Peach Fortune

Chapter 13

Zhang Qian turned his head and saw that Xu Tiesing was standing next to a car not far from the school gate.His face suddenly sank, this guy is probably waiting for him.

Sure enough, when Xu Tiesing, who was leaning against the car, saw Zhang Qian, he immediately walked over with a gloomy face, and said to Zhang Qian, "You, come here, I have something to tell you."

Haoren tugged at Zhang Qian's sleeve, shook his head slightly in fear, and signaled him not to go over.Without even thinking about it, Zhang Qian raised his head and walked to Xu Tiesing's side. Since he was waiting for him at the school gate, he couldn't leave if he wanted to. Why don't he just go there and see what the hell this guy wants to do.

Facing Zhang Qian's fearlessness, Xu Tiesing sneered and said, "Okay, you are quite courageous. You are so courageous. How dare you talk back to me in front of Chen Zitong?"

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Qian didn't have the time to waste time with Xu Tiexing, so he said bluntly, "Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Oh, that's refreshing, Zhang Qian, you've been in my class for three years, and for the sake of friendship, I'd like to advise you. From the first day Chen Zitong transferred to another school, I've already decided that she is mine. Girlfriend, no one can snatch her away from me. If you have self-knowledge, don't make fun of yourself, otherwise, I will be rude to you!" Xu Tiesing glanced at Zhang Qian, gloomy He said, "Chen Zitong is not a woman that everyone can dream of. You are a poor student, why do you have to have such illusory and stupid dreams?"

"It's over?" Zhang Qian glanced at Xu Tiesing and said calmly, "It's my turn to say what I've finished. First of all, Chen Zitong didn't say that you are her boyfriend, so you have no right to point fingers here, and , don’t think that you can be lawless if you have a few bad money, the relationship between me and Chen Zitong is our business, it has nothing to do with you, you have no right to take care of it!”

"What did you say?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Qian would give such an answer, Xu Tiesing suddenly said with a gloomy face, "Boy, do you really want to toast instead of fine wine? Do you really think I can't do anything about you? I want Dealing with you is easier than trampling an ant to death! You should understand this."

"I said, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, and I won't take care of yours. If you really make trouble for no reason, I won't be afraid of you!" What Zhang Qian can't stand the most is the kind of arrogant The attitude is full of toughness, "If you want to pursue a girl, do it openly, unless you are not confident that you can catch Chen Zitong, you are afraid."

"I'm afraid? I will be afraid? What are you? You're just a poor student. If you dare to speak so brazenly, you're looking for death!" Xu Tiesing, who was so angry, couldn't hold back his anger at last, and threw a punch at Zhang Qian!

Zhang Qian had already made preparations and fixed his gaze on Xu Tiesing's fist.Soon, Xu Tiesing's fist started to move in slow motion, and his special ability appeared again!

"What?" While Xu Tiesing was stunned, Zhang Qian tilted his head and easily dodged his fist without any effort!He was a little unbelieving, and swung another punch again, but it was still in vain.At this moment, his face became a little dignified, and he said warily, "You... know kung fu?"

"I don't know much about kung fu, but if you want to ask for an explanation on fists and kicks, I can accompany you." Zhang Qian is now more sure that his ability can indeed make him invincible in fighting, of course it is only limited to singles alone.But right now, he didn't want to really fight Xu Tiesing. After all, this guy is rich and powerful, and if he was injured, it would definitely not be a good thing, just scare him.

"Okay, okay! You have the guts, Zhang Qian, I warn you, if you still get entangled with Chen Zitong, I will definitely make you regret it!" Xu Tiesing, who was extremely jealous, put down his harsh words, and got into the car on the side of the road among.

Looking at the car going away, Zhang Qian sighed with relief, smiled and said goodbye to Hao Ren not far away, got on his bicycle and headed towards home.

Riding the bike, Zhang Qian thought about it now, and suddenly felt that he seemed a little strange just now.Originally, he could have told Xu Tiexing that he had nothing to do with Chen Zitong, but why did he end up saying such ambiguous words?

"Could it be... I like that woman Chen Zitong a little bit?" Zhang Qian hesitated, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, she is such a nosy woman, and she always quarrels with me, how could I like her. Besides , she is an excellent student who wants to take the high school entrance examination, and she is a poor student who doesn't even study high school, it's okay to be friends, but the difference in status is too big, so let's die."

Suppressing the eager emotion in his heart, Zhang Qian returned home soon.If it was the original, after returning home, Zhang Qian would habitually take out his homework and put it on the table, scribbled on the draft paper, or secretly read comic books.But today it can't be like this, he bet with Chen Zitong to compare his grades in the subject of history in this month's exam, which is related to his freedom and power to read comics in class and copy homework, he must win Chen Zitong.

But to defeat the school beauty who is both good in character and learning, it is naturally impossible to be so easy, how can you do it without reading books?So when Zhang Qian came home today, he took out a thick history book and began to read it seriously.Since the memory has improved a lot due to the medicine, it looks like the history book has completely lost the drowsy feeling of the past, but is in good spirits.The history book is very thick, and the main points of the exam do not actually cover the whole book, and it is often enough to memorize some key points.

But how could Zhang Qian, who had no intention of reading at all, know the main points and the irrelevant content in the book, so he could only bite the bullet and start to endorse from the first page.This undoubtedly greatly increased his workload.The memory has indeed improved a lot, but it is limited after all, and it is impossible to remember the whole book with a photographic memory, so that after Zhang Qian memorized half of the book, he began to remember the front and forget the back, and the embarrassment of forgetting the front .

At this time, he obviously realized that studying is not easy and difficult.However, Zhang Qian is not a person without perseverance. In any case, in order to win his breath, he must memorize the history book.Otherwise, wouldn't he lose to Chen Zitong and be completely controlled by her?

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't get discouraged. For the dignity and backbone of a man, Zhang Qian tirelessly began to recite history.From the first page, he began to recite seriously.Memory enhancement really has a very good effect. Originally, what Zhang Qian hated was history, and the dizzy memorization seemed to have no effect, but now it is different. After he read the history book a few times carefully, he even fainted. I can already memorize a general idea, and if I recite it carefully, I can basically achieve the exact sameness.

However, although his memory is very good, it is undoubtedly a lot of work to memorize the history books in the most stupid way like him. After more than an hour of memorizing, he only memorized the first few chapters of the history books.Of course, this is extremely perverted. Zhang Qian didn't know that even if he were an excellent student like Chen Zitong, he would probably only be able to memorize a few paragraphs of a chapter in more than an hour!

"Bad? Am I right? The sun came out from the west today, and you study so seriously?" At this time, the door was opened, and Zhang Lin who walked in from the outside couldn't help but feel a little bit very serious when she saw Zhang Qian reciting the book so seriously. surprise.

"That's right, haven't I always been serious about my studies? Your younger brother and I are a person who paints walls with dung!" Zhang Qian brazenly joked at his sister Zhang Lin. In fact, for himself, this kind of He also seems to think that the feeling of studying hard is good.

"Enen, not bad, not bad, that's right. Zhang Qian, you must study hard. Dad has always expected you to go to a major high school and enter a university." Zhang Lin walked over with a smile, and kissed Zhang Qian on the cheek After a while, he whispered, "Yesterday you told your father that you don't want to continue studying, and today your father doesn't seem to be very happy all day long. Zhang Qian, don't say such things to your father again in the future. You just follow him and go ahead. I passed the exam, as for how I did in the exam, I will tell you later, you know?"

Zhang Qian knew what his sister meant, and nodded helplessly.In fact, being born in such a family, the real pain is not him and his sister, but his parents.Can't give children a carefree living environment, which parent will not blame himself or be sad?

"Hey, come out and have dinner, it's all ready. By the way, I bought you a new dress, you can try it on later." Zhang Lin seemed to be in a good mood today, and she lightly pinched Zhang Qian's ear .

"Sister, your salary still needs to buy medicine for your father, and you also need to pay for my education. I just need to change the clothes I have, so don't waste your money. Besides, you don't buy a few clothes yourself, you always buy them for me... ..." Zhang Qian knows, even though her sister dresses up beautifully every day, except for the work uniform issued by the beauty salon, her clothes are only a few sets of home sportswear. Of course a beautiful woman likes to dress herself up, but that's all. He was reluctant to buy more clothes but kept buying him new clothes. Sometimes he really felt very touched and felt guilty.

Zhang Lin patted him on the shoulder, and said dissatisfiedly, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's only natural for my sister to buy clothes for my younger brother. Let me tell you good news. Yesterday the store manager said that I had good performance and rewarded me a lot." What about the bonus, so I bought a set for you and myself, are you satisfied now?"

"Oh... that's good." Zhang Qian knew that this was just the rhetoric of his sister Zhang Lin, because when Zhang Lin came back from get off work, he only saw a gift bag of clothes. Where did she get the new clothes!But since his sister said so, he couldn't refute it, he just made up his mind in his heart that if he made a lot of money in the future, he must be filial to his sister.

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