Peach Fortune

Chapter 113 Be Your Wife

During this few tenths of a second, Zhang Qian only felt a faint arc passing before his eyes, and saw blood spattering from his shoulder instantly!The excruciating pain came, and Zhang Qian's heart instantly sank to the bottom...

Could it be... Is this how I want to see Lord Yan?

"Zhang Qian!!" Wang Zhiqing uttered a heart-piercing cry, and wept bitterly, hugging the limp Zhang Qian into her arms.

"Why are you still standing there! Come on!!" Of course, Cheng Xiongtian knew how much impact it would have on him if Wang Zhiqing, the deputy county magistrate, died here. Seeing that Zhang Qian was hit by the bullet instead of Wang Zhiqing, he secretly rejoiced At the same time, it was inevitable that he became angry from embarrassment, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates, "A pistol doesn't have many bullets, rush up and arrest Lu Xing for me!!"

"Kill!!!" Although the subordinates of the True Dragon Society were terrified in their hearts, being shot by bullets was no joke.But the boss's order came down, and if he didn't follow through, he might be alive and dead, so they couldn't help but bite the bullet and launched a charge one by one.

Lu Xing wanted to continue shooting, but seeing the subordinates of the True Dragon Society rushing forward, the subordinates of the Daoyi Society immediately pulled him behind him and protected him in the middle of the crowd.When the subordinates of the True Dragon Society rushed up to cover up Wang Zhiqing's figure holding Zhang Qian, Lu Xing sighed softly, and a look of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.He knew that he would never have another chance to shoot and kill Wang Zhiqing.This also means that he can't complete Ji Shengchong's plan, and even loses the last bit of his family fortune, completely becoming a bereaved dog...

The two sides quickly fought together. Although the True Dragon Club had an absolute advantage, after all, Lu Xing had a gun in his hand, so he was somewhat afraid and had a lot of concerns, and he began to be obviously timid when fighting.And the members of the Douyi Society took advantage of this opportunity to storm a part of the True Dragon Society with all their might. Under the action of Lu Xing's pistol, after killing three members of the True Dragon Society in a row, he was actually killed by him in this short period of time. During the charge, he broke through the breach and rushed out of the encirclement!

"A bunch of useless trash!! Don't let Lu Xing run away!!" Of course, Cheng Xiongtian knew how much trouble Lu Xing would have in the future, so he desperately commanded his subordinates to stop Lu Xing from escaping and breaking through.But after Lu Xing's pistol cleared the way and broke through the encirclement, his subordinates desperately began to take the rear for him.Under the pursuit of the True Dragon Society wave after wave, Lu Xing rolled down the nearby hill in embarrassment, disappeared into the darkness, and escaped smoothly under the eyes of the True Dragon Society's subordinates!

Cheng Xiong's entire face turned red in an instant, and he stomped his feet in regret, "This damned Lu Xing, who is so cunning as a fox, has already saved his hand! No wonder he wants me and the county magistrate to both The purpose of coming to see him is to escape! He even has a small pistol hidden in his body, this guy is really insidious and cunning, he has already planned his way out!"

After eliminating the last member of the Moral Society, Lu Xing had already disappeared without a trace.In this vast mountain, it is almost impossible to find him.After all, Lu Xing's hometown is here, and his understanding of this mountain is much better than the people of the True Dragon Society.

But even so, Cheng Xiongtian, who didn't want to leave any future troubles, still ordered a few groups of his men to go after him with a livid face. Maybe it was just because he was unwilling, so he took the last bit of luck.

At this time, Wang Zhiqing didn't care about whether Lu Xing escaped or not. Zhang Qian, who was holding her in her arms, was devastated and heartbroken.Although she didn't know that Zhang Qian actually blocked the bullet for her just now instead of accidental injury, but in her view, Zhang Qian was shot and injured because he wanted to be with her to protect her, so she still blamed herself very much , very touched, very sad.

Zhang Qian's left shoulder was already stained red with blood, he felt bursts of pain, and his head was slightly dizzy.After licking his parched lips, he asked Wang Zhiqing weakly in despair, "Sister Zhiqing, I, am I going to die..."

"No, no, Zhang Qian, don't think about it, I'll take you down the mountain and send you to the hospital, you will be fine, definitely..." Wang Zhiqing cried again as she spoke, she was already Crying to the point of tears, where is the dignified deputy county magistrate's indifferent appearance?In front of Zhang Qian, she took off all her pretense and returned to become a 25-year-old emotional woman who dares to love and hate!

"I, I feel so dizzy..." Zhang Qian was also very sad in his heart, he was really unwilling to go to see the King of Hades at such a young age, not to mention that he still had a lot of things to do!For example, pursuing Chen Zitong...such as finding the owner of the mysterious potion...such as helping his father to heal his illness...or being admitted to a key high school...

"Sister Zhiqing...if I, you must help me take care of my father, my own sister, my whole family...I, I am most worried about them...if I know them from the ground If you don't live well, you will be very sad..." Zhang Qian said here, a little sadly, "I really don't want to die, I... I'm still a virgin... I haven't even gone through the important process of getting married and having children. God you're going to kill me, it's so unfair..."

Wang Zhiqing cried and felt guilty, she took a deep look at Zhang Qian with her beautiful red eyes, and suddenly said in a choked up voice, "Zhang Qian...don't worry, I will definitely repay your life-saving grace and take good care of him. Your whole family... You, you have never married a wife and had children in this life... I may not be able to give you children, but I can marry you... in a yin marriage! In this way, you will not be without a wife, and so can I Take care of your parents justifiably... I will be your widow for the rest of my life, just to repay your kindness!"

"Shadow marriage??" Zhang Qian was taken aback. He didn't expect that Wang Zhiqing would be willing to be a widowed wife for a dying man. He was very touched immediately, but he also felt the desolation before death even more.He shook his head and said, "Sister Zhiqing, what are you talking about, I..."

"Zhang Qian, what do you think?" Just when Zhang Qian was about to reject this absurd yin marriage, he just finished talking, but Cheng Xiongtian who was next to him walked over, and after he glanced at Zhang Qian's injured shoulder Then he interjected and sighed, "The bullet should have entered the left shoulder. You kid is really lucky. If the bullet goes further down and hits the chest, it will be over."

Wang Zhiqing was still crying and sad, but after hearing Cheng Xiongtian's words, she suddenly raised her pretty face that was covered with pear blossoms and rain, and said anxiously, "You...what did you say? mean... Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, is his life in danger?"

"It should be fine, it's not a big problem." Cheng Xiongtian asked his subordinates to support his body and sat down, then carefully stretched out his hand to touch Zhang Qian's wound, and after observing, he affirmed, "Look, the wound is on the shoulder. , even if the bullet penetrates the bone, it is only an injury, and the bodily functions will not be affected in any way."

Now, not only Wang Zhiqing was dumbfounded, but even Zhang Qian, who was lying in Wang Zhiqing's arms and feeling dizzy, was completely stunned. He said in a daze, "I, am I not about to die? Then, why would I?" So dizzy, and your body is still a little weak?"

"That's because you bleed too much, idiot! Whoever you are, if you don't feel dizzy or weak after bleeding so much, then you'd be a ghost!" Cheng Xiongtian said a little angrily, "Why, you don't have to die. Still not satisfied? Well, do you want me to ask one of my subordinates to pay you a few knives so that you can meet the real Lord Yama?"

Zhang Qian, who was surprised and delighted by Cheng Xiongtian's words, suddenly had a feeling of being born again, and he returned to his normal state of mind after spending half his salary, feeling extremely happy.It's just that at this moment, he thought about the exaggerated performance when he thought he was about to die just now, and Wang Zhiqing's mention of marrying him in a dark place, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed, with a faint embarrassment on his face.

Knowing that Zhang Qian's injury was not fatal and would not be life-threatening at all, Wang Zhiqing heaved a sigh of relief and at the same time her pretty face blushed.What she said in a moment of desperation about marrying a yin marriage undoubtedly made her very embarrassed at this time, she was at a loss and shy.

Naturally, Cheng Xiongtian didn't know what the two of them said just now, and felt a little baffled seeing their embarrassing expressions.He pinched the torn clothes of Zhang Qian's wound with both hands, and said, "Don't move, I will tear off the clothes around your wound to see how your wound is. Anyway, I have some experience in treating gunshot wounds. Take a look at the wound. Know what's going on basically."

Before Zhang Qian could open his mouth to express his opinion, Cheng Xiongtian quickly tore open his clothes at the wound, revealing a piece of meat the size of a bowl.Judging from the wound, Zhang Qian's gunshot wound on his shoulder wasn't very damaged. There was a long scar on the skin of the wound, bloody and bloody.

Seeing this situation, Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes were full of guilt again, she was really full of gratitude to Zhang Qian.Zhang Qian almost lost his life because of her injury, but he couldn't do anything for him, it was really uncomfortable.

Cheng Xiongtian looked at the wound, squeezed it lightly, and when Zhang Qian just cried out in pain, he heaved a sigh of relief and laughed, "You boy, your luck is really not ordinary, don't look at the long wound, but it is actually a bullet The injury caused by scratching is not serious at all, even worse than a knife wound. Just a simple bandage, disinfect with water after going back, and wait for the wound to heal. You don’t even need to go to the hospital.”

"The bullet passed? President Cheng, you mean...the bullet didn't enter Zhang Qian's body?" Wang Zhiqing couldn't help being very happy when she heard that. Of course, she was happy that Zhang Qian was injured less.

"Yes, to put it simply, it's Lu Xing's poor marksmanship. This shot actually missed Zhang Qian's shoulder with a bullet." Cheng Xiongtian said coldly and disdainfully, "It's a pity that this guy The marksmanship is not good, but the ability to escape is really good, and he was walked by him again!"

Hearing that he was fine, Zhang Qian couldn't help feeling completely relieved.However, he didn't take Cheng Xiongtian's evaluation of Lu Xing at all.Who said that Lu Xing's marksmanship is not good?If his special ability hadn't played a role just now, I'm afraid that either he Zhang Qian is finished, or Wang Zhiqing was shot and died!The bullet only grazed his shoulder because that special ability saved his life at the critical moment, and it had nothing to do with Lu Xing's marksmanship.

However, these words can only be groaned in the heart, Zhang Qian will not be stupid enough to say it.After thinking for a while, he frowned and said, "If Lu Xing can't be caught, won't the only witness be gone? Sister Zhiqing, Ji Shengchong and the others secretly plotted against you..."

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