Peach Fortune

Chapter 125

Xu Tiesing's face was completely pale at this time. From the moment Wang Zhiqing admitted that Zhang Qian was her younger brother, he knew that he had completely lifted a rock and hit his own foot!The ridiculous thing is that he never thought that Zhang Qian, a poor boy, would become siblings with County Magistrate Wang!Originally, he wanted to use Wang Zhiqing to deal with Zhang Qian, but now he realized that all of this was his wishful thinking!

"No wonder... no wonder Zhang Qian looked so relaxed from the very beginning, no wonder he dared to talk back to the principal, it turns out... it turns out that he has no fear at all, and he is watching me frisky like a clown!" Xu Tiesing muttered to himself. When I got here, I almost fainted when my eyes went dark.In desperation, he couldn't help but slap himself hard!

"Plop..." Wang Liang was the first one with trembling legs unable to bear the huge pressure after the lie was exposed. He fell to the ground and begged loudly, "I, I say! Principal, this, this matter was planned by Xu Tiesing Yes, he instructed me to do it, I was completely instructed by him, and I didn't intend to deceive others..."

"Wang Liang! You..." Xu Tiesing didn't care about the burning pain on his cheek, and just wanted to reprimand Wang Liang for being useless, but unexpectedly, Hao Ren on the other side was also frightened and went limp, and said in a flustered voice, " I, I was also instructed by Xu Tiexing, it was him, he asked me to do it..."

Facing the betrayal of the two, Xu Tiesing knew that the general situation was over, and he was powerless to recover.At this moment, he suddenly sneered and said with a gloomy expression, "Okay, you two bastards, you just want to push everything away when something happens? Dreaming! You dare to say that you don't hate Zhang Qian at all. You don’t want to use this incident to make him leave this school? Huh, Wang Liang, you keep saying that you want to take revenge on Zhang Qian, your brother Wang Peng, and you, Hao Ren! Didn’t you say that Zhang Qian is a despicable and shameless villain? , Do you want to teach him a lesson? Why are you all grandchildren now, and you dare not say it? You all put the responsibility on me, do you think it’s okay? I can tell you, none of you can escape!! "

Xu Tiesing's hysterical words made Wang Liang and Hao Ren lower their heads in embarrassment and fear for a moment. This is tantamount to admitting in disguise that the three of them planned and led the incident, in order to deliberately frame Zhang Qian .

Principal Li now feels that his face is really green and white, and he feels very embarrassed at the same time.Just now, he was scolded bloody by Zhang Qian, but now the truth is revealed, but he really has nothing to do with Zhang Qian.If it's just like this, that's all. As the principal, I can completely ignore this matter without admitting my mistake, but what the hell is that Zhang Qian has hidden it so deeply. When did he become the younger brother of the county magistrate Wang Zhiqing!

Other things can be ignored completely, but with his status as the younger brother of the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, Principal Li has to understand that if Zhang Qian is not appeased today, he doesn't have to continue to be the principal anymore!

"Xu Tiexing, Wang Liang, Haoren, the three of you conspired to frame your classmates, and you did not hesitate to use County Magistrate Wang as your tool. You are really daring! If County Magistrate Wang was not smart enough to see through your plot, I might still be arrested now." You were kept in the dark and almost killed the honest and honest student Zhang Qian. The mistakes you made are unforgivable and extremely serious!!" Principal Li knew it well, and he severely reprimanded, "You guys It is really a disgrace to our Pailing Junior High School, and the dean will give you corresponding punishments according to your actions!"

When Haoren heard this, he finally broke down completely. He shook his head and said madly, "No, I'm right, I'm right! I can't be punished, I don't want to be punished, don't!!"

"Hao Ren, the truth has come to light. It's not up to you to decide what's wrong! You're one of the accomplices, so what's the fuss!" "Let me tell you, you can't escape the punishment. Even if you study well, there will be stains on your file in the future! It's useless to regret now, you can do it yourself!"

Hearing the dean's words, Haoren couldn't help but shed tears of remorse. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhang Qian fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all your fault! Zhang Qian, I hate you!" Hypocrisy, I hate your hypocrisy!"

Zhang Qian really felt a little baffled, and asked in confusion, "Hao Ren, why do you hate me so much? What did I do to make you hate me so much?"

"Stop pretending to be pitiful and nice! If it weren't for you, Chen Zitong wouldn't have misunderstood me, and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so desperate for my feelings!" Haoren's eyes revealed anger and madness , loudly said, "But what about you? I used the opportunity of giving Chen Zitong a birthday gift to approach her, but Chen Zitong misunderstood me and made you! Don't think I don't know, you just want to step on my head and Chen Zitong is close! I used to believe that you didn't like her, but later I found out that you also secretly love and like Chen Zitong! Despicable and shameless you, you use me as a pawn and tool to use, you are simply not human!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qian was completely taken aback. He never expected that the reason why Hao Ren would hate him was this.But if you really want to explain it, Zhang Qian seems to be a little confused. You said he doesn't like Chen Zitong?No, he really, really liked her.But he had no intention of deliberately using Haoren at all, because at that time Zhang Qian hadn't developed any affection for Chen Zitong at all!

Haoren's hatred for Zhang Qian was entirely caused by his wild thinking, coupled with the possible inducement of others, no matter whether Zhang Qian explained it or not, I am afraid that it would not be able to change his inner thoughts.In the end Zhang Qian didn't choose to explain, but Chen Zitong next to him blushed and said angrily, "Hao Ren, how can you talk nonsense, Zhang Qian and I are at the same table, what you like or don't like is basically your own wild imagination! "

"Hehe, is it?" Hao Ren may have broken the pot and had no scruples at all, he sneered and turned his head to stare at Zhang Qian, "Zhang Qian, Chen Zitong said you don't like her, do you dare to do that in front of her?" In front of many people, admit that you don't like Chen Zitong!"

Haoren's words made all the students start to whisper in surprise.All eyes were on Zhang Qian who was frozen in place.At this time, Zhang Qian's heart is extremely complicated. He has been forced to go to Liangshan by Haoren, and now he can't advance or retreat at all.

Admitting to liking Chen Zitong in front of so many students, teachers and school leaders?Unless Zhang Qian wants to be the object of gossip among teachers and students in the school, he dare not do so at all.But he admitted that he didn't like Chen Zitong, but he was lying, because he had already fallen in love with this beautiful, lively and kind school girl at the same table, and he couldn't violate his true feelings.

Zhang Qian, who was so entangled, was at war between heaven and man for a while, and didn't know what choice he should make.

"A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is like a gentleman. Although I don't think I am a gentleman, I also don't think I am a bad villain. I can't do things that deceive myself. Like is like, love is love, even if Chen Zitong misunderstands himself , even if everyone will laugh at me, so what?" Thinking of this, Zhang Qian finally decided to speak up, and told Haoren frankly that he really likes Chen Zitong, but he will never use him to pursue the woman he likes!

However, just when Zhang Qian was about to speak, Wang Zhiqing said ahead of time, "As a student, it's not appropriate to be in love all day long, student Haoren, how dare you let go of things that are not allowed by the school rules?" Speaking on the stage, it is simply corrupting the moral style of writing! A student like you is really disappointing. Dean, how do you discipline the students? This is entirely your responsibility, and you must correct student Haoren’s mistakes Notion, now you take the three of them away for education, and you will punish them after a meeting to study. I came to your school not just to watch your jokes!"

Seeing that Wang Zhiqing was showing dissatisfaction, Principal Li hurriedly winked at the dean of students. How could the dean of students not know the seriousness of the problem, so he hurriedly pulled Xu Tiesing and the others out of the playground.

Before Haoren was taken away, he didn't look at Zhang Qian who had escaped. It was obvious that he had accumulated too much resentment towards Zhang Qian, but he didn't look for the problem from himself at all.

The incident caused by a small ball of paper ended in such a ridiculous and chaotic way. Because of Wang Zhiqing's face, Principal Li couldn't help but smiled and apologized to Zhang Qian.After all, the school leaders showed such a humble attitude, even if Zhang Qian couldn't get used to the principal, he had to accept it temporarily.After all, he knew very well in his heart that the reason why Principal Li bowed and apologized to him was only because he was Wang Zhiqing's younger brother, not because of his own strength.

After the episode, under the leadership of Principal Li, Wang Zhiqing and the officials behind her finally passed through the welcoming student team and entered the teaching building.During this period of time, no one asked about the sibling relationship between Wang Zhiqing and Zhang Qian, but it was destined that the exposure of this relationship would bring completely different treatment to Zhang Qian.

Not only the attention from the officials who followed Wang Zhiqing from time to time, not only the enthusiasm and concern shown by the school leaders and teachers, but also the envy and fear in the eyes of the students around.Zhang Qian knew that starting today, his status would be rapidly improved because of his relationship with Wang Zhiqing, and no one would dare to underestimate or disrespect him.However, it is precisely because of this that he seems to have become a member of Wang Zhiqing's side, and Ji Shengchong and the others will truly become mortal enemies and rivals!

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