Peach Fortune

Chapter 126 The Means of Killing in the Cradle 1

In fact, Zhang Qian didn't feel that he would feel much glory when his relationship with Wang Zhiqing was exposed. On the contrary, he even faintly felt a little bit lost after pretending to be a tiger.Indeed, he was really too weak, so weak that he was only in this mere junior high school, and he had to rely on Wang Zhiqing's help to gain a foothold.If Wang Zhiqing didn't take the initiative to reveal her relationship with him this time, if another leader came to inspect this time, then he might really be tricked by Xu Tiesing, and I don't know how to end it.

Ever since the body's genes were changed by the mysterious potion, Zhang Qian felt that he had unknowingly been involved in the power struggle and division of interests in Andu County.Not only because he recognized Wang Zhiqing as his elder sister, but in fact, ever since Ji Shengchong, the magistrate of the county, wanted to plot against his elder sister Zhang Lin, he was doomed to be forced to rise up and resist helplessly.

However, after working hard all the way, Zhang Qian found that the sad reality is that it is quite difficult to become a powerful person without any background. At present, he only has a little bit of money after going through so many crises. The foundation and Wang Zhiqing, the backer of power.It seems that there is still a long way to go if one wants to truly become a master and become a poor student that people no longer despise...

After Wang Zhiqing began to investigate and visit the school, Zhang Qian went back to the classroom with other welcome students.Ye Wenhua, the director of the road office, moved to his side intentionally or unintentionally, Zhang Qian was not used to the anxious look of hesitating to speak.In fact, Zhang Qian knew very well that Ye Wenhua wanted to ease the tense relationship with Wang Zhiqing because of Wang Zhiqing's power.

"Hehe, Zhang Qian, some of my words just now were really too much. The main reason is that I was misled by a student like Xu Tiexing. I hope you don't misunderstand. In fact, the teacher still hopes to be optimistic about you, and you do have the potential to make progress. "In the end, Ye Wenhua moved closer to Zhang Qian, and smiled flatteringly and awkwardly at him, "I hope you will be in front of County Magistrate Wang..."

"Ms. Ye, don't worry, I know it well. You don't need to say anything more." Zhang Qian replied perfunctorily. At this time, he really understood what it means to be rich and have distant relatives in the deep mountains, and poor people who are busy in the city. true meaning of.The teacher who used to yell at him has changed his attitude to be so gentle. All this is the benefit of power...

"Hehe, that's good, that's good, Zhang Qian... You have to work hard for the monthly placement test next month, teacher, I will definitely help you with all my strength." Ye Wenhua was naturally happy when he heard Zhang Qian's assurance Extremely, privately also vowed to start to guarantee.

When Zhang Qian heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Ye, please don't open any back doors for me. I have to rely on my own efforts in the monthly exam. If I really want to be assigned to a bad class, I have no ability. Don't do anything secretly."

Ye Wenhua smiled and didn't speak, but looking at her like that, she seemed to have a plan in mind.Zhang Qian wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen Zitong approaching, he stopped talking.

"Zhang Qian, come here, I have something to tell you." Chen Zitong looked pretty serious, but when Zhang Qian came to her side he hesitated for a while and then said, "What Haoren said just Not really? You, you really used him..."

"No, you have to believe me, I really didn't use him!" Zhang Qian hurriedly argued, "Zitong, you have to believe me, you should know that he gave you a gift at that time, he took the initiative to say that the gift was mine. Yes, I have no intention of using him at all."

After Chen Zitong pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes looked at him seriously, her pretty face flushed a little and she said, "Then why didn't you directly explain that this was a misunderstanding just now, you didn't... mean that you didn't like me at all?"

"Uh..." Zhang Qian was stunned, not knowing how to respond to Chen Zitong's words.It's not that he doesn't want to explain clearly to Haoren, but in fact he can't explain clearly now at all!Why?Because Zhang Qian has indeed fallen in love with Chen Zitong, how do you ask him to explain?

"I should be very close to Haoren, right? If you don't explain clearly because of a misunderstanding, don't you think it's a pity to lose such a good friend?" Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't speak for a long time, Chen Zitong couldn't help but seriously said, "I I feel that Haoren is a good person, and he shouldn't become an enemy with you because of a misunderstanding."

"I..." Zhang Qian really wanted to tell Chen Zitong that I really like you, explaining will only make things more and more unclear!But at this time, he really couldn't speak.Not to mention Chen Zitong's family background, which is tens of thousands of miles away from him, even the gap in learning between him and Chen Zitong himself is huge.It was not the time to confess to her at this time.

Endure, must endure!Zhang Qian forced himself to suppress the eager emotion in his heart.Looking at Chen Zitong's beautiful face, he secretly swore in his heart that one day, when he was really qualified, he would definitely express his inner love in a dignified way!

Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't reply, Chen Zitong thought that Zhang Qian was in a bad mood after being betrayed by a good friend, so he didn't say anything more and fell silent.

After the team Zhang Qian and others returned to the class, the classmates soon whispered what happened on the playground to the whole class, and everyone looked at Zhang Qian differently.There are those who are envious, those who are jealous, and those who are more flattering. The previous disdainful eyes have long since disappeared.

Zhang Qian understands that Wang Zhiqing's identity has brought great shock and impact to the students. No matter how fearful or envious they are, it is only due to Wang Zhiqing's influence. To really convince them, they have to rely on Do it yourself!A man should be self-reliant, if he only relies on a woman to rely on his sister, Zhang Qian will never be able to stand out one day!

Before a self-study class was over, the head teacher, Mrs. Ye, asked all the students to gather in the playground, saying that it was the county magistrate Wang who came to inspect and would hold an important speech at a teacher-student meeting.Although the students were not very happy with the leader's speech, there was nothing they could do. Because of the school's request, the whole class came to the playground on time and lined up to wait.

When the students of the whole school were assembled, the playground was already densely packed.It wasn't until then that the school leaders and the officials came to sit down in front of the rostrum, and Wang Zhiqing's beautiful figure just happened to appear in the center, standing in front of the microphone.

"Students and teachers of Pailing Middle School, hello everyone! I am Wang Zhiqing, the deputy magistrate of Andu County Government." After Wang Zhiqing asked her throat, a pleasant female voice came out of the microphone, and the audience immediately rang There was a big round of applause.

Wang Zhiqing stretched out her hand and pressed down, and the applause stopped immediately.She pressed her red lips to the microphone and continued to speak, "It's a great honor to come to Pailing Middle School with a long history for research today. To be honest, I'm from the capital city, and I've only heard a little about the history of Andu County. After reading President Li's explanation, I realized that this school has produced many national great figures. The famous poet Xu Zhiya, the famous official Wang Lie, the famous reformer Tao Yongqing, the famous old revolutionary Wang Shirong, etc. etc. They are all the pride of Pailing Middle School and our Andu County. As an outsider, I am also proud and happy about the history of our middle school!"

"Papa..." There was another burst of thunderous applause. Wang Zhiqing's method of mobilizing the atmosphere was really good. Even Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel a little proud after hearing it.Among so many students, he was probably the only one who knew the real purpose of Wang Zhiqing's coming here.She suddenly came to Pailing Middle School for research, and it must have a lot to do with the Teacher's Home project.

Teacher Huang, who teaches history and politics, will go to the county government to make trouble with hundreds of teachers tomorrow and the day after tomorrow because of the real estate project of the teacher's home. Wang Zhiqing must kill this kind of desire in the cradle, so she came here today, It must have something to do with it!

Sure enough, soon Wang Zhiqing said, "Actually, I came to Pailing Middle School today for research, and I also understand the difficulties of Pailing Middle School over the years. As one of the old schools, in Andu County, today we are vigorously developing new urban areas. The population of the old city is getting smaller and smaller, and the school is getting old and there is no opportunity for reconstruction. The number of teachers, school funds, etc. are all problems. But I believe that the students and teachers love this school very much, don’t they? We all don’t want all these hundred-year-old schools to gradually decline, and we don’t even want this old Andu county with a long history to be gradually replaced by a new one, right?”

"Yes!!!" Wang Zhiqing's words immediately expressed the hearts of many people.Most of the students and teachers here are people from the old city. Almost all of them have a lot of special feelings for the old city. However, with the development of the new county, the old county gradually began to decline. The territory will gradually be forgotten, won't it?So for a moment, almost in unison, everyone shouted in affirmation.

"Good! I feel the same feelings for the old county. In my hometown, Beijing, many courtyards have now become high-rise buildings, but people often don't know that these disappeared courtyards are history and beautiful. Memories! So now the government has begun to carry out strict protection, and began to restrict the development of old and historical areas such as courtyard houses. I think we should do the same in Andu County. The old county is our history, and what we should protect is History, not letting history and memories disappear casually for the sake of a new house!" Wang Zhiqing said here, and said seriously, "In the area where the old city and the new city meet, a project called Teacher's House will be developed. With the slogan of providing teachers with a place to live, they are developing real estate aggressively, but they want to demolish the most historic Laoguan Street in the old city. What is that place? It is the most educated place in our county, and the first ancient prime minister and number one scholar came out place! You said, would you like to destroy such cultural relics and historic sites?”

As soon as Wang Zhiqing's words came out, the audience was filled with righteous indignation.However, most of the voices were made by the students, and the teachers lowered their heads one by one, wondering what they were thinking.

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