Peach Fortune

Chapter 118

After school in the afternoon, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei had already made an appointment to go to Uncle Wang's newly opened supermarket to see the progress of the decoration.Although Uncle Wang is in charge of this supermarket, after all, as an investor, Zhang Qian has the right to inspect it at any time.

It's not that Zhang Qian thinks that Uncle Wang is not capable, but mainly because Uncle Wang insists on inviting him to give advice to see if he is satisfied, so he agreed in desperation.And Yu Wei, as the person who paid the most money in this supermarket, although he didn't want to be a shareholder, he naturally wanted to be invited.

When receiving Yu Wei's call, Zhang Qian had already taken a taxi to the downtown area of ​​Xincheng, and soon found the game arcade Yu Wei mentioned.Different from the Brilliant game room that Yu Weiai went to before, this game room called Haoting is undoubtedly very high-end and bullying.

"This Yu Wei, who has become the branch president of the True Dragon Club, actually likes playing game consoles so much." Zhang Qian muttered to himself, walking through the two neat rows of slot machines in the game room, and soon he was playing the boxing champion's machine Yu Wei was found nearby.

In fact, it wasn't that Zhang Qian really saw Yu Wei, but the burly men in black suits around Yu Wei were too eye-catching, and he couldn't do without attracting attention.

"I said Yu Wei, don't treat each other with admiration for three days, you are so good, you have bodyguards, you guy, people who don't know think some big guy is here to play game consoles!" Zhang Qian wore Passing through the crowd, he came near those subordinates and said to Yu Wei, who was sitting next to the game console and playing vigorously, with a smile, "I don't know if I get close to you, will I be beaten all over the place?"

Yu Wei turned his head and glanced at Zhang Qian, couldn't help but hastily smiled and got up, pushed away the men next to him and said, "Look at you, you like to joke, how could my men do anything to you. How about this, isn't our momentum enough to show off? Let me tell you, after I become the president of the branch, I have hundreds of people under my command, whoever dares to fight against you in the future, tell me and promise to give him a good meal!"

"Forget it, I'm a good citizen who studies hard every day, so nothing will happen." Zhang Qian rolled his eyes and said, "You are so arrogant, if you are seen by the police in a while, you will undoubtedly be listed as a key surveillance object. Should I stay away from you?"

Yu Wei smirked, knowing that Zhang Qian thought these subordinates were getting in the way, he couldn't help but waved his hand and told them to leave.After hearing Yu Wei's order, those subordinates turned their heads and left, and soon disappeared.It has to be said that a big gangster is a big gangster, and every subordinate has undergone strict training and absolute obedience to the rules, which are several times stronger than those gangsters in small gangs!

"Is it pure if you don't see it now? I just want to show off in front of you, I didn't expect you to be so shameless, sad..." Yu Wei complained, but his face was smiling, deliberately joking Said, "Anyway, I can be regarded as making a fortune and becoming a well-off man. It's rare to become a leader. Brothers shouldn't praise and praise well? I don't understand why you don't want such a good position, yes, if you don't, Then I will continue. Say it first, even if you regret it, don't even think about arguing with me."

"I'm not that interested." Zhang Qian slapped Yu Wei on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, can't you be good? Let's go to Uncle Wang's supermarket. There should be no problem. If the supermarket opened by Uncle Wang really makes a lot of money, then life for us brothers will be much easier."

"Zhang Qian, you can go and see this kind of thing. I don't have to go, right? Even if I give you the tens of thousands of dollars, I don't want to be a shareholder of that small supermarket. It's boring!" Yu Wei Speaking of this, he said triumphantly, "Let me tell you, after becoming the president of this branch, you can directly own 1% of the dividends of the underground casino every month. Think about it, the net profit of the underground casino is at least one million a month. , I can’t get two to three thousand flowers at worst? I’m a real rich man now, and I don’t like supermarkets with that amount of money anymore!”

Zhang Qian smiled and said, "Yo Yo Yo, I can't see that you are really a shotgun for a cannon, and you have jumped from a slut to a real rich man? Tsk tsk, a monthly income of [-] to [-] is not bad. But you are not in front of me. Xianbai, let me tell you, you have to go whether you want to go or not, even if you become the boss, you are still my brother of Zhang Qian, do you understand?"

"All right, you are the boss, you can go as soon as you say." Yu Wei could only nod in agreement helplessly, who made Zhang Qian have a fateful relationship with him?In fact, Yu Wei felt in his heart that Zhang Qian was his savior and his lucky star. If Zhang Qian hadn't offered to introduce him in front of Cheng Xiongtian, how could he have soared to become the president of this branch?

Through several recent incidents, Yu Wei has realized that the brother in front of him is no longer the poor boy with no skills, he is now a player who can eat both black and not that right?There is a sister who is the deputy county magistrate, and Cheng Xiongtian, the boss of the real dragon society who wants to put his daughter on the back of his daughter.So he vaguely regarded him as his boss, but he didn't say anything.

To say that the Haoting game room is actually not far from Uncle Wang's newly opened supermarket. After walking for about a few minutes, I vaguely saw the two storefronts with the signboard of the Lianjia supermarket chain.But to Zhang Qian's surprise, there were quite a few people around the store, as if they were watching something lively.

"Hey, let me say Zhang Qian, is your supermarket okay? It hasn't even opened yet, so it's getting so much attention and being so lively?" Before Zhang Qian could think about it, Yu Wei, who was next to him, said with emotion, " If things continue like this, it won’t be crowded on the opening day?”

"No, Uncle Wang told me yesterday that the store was under renovation and there were no products on the shelves at all. How could it attract so many people to watch?" Zhang Qian shook his head. Thinking of something, he yelled, "Not good! Something must have happened in the shop!!"

"An accident??" Before Yu Wei could react, Zhang Qian had already rushed towards the supermarket under decoration. Only then did he realize, and hurriedly followed Zhang Qian to the door of the store.The two squeezed through the crowd of onlookers, and heard the sound of ping-pong-pong smashing things coming from the storefront, mixed with Uncle Wang's angry and dissatisfied curses from time to time.

When Zhang Qian rushed to the door of the store to have a look, he was suddenly furious!In the entire two stores connected to the Internet, it was already a mess at this time.Row after row of containers that had been made neatly fell to the ground, and there were scattered nails and tools for decoration, as well as wall planks and other materials.A few young ruffians in gaudy clothes were swinging axes and iron rods in their hands triumphantly, smashing and kicking, they were simply a group of super saboteurs.

This is a supermarket that is about to open, it is even more messy and messy than a kennel!

"Stop it, stop it!!!" Zhang Qian's heart was bleeding, this is the supermarket he invested in, take out all the supermarkets that he and Yu Wei have earned and invested in!If you say he is not popular, then you are really a ghost!

"Zhang Qian, oops... You came at the right time, hurry up, call the police! We can't let them continue to smash like this, and if we continue to smash like this, the decoration for so many days will be for nothing, it's all money!!" Uncle Wang with a heartbroken face found that Zhang Qian had appeared, and immediately rushed to his side and almost cried, "These people are simply bastards, animals! Quick, call the police!"

Zhang Qian hastily held down the excited Uncle Wang, and glanced at the gangsters who had stopped at this moment, and wanted to ask Uncle Wang what happened, but unexpectedly came out of the group of ruffians with a The man with the cigarette sneered and said, "I thought the old king called some helper over here, but I didn't expect it to be you... Zhang Qian, we are really close friends, hehe, I don't come to trouble you, but you I delivered it to my door! Just in time, you escaped quickly last time, but this time, you are not so lucky!"

Zhang Qian was a little surprised to see that this person knew him, but when he saw the person's face clearly, he couldn't help but turn colder and said, "I thought who was so arrogant and dared to smash people's shops in the daytime, it turned out to be You, Wang Peng!"

Zhang Qian really didn't expect that the man who came out of the gang of gangsters who smashed the shop turned out to be Wang Peng, the elder brother of the ignorant ruffian Wang Liang from the next class.It's the leader of the little hooligans on the street.A few weeks ago, he was the one who stopped him at the entrance of the alley while school was over, trying to teach him a lesson for his younger brother Wang Liang.If Zhang Qian hadn't got a bicycle to escape quickly with Wang Zhiqing, he might have been beaten into a mess.

The combination of old and new hatred undoubtedly made Zhang Qian even more annoyed.He is far from being comparable to what he was a few weeks ago. For Wang Peng, maybe he was a little bit jealous before, but after seeing such big scenes as the True Dragon Society and the Daoyi Society, what is a mere hooligan leader? thing!

"Hey, aren't you brave? You can still deal with it so calmly. Do you think you can run away like last time?" Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't have any fear after seeing him, Wang Peng felt a little surprised but even more Disdainfully said, "Okay, wait until I demolish this store first, and then I will settle the score with you!"

"You settle the score? I haven't settled the score with you yet!" Naturally, Zhang Qian would no longer be afraid of this little guy, and said coldly, "Why are you smashing this shop? Are you not afraid that I will call the police? ?”

"Call the police? Hehe, you've made the report. At worst, I'll withdraw it as soon as the police come! After the police leave, I will continue to demolish it. After so many years, I will be afraid of the police?" Wang Peng chuckled disdainfully, " I have long seen this shop as displeasing to the eye. The decoration is so good but I don’t know that this street is where I collect protection fees. I pretended to be stupid and didn’t pay it a few times. I’m still on this street after I don’t smash the shop How do you get along? If you want to blame, you have to blame Old Wang, if you paid the protection fee earlier, wouldn’t everything go away?”

When Uncle Wang heard this, he was very excited and said, "Bastard, stop yelling here! We are operating properly and the procedures are complete. Why should we pay protection fees? Besides, you said you need to pay protection fees. Seeing that you young people don’t have a job and have to eat, I’ll admit it, and I’ll make some contributions to the welfare cause. But you’re lucky, the lion opened your mouth! You have to pay a protection fee of 2 yuan a month, you Why don't you go grab it, what are you going to charge!"

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