Peach Fortune

Chapter 117 Teacher Huang's Problem

"You..." The math teacher understood as soon as he heard it, it turned out that the kid said that he was deliberately scolding him for the corporal punishment last time!He was so angry that he was about to settle the score, but Zhang Qian didn't care about him at all, turned around and left gracefully, leaving only a back view.

The math teacher couldn't help but get angry, but this is a big office, so you can't argue with a student and let the other teachers laugh at you. If they find out, they might think how stingy he is!In desperation, he could only stare hard at Zhang Qian's back, and sat back at his desk angrily to continue preparing lessons.

Zhang Qian was in a good mood after playing tricks on the math teacher, and went directly to the desk of the history and politics teacher to report.Mr. Huang, who teaches history and politics, is over 50 years old this year. His hair is a little gray and he looks very vicissitudes, but he always smiles. Compared with the rigid face of the math teacher who looks like everyone owes him money, he is much more amiable. .

"Mr. Huang, I will be your soldier from now on. You can fight wherever you want, without any ambiguity." Zhang Qian said loyally, "If you have anything to do in the future, just leave it to me."

"Hehe, Zhang Qian, to be honest, I really can't believe that you were able to get the first place in the whole grade in the subject of history and politics in the last monthly exam, but since you got such a result in the exam, it means that you are still willing Students who work hard and are willing to study, although your grades are a bit poor, as long as you make progress, you will be good. I let you be the representative of this class, mainly to encourage those students who are poor in learning, and warn them that as long as they work hard, they will be impossible. No gains. Study hard, and you will become a good student." Teacher Huang nodded with a smile, "The class representative has nothing else to do, just turn in the homework about the history and politics class, and some of my homework notices will be handed over to you It was conveyed in the class, you have to work hard."

"Okay, I must live up to Teacher Huang's expectations." Zhang Qian actually has a good impression of this Teacher Huang. Not only is he kind to the students, he never loses his temper, and he always encourages poor students, hoping that they will improve their studies. A good teacher should be respected.

Seeing that Zhang Qian agreed readily, Teacher Huang handed over a stack of graded homework books with satisfaction and said, "This is a graded homework, you can take it to the class and distribute it. Also, the political history of the day after tomorrow The class has been changed to a self-study class due to temporary occultation, and you should also talk about it with the classmates in the class."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Zhang Qian smiled at Teacher Huang, but at this time he found that Teacher Huang's face was a little gloomy, and he looked worried.He wanted to ask but couldn't open his mouth, so he had no choice but to give up.

"Old Huang, has the index of your family been down? I heard that the teacher's family doesn't know whether to start work. It seems that the county does not agree." Just as Zhang Qian was about to turn around and leave, a teacher from another class next to him suddenly When he came to Teacher Huang, he frowned in a low voice and said, "What should I do? I have already got the indicators, but I won't start work if I don't start work. It's true in the county. Why should such a good thing be blocked? We Teachers have a difficult life, and now they finally have a chance to buy a decent house with the index, but they stop as soon as they say it, what do you call this?"

When Mr. Huang heard what the teacher said, he sighed and said, "Yeah... I don't care about anything else, but I can't do this one! Mr. Wei, you don't know the situation of my family. A family of three lives there. A teacher’s dormitory of [-] square meters, my wife was sick a few years ago, and I spent all my savings and no money to buy commercial housing. Now that my son is getting married and my daughter-in-law is about to start, I finally hope that I can get the quota at the teacher’s home at a discounted price I can buy an [-]-square-meter house for them to use as their wedding room, but this matter turns out to be yellow, and I don’t want to!"

"If you don't want to, what can you do?" That teacher Wei said with a sad face, "It's hard to get this index, but it's so unreasonable to say that it's yellow! The county is so unfeeling, how can we teachers just do it?" Do you really want to swallow this breath? Old Huang, are you convinced in your heart?"

"Of course I'm not convinced!" Teacher Huang slapped the table indignantly, "My old Huang has taught for so many years, not to mention how many outstanding students he has trained for the motherland. There is no irresponsibility, but after decades of teaching, I can’t even afford a new house for my son. What if my son blows up with his wife because of the house problem? I heard that the county is the most insisting on canceling it. The teacher's home project is the new county magistrate Wang. Huh, I think she is the eldest lady from the capital. How can I know the suffering of our small county teacher! If there is no investigation, there is no right to speak. Since she disagrees, then we We should let her know how much the teachers in the county are looking forward to being allocated their own house, and we should go to the county government to ask for orders! I don’t believe that hundreds of teachers going to protest together will have no effect!”

Zhang Qian was shocked when he heard this, my good boy, hundreds of teachers went to the county government to protest, is this okay?

"Hundreds of teachers? Old Huang... You... are you going to force the palace?" Teacher Wei worried, "Well, nothing will happen if you do this, right? If you lose your job, then..."

"Hmph, the Huaxia Kingdom has always been law-agnostic. Besides, we are making reasonable demands. Why should we be punished? Besides, hundreds of teachers protested together. Is it even necessary to punish the one who was punished? I'm afraid not all schools in the county. Go on strike!" Teacher Huang said with disbelief on her face, "The whole school is going on strike, and the county magistrate Wang, who is in charge of education, may lose his black hat. Does she dare?"

Hearing Teacher Huang's words, Teacher Wei beside him couldn't help but excitedly said, "Okay, that's a good idea, Lao Huang, I will be counted as a part of it when you gather to protest! I don't believe that the leader will ignore the aspirations of the people and still want to Insist on rejecting the construction of the Teacher's House!"

"You are also interested? Of course you are welcome. We plan to gather at the street in front of the county government gate the day after tomorrow afternoon, and then march to the gate of the county government to protest." Teacher Huang said this, only to find that Zhang Qian who was standing beside him was still there. Without leaving, he couldn't help but wonder, "Zhang Qian, what are you still doing here? Is there anything else?"

"Ah? No, it's nothing. Goodbye, Teacher Huang." Zhang Qian reacted, and left the teacher's office with a thick homework book after hurriedly saying goodbye.

On the way back to the classroom, the more Zhang Qian thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.The teacher's home project is still being discussed in the county, and no final conclusion has been reached. Although Wang Zhiqing disagrees with the project of the teacher's home, there is no clear result. Why did the news leak out, and these teachers People are panicking, and even want to gather people to go to the county government to protest?

Once the teachers went to protest, the consequences would be disastrous for Wang Zhiqing.She is the deputy county magistrate in charge of education. If such a big thing happened to the education system, she would naturally bear the blame.As a result, the good situation that Wang Zhiqing had worked so hard to create fell apart, and the county magistrate Ji Weida's faction would naturally benefit from it, turning defense into offense!

"So...the news that the Teacher's House will be cancelled, might someone with ulterior motives spread to the teachers' ears?" Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel a little scared when he thought of this, but this was just his guess, and the real situation was not. Not sure.But no matter what, Zhang Qian knew that Wang Zhiqing had to be ventilated, otherwise it would be a big problem if these teachers really went to the county government to make trouble.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Qian quickly dialed Wang Zhiqing's number.After he explained this matter clearly to Wang Zhiqing, he also told her his own thoughts.It is precisely because of the emotions cultivated in Jianzui Mountain's narrow escape that Zhang Qian dared to disclose the news to Wang Zhiqing so bluntly. He was unwilling to cause similar incidents such as Wang Zhiqing's kidnapping to happen again because of his hesitation and failure to remind him.

Wang Zhiqing's tone on the phone obviously changed from relaxed to dignified. Of course, she could understand how bad the impact would be if the teachers made trouble.After thanking Zhang Qian, she hung up the phone, apparently to think about countermeasures.

After Zhang Qian told Wang Zhiqing the news, he knew that he had no ability to help her solve this matter, so he could only secretly pray that Wang Zhiqing was safe.

After returning to the classroom, he distributed the homework to the group leaders of each group, which was the first time he had fulfilled his duties and tasks as a class representative.The students in the class only knew that Zhang Qian had become a class cadre at this time, and some couldn't help being envious, jealous, and sarcastic, but no matter what, even if Zhang Qian was still a poor student in their hearts, the position represented by this class It has already been dealt with and cannot be changed.

Sitting on the seat, Zhang Qian thought for a while and then asked Chen Zitong at the same table, "Zitong, I want to ask you, do you know about the teacher's home project?"

Chen Zitong, who was working on the topic, turned his head to look at Zhang Qian, put down the ballpoint pen in his hand, and said strangely, "Why are you asking this?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I remember hearing your brother Chen Gang mention this project that day. The teachers in the office were discussing it just now. It seems to be very important. I want to know more about it." Zhang Qian had indeed heard about it from Wang Zhiqing and Chen Gang. He got the teacher's home project, but he only knew it was the name of the real estate project, and didn't know it in detail.

"Hehe, you are a student, why do you know this?" Chen Zitong said this with a little amused mouth, but continued to say, "Actually, I don't know very well, I just heard it from my mother and my brother when they were discussing at home. A few words. The project of Teacher’s House is a real estate project invested by Xu Tiesing’s father’s company. The land is probably near the suburbs of Xinxian County. The original purpose of this community is to improve the housing of teachers in our county, so the name is Teacher’s Home.”

"Does that mean that all the houses developed by this real estate project are for teachers to live in? I just heard from the teacher in the office that it would be cheaper to buy this house and get the quota, right?" Zhang Qian was a little puzzled, logically speaking If it is really a good thing to build a community to improve teachers' housing, why does Wang Zhiqing disagree?

Chen Zitong shook his head and said, "Of course not all of them are for teachers. This is just a real estate project. Of course, anyone who is willing to buy can live in it. It's just that there seems to be preferential treatment for teachers. If you get the quota, it will be much cheaper. .I don’t know the details, why? You want to buy that house?”

"Are you kidding? It's not that you don't know the situation of my house. How could I afford a new house?" Zhang Qian knew that Chen Zitong had misunderstood, but he didn't explain too much.He was always wondering, what kind of tricks are hidden in this real estate project that seems to have nothing wrong with it?

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