Peach Fortune

Chapter 116 The Glorious Class Leader

Time flies.Seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye. Apart from studying hard at school and carefully preparing for the monthly exam next month, Zhang Qian was paying attention to Lu Xing's news.

This kid Yu Wei really became the president of the Hui'an Branch of the True Dragon.According to him, Cheng Xiongtian searched Jianzui Mountain until dawn that night, but he didn't find any shadow of Lu Xing.Reluctantly, he sent his men to garrison at various settlements at the foot of the mountain, and set up a hidden monitoring point at the entrance of Lujiacun, but there was no news of Lu Xing, let alone his presence.

This guy seemed to have evaporated from the world, disappearing without a trace.After a few days without any news, although Cheng Xiongtian still sent people to garrison near Lujia Village, he himself had left Andu County with Cheng Rou'er, and went to Pinghai City to handle other important affairs.After all, the True Dragon Society is now facing internal and external troubles, and there are many things that are far more important than arresting Lu Xing, who has become a bereaved dog.

After this incident, Xu Tiesing has been distracted in class for the past few days, and he has asked for leave twice. I am afraid that most of it is related to Lu Xing's disappearance.Sometimes Zhang Qian also sighed, why do you think these three bastards are so lucky, but there is no evidence to catch them?If Lu Xing hadn't escaped and acted as a tainted witness against Ji Shengchong and the others, the guilt of kidnapping Wang Zhiqing would have fallen on them, which would undoubtedly be enough for them to have a good drink.

But God seems to be blind, allowing these villains to survive from a desperate situation. I really don't know if the saying that good people don't live long and bad people live a thousand years has come true.But Zhang Qian firmly believed that Tianhui was not missing anything, and when Lu Xing appeared again, it would undoubtedly be the end of Ji Shengchong and the others!

Although Lu Xing disappeared mysteriously and there is no way to punish Ji Shengchong and others, but Zhang Qian got a blessing in disguise, and his relationship with Wang Zhiqing can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.If in the past Wang Zhiqing only regarded Zhang Qian as the only friend and person she could confide in in Andu County, then now Wang Zhiqing has truly regarded Zhang Qian as her caring person.

Through this narrow escape, Zhang Qian thought a lot in the moment after he was shot. He understood that he had too much nostalgia for this world and unfinished regrets. Now his goal has gradually become clear, and he must work hard to make money. Improve the life of the Zhang family, use money to treat his father's illness, and use money to fulfill his sister's dream.You must study hard, strive to be admitted to the high school, and let your father feel proud in front of his relatives!

Zhang Qian, who had a goal, was no longer at a loss. With a sister like Wang Zhiqing, the deputy county magistrate, there were naturally many channels to communicate with power, and these were the resources to make money in the future.And now that Uncle Wang's supermarket is about to open, he can be regarded as a small boss.Compared with the difficulty of making a lot of money, the requirement of being admitted to a high school is naturally not easy. If it weren't for Chen Zitong's guidance, he would have been disheartened long ago.

The relationship between Chen Zitong and Zhang Qian these days can be described as a rapid development.In the past, the two only talked at most when they were tutoring homework. Later, as they became more familiar with each other, they could also make some small jokes and chat with each other about other topics.Zhang Qian understood that this was a little bit of subtle influence, so that Chen Zitong gradually had a place in his heart.

Picking up girls is undoubtedly a great and arduous project, and Zhang Qian has been faintly involved in it, and he never tires of it.Is there anything more exciting and joyful than this kind of challenge to let a beautiful school belle gradually fall in love with me?However, he has always kept his mind clear, knowing that he is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the finish line.But no matter how you say it, at least after these few days of contact, Zhang Qian has gradually adapted to the feeling of being in love with Chen Zitong secretly, and he will no longer sweat like a nympho with a rapid heartbeat.

"Zhang Qian, congratulations." Just as Zhang Qian was lying on the desk and thinking wildly, Chen Zitong, who walked in from outside the classroom, came to him with a sweet smile, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder mischievously. .The wound on Zhang Qian's shoulder has healed after these days of recuperation, but it was a gunshot wound after all, how could it heal so quickly, Chen Zitong's slap immediately hurt him so much that he almost cried out.

"What's the matter..." Zhang Qian's face became a little ugly, and he recovered after taking a few breaths.He glanced at the pure and beautiful Chen Zitong who was wearing a white dress, and then joked, "Could it be that the teachers unanimously decided to exempt me from the next month's exam because I study too hard?" Exam, you can stay in this class and continue to be the deskmate of the school belle, right? If that’s the case, then I win, the beautiful deskmate of the school belle, but you want to accompany me to play in Andu Lake!"

Chen Zitong curled her pink lips, and said with a smirk, "Look at how beautiful you think, why, does reading make you too stressed, and you don't have the motivation to give up? It's okay to just say it, anyway, stripping naked in the third year of junior high It's no big deal to run around the grade hallway."

Being teased by Chen Zitong, Zhang Qian immediately lost his temper, and said helplessly, "Okay, I can't beat you, my school belle, what's the matter?"

"Well, then you have to listen carefully. Congratulations Zhang Qian. Starting today, you have been officially appointed by the history and politics teacher as the class representative of this course. From now on, history and politics homework and communication between the class and the teacher will be very good. You are in charge of everything, and you can be regarded as a class leader." Chen Zitong's smile is particularly touching, those beautiful eyes are curved like crescent moons, agile and charming.

But Zhang Qian lost interest at all after listening to it, and waved his hand directly, "Cut, I thought it was a good thing, so that's it..."

"What? You seem to be quite unhappy?" Chen Zitong didn't expect Zhang Qian to show a face of indifference, so he couldn't help but restrain his smile, and said seriously, "Zhang Qian, you should know that you are a poor student , but now you have proved yourself and can be a working cadre, isn't this the greatest affirmation of your progress? Now you are still not satisfied, I really don't understand."

Zhang Qian shook his head, what a joke, he has seen the prosperity of the underground casino of the True Dragon Society, the hustle and bustle of people in the underground boxing arena of the Daoyi Society, and the narrow escape from going to rescue Wang Zhiqing alone in danger. What else is there to be interested in besides studying?He doesn't even want to be the president of the Hui'an Branch of the True Dragon, a big leader who can manage hundreds of people, so how could he care about a small class representative?

However, although he didn't want to be the representative of such a boring class, Chen Zitong, who he liked, still wanted to coax him.After thinking for a while, Zhang Qian smiled and said, "Zi Tong, if I were the representative of other classes, I would think it was so-so, but this history and politics class itself is a sub-class, and the scores are not many and don't need to be taken seriously. There's no difference."

Chen Zitong thought that Zhang Qian didn't want to take this class because he didn't think it was very important, so he couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Zhang Qian, you have to take one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step on the road. You should be the representative of this class first, and if it is true in the future You have outstanding grades in other major subjects, I believe the teacher will see it and give you a more important position. At that time, you may not even be a study committee member!"

"Hehe, I'm self-aware. I never thought that day would come. I just hope that I can live forever if I don't get assigned in the next month's exam. How dare I think of a study committee member." Zhang Qian shook his head again and again. At this point, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and changed the subject in a low voice, "Zi Tong, let me ask you, is your brother busy these days?"

Chen Zitong obviously didn't expect Zhang Qian's thinking to jump so fast. The first half of the sentence was still talking about the study committee, and the second half of the sentence jumped directly to her brother. Brother is busy or not, he and I are doing our own thing, I don't want to take care of his business."

"Oh... But to be honest, Zitong, if you have the chance, you should persuade your brother Chen Gang to avoid dealing with people like Ji Shengchong and Xu Tiesing in the future, and uncle Chen may not be involved if something goes wrong in the future." Zhang Qian's words were indeed from the heart, Chen Gang and Ji Shengchong were mixed together, and sooner or later something big would happen.When the time comes, Chen Xuwu, as his father, will definitely be implicated to some extent.

Chen Zitong glanced at Zhang Qian as if he didn't know Zhang Qian. Seeing that he didn't have anything to say, he thought about it and nodded, "Okay, I'll try to persuade him if I have the chance, but I guess he won't listen to me. At home, apart from his mother's words, he also likes to listen to his father's words, so I have nothing to do with this big brother."

Zhang Qian nodded understandingly. In fact, he was just doing his best to listen to the destiny. After all, with Chen Gang's temper and the current situation, it is almost impossible to separate him from Ji Shengchong.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Aren't you the representative of the honor promotion class? Teacher Huang from the history and politics class asked you to go to the office before class. You will be responsible for some duties after class." Chen Zitong smiled and said, "Hurry up, don't make the teacher wait for a long time and make a bad impression."

Looking at Chen Zitong's expectant eyes, Zhang Qian knew that his history and politics class was not good enough, so he could only stand up and walk out of the classroom uninterestedly, and walked along the corridor of the third grade to the teacher's office. go.

Most of the teachers in the third grade of junior high school are crowded in one big office, and the only one in the third grade of junior high school who has a separate office is the group leader of the third grade group, who is currently the class teacher of the third and fourth class with the best test scores. , so it is actually very easy to find a teacher, as long as you enter the big office and ask, it will be clear.

When Zhang Qian entered the office, the first person who saw him was the math teacher. He was undoubtedly surprised by the sudden appearance of this student who seldom entered the office since the first day of junior high school. He couldn't help but sneered, "Zhang Qian, you Could it be that he was mischievous and made some mistakes, and was called by the teacher to be punished?"

Zhang Qian glanced at the math teacher, still vaguely remembering the scene where he was punished for giving Chen Zitong a drawing tool a while ago, he couldn't help but smiled and shot back, "That... I really want to thank you for your teaching, I'm sorry, I'm not here to be punished, I'm here to be a class representative."

"What? It's up to you??" The math teacher looked at Zhang Qian in surprise, as if seeing a ghost.

"Yes, it's up to me." Zhang Qian puffed out his chest proudly, and sighed deliberately, "Hey, I really didn't want to be a representative of this class. I still have to face the future high school entrance examination, which can be said to be a lack of skills. But when I think that I can't be so selfish, for the honor of the class, in order to help students learn better and improve their grades, what is it worth sacrificing a little time for myself? As the saying goes She Xiaojia is for everyone, who would come home without a country! Teacher, I’m really sorry, for a talent like me, time is precious, and it’s impossible to waste it on running and standing. I’m sorry, I still have something to do, and you are busy.”

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