Peach Fortune

Chapter 14 The Matchmaker Comes to the Door

He stood up and walked out of the room with Zhang Lin to the dining table in the living room. Father Zhang Longhai and mother Qin Suzhen were already eating with bowls.The sound of coughing came from Zhang Longhai's throat from time to time. This was a unique sound of their family. After so many years of company, they had become accustomed to it.

Ordinary vegetarian dishes, but the family tastes very delicious. Zhang Qian knows that although his family is difficult, but with his sister, this family does not lack warmth and happiness. However, it is better than crying.The family supports each other and perseveres through every day, and such days are quite real.

"Honey, did you ask some of your old friends to look up Chen Xuwu's address, did you find it?" While eating, her mother Qin Suzhen seemed to think of something, and asked curiously, "If you found it, you can go to the door, No matter how you say it, you have to ask him if he is willing to help."

Zhang Hailong coughed dryly, took a mouthful of food, and then calmly said, "I already know the address, but I haven't decided when to go. I thought about it. It doesn't matter if Chen Xuwu can't help our family, but he must Let him help Zhang Qian get into a key high school."

Zhang Qian was stunned when he heard it, and raised his head and said, "Dad, why are you doing this? Didn't I say that I don't..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Lin beside him hurriedly touched his arm, signaling him not to continue talking with her eyes.At this moment, Zhang Hailong snorted softly, frowned and said, "I don't care if you want to study or not, but you must finish college for me! Your mother, your sister, and I, even if we sell everything, even if we sell this house. For you to read!"

"Why? I don't understand why my sister can drop out of high school, but I must finish college!" Zhang Qian couldn't help but said, "Dad, your son is not the material for studying!"

"Fart! If I say you have it, you have it. You are different from Zhang Lin!" Zhang Hailong replied loudly, "You can read it if you read it, and you have to read it if you don't. There is no need to discuss it!"

"What's the difference between me and my sister? Just because she's a girl and I'm a boy? Dad, at what age are you still so feudal and old-fashioned!" Zhang Qian gritted his teeth and retorted, "I really don't want to continue reading Going down, I want to make money, I want to supplement the family, I want to help my sister share the burden, instead of continuing to be a parasite at home!"

"Enough! If you don't study, then your mother and I will be more guilty, because you are different from Zhang Lin. Your mother and I must let you study. This is the most basic condition! What parasite? Wait for you After finishing college and working, we all have to rely on you to survive, why are you a parasite?" Zhang Hailong said loudly here, and couldn't help coughing violently, at this time Zhang Lin also lightly pinched Zhang Qian's thigh, signaling He stopped talking.

Zhang Qian clenched his fists. Although he shut up, he still didn't understand why he always felt that his parents always wanted to leave the best things to him, and his sister was also their own flesh and blood. Good people?You say patriarchal, but my father is a highly educated urbanite, and he has never seen such feudalism in other aspects?

"Dong dong dong!!" Just when Zhang Qian was puzzled, a knock on the door interrupted the original silence on the dining table.Zhang Lin hurriedly stood up and went to open the door.Soon, Zhang Lin's unexpected voice sounded in the room, "Sister-in-law, uncle? It's you... Why are you here? Come in quickly."

"Hehe, it's Linlin, you are really getting more and more beautiful." The voice of my sister-in-law was heard outside the door, but Zhang Qian couldn't help frowning.His sister-in-law was Zhang Yanmei, the youngest sister of his father. The Zhang family had three daughters in total, and finally gave birth to a son like his father.Grandparents have always lived in several aunts' homes to take care of them in turn, mainly because my father really does not have the ability to take care of them.For this reason, his father has always felt very guilty.

However, this is of course not the reason for Zhang Qian's dislike. What he dislikes is that his sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei has always wanted to match her sister Zhang Lin.Since last year, I have introduced several blind dates, but my sister Zhang Lin has always politely refused. Who knows if her sudden visit tonight is because of this again.

Apart from this reason, Zhang Qian didn't like these family members very much.Logically speaking, the three aunts live in a wealthy family, so they should help their sick father more, but not only do most of them ignore them, but they also seem to look down upon them, which also made Zhang Qian feel uncomfortable when he was young. I am too willing to socialize with my father's relatives, except that I have no choice but to visit my grandparents during the Chinese New Year, and I seldom meet them in general.

"Dad, Mom, sister-in-law is here." Zhang Lin accompanied the sister-in-law and uncle who came in from the door into the living room, and hurried to the kitchen to make tea.Although Zhang Qian felt uncomfortable, he still called out politely. After all, they were guests, so they couldn't be rude.

My sister-in-law works in a real estate company and is already the deputy director of the purchasing department, while my uncle is in the decoration business by himself and earns a lot of money a year. The two of them are very gorgeous and wealthy in terms of clothing, obviously they belong to that kind of well-off family category.

"Third Sister, you're here, sit down, we're eating. Cough cough... Well, why don't you eat together?" Father Zhang Hailong seemed very enthusiastic, and after calling his sister-in-law and uncle to sit down, he said, "Why are you free today, come and sit with me?"

Auntie Zhang Yanmei looked around the house casually, and said, "Brother, this house is too old, has it been more than 30 years? If you live in it, it will almost become a dilapidated house. You, you, I really don't know what to do." , When will this kind of hard life be the end? If you are sick, you have to get a good medical treatment, right? I came today just to show you the way. "

After Zhang Hailong heard this, he naturally didn't know the purpose of this young lady's visit, so he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Sister, you also know how difficult my family is. If there is any good way to help me, I will accept it with humility, but if It’s an unacceptable solution, so I’d rather be poor and suffer.”

At this moment, Zhang Lin just came out of the kitchen with tea, and after enthusiastically handing the water to the two sisters-in-law, Zhang Yanmei, the sister-in-law, smiled with satisfaction, "Our family Zhang Lin is so beautiful and juicy, such a beautiful woman, You should find a good husband’s family. Brother, I just said it clearly. The vice president of my company is just 26 this year. He is not very handsome, but he is definitely not ugly. This man, the most important thing Is it because of his ability? He is the vice president of the company, but to be honest, this is just a false name for his job. His father is a high official in the county. He is very powerful! There are several houses in the county, so he is rich. And the right. He has met Zhang Lin, likes her very much, and wants to be with Zhang Lin, do you think it will work?"

"This..." After all, Zhang Yanmei seemed to be targeting her sister Zhang Lin, Zhang Hailong hesitated for a while and said, "I'm afraid Zhang Lin has to make a decision on this matter, I don't want to interfere with her freedom of love. "

"Brother, what do you call it? When a daughter gets married, it is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. What do you have nothing to do with it?" My sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei was obviously preaching, "Think about it, if Zhang Lin and my vice president After you recover, let alone your illness, what's so difficult about changing to a bigger house? Now that your daughter is a golden phoenix, and it's rare that Zhang Lin is so beautiful, how about finding a rich husband to marry?"

"Third sister, this, isn't this selling children? I heard that rich men are full of women outside, so it's better to find an honest one." At this time, Qin Suzhen, the mother next to her, said, "I just ask As long as my daughter is happy, it is more important than anything else."

"I said brother and sister, what are you thinking, being honest? Hmph, in today's society, honest people are poor ghosts. Do you want your daughter to marry a poor ghost to live?" Not very willing, he couldn't help but glance at his little uncle.

The little uncle scratched his head in embarrassment and blushed helplessly, "That... brother-in-law... I, recently, have to do a business recently, and money is tight, can I, can I..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qian's whole family immediately understood what the little uncle meant.Last year, Zhang Hailong fell ill and needed urgent care in the hospital, but his sister and mother’s wages were not enough, so he had to borrow 1 yuan from his sister-in-law’s family.Originally, my sister-in-law didn't want to borrow it, but she only borrowed it after my grandfather told me to.Given the current pressure on Zhang Qian’s family, it would be difficult to pay back the 1 yuan, not to mention the interest. It was originally agreed to wait until next year to pay it back, but unexpectedly, my uncle would ask for the money now.

"I said brother-in-law, didn't you agree to pay back the money next year? You suddenly asked me, you said I am poor, how can I get so much money? Your business is so big, no matter how tight your money is, the 1 How could Yuan trouble you? This really hasn't come out yet..."

Before Zhang Hailong could finish speaking in embarrassment, sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei smiled and said, "Well, how about it, if you don't come out, then let Linlin meet our vice president and make an appointment for a blind date, the money You can pay it back next year, how about it? If the vice president likes Linlin, is it a matter of raising your hand? To be honest, we don’t care about the 1 yuan, but we are forcing you But I did this for Linlin's good, and it's too late for you to thank me in the future!"

"This..." Zhang Hailong didn't know how to answer.It is true that Zhang Yanmei did not blame her for what she said. She has good intentions. Although there are acts of persecution, at least the purpose is good.At this time, he glanced at Zhang Lin who was on the side.At this time, Zhang Lin lowered her pretty face a little shyly, pursing her pink lips and seemed unwilling to speak.

At this time, my uncle seemed a little embarrassed and whispered something in my sister-in-law Zhang Yanmei's ear. Zhang Yanmei glared at him, then leaned over and whispered to him.Zhang Qian's eyes fell on Zhang Yanmei at this time, he really wanted to know what the two were talking about.

At this moment, Zhang Qian suddenly had a flash of inspiration.Since he can slow down the speed of any object, can he slow down the speed of his lips?If it was possible, wouldn't it be possible to clearly see what the two of them were whispering based on the slowed mouth movements?

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