Peach Fortune

Chapter 120 The Real Underworld Part 2

Yang Wei's legs trembled and he almost collapsed. At this time, he gave Wang Peng a hard look. He probably scolded his ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart. In desperation, he could only try his best to smile submissively. Chao Yuwei said respectfully, "President Yu, it's my fault that I can't discipline well. These guys are used to being domineering. I didn't expect that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and they dared to run on Taisui's head Breaking ground, I am so impatient! Don't worry, as long as it is within my jurisdiction, I promise to make this supermarket a prosperous business. No one is allowed to provoke trouble here, and no one will dare to come here to collect anything Bullshit protection fee! As for the loss of the store, I will also pay for it, I must pay, please give me this opportunity, Chairman Yu..."

Seeing Yang Wei's sincerity, Yu Wei snorted lightly and did not speak.But silence means acquiescing, how could Yang Wei not know that this is a turning point in the matter, he hurriedly turned his face cold and shouted towards the outside of the store, "Maozi, Ah Liang, bring someone in for me!!"

With this roar, a group of underworld gangsters rushed in from outside the store, and they all came to Yang Wei's side, looking at Zhang Qian and the others with vigilance and hostility.But at this moment, Yang Wei slapped his men on the head fiercely and said angrily, "What are you looking at, go, and arrest Wang Peng and his men!"

"Ah?" The subordinates named Mao Zi and A Liang couldn't help shouting out in surprise.The bald subordinate named Ah Liang was a little puzzled, "Boss, Wang Peng is our subordinate, this..."

"I'll tie you up if I tell you to, what the hell are you talking about!!" Yang Wei pointed at A Liang's forehead and said angrily, "If you want to catch him, I'll tie you up too!"

"Catch it, I'll catch it..." Although Ah Liang didn't know what happened and the brothers would turn against each other, he knew that if he didn't listen to his boss Yang Wei, he would be miserable.Soon, Yang Wei's men rushed towards Wang Peng and the others. No one dared to choose to resist at this time, including Wang Peng who was already petrified.

"Wang Peng, I won't help you if you're not the boss. It's because you've offended a big shot today. Why do you want to make trouble with Chairman Yu's friends? If it's not courting death, what is it?" Yang Wei said to Wang Peng with a livid face. Come here and say, "I can't save you today, so do it yourself!"

"Boss Yang, I don't accept it! You, you can't just arrest the brother who has been with you for so long for an outsider like this? If you want to die, you have to let me die!" Wang Peng turned to Yu Weihe angrily. After looking at it, Zhang Qian yelled hysterically and struggled, "These two brats haven't graduated from junior high school yet, what are you afraid of them doing! What president Yu, what president!"

"What president? Hehe, Yu Wei is the president of the Hui'an branch of Zhenlong who just took office. He is my immediate boss. He is the real underworld! You are a gangster and dare to fight against the boss of the gang. Do you think you Is there still a way out?" Yang Wei said coldly, "You really are the type who doesn't cry when you see the coffin, looking for death!"

"Huh?, what are you talking about?" Wang Peng was really taken aback. He didn't expect that he would kick such an iron plate. Yu Wei looked young, but he had turned into a branch club President?When he thought that he had spoken rudely in front of the boss of the True Dragon Society, he broke out in a cold sweat and turned pale!

But what's the use of regretting now?This store was also smashed, and the cruel words were let go, this time it is really hopeless...

"Wang Peng, you have today too! Humph, isn't it surprising? My brother is the real gangster, and you are worthy of fighting with him, so you are unlucky!" Zhang Qian was in a good mood. It's going to be bad for him. It's very comfortable to meet this matter today and pay back the previous hatred twice.

Wang Peng lowered his face in despair, he knew that today was completely over.Before he could figure out what to do, Yang Wei had already winked, and his subordinates immediately picked up the sticks in their hands, and smashed at Wang Peng and his subordinates one by one!

"Ah!!!" There were screams one after another in the store, and under the power of the iron rod, Wang Peng and his subordinates were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, and blood gushed out.What's more, they were beaten like dogs and crawled on the ground, begging endlessly.

Seeing such a miserable scene, Uncle Wang at the side whispered to Zhang Qian with some fear, "Zhang Qian, or else just give him a beating. In a new place, seeing blood is not auspicious."

Zhang Qian knew that Uncle Wang was soft-hearted and couldn't see blood, so he couldn't help but nodded and winked at Yu Wei.Yu Wei naturally understood, and said to Yang Wei, who was the hardest hitter, "Okay, okay, my uncle and brother said that beating people here is unlucky, so drag it out and find a place to beat people for as long as you like, don't get dirty. Ground. Yang Wei, you just have to remember, after the beating is over, drive this guy out of Andu County. From now on, as long as I see this guy in the county, I will beat him every time I see him!"

"Yes, President Yu, don't worry, I know what to do." Yang Wei wanted to run away for a long time. Seeing Yu Wei's order to evict the guest, he couldn't help but waved to his subordinates immediately after expressing his position, "Why are you still in a daze? 2 yuan will be paid to the shop owner, and then these bastards will be dragged out, dragged to our territory, and then they will be given a good lesson and driven away!"

Yang Wei's order and his subordinates naturally did not dare to disobey. Uncle Wang stared blankly at the inexplicable 2 yuan in compensation in his hand, and couldn't help laughing, "You're too polite. But the damage to the cabinet is relatively serious, at most only a few thousand yuan, so there is no need for so much..."

But how could Yang Wei dare to accept Uncle Wang's words? Seeing that Yu Wei had no intention of asking him to get back the extra money, he hurriedly gave up on getting the money back, turned around with his head down, and ran away.

Zhang Qian and Yu Wei focused their attention on Uncle Wang and Yang Wei, but they didn't see Wang Peng, who was beaten with bruises and swollen face, lying on the ground with blood flowing, and being dragged out of the store by two of Yang Wei's men, suddenly turned his head. , there was a trace of viciousness in the eyes...

Such a large group of people disappeared without a trace as soon as they said they disappeared, and only Uncle Wang, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei were left in the messy shop, which suddenly seemed a little deserted.At this time, Uncle Wang thanked Yu Wei for not listening, and said gratefully, "Oh, if it weren't for President Yu, I wouldn't be able to compensate for this loss, and what protection fee would I have to pay? It's really thanks to you..."

"Uncle Wang, don't say that. You are Zhang Qian's uncle, and this store is invested by Zhang Qian. I won't stand idly by. You don't know, I am the president of the company, and Zhang Qian will take my place. I begged for it, if I don’t go through fire and water for him, then I’m not his brother.” Yu Wei said with a smile, “Don’t be polite to me, in the future, in your shop, I guarantee that no one on the street will dare to Come to bother, you can do business with peace of mind."

"Hey, okay, thank you, thank you." Uncle Wang thanked Yu Wei on the surface, but in fact he kept looking at Zhang Qian without listening.

"Zhang Qian, I don't think there's much to see here, so I need to find someone to clean it up and redecorate it. Hehe, then I don't know anything about decoration, so let's play a few games first. See you later." Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't speak, Yu Wei said something hastily with a smile, and then left.In fact, Zhang Qian understood that this kid was not interested in doing business at all, so it would be better to play a few more games to enjoy himself if he stood here in a daze.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and Zhang Qian didn't want to force it until Yu Wei disappeared outside the store, Uncle Wang couldn't help but smile and said, "Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, I really can't understand you, you It is enough to surprise me that you are familiar with the director of industry and commerce, but I never expected that you have such a powerful friend on the Internet. What is this called? This is called black and white, you really are A third-year junior high school student? This is even better than an adult like me, and you are capable! It’s really strange, why were you so unknown before? Your surprise was a bit sudden, and it caused me to be given it every time. Scared."

Zhang Qian smiled modestly and said, "Uncle Wang, people sometimes have to rely on luck. When luck comes, it can't be stopped. I used to be a poor boy. Maybe stupid people have stupid luck." , I don’t know how I became friends with them, and they made a name for themselves. But as long as it’s beneficial for us to open a store, it’s not too much to make more friends, isn’t it?”

"Oh, it's not just an exaggeration. Uncle, I wish you had more friends like this! Think about it, what are you most afraid of when doing business? What you are most afraid of is having no connections, no backers, and no background. Now you can do both black and white. If this business is booming, God will not be able to stand it! You just watch it, and see how I can open this supermarket well!" Uncle Wang patted his chest and said happily, "I I used to be a little apprehensive about doing this business, but now I am really confident!"

"It's a good thing to have confidence. I believe that Uncle Wang will be able to do a great job." Zhang Qian has confidence in Uncle Wang, otherwise he would not spend all his money on this supermarket.

"Hehe, Zhang Qian, I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. I would foolishly introduce you to a security job for someone as capable as you. The salary of 1000 yuan a month is not what you like. Today my My relatives called me to ask me, and I took the initiative to refuse for you." Uncle Wang said with some embarrassment, "Uncle Wang is a little worried, don't mind."

Zhang Qian reacted immediately when he heard Uncle Wang say this, slapped his forehead and said in embarrassment, "Oh, Uncle Wang, I'm sorry, I've been so busy these days that I forgot about being a security guard." , don’t push it, I am willing to do that job.”

"What??" Uncle Wang was surprised and laughed out loud with disbelief on his face, "Don't be ridiculous, you can't find any job with your ability, and this security job is often pissed off and looked down upon by others, so forget it. "

"Farewell, Uncle Wang, I still focus on my studies now, but it's good to use my weekends to earn some extra money." Zhang Qian shrugged his shoulders and explained hastily, "You said that I am a student, and I usually have to go to class. , as long as I have time on weekends, where can I find a good job for me? Besides, don’t think I have a relationship, but that’s just a relationship. All the money on my body has been invested in the supermarket. It’s embarrassing to say , I only have about a hundred yuan for my whole body now, don’t underestimate the 1000 yuan for security, not only my living expenses are covered, but it can also supplement the family, which is very good!”

Uncle Wang was stunned when he heard it, and nodded after thinking for a while, "I heard you say seems to be true, then...I'll call, and I want to see it for you?"

"Of course, you should hurry up. This week, I will go to report on weekends this week. Anyway, it will be the end of the month in a few days, so I can go to work directly." Zhang Qian said with a smile, "Don't worry, Uncle Wang, I am After careful consideration, I agreed, and I will never feel wronged."

"Okay, as long as you want. Then I'll make a call for you." Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't look like he was joking, Uncle Wang picked up his cell phone and started calling.

Fortunately, when Uncle Wang called, he didn't refuse, and asked Zhang Qian again, but asked him to go to work on the next weekend.Zhang Qian was thinking at this time, if he became a security guard, he must not be like the security guards in the Sunshine Waterfront Community where the Chen family lived, who looked down on people with dog eyes!

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