experiments he had done in the room just now.Now that he knows that his body has mutated after receiving the injection of the x potion, he should use the special ability of this potion for his own use as much as possible.Therefore, he couldn't wait to start the test, so that he could control this ability, and know how many abilities he can use after changing his body.

After some experiments, Zhang Qian felt that he seemed to be able to figure out some ways.Although it is not known whether there are other undiscovered abilities, at least the x drug has changed or developed his brain, which is beyond doubt. He feels that his memory has greatly increased.In other words, his memory has far surpassed that of ordinary people. As long as he memorizes any data or text, he can basically remember it for a long time and never forget it. However, for him, this ability is only available in reading doing.

Just imagine, in liberal arts, these subjects that do not require formula calculation and understanding, as long as Zhang Qian works hard by rote memorization with his super memory, he can still get good grades.But the problem now is that even if he has good grades in subjects like Chinese and English, it doesn't matter for the comprehensive score of the test.After all, there are more subjects such as mathematics and nature, etc., all rely on calculation and reasoning to answer questions. No matter how good his memory is, it is still useless.

In addition to the increased memory, there is also a more powerful ability, which is the ability to slow down objects with both eyes.Of course, slowing down the speed of an object is just a simple intuitive concept. In fact, as long as his eyes focus on a certain moving object, the speed of the object will be slowed down immediately, which can last for tens of seconds at most. Back to normal after appearance.Zhang Qian analyzed that the reason why such abilities appeared was definitely not because he could control time, but because he had a different control over speed than ordinary people.

He once remembered that the teacher in the object class once said that the density on the earth and the moon are different, so the gravity and weight of people will be different.Maybe you can only jump two meters high on the earth, but you may be able to jump four meters or even five meters high on the moon.By the same principle, what a normal person sees is a speed of one hundred yards, but maybe he can slow down to a speed of fifty yards in a few seconds.

The most intuitive benefit of being able to slow down is that from now on, he can avoid targets that he can only see.Yes, you heard it right, it's just a visible target.Because Zhang Qian has tested that if he does not see the target flying towards him, then the target will not slow down. He also found that even the moving object with his eyes facing each other, if it is not for his strong desire to slow down in his heart, the object will not slow down. The speed of movement is also not slowed down.

Although these two extraordinary abilities were discovered by Zhang Qian and can be basically controlled, he was frustrated to find that they didn't seem to be of much use to him.Zhang Qian is not a member of the underworld, he needs to fight and kill all day long, so what if he can dodge any target he wants to dodge?For his life, there is not much ability to improve.

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