Peach Fortune

Chapter 112 The Last Madness 2

Under the illumination of the torches and flashlights of the True Dragon Society, the outside of the donkey shed was brightly lit like daytime.His face was a bit haggard, as if Lu Xing, who was much older in an instant, stood in front of his men, and his eyes fell on Cheng Xiongtian who was not far away.He glanced at the wounds wrapped in gauze on Cheng Xiongtian's body, couldn't help but chuckled and said, "If you can count Boss Cheng in such a way, this Gannan Gang is really good. Boss Cheng, with your character of vengeance , it must be that this revenge is not in vain, right? If you really want to do something to those gangsters, you must also count my share of grievances, thank you for me!"

"It's really a good plan of yours. Let me avenge you, which saves effort and is straightforward." Cheng Xiongtian said up to this point, "Okay, just because you have no chance to make a comeback, wait until I attack the Gannan Gang When the time comes, I can help you settle this grievance by the way."

"Thank you, Boss Cheng!" Lu Xing cupped his hands in thanks, his attitude was very sincere.But at this time, he finally set his eyes on Wang Zhiqing, and said lightly, "Major Wang, how can I communicate with you when you stand so far away? Come here, I have a few words to say to you."

Wang Zhiqing wanted to go forward, but Zhang Qian hurriedly grabbed her arm and said in a low voice, "Sister, don't move too far forward, it's not safe. Come, I'll help you walk together."

Hearing Zhang Qian's instruction, Wang Zhiqing nodded her head in agreement.Only then did Zhang Qian help Wang Zhiqing gradually move closer to Lu Xing.However, unlike Lu Xing's request, Zhang Qian didn't take a step forward when he just walked to the subordinates surrounded by the real dragon society.In this way, the distance between Wang Zhiqing and Lu Xing was about 20 meters away. Even if Lu Xing wanted to play tricks, there was probably nothing he could do.

Lu Xing didn't seem to be dissatisfied, but looked at Wang Zhiqing and said, "You want to know, who ordered me to deal with you?"

"I don't want to know, because I already know. Ji Shengchong, Chen Gang, Xu Tiesing. These three people found you, and I hope you can deal with me, right?" Wang Zhiqing replied directly, turning her head to look at Zhang Qian.Indeed, Zhang Qian had already told what Ji Shengchong and the others wanted to plot against her.

"Oh? I can't tell, County Magistrate Wang is very well-informed?" Lu Xing said here in surprise, looked at Zhang Qian and seemed to understand something and smiled, "To be honest, I didn't really think about it at first." To kill you, it's just that you are unlucky, and there is a big problem in the moral society. I have to rely on you as a trade item in exchange for a new life in the moral society. Unfortunately, in the end, I still failed. This is also my own negligence. If I had known that the True Dragon Society was preparing to retaliate against me, I would have rejected Ji Shengchong's application, at least I would not have become the kidnapper who kidnapped the deputy county magistrate."

"Don't you think it's too late to regret it now? There is no medicine for regret in this world." Wang Zhiqing changed the topic when she said this, "However, if you surrender obediently now, go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation, and take the medicine with you." If Ji Shengchong and others conspired to kidnap me in detail, and are willing to be witnesses to directly accuse Ji Shengchong and others, then you can be given a lighter punishment for kidnapping me. After all, you are only the executor, but you don’t really want my life Behind the scenes."

Zhang Qian glanced at Wang Zhiqing at this time, and soon realized that Wang Zhiqing obviously wanted to start revenge.If Lu Xingken betrayed Ji Shengchong and others, and came out as a witness to testify, then Ji Shengchong would undoubtedly be difficult to tell, and it was indeed a good way.However, would Lu Xing in front of him really be willing to accept the olive branch thrown by Wang Zhiqing?

When Lu Xing heard Wang Zhiqing's words, he suddenly laughed out loud. He seemed a little excited and hesitated for a while before gritting his teeth, "This is what you said. You are the county magistrate, and you have to promise a word! If you really can get a lighter punishment , so why not let me testify against Ji Shengchong and the others! These guys are full of bad things, but they always find others as scapegoats. Now I have been cornered, and I don’t want to be their lackey anymore! County Magistrate Wang, there is something very wrong with me. If you can get the important evidence, it will undoubtedly be a piece of cake to deal with Ji Shengchong and the others! Come on, come here, let me take a look and see if this thing can lighten my guilt."

A trace of vigilance flashed in Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes, but it was quickly replaced by longing.This time she was kidnapped, and the whole process and plan had nothing to do with Ji Shengchong and the other three.But the problem is that apart from Lu Xing, no one can have evidence to prove their crimes.If Lu Xing really has evidence that can bring down Ji Shengchong and the other three, it will not only be able to avenge her suffering from being kidnapped, but also further damage the status and interests of Ji Shengchong's father and county magistrate Ji Weida!

This is obviously a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. Of course, Wang Zhiqing attaches great importance to the evidence in Lu Xing's hands.After hesitating again and again, she still took a step forward, and with Zhang Qian's support, she gradually approached Lu Xing again.

Zhang Qian was actually a little worried, but he saw that Lu Xing had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and logically, there was nothing wrong with him falling to Wang Zhiqing's side, so when Wang Zhiqing asked to move forward to approach Lu Xing, although he He was not very willing, but he had no choice but to help Wang Zhiqing to walk forward.

As the two got closer and closer to Lu Xing, Cheng Xiongtian kept his eyes fixed on Lu Xing standing in front of the donkey shed. He frowned, and suddenly there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes, and he shouted loudly, "Wang County magistrate, stop and don't get close to Lu Xing! Based on what I know about him, this guy is a master who is single-minded to the end. Now that he is about to be arrested, there is no need to betray the county magistrate Ji. Be careful of his tricks! !"

Right after Cheng Xiongtian spoke, Wang Zhiqing and Zhang Qian stopped hesitantly and stood in the middle of the confrontation between the Daoyi Society and the True Dragon Society.At this time, a trace of violence flashed in Lu Xing's eyes, and he laughed crazily, "Hahaha... I, Lu Xing, have been struggling in the society for more than ten years from a small farmer in a mountain village to today's Bu Tiandi, in my life, I have never known how the word "dead" is written! In this kind of society where the jungle preys on the jungle, if you want to become a master, you have to dare to work hard and dare to gamble! This time, I bet If you lose, then use my life to repay everything you owe! Magistrate Wang, do you think I’m stupid? A lighter punishment? Hehehe... Kidnapping you and offending Magistrate Ji, I just have ten lives It is also inevitable death! Instead of this, it is better to take you as a pawn to go to Huangquan together, so that the county magistrate Ji can still remember my kindness and treat my family well! Today, you must die with me!!"

Zhang Qian was startled by Lu Xing's madness. He subconsciously grabbed Wang Zhiqing's arm tightly, ready to retreat at all times.

However, although Wang Zhiqing and Zhang Qian felt threatened at this time, they were actually not very worried.After all, due to Cheng Xiongtian's warning, the distance between the two sides is still more than ten meters. Even if all the members of the Daoyi Society rushed up at this time, Zhang Qian was sure to take Wang Zhiqing out of here quickly.

However, something happened that neither Zhang Qian nor Wang Zhiqing expected.At this time, Lu Xing quickly put his hand into his clothes. When his right hand was pulled out of his clothes, there was a black mini pistol in his hand!The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at the pale and delicate body of Wang Zhiqing almost instantly!

"Go to hell, go to hell!!" Lu Xing didn't give him any time to prepare, and pulled the trigger without hesitation in his madness.

"Bang!!" There was a gunshot, and as the gunpowder was scattered, the bullets shot out from the muzzle quickly, aiming at Wang Zhiqing who had no time to dodge!

"Damn it!!" Cheng Xiongtian couldn't help cursing angrily. From the moment Lu Xing's gunshot rang out, he already knew that Wang Zhiqing, who was so close, was in danger.At a distance of ten meters, it is too simple to shoot a person's body with a pistol. How could Lu Xing miss it?

Faced with the sudden bullet flying at high speed, Wang Zhiqing thought of many things at this moment. In her mind, Ah Wei's desperate expression when he jumped into the river, the frosty words of his parents when they forced her to break up, and her grandfather's hatred for iron The eyes of Wu Chengang appeared one by one, making her froze in place, without making any evasive movements at all.

"Sister Zhiqing!!!" Faced with the bullets shot at Wang Zhiqing, Zhang Qian woke up almost instantly after being stunned, and hurriedly pulled Wang Zhiqing's delicate body to his side!However, the speed of the bullets fired in anger was simply beyond what his movements could keep up with, and the distance between the two was only the blink of an eye!

At this critical moment, Zhang Qian's eyes suddenly widened, and he caught the incoming bullet in an instant!

The bullets, which other people could not see with their naked eyes, suddenly slowed down in Zhang Qian's eyes at this moment, as if a car driving at high speed suddenly encountered a traffic jam, slowing down abruptly!

Yes, this is the special function that Zhang Qian possessed after being genetically altered by the mysterious potion. He desperately stared at the bullet that was shot in front of him, and expressed a firm belief in his heart, demanding that this bullet is close at hand. The bullet changes its original trajectory!

Soon, a strange thing happened again. The bullet that was originally fired at Wang Zhiqing had a slight deviation almost instantly.It was also this slight deviation that caused its trajectory to change completely, and it actually changed its direction, shooting towards Zhang Qian who was beside Wang Zhiqing!

Faced with this sudden change, Zhang Qian was inexplicably shocked but powerless.He did change the trajectory of the bullet, but because the two of them were too close to Lu Xing who shot, the bullet had already reached them.Even if the trajectory is changed at this time, there is a limit to the direction the bullet can change.And it happened that Zhang Qian wanted the bullet to fly towards Wang Zhiqing and him, but because the orbit changed too little, the bullet finally rushed towards him!

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