Peach Fortune

Chapter 123 Framed

Could it be that he wants to use this opportunity to target himself?Or, this matter was a conspiracy by him, and he wanted to take advantage of Wang Zhiqing's pressure on the school to harm himself?

Zhang Qian looked at Wang Liang who walked out of the crowd, and the guess in his heart began to become more and more credible.

"Principal, Director, I am Wang Liang, a student in Class [-] and [-]." Wang Liang walked out of the student team, and said respectfully to the principal and teachers, "When I was welcoming County Magistrate Wang just now, I clearly saw that A ball of paper was thrown from the team of Class [-] and Class [-] and hit County Magistrate Wang. I can be sure that the person who threw the ball of paper was among the students of Class [-] and Class [-].”

Principal Li frowned, and before the Dean of Students could speak, he said seriously, "Wang Liang, are you sure? You know, if you lie, it is a violation of school discipline, and I will punish you severely!"

"I can assure you that I did see the ball of paper thrown from the third and sixth classes!" Wang Liang confirmed loudly again. On the surface, he was very determined, which made people have to believe.

"Okay, then I'll trust you for now, this ball of paper was indeed thrown from the students in Class [-] and Class [-] of junior high school, then you can see clearly, who threw this ball of paper?" Principal Li was categorical when he saw what Wang Liang said. , Naturally, we have to keep asking. If we can directly know who the culprit is, we can solve this matter as quickly as possible and minimize the responsibility of the school.

Zhang Qian frowned tightly. When he saw Wang Liang's scrutinizing gaze sweeping towards him, he already felt that something was wrong.If Wang Liang really wanted to avenge his brother, he would definitely put the crime on himself!

However, to Zhang Qian's surprise, Wang Liang's eyes quickly swept across his face, and he shook his head at Principal Li with a look of embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Principal Li, I only saw paper balls flying towards you." direction, but I really didn’t see who threw it.”

Principal Li nodded. Although he was disappointed, he could understand.After all, a person's vision is limited, and it is impossible to easily capture the starting point of the paper ball in such a sudden and hasty time, so Wang Liang didn't know it was reasonable.However, his dissatisfaction with the third and sixth classes of junior high school is rapidly increasing.

The incident at the morning meeting on the playground last time made Principal Li a little bit burnt out, but this time it happened again, and it turned out to be the work of someone from Class [-] and Class [-] of junior high. How could you not annoy him?

Soon, he turned his cold gaze to the teachers standing behind him, and Ye Wenhua, who had an ugly face, blamed him, "Ms. Ye, as the head teacher of the third and sixth classes of junior high school, how do you teach students to manage the class?" In view of your dereliction of duty, two months of bonuses will be deducted, and your bonus points for class management will be deducted. I don’t think you are qualified to compete for this year’s outstanding teacher evaluation!”

"I..." Ye Wenhua was really wronged, but the problem was with the students in the third and sixth classes of junior high school, and she didn't have the confidence to defend herself even if she wanted to.Deducting the bonus and losing the qualifications for the selection are already very severe punishments for her. If she can't explain why, I'm afraid the principal will be really angry, and it will be really tragic to transfer herself to teach in elementary school in a fit of anger.Thinking of this, she couldn't help but angrily said to the students in the third and sixth classes of junior high school, "Which one of you did this, come out and clarify yourself!"

If Ye Wenhua felt wronged, the students in the third and sixth classes of junior high school felt even more wronged.For no reason, he became the target of public criticism and the chief culprit who attacked the county magistrate Wang. After a few glances, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

Zhang Qian was a little surprised that Wang Liang didn't use this opportunity to retaliate against him, which made him feel a little unbelievable.Logically speaking, since his brother was exiled from the county, he should hate Zhang Qiancai very much, but how could he take the initiative to give up this great opportunity in front of him?

"Teacher... I, I have something to say." Not long after Ye Wenhua asked aggrieved and angry, an arm was stretched out behind Zhang Qian, and it seemed to be a little timid and slowly stretched out.Zhang Qian turned his head in surprise, and found that the person who made the noise was not someone else, but Hao Ren who had never spoken much.

Zhang Qian was a little curious, and whispered to Hao Ren who was so nervous that his face was flushed, "Hao Ren, did you really see someone throwing paper balls?"

Haoren didn't look at Zhang Qian, but nodded after hesitating for a while with his head down.Seeing that Hao Ren was sure, Zhang Qian also breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, since you know, it's better to announce it earlier, everyone has been in the sun for so long, it's better to settle this matter earlier and rest earlier."

Although the relationship between Haoren and Zhang Qian is no longer as deep as it used to be, at least Zhang Qian feels that what Haoren believes is generally correct and true.When you see it, you see it, so he believes in Haoren.In fact, Zhang Qian himself felt a little curious at this time, who had the guts to write such a love letter and throw it at Wang Zhiqing.This man is really courageous.

"Hao Ren, do you know who threw it? Well, tell me quickly, let the teacher clean up this guy!" Seeing the turning point in the matter, Ye Wenhua couldn't help but look better, and gritted his teeth. Now that I know who it is, I have to burn him!"

Hao Ren blushed, his eyes were a little erratic, and his body seemed to start to tremble so nervous.This expression undoubtedly made Ye Wenhua think that he was afraid that he would be retaliated if he said it out, so he couldn't help but patted his not-so-full chest and vowed, "Hao Ren, don't be afraid, come up with the principles of a Communist Youth League member, only Get the villains out of this class, and our class will have peace, and the school will return to normal. Tell me, who is the guy who threw the ball of paper?"

"Yeah, tell me Hao Ren!" "Yes, tell me, if he is a classmate of our third and sixth classes, everyone should despise him together!" "I'm going to settle accounts with that kid, and ruin our class's reputation. You bastard!" "Yes, bastard, our class doesn't need such scum!"

For a while, the students in the third and sixth classes of the junior high school cheered up Haoren and started cursing.Perhaps because so many classmates cheered him on, Haoren's gaze gradually became firmer. He raised his head suddenly, and fixed his gaze on... Zhang Qian who was standing in front of him!

"Ms. Ye, I saw it with my own eyes. It was Zhang Qian who took out a ball of paper from his pocket and hit County Magistrate Wang. Because I was behind him, I could see clearly." Hao Ren was almost talking. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pointed to Zhang Qian in front of him, and said seriously and affirmatively, "I can be sure that Zhang Qian threw that paper ball!"

"Wow..." As soon as Hao Ren's words came out, the audience was almost in an uproar.At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Qian who was showing a look of shock and surprise, but no one noticed that there was no anger or dissatisfaction in Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes, but she seemed to think of something. Also faintly showing a bit of shyness?

Zhang Qian was really dumbfounded, he stared at Haoren with wide eyes, as if seeing this person for the first time in his life, completely full of strangeness.He can be sure that he never threw that shit ball of paper at all, so the one who told the lie was not him, but Hao Ren in front of him.

Why?Why did Hao Ren, who never lied, open his mouth to lie, why did he frame himself?Zhang Qian didn't think about other things. The first thing that puzzled him was this question.In his eyes, Haoren has always been a good person who is willing to help others and will not lie, but today, right now, he actually lied, and even framed himself!

"Zhang Qian! You, you really disappoint me!" Ye Wenhua trembled angrily, and shouted angrily, "I thought that after you started studying hard, you started to make progress, and you are gradually getting better from a poor student. But you actually did this kind of thing, I really misjudged my eyes! You, go and explain to the principal yourself, today you have to pay for what you did!"

"Explain what? Do you still need to explain this matter? How dare you harass County Magistrate Wang to inspect the work? Such behavior is extremely bad!" Seeing that he had caught the culprit, Principal Li immediately waved his hand and said angrily, "The third grader Is that Zhang Qian from class [-]? Very good, you don’t need to explain anything! Dean, you take him to interrogate immediately, and then punish him severely! Let him disappear from my sight immediately, for this kind of Bad students, the school will never tolerate them!!"

Regarding the severe punishment that the school was going to impose, Zhang Qian, who had become the target of public criticism, didn't show any nervousness or fear on his face, on the contrary, he was very calm.His eyes fell on Wang Liang, who was showing a ruthless look in the crowd, and then he looked at Hao Ren who was standing in front of him, who dared not look him in the eye, and he said calmly, "Hao Ren, what's the matter?" You can't say it face to face, why do you want to do this?"

Haoren turned his face away and said nothing, Zhang Qian wanted to speak again, but Xu Tiesing had appeared not far away from him, gloating and sneering, "Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, you insulted the county magistrate like this! , He deserves it! Haoren is just telling the truth, what is he guilty of? You don’t want to threaten Haoren and make him change the truth? Humph, I’m telling you that’s delusional, even if Haoren didn’t see it , I actually saw it too, you are the one who threw the ball of paper!"

Zhang Qian was stunned at this moment, and soon he seemed to understand something, squinted his eyes and said coldly, "Xu Tiesing, so you did this by yourself, and you wanted to deliberately frame me, didn't you?"

"What framing, this is the truth, I'm just telling the truth! I already knew that you are not a good guy, now everyone can finally see your ugly face! Hmph, how dare you write a love letter to the county magistrate Wang , Just relying on you, that is wishful thinking!" Xu Tiesing stared at Zhang Qian triumphantly, his eyes full of provocation!

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