Peach Fortune

Chapter 121 Warm Welcome

If you inadvertently offend a villain, it means you will be held in a grudge.

Zhang Qian didn't know from which book he read such a sentence. He didn't think much of it before, but now he finally deeply understands the pain of saying that he would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.On this day, Zhang Qian received special care from his math teacher, Mr. Fang, from the morning of self-study. Take him to the knife.

It was only the third class in the morning, and Zhang Qian had already been summoned by the math teacher no less than three times and criticized no less than five times, and he felt that even the sky was getting darker.

But he clearly knew that the mathematics teacher was playing tricks on him, but he couldn't fight back. After all, the teacher and the students had conflicts, and the weak and the one who had no right to speak must be the students.There is no way, who made him offend the math teacher?I can only grit my teeth and stuff my resentment into my stomach, treating it like farting.

But fortunately, after the third class was over, the homeroom teacher Ye Wenhua walked into the classroom and announced a news that finally made him heave a sigh of relief.Wang Zhiqing, the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, will come to our school for the second time to conduct research, and will speak to the teachers and students of the school.The school attaches great importance to this leadership inspection, and prepares to send half of the representatives of each class to line up at the school gate to express their welcome.

Wang Zhiqing's re-arrival undoubtedly made Zhang Qian stunned when he heard Ye Wenhua's words, but soon he realized something, and vaguely understood Wang Zhiqing's difficulties.She obviously went to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing. As a deputy county magistrate, how could she often come to the school for research and visits, not to mention that she didn't have the time, it was obviously impossible in a meaningless situation.

So, what is the significance of coming to the school for research?Zhang Qian quickly thought of the conversation between Mr. Huang and Mr. Wei that he heard in the teacher's office yesterday. It seems that the reason why Wang Zhiqing took the initiative to investigate was probably because of the real estate project of Teacher's House.

If, as Teacher Huang said, hundreds of teachers were assembled to go to the county government to cause trouble, then no matter whether it is right or wrong, Wang Zhiqing, as the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, must be the first to be held accountable, so in After knowing this incident that was about to happen, it was impossible for Wang Zhiqing to not take any action and allow such a dangerous gathering to happen.Therefore, it is probably the best way to go down to investigate the work, talk to the teachers, express their views and opinions, change the ideas of the teachers, and make them not take the initiative to go to the county government to protest.

But the problem is that Zhang Qian is a little puzzled. This teacher's home project is related to the factors of many teachers' families. It is extremely complicated. How can Wang Zhiqing persuade them to give up such a beneficial project?Soon, he laughed at himself and stopped thinking about such complicated problems. Originally, he couldn't even handle a math teacher now, so why bother for Wang Zhiqing!

Seeing the opportunity to escape from the scolding and criticism of the math teacher, Zhang Qian naturally volunteered without hesitation and signed up.Even Chen Zitong next to him couldn't help being surprised by his positive appearance. How could Zhang Qian, who has never been very interested in this kind of activities, be so active today?

She didn't know at all, the kid was thinking at this moment, this math teacher will take revenge, but he just kept grudges like this after talking to him a few words, can't he be provoked, can't he hide?

However, to Zhang Qian's surprise, Xu Tiesing also took the initiative to ask to participate in this welcome event, and when signing up, he seemed to smile towards Zhang Qian, and that smile seemed to be quite interesting.

Zhang Qian didn't bother to talk to him, and finally arranged [-] students to attend the welcome ceremony for the leader's research after Mr. Ye Wenhua's statistics.The rest of the students are temporarily studying in the classroom.

It can be seen that the school is very supportive of Wang Zhiqing's research work. Not only did each class send some representatives to line up at the school gate to welcome them, but also changed all the fourth period of the school to self-study, in order to gather together later More convenient and unified.

Zhang Qian's third and sixth classes were arranged on the right side of the parking lot at the school gate. 15 of them stood in two rows and were allocated on both sides of the road. Together with students from other classes, they formed a long flow of people. The scene was very Spectacular and lively.

"Everyone pay attention to keep your spirits up. After the county magistrate Wang gets off the car, he will definitely walk along this road. When the county magistrate Wang comes over, everyone must shout loudly and be full of enthusiasm. Don't make mistakes for me. No!" When Ye Wenhua said this seriously, he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Zhang Qian and the others, "I don't want County Magistrate Wang to make any mistakes when he comes here. If anyone dares to disobey the action and command, it will be a crime." Incorrect!"

"Understood, Teacher Ye!" Zhang Qian and the others replied listlessly. Everyone knows that such an important person comes to inspect the school. If something goes wrong, they will not be stupid even if Ye Wenhua doesn't say anything to do so.

"Zhang Qian, let me stand with you, I'm taller than you, you stand in front." Zhang Qian was standing there in a daze, a little bored, but Hao Ren who was next to him suddenly came over at this time, seeming a little nervous Embarrassed, "I, I'm a little nervous. I'm afraid I won't be able to yell out when the leader stutters. Stand behind you to cover it up."

Although Zhang Qian no longer had the feeling of being friends with Hao Ren as before, but after all, for the sake of Hao Ren's help, he naturally agreed without hesitation.After all, for Zhang Qian, there was some misunderstanding between Haoren and him, but after all, they had no feuds, so it was natural to help if they could.

The fourth class was almost noon, and the sun shone fiercely on Zhang Qian's body, making him sweat non-stop.But Wang Zhiqing's car hadn't appeared yet, not only him, but nearly half of the students and all the teachers in the school were already waiting at the door.As time passed, complaints gradually increased.

Zhang Qian heard the dissatisfaction secretly voiced by the students, and he couldn't help but defend Wang Zhiqing a few words in his heart.Originally, he believed that when Wang Zhiqing came to investigate, it was impossible for the school to take the initiative to ask the school to engage in such a big battle. They would be pulled out to stand here to bask in the sun. Wasn't it because the leaders of the school wanted to flatter Wang Zhiqing? To make her more satisfied is to make a claim.If you want to scold, you have to scold the leaders of the school, what does it have to do with Wang Zhiqing.

Zhang Qian turned his head and glanced around boredly, but unexpectedly found that Xu Tiesing, who was not far away, was looking at him from time to time. Seeing his wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, he knew that he must have a bad stomach, although he didn't know what he wanted. What are you doing, but forgive him for not daring to play any tricks during the county magistrate's inspection.Lu Xing's disappearance has indeed brought them a big blow. Xu Tiesing has been in a state of anxiety recently after their plan failed, and his studies have obviously regressed a lot. Several teachers have criticized him. It seems that he If you work harder, there is a high probability of being admitted to the poor class.

If Xu Tiesing was divided into classes, Zhang Qian would undoubtedly be very happy.Whoever loses a noisy fly in his ear will feel much more at ease.

"County Chief Wang is here, everyone pay attention!" Just as Zhang Qian was evilly thinking about Xu Tie Xingyue failing the exam and being assigned to another class, Ye Wenhua suddenly hurriedly shouted.He looked in the direction of the school gate, and sure enough, he saw a convoy of seven or eight cars guarded by black Audi cars slowly driving into the school gate.

The school band standing at the door began to play a welcome song, and the first-grade students on both sides began to shout welcome, warm welcome slogans, and two journalists with cameras on their shoulders and cameras in their hands came down from the car , is taking special shots of this lively scene, and it is estimated that the scenes of this investigation will definitely appear on the county TV station news at night.

After the convoy turned around the flower bed along the school gate, the cars stopped in the empty parking lot one after another.Soon, the leaders of the school walked over with some teachers, and stood respectfully beside the car, waiting for Wang Zhiqing to get off the car.

Looking at the grand scene in front of him, Zhang Qian couldn't help sighing that a leader is a leader, and he will always live in flowers and applause, respect and etiquette. , Don't put the people in your eyes, this kind of courage is something you're used to!

Wang Zhiqing, who got out of the car today, was wearing a sky-blue professional suit that seemed to have been carefully selected. Her beautiful legs, wrapped in black stockings, looked extraordinarily mature, intellectual, and capable.Her hair, which is not too long, was curled behind her head after being ironed, and her calm and calm pretty face was even more beautiful.Such beautiful officials, not to mention in Pinghai City, even if you look at the entire Jiangnan Province, they must be one of the few.

For a moment, the glamorous and inconspicuous Wang Zhiqing immediately became the focus of attention, and photographers and photographers kept taking pictures and videos of this beautiful official.This undoubtedly verifies the old saying that beautiful things always have an inherent attraction to people.

Standing in the line of students welcoming the inspection, Zhang Qian watched Wang Zhiqing shake hands with the principal and exchanged a few words, then led a group of government officials behind him towards this side.He observed faintly, and found that although the welcoming teachers all had smiles on their faces, they all seemed rather stiff and reluctant, without much real enthusiasm.

I am afraid that this has something to do with the matter of the Teacher's House.It seems that it is quite difficult for Wang Zhiqing to truly gain the support of the teachers.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! Welcome, welcome!" Surrounded by a crowd, Wang Zhiqing walked along the line of welcoming students. During this period, the students shouted endlessly, and the welcome song of the band still did not stop.Wang Zhiqing didn't put on a straight face for the school's welcome ceremony for such a special article, but instead showed a rare smile and nodded non-stop at the students as a return gift.

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