Peach Fortune

Chapter 12 High-profile gifts

"Really? I'm so scared. If you win the test or not, you'll know when the result comes out, as long as you don't meddle in my business." Zhang Qian seemed to think of something when he said this, and said with a smirk. "How about this, let's change the bet, if I can get into the high school, how about you being my girlfriend?"

"Zhang Qian? You..." Chen Zitong blushed suddenly, obviously extremely surprised by such a bet.

"Haha, look at your nervous look, I'm just joking with you, I'm not that stupid, I want a nosy girlfriend like you!" After Zhang Qian rolled his eyes, he leisurely took out the comic book and continued reading .

Chen Zitong was very angry by Zhang Qian, and she almost blurted out in her coquettish anger, "Although I also hate to bet with an ignorant person like you, but you bully me like this, I must let you Regret! If you can beat me in the history test, I will make this bet with you!"

"What? Don't take it seriously, I just..."

"Zitong, today is your birthday." Just when Zhang Qian was about to explain in surprise, a faint fragrance of flowers wafted over him. Xu Tiesing, a classmate holding a bouquet of purple roses, was standing beside him. In the aisle beside the table, he smiled at Chen Zitong and said, "Happy birthday to you, always beautiful and happy."

"Wow!!" The appearance of such a large bouquet of purple roses caused the entire class to burst into chaotic cries of envy and jealousy. Chen Zitong blushed and seemed to be at a loss. Thinking that Xu Tiesing in front of him would actually give her such a large bouquet of roses in such a large crowd.But people wished her a happy birthday, if such flowers were not collected, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Chen Zitong took the roses from Xu Tiesing through Zhang Qian's desk, smelled the fragrance of the flowers lightly, and smiled, "Thank you, Xu Tiesing, but don't buy so many flowers in the future, the school doesn't allow them to be placed on the desks." It’s a flower. And it’s not cheap, so don’t spend it.”

"Hehe, it's okay, as long as you like it, you can put the flowers up and take them home after school and display them, so that when you look at the flowers, it's as if you saw me." Chen Zitong accepted the roses, and Xu Tiesing undoubtedly seemed very happy. Everyone could see that Xu Tiesing was secretly pursuing Chen Zitong.And at this time, what was even more unexpected was that Xu Tiesing took out a delicate light pink small box from his pocket, and when he opened it, an extremely exquisite lady's watch was immediately exposed to the air. "This is Cartier's women's watch, I hope you like it."

The purple rose itself is very noble, and with this Cartier watch, the value is simply staggering.Zhang Qian took a peek at the bottle of thousand paper cranes in Chen Zitong's drawer at this moment, and couldn't help but think to himself, maybe Hao Ren was right in not confessing his love, compared with the birthday presents of local tyrants like Xu Tiesing, there are so many thousand paper cranes How shabby is shabby.

However, what Zhang Qian didn't expect at all was that Chen Zitong said calmly, "Student Xu, your gift is too expensive for me to accept. Besides, I don't have the habit of wearing a watch. Take it back."

Facing Chen Zitong's refusal, Xu Tiesing was stunned and then smiled, "What is this for? It's just a birthday present, it doesn't mean anything. Take it, Zitong."

Chen Zitong frowned, and she suddenly took out the glass bottle full of paper cranes from the drawer and said to Xu Tiexing, "I like this kind of gift. Although the price is not high, it can represent my heart. Although your watch is luxurious, it doesn't make me like it."

"This..." Xu Tiesing looked at the bottled thousand paper cranes in Chen Zitong's hand, his expression turned cold instantly, "Isn't it just a bottle of useless thousand paper cranes, who gave you the gift that you like so much? Zitong , I asked your brother, it was your brother who said you like this watch, that's why I..."

"Xu Tiexing! My brother can't represent me. Even if I like watches, I will buy them myself. I don't need you to send them. Thank you for the flowers. Please go." The mention of Chen Zitong's brother seemed to make her even more unhappy, and she thought directly Let Xu Tiesing leave.

It was the first time that Zhang Qian had admiration for Chen Zitong. The school belle is the school belle, and he was not tempted by such an expensive gift. On the contrary, he was so fond of the cheap thousand paper cranes from Haoren, so he focused on this point. It is much more noble than many girls nowadays.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I can take it away." Seeing Chen Zitong's pretty face, Xu Tiesing couldn't help but take back the watch he was going to give away, and grinned, "If you don't like the watch, I can give you other ones, your brother Having said that, your family will hold a private birthday party tonight, and my father and I will definitely be invited to attend, and then I will give you other gifts."

"Xu Tiesing, you still don't understand. I am very grateful for your congratulations on my birthday, but if you want to celebrate my birthday with other purposes, I will not be happy. I don't care how good you are with my brother, you I don't care if I come to my birthday reception or not, I hope that what I want is a sincere gift, not a blessing piled up with money!" It can be seen that Chen Zitong is obviously dissatisfied with Xu Tiesing now.

Xu Tiesing couldn't understand it, and even started to think in a gloomy way, "Zitong, I don't understand, why the gift I gave was not sincere? Just because of the paper crane? I don't believe it, I shouldn't." ... The person who gave this gift is the reason why you are happy? A bottle of thousand paper cranes has bought your heart. I don’t know which classmate is so attractive to you? I want to ask, this classmate is a male Or female?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!!" Chen Zitong blushed immediately, and said angrily, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it?"

"I... I'm not worried that you will be deceived by some bad guys, Zitong..." Xu Tiesing was about to say something, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes fell on Zhang Qian who was beside him, frowning Then he continued, "I saw Zhang Qian and you near the flower bed outside the classroom just this morning...Could it be that Zhang Qian gave this thousand paper cranes?"

Zhang Qian really wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had known that things would turn out like this, he shouldn't have told the truth in advance.Fortunately, this Thousand Paper Crane became a gift from him for no reason, and caused a whole lot of trouble.Just feeling Xu Tiesing's sinister gaze at this moment made him feel uncomfortable all over, no matter how he thought about it, the gain outweighed the loss!

"So what if Zhang Qian gave it to me? He just gave me a birthday present, and it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Zitong didn't expect to be guessed right by Xu Tiesing, and immediately went on the right path, "Like a gift is a gift, it has nothing to do with people , don't talk about yourself here to be annoying!"

"I'm annoying? Zitong, do you really like this brat?" The more he listened, Xu Tiesing became angrier, pointing at Zhang Qian and said angrily, "Well, you brat, what kind of shit luck did you step on? Let Zi Tong favor you and speak for you!"

Who is Xu Tiesing?The same class has had a certain understanding for three years.His father is a real estate boss in Andu County, a typical son of a rich family. If such a person is jealous of you, he will obviously be overwhelmed and walk around.Zhang Qian had a very good brother back then, but he was forced to drop out of school because of a certain relationship with him.It would be a lie to say that he is not afraid, but the matter has come to this point, Zhang Qian is naturally not a wimp, he is not afraid of wearing shoes if he is barefoot, he has to have a backbone even if he bites the bullet, doesn't he?

"What is shit luck? Are you saying that Zitong is shit?" Zhang Qian said indifferently with some dissatisfaction, "Xu Tiesing, what you said is a bit ugly!"

"I, when did I say that Zitong is shit? No, ahh! You, you are misleading me! Brat, you are impatient, aren't you!" Only then did Xu Tiesing realize that he had been hit by Zhang Qian. Subtotal, he couldn't help being so angry that he wanted to attack Zhang Qian.

"Enough! Xu Tiesing, this is a classroom, we are classmates, how can you do it? It's none of your business that I favor anyone, so stop making trouble here!" Seeing Xu Tiesing grabbing Zhang Qian's collar, Chen Zitong couldn't help being angry He said, "Now, please leave here immediately, class is about to start, don't you want to stand here for class all the time? If you do it again, I will tell my father that you are absolutely not allowed to come to my birthday party!"

"I... okay, Zitong, don't be angry, I can't leave." Seeing Chen Zitong's coquettish anger, Xu Tiesing hurriedly stopped and left as if to please. Before leaving, he stared fiercely at Zhang Qian glanced at him, obviously jealous of him.

Throughout the day, Zhang Qian could feel Xu Tiesing's dissatisfied eyes looking at him from time to time.It is true that many people pursue a school beauty like Chen Zitong, but pursuit is one thing, but liking is another.Chen Zitong's words undoubtedly made Xu Tiesing feel the pressure and crisis, but Zhang Qian, the culprit, felt extremely wronged. It would be fine if it was really the thousand paper cranes he gave, but the problem is that he has suffered it on behalf of others...

Haoren and Zhang Qian went out of school together after school, of course he saw the conflict between Zhang Qian and Xu Tiesing, he couldn't help apologizing to him, "Zhang Qian, I'm sorry to make you wronged, I didn't expect that, Chen Zitong would like that bottle of thousand paper cranes so much, I thought..."

"Yes, yes, she is very satisfied with the gift you gave me, so should I tell Chen Zitong that the gift was given by you?" Zhang Qian rolled his eyes at him and said speechlessly, "I'm really your scapegoat, Now that Xu Tiesing doesn't know how to hate me, this guy has a lot of money."

Hao Ren was shocked, and lowered his head in fear, "I, I also know how domineering Xu Tiesing is... If you really get revenge, I will feel sorry, so if you really want to tell the truth, I will Respect your choice, then..."

"Okay, okay, for the sake of lending me to copy your homework, I will keep the truth for you. Anyway, there is a misunderstanding. Anyway, Chen Zitong and I are at the same table, so there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Qian Seeing Hao Ren's weak face, he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder and took the initiative to bear the matter.

Just when Haoren wanted to say a few words of thanks, he suddenly pointed to the outside of the school gate in surprise, "Zhang Qian...then, isn't that Xu Tiesing?"

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