Peach Fortune

Chapter 111 The Last Madness 1

After Cheng Xiongtian thought for a while, he looked at the besieged Zhang Qian and hesitated for a while before saying, "Forget it, since this Lu Xing has something to say, I'll go and hear what else he wants to say! Hmph , it’s best for him to surrender obediently, otherwise I will not spare his dog’s life and burn down the donkey shed, let’s see if he dares to resist again!”

"That...boss, Lu Xing said, he said he wanted to bring that county magistrate Wang along, and he also has something to say to the county magistrate Wang." Seeing that Cheng Xiongtian was about to leave, his subordinates remembered this and said, "This is also Lu Xing The star asked for it."

Cheng Xiongtian showed dissatisfaction, and slapped that subordinate's face fiercely, and said angrily, "Can you finish all the words at once!"

His subordinates bowed their heads submissively and did not dare to make a sound. Zhang Qian, who was next to him, saw Cheng Xiongtian's domineering and fierce appearance, and he even gave up the idea of ​​having anything to do with Cheng Rou'er.If he was really seduced by a beauty like Cheng Rou'er, wouldn't he have to live in fear every day in front of a gang boss like Cheng Xiongtian?What's more, he already has a favorite Chen Zitong in his heart. Even if Cheng Rou'er is very beautiful, she is the daughter of the gang boss after all, and Zhang Qian doesn't think his life is too long.

"Magistrate Wang, do you want to go over and have a talk?" Cheng Xiongtian waved his hand, and the subordinates of the True Dragon Society who surrounded Zhang Qian and the three immediately retreated knowingly.At this time, he looked at Wang Zhiqing on Zhang Qian's back and said, "This Lu Xing is insidious and cunning. I don't know what tricks he will play. But I understand that this is a ruthless and ruthless master. He is very courageous." Otherwise, you wouldn’t dare to turn against me. If you want to capture him alive, I suggest you go and listen to what he wants to say.”

Wang Zhiqing glanced at Cheng Xiongtian and nodded, then patted Zhang Qian and said, "Zhang Qian, put me down and help me to meet Lu Xing. I feel that my feet are getting better, and it's not convenient for you to carry me on your back." .”

Zhang Qian thought for a while that if Lu Xing wanted to talk to Wang Zhiqing, it would indeed be inconvenient to carry her on his back, so he put her on the ground without refusing.In fact, Zhang Qian was quite tired. Even though Wang Zhiqing was in good shape and light in weight, after all, she was carrying her on her back. After running so many distances and walking for such a long time, it was not easy for Zhang Qian's thin body to persist until now.

After Cheng Xiongtian was so disturbed by Lu Xing's matter, he seemed to have no interest in continuing to make things difficult for Zhang Qian, so the group walked from the earthen house to the donkey shed in the backyard.

Outside the donkey shed, the subordinates of the Doji Society were lying here and there in disorder. Some of them passed out, some were badly injured and were lying on the ground in agony, and some of course were mortally wounded and went to see the King of Hades.

The reason why gang fights seem cruel is because both sides use cold weapons, and those who slash and slash each other are often particularly bloody.After Wang Zhiqing saw the corpses and injured men on the ground, Dai Mei frowned and covered her small mouth, as if she was afraid that she would vomit if she was not careful.

On the contrary, Zhang Qian no longer had the fear of killing someone for the first time after buffering for this period of time.He looked in through the wooden door of the donkey shed, and he saw Lu Xing and the remaining dozen or so members of the Daoyi Society clearly.But with these dozen or so people, Lu Xing withstood the real dragon's charge wave after wave, which is already quite remarkable.

"Lu Xing, I'm afraid you didn't expect that you would end up like today, right? Huh, I still remember very clearly the scene when you begged me to support you and use your funds to build an underground boxing ring. Time flies Liu Shui, now that your wings are hardened, you dare to turn your face and deny others, you dare to be ungrateful! You will die if you do too much unrighteousness, Lu Xing, since you choose this road of no return, then I will fulfill you!" Standing on the donkey Outside the shed, Cheng Xiongtian said bluntly, "Although I, Cheng Xiongtian, was conspired against and now I am seriously injured, but as long as I have breath, it will be a piece of cake for the real dragon to crush you to death! Lu Xing, you too You overestimate yourself, and you dare to fight me!"

After Cheng Xiongtian's words, there was a brief silence on the scene.After an unknown amount of time, Lu Xing's voice suddenly sounded in the donkey shed.

"Boss Cheng, you are right. I, Lu Xinggui, lost my mind, miscalculated the situation, and chose the inevitable situation. I am greedy for immediate benefits, ungrateful, and want to be able to deal with real dragons. I am beyond my control." Lu Xing's words came slowly, and it seemed that his tone was relatively calm, without the decadent tone of a loser at all. "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I have nothing to say, but I just want to ask you, do you know, who called the police to destroy my underground boxing ring that night?"

Cheng Xiongtian frowned, and didn't answer quickly.Zhang Qian, who was next to him, was actually there that day, so he naturally knew what was going on inside.In fact, he was quite curious. He learned from Qian Yuxin that the police's seizure and destruction of the underground boxing arena was a rigid order from the city bureau above. It came so suddenly, and it happened that the Daoyi Society and the True Dragon Society failed to negotiate and had a fight. At this time, is this really just a coincidence, or is there a third party hiding in the dark to reap the benefits?Was it someone else who was hiding behind, or was it arranged by Cheng Xiongtian?

Zhang Qian could think of this, Cheng Xiongtian, as the boss of the True Dragon Club, had been struggling in the ** for so many years, so it was naturally impossible that he would not have thought of it.As for Lu Xing, he naturally hated the man behind the scenes who secretly called the police to destroy the underground boxing arena.If it weren't for the fact that the underground boxing arena was destroyed by the police and caused him heavy losses, then the Daoyi Society would not have to hide in such a deep mountain and old forest, let alone be helpless in the face of Zizhenlonghui's revenge.It can be said that Lu Xing made a wrong step. If he hadn't made up his mind to turn against Zhenlong that night and had a murder case, things would not have developed as they are now.

"Lu Xing, you and I are smart people. I will not put my daughter in danger, so if I knew that you would turn against me that night, I would definitely not allow her to go. Of course, those policemen who destroyed your den, It is impossible for me to ask you to go. And since you have been operating in Andu County for so long, and you are able to order the police to clean up you under the circumstances that you have been in business for so long, you are naturally not an ordinary person. I also I'm thinking, which powerful boss in Jiangde City will secretly do this, which will hurt both you and me."

"Do you have any clues?" Lu Xing's tone revealed a hint of expectation, and then he said, "Actually, if you want to kill me directly, you just need to set fire to the donkey shed. Isn't it because you want to capture me alive if you are not willing to do so? As long as you can tell me whose hands it fell in the end, I will walk out of the donkey shed and let you catch it."

"At present, there are a total of three or four gangsters who have this motive, and among them, the Qiannan Gang is the most suspicious." Seeing what Lu Xing said, Cheng Xiongtian couldn't help but frowned and said, "The Gannan Gang In the Jiangnan area, it is at the height of its power, and its strength is huge, occupying one-third of the territory of Pinghai City. It seems that there is a lot of energy in the Baidao. I once heard that the Qiannan Gang can grow from small to large in just a few years. With the strong support of certain forces, I have been very interested in opening an underground boxing stadium. You must know that if you, Lu Xing, the underground boxing stadium that occupies two-thirds of the Jiangnan area collapses, then the newly opened boxing stadium will Naturally, it can absorb most of your gambler resources, so this motivation probably comes from here."

"Gannan Gang... Gannan Gang...haha, good! If this gang really plotted against me, then you have to be careful, Boss Cheng. With such meticulous planning and arrangement, this gang...isn't easy!" After Lu Xing heard it, he laughed heartily twice, but no matter how he tried to hide it, the faint trembling still revealed his anger.

Seemingly feeling the grief and indignation in Lu Xing's heart, Cheng Xiongtian sighed and said, "The Qiannan Gang is indeed not simple. I have suffered several big losses in the hands of this gangster. Lu Xing, I might as well tell you that these injuries on my body were given by the Gannan Gang, so you are not wronged. In the end, you lost because of your own greed, and the Gannan Gang took advantage of you. That's why I made this good move, leading you into the game and me into the game!"

Lu Xing in the donkey shed was silent, wondering how he would feel after hearing Cheng Xiongtian's words, at least Zhang Qian secretly remembered the name Qiannan Gang in his heart.Even people like Cheng Xiongtian have suffered a lot, so how terrifying can such a gangster be?Although these have nothing to do with Zhang Qian as a student, his deep impression of the Qiannan Gang made him understand the meaning of the saying that there are heavens and people outside the sky.

Wang Zhiqing didn't know what she was thinking, she didn't reveal much at this time, her face was normal, she didn't seem very interested in the affair.But yes, the majestic deputy county magistrate is also a national cadre at the deputy director level. The gang is an illegal organization that the country does not allow to exist. How could she express any opinions?

"Okay, Boss Cheng, thank you for letting me understand all this. I also want to talk to County Magistrate Wang. I'm going out with my brothers now. I hope you don't rush forward, otherwise it will be a big deal. After I finish talking with County Magistrate Wang, I will order my subordinates to surrender, and how about I let you Boss Cheng deal with it?" Finally, Lu Xing's voice came from the donkey shed.

At this time, Cheng Xiongtian seemed to be frowned in disbelief. It seemed that he still had some concerns about this Lu Xing who was so easy to talk to, fearing that he would play some tricks.But when he looked at the layout around him and saw that the entire donkey shed was surrounded by tight guards, he nodded in relief and said, "Okay, as long as County Magistrate Wang has no objection, I have no objection."

"Crackling..." The dilapidated wooden door of the donkey shed was slowly opened, and the first to come out were the vigilant subordinates holding blood-stained machetes and iron bars.They quickly divided into two rows and spread out in all directions, trying to expand the surrounding space of the True Dragon Society.Not long after, Lu Xing walked out of the donkey shed.

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