Peach Fortune

Chapter 127 The Means of Killing in the Cradle 2

"Laoguan Street was demolished to build real estate. What is lost is history, and it is the memory of Andu County. But if this is the case, although I feel a little sorry in my heart, in order to make life difficult for many people, I still live in dozens of houses. The teachers in Ping’s old house have a warm home, and they will not refuse to develop this area. However, after I learned about the geology of Laoguan Street, I realized that it is a loose soil area, let alone It is to build high-rise buildings, even building seven-storey houses has hidden dangers, and it is precisely because of this that Laoguan Street is full of low-rise houses at present! But what about the planning of the Teacher’s House? Isn't it a serious violation of construction standards to build high-rise buildings under such soil conditions? Let your hard-working teachers live in dilapidated buildings, students, are you willing?"

"What?? The ground of Laoguan Street can't build high-rise buildings?" "No come no one has mentioned this?" "Damn, is it true or not? If high-rise buildings cannot be built, then what about the Planning Bureau and Construction Bureau Will you allow it?"

The students didn't react much, but as soon as Wang Zhiqing's words came out, all the teachers immediately boiled over.They were all stunned and muttering to themselves in disbelief, most of them had disbelief in their eyes.But due to Wang Zhiqing's status as the county magistrate, no one really dared to question her face to face.

"Teachers, I feel very sad! Maybe you will think that I am scaremongering, but it is indeed the truth. The geological survey record of the Construction Bureau clearly stated the soil survey of Laoguan Street. If you don't believe me, please You can go and ask for the information to be released to check and read to see if I am lying!" Wang Zhiqing naturally knew what the teachers were thinking at this time, she clapped her hands to signal silence, and then said in a deep and serious voice, "It's just , China's current laws do not have clear provisions on soil quality issues, so even if the project of the Teacher's House seriously violates the construction standards, the government departments have no specific laws and regulations to restrict their construction and development. It is precisely because of this that this Only real estate developers dare to take risks, but I would like to ask you, businessmen pursue profits by any means, but in the end you will live in houses with hidden dangers after they are built. Are you willing to really live in houses that may collapse when there is a slight earthquake? ?"

Wang Zhiqing's words hit the teachers' hearts almost every word, making them nervous and creepy in their daze.Zhang Qian couldn't help secretly applauding. He didn't expect that there would be so many tricks in this teacher's home project. No wonder Wang Zhiqing strongly opposed it, and Ji Shengchong's father, the county magistrate Ji, couldn't refute it.It seems that this project can be approved and started, it must not fully comply with the regulations, this guy Ji Shengchong is really insane, he doesn't care about people's lives for the sake of money, he deserves to meet Wang Zhiqing!

The faces of all the teachers were a bit ugly at this time, Wang Zhiqing knew that after clarifying all the interests, she would take advantage of the victory to pursue.She smiled and said, "Teachers, as the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, of course I think about everyone wholeheartedly. There are serious problems with the teacher's home project, and it doesn't mean that everyone is disappointed. Many old teachers' living conditions I am very aware of the bad situation, and I also understand everyone's urgent desire for new housing, so I have already communicated with the Construction Bureau, and I plan to set aside an old city area for renovation, reconstruction, and develop a large-scale commercial housing. Buy it for teachers. I guarantee that the government will provide certain subsidies and guarantees for teachers to buy houses, which will definitely not be less than the teacher's home project!"

"Wow..." As soon as Wang Zhiqing said this, all the teachers were in an uproar.If it is true that there will be such a good policy to buy a new house as she said, is there any difference in the Teacher's House project?The teachers didn't care about the Teacher's House itself, but they cared about being able to buy a cheap and good new house. Since Wang Zhiqing made such a promise, what teacher would be willing to run and protest for the Teacher's House?

Zhang Qian couldn't help giving Wang Zhiqing a thumbs up secretly.This method of swaying eastward and westward is really wonderful!Didn't you use the house of the teachers' house to tempt the teachers to be dissatisfied with the government?Then the government will develop another real estate, which will directly break your game. Let's see what you Ji Shengchong will use to fight Wang Zhiqing!

"Hey! If I knew this, I was still worried! I said that the government would not ignore our people's teachers. The county magistrate Wang is really a good person! It turns out that there are so many tricks in the teacher's home. What a fart to protest! As long as I can get a new house, I, Lao Huang, will be the first to support County Magistrate Wang!" Teacher Huang, who was sitting on the teacher's seat, suddenly stood up emotionally and said, "County Wang, I, Lao Huang, originally I also planned to go to the county government to protest, and now I know that the county magistrate Wang has been thinking about our difficult teachers for a long time, and I will tell the teachers of other schools about this in a while. Anyone who dares to protest is a bastard!"

"Yes, we firmly support County Magistrate Wang's decision!" The teachers all began to express their support for Wang Zhiqing's plan.In this way, the matter of the teachers going to the county government to protest was naturally self-defeating, and such a huge test and crisis for Wang Zhiqing disappeared like this.

Leveraging strength and strength, Wang Zhiqing successfully stifled the brewing crisis with her unique political means and skills.Zhang Qian knew that in this way, Ji Shengchong's teacher's home project would end in a shutdown.This was a huge blow to Ji Shengchong, both economically and in terms of power.Although Lu Xing was not caught, Ji Shengchong and others could not be completely overthrown, but at least the project he invested in could fail completely, which is obviously an obvious revenge.

The following Wang Zhiqing stopped, and did not mention anything about the Teacher's House, but started a discussion with students and teachers on educational reform.Zhang Qian knew in his heart that it was useless to talk too much about some things, as long as the goal was achieved.When this investigation is over, the teachers of Pailing Middle School will undoubtedly spread the news quickly, and soon all the teachers in the county will know the plan of County Mayor Wang, so there will be no worries at all...

The research meeting finally ended with warm applause.Under the leadership of the teachers, the students returned to their respective classes one after another, while Zhang Qian arrived at the principal's office under the leadership of Ye Wenhua.Principal Li, who was in the office, was chatting with Wang Zhiqing and other officials. When he saw Zhang Qian coming, he smiled and said, "Major Wang, your brother is not easy. He will take the exam in the third month of this month. But the first place in the whole grade in the history and politics class is very good."

"Hehe, my younger brother is very good. If Principal Li studies in Pailing Middle School in the future, I will ask you to take care of him." Wang Zhiqing said with a smile, and she didn't want to cast a concerned look at Zhang Qian. .

"That's right, it's our honor that the younger brother of County Magistrate Wang can become a student of Pailing Middle School. I don't need you to tell me to take good care of him." Principal Li said this respectfully, and took the initiative to say, "You guys The siblings should have something to talk about, so we won’t bother you, you can go to the multimedia classroom with me, and have a look at the multimedia teaching that our school has recently researched.”

Seeing Principal Li's suggestion, those officials who followed Wang Zhiqing naturally accompanied them and left together. Soon, only Wang Zhiqing and Zhang Qian were left in the spacious principal's office.

After seeing that the door was closed, Zhang Qian breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Sister Zhiqing, the speech just now was great, and such a big problem was easily resolved by you, which really exceeded my expectations. "

Wang Zhiqing smiled softly, took a sip of hot tea, and said softly, "Zhang Qian, this time the teachers spontaneously organize to go to the county government to protest, there must be the shadow of Ji's family behind them. If I don't kill them in advance This kind of crisis, when it really becomes big, will be quite unfavorable. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon. My advantage is to combat the defects of the teacher's home. Ji Shengchong can invest in the construction of the teacher's home. Why? Can’t I build the same and safe new community to fight against him? With policy support, I believe many companies will be interested, and there is no need to worry about no one investing.”

"That's right, this trick is simply a blow to the bottom. I believe it will definitely hit the Ji family's forces." Zhang Qian said with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry, Sister Zhiqing, I didn't even know such an accident would happen. Xu Tiesing last time Even if you plan on me, I didn’t expect that the one who was so determined would want to take advantage of your opportunity to investigate and do this again. If you hadn’t announced our relationship, I really don’t know how to fight back.”

"There's nothing to apologize for. It's fine even if my relationship with you is announced. Anyway, I already treat you like a younger brother." Wang Zhiqing said with a smile, with a firm look in her eyes, "But this As a result, you will also be in danger, I am worried that if Ji's family will hit you..."

"Hehe, I'm a small person, what's the use of plotting against me? Besides, even if my relationship with you hasn't been disclosed, wouldn't Xu Tiesing still plan to frame me again and again? Sister Zhiqing, I'm fine." Zhang Qian smiled Shaking his head means it's okay.

Wang Zhiqing showed concern on her pretty face, "You still have to be careful. Now that the struggle has reached a critical moment, if the Ji family loses power, they will definitely retaliate again. I have narrowly escaped once, and I forgive them for not daring to do it again. But you are different, so you must be careful. Oh, by the way, if you know any real estate developers, you can recommend them to me. I still have some say in the construction of new communities. "

Zhang Qian was taken aback, what does this mean?These words were tantamount to Wang Zhiqing hinting to him that he could find a cooperative developer for this new project to compete with Teacher's Home Community!If such a community is built in partnership with a developer, the profits will undoubtedly be astronomical.Obviously, it was precisely because Wang Zhiqing absolutely trusted him that she gave him such a good opportunity, which was undoubtedly a kind of trust in Zhang Qian.

But... It is really impossible for a poor student like Zhang Qian to find a developer who can build such a large project.But he didn't refuse directly, if he could find it, it would be a huge opportunity to make money!Naturally, such an opportunity cannot be missed.

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