Peach Fortune

Chapter 124 The body is not afraid of the shadow crooked

Faced with Xu Tiesing's expression and aggressive words, Zhang Qian was clearly sure that the prank and conspiracy this time came from the hands of Xu Tiesing again.This guy seemed to have learned the lesson from last time, but he didn't know how he was able to cooperate with Wang Liang and Hao Ren in private, and the three of them worked together to create this farce.

I have to say that those who don't know the inside story will definitely feel that this conspiracy is perfect. After all, there are three testimonies. If Zhang Qian can't prove his innocence, it will undoubtedly be as solid as a mountain of evidence.And Xu Tiesing also obviously learned the lesson of the last morning meeting incident, leaving Zhang Qian with no trace of evidence at all, and it is impossible to turn the tables!

Such a well-planned trap made Zhang Qian fall into the trap, and his intentions were unstoppable and sinister!Among the three, Wang Liang undoubtedly wanted to avenge his elder brother, while Xu Tiesing had always been Zhang Qian's deadly enemy. What really made him incomprehensible and incomprehensible was Hao Ren's motive.Why on earth is he willing to partner with Xu Tiesing to deal with him?

"Ms. Ye, I don't think Zhang Qian is such a person. After all, he and the county magistrate Wang are so different in age, so how could he have any unreasonable thoughts?" Just when everyone thought Zhang Qian was dead. At that time, Chen Zitong who was next to him suddenly opened his mouth, and even took the initiative to defend him, "As far as we have been at the same table these days, Zhang Qian..."

"Okay, student Chen Zitong, there are now three students who testify together. This is solid evidence. There is no doubt that the culprit is Zhang Qian. It is useless to say anything." Before Chen Zitong finished speaking, Ye Wenhua waved at her. Waving your hands, you said dissatisfiedly, "As the squad leader, sometimes you can't act emotionally, without evidence, how can you justify others indiscriminately?"

"I..." Chen Zitong blushed with embarrassment, and was naturally in a bad mood after being criticized by the teacher in charge.

"Zi Tong, thank you, there is no need to defend me. Some people want to put me to death, so let them come! I, Zhang Qian, am not afraid of the shadow, and I have a clear conscience in doing things. I will be fine. Yes, don't worry." Seeing that Chen Zitong was still about to speak, Zhang Qian hurriedly stopped her while being moved, and winked mischievously at her.

Seeing that Zhang Qian was still in the mood to tease her at this time, Chen Zitong was a little dumbfounded. She walked up to Zhang Qian and said in a low voice, "Don't really think that I want to help you. In fact, I can't understand Xu Tiesing's actions. What he did. He targeted you time and time again. Although I have no evidence, I know in my heart that he must be trying to frame you again in this conspiracy, so he speaks out to defend you. "

"I know, I know, you don't want me to be at the same table, you don't want me to leave you." Zhang Qian said with a cheeky smile, "What kind of thing is that Xu Tiesing? He is too young to play me to death. !"

Chen Zitong's pretty face blushed obviously when Zhang Qian's cheeky words were said, and she said with dissatisfaction, "If you do this again, I will really ignore you! What time is this and I'm still in the mood to joke, hurry up and think of a countermeasure! You ... If you can't admit your innocence, then it will be really troublesome!"

"Trouble? Hehe, I'm afraid it's not certain." Zhang Qian looked at Wang Zhiqing, who was still standing beside him, and said with a ruthless face, "I'm afraid it's still unknown who will win today's matter." Woolen cloth!"

Chen Zitong was stunned. She obviously didn't expect that Zhang Qian, who was completely passive, would be so confident, as if he had a winning ticket.She couldn't help but said anxiously, "Zhang Qian, don't hold on here anymore, hurry up and find a way!"

"What do you want to do? The three of them have already told this matter to death, where can I find evidence?" Zhang Qian pouted and said, "Xu Tiesing wants me to die, so there is no chance for me to stand up. I should come The ones will always come, I'm afraid he's a bird!"

Hearing Zhang Qian's words, Chen Zitong's expression darkened, and he sighed helplessly, "Indeed, it is indeed too difficult for you to prove your innocence..."

Seeing that Chen Zitong was so worried about him, Zhang Qian was undoubtedly moved a little more.He smiled lightly and winked at her, signaling her to be relieved, and then took the initiative to walk out of the student team.

Facing a group of school leaders who were eager to incriminate the teacher, Zhang Qian said with a relaxed expression, "Ms. Ye, the dean of students, and Principal Li, I want to remind you that you are responsible for framing a student casually." Just based on the one-sided words of Xu Tiexing and the others, it seems that the incident at the morning meeting last time has not taught you a lesson. County Magistrate Wang once said that teachers and students must build mutual trust and become confidantes. Friends, what about you? Treat students like wolves and thieves, not only do not trust students, but only consider your own interests, you don’t feel ashamed, I feel ashamed for you!”

What Zhang Qian said shocked all the school leaders and teachers.

No one expected that Zhang Qian, who was the chief culprit, would dare to reprimand the principal and the teachers in a lecturing tone. Such harsh words are completely inconceivable in today's social environment.Zhang Qian seemed to have eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard, and soon aroused public outrage.

"Zhang Qian! You, you are an asshole!!" Principal Li took the lead in angrily shouting, "Do you know what you are talking about? Do you still want to study? Okay, okay, students like you, this school How can I accommodate you! Get out of here, get out of here!!"

"Get out? Why should I get out? Compulsory education is a nine-year system. As long as I don't want to leave school, even if you put me on probation, I'm not qualified to let me get out!" Zhang Qian had long seen that Principal Li was very upset. , seeing his ugly bureaucratic face now is even more dissatisfied, and retorted, "You insult students at will, and you don't deserve to be a principal at all based on your performance!"

"I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off too!!" Principal Li was really eye-opening. He was actually taught face to face by a brat. He was so angry that he almost fainted.At this time, he had long lost his former calmness, and said angrily with his old blushing face, "Okay, if you want to stay on probation, I will give you probation!"

"Slow down!" At this moment, Wang Zhiqing, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly uttered a voice, and Principal Li immediately reacted abruptly, and hurriedly said respectfully, "Wang, County Magistrate Wang, I'm sorry I lost my composure, and I forgot about your request." Exist. Shameless students like this should be dismissed!"

After Wang Zhiqing glanced at Principal Li indifferently, her eyes quickly fell on Zhang Qian who looked relaxed, and said calmly, "Principal Li, what Zhang Qian said is very reasonable, and the matter has not yet been investigated." When the truth comes to light, how can you characterize a student casually? Whether Zhang Qian is a shameless bad student remains to be seen, but I think the way you work as school leaders is very problematic. Treat students, judge problems, Don't you think it's a little sloppy, a little hasty, a little unreasonable?"

Principal Li was taken aback by Wang Zhiqing's words, he quickly reacted and hurriedly explained, "Major Wang, you don't know, Zhang Qian has always been a poor student, usually tricky and mischievous, ignorant , We will not wrong any student, today’s incident is solid evidence, he just wanted to escape punishment. There are witnesses for this matter, it will not be hasty and hasty, and it is completely reasonable.”

"Is that so?" Wang Zhiqing stared at Principal Li coldly, and then blurted out, "Then I have to say, I completely believe that Zhang Qian is innocent, and you still think this matter is still reasonable, and your punishment is correct. ?"

"Wow..." As soon as Wang Zhiqing said these words, the audience was in an uproar!No one expected that Wang Zhiqing directly supported Zhang Qian, a poor student, and didn't care about the throwing of paper balls just now!

This was indeed beyond everyone's expectations, and the school leaders and teachers were all stunned and thought they had heard it wrong.Xu Tiesing, who was standing next to him, who was originally complacent, turned extremely ugly, and the complacent smile that was originally showing became stiff, and he was dumbfounded.

"Wang... Magistrate Wang, what are you talking about? You, you believe that Zhang Qian is innocent?" Principal Li really didn't understand why Wang Zhiqing suddenly wanted to vouch for Zhang Qian under the circumstances of such a complete witness!This is almost impossible to happen, but it happened at this moment!

"Yes, I believe Zhang Qian is innocent." Wang Zhiqing glanced at Zhang Qian with some tenderness, and said with a chuckle, "I think it would be possible for anyone in this school to throw this ball of paper, but only Zhang Qian Qian, I won’t believe it. Originally, I didn’t announce it to avoid suspicion... In fact, Zhang Qian, he is my younger brother. He and I are the closest siblings. So you think, my younger brother will deliberately appear on this occasion Throw paper balls at me?"

quiet.The entire playground, the entire Pailing Junior High School was eerily quiet at this moment.

Zhang Qian is the younger brother of Wang Zhiqing, the county magistrate.When this identity was revealed from Wang Zhiqing's mouth, not only everyone was surprised, but all the students, teachers, and school leaders who thought that Zhang Qian was the culprit felt that they had been slapped hard on the face!

What an international joke, if Wang Zhiqing and Zhang Qian are siblings, wouldn't it be the biggest joke in the world to treat Zhang Qian as the guy who threw paper balls?Will the younger brother of County Magistrate Wang be so bored that he throws a ball of paper at his sister to express his love?From the very beginning, this was a lie that couldn't be substantiated at all!And those who testified against the design to frame Zhang Qian are undoubtedly the real masterminds of this incident!

Principal Li was sweating profusely on his forehead at this moment, he has now fully understood that he has become a tool and pawn used by some people!As soon as he turned his head, he turned his eyes to Xu Tiesing and the three of them fiercely, gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice, "You guys, why don't you hurry up and tell me the truth!!"

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