Peach Fortune

Chapter 133 Security Guards Can Be Heroes 1

Zhang Qian also despised Yu Xiaoren at this time, oh, after shitting, he found that he didn't bring any paper, so he used these security guards as objects to wipe his ass.He was very happy, but he asked the security guards to pay the bill. There is no such thing in the world.Not only him, but all the other security guards showed dissatisfaction, as if they were all dissatisfied with the chief of the finance department of the property company.

It was originally, even if the security guards had the heart to stop the chaotic situation in front of them, they would not be able to stop it, and not every security guard could have the skill of Wu Liuyi.

Speaking of Wu Liuyi, Zhang Qian finally understood why he was so unpopular. What is it called?This is called hitting the bird with a gun.It is precisely because of Wu Liuyi's extraordinary skills and skillful skills that he can easily stand out among the security forces. But the more he is like this, if he is not flexible, unwilling to be filial, unwilling to communicate with his colleagues, and appears so arrogant, he will naturally Will be gradually alienated by colleagues in jealousy.It's no wonder that Captain Wang is always picky about him. This is because Captain Wang has a sense of crisis, but when he encounters a problem, he has to ask for Wu Liuyi's help. The captain ordered Wu Liuyi to protect Yu Fenggong.

On the wide golden marble square outside the gate, there are hundreds of migrant workers who have already smashed the cars of many owners who were about to drive into the community at this time. Pulled out of the car, under the excitement of the crowd, some were slapped in the chaos, their wallets were emptied, and some were punched and kicked, with blood dripping from their faces amidst the screams. Extra scary.

The situation was obviously out of control, so even if Yu Xiaoren called the police, he might have to wait five or six minutes for the police to arrive, but if these migrant workers were allowed to fight like this, the criminals would definitely be arrested, but Yu Fenggong's property company obviously also No need to drive any further.

"Captain Wang... Thank you for your hard work, trouble, we must do our best to protect the safety of the owner... Don't worry, the company is the one who saved people this time. Even if I go bankrupt, I will definitely be responsible for you to the end. Please!" Yu Fenggong finally had no choice He also gave an order to Captain Wang, obviously he didn't want to just watch helplessly and let the situation collapse.

Captain Wang gritted his teeth, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, turned his head and said coldly to the security guards standing beside him, "Brothers, I really worked hard for the company's appearance today! Mr. Yu said that the owner is our God, They are trapped, we can't just watch them get hurt, so we have to rescue them! Brothers who are injured, the company will be responsible for them when they come back, so don't worry about the future. It's time to show the spirit of our security guards , Brothers, rush into the crowd and rescue the owner!!"

Although Captain Wang's voice was very excited and full of passion, the security guards were all preoccupied, and there was obviously not much confidence in their eyes.Zhang Qian always felt that Captain Wang in front of him spoke like the stubborn reactionaries in those old anti-Japanese movies, and even thought it was a little funny.

In desperation, the security guards know that there are tigers in the mountains and they can only go to the mountains, otherwise they know in their hearts that the job will definitely be lost.At this time, a few security guards stood up timidly and said helplessly, "Team Wang, we discussed it with the others. There are too many migrant workers, and we are middle-aged again. Our legs and feet are not in good health, so we are really incapable Go save people. In this way, we will resign now, and the job of security guard will not be given up."

"You..." Captain Wang obviously didn't expect that the security guards in front of him would directly refuse by resigning. An excuse to resign.

No one is a fool, as long as a normal person can tell which is more important than his own body and life, a security job that barely makes a living.Maybe it was stimulated by the resignation of these security guards, Yu Feng said directly, "Okay, I accept your resignation, and the rest of the security guards are good. I will increase the salary of each person by 1000 yuan every month, and I will reward each of you with a bonus of [-] yuan this month! As long as you can rescue the owner safely, I will pay back the money for every one rescued!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward, and those security guards who have not resigned see that they can get so much money, and they are all eager to try.Zhang Qian didn't really care about the money, but he just looked at the owners who were terrified by the migrant workers and thought that as a security guard, he should do his part. This is his duty.

After the remaining security guards divided their respective rescue areas, they rushed into the crowd with uncharged rubber batons in their hands.Zhang Qian didn't feel anything at first, but when he entered the crowd, he realized that if he wanted to save people among so many migrant workers, it could be described as a fairy tale.Seeing the security guards rushing into the queue, those migrant workers who had fallen into madness crowded and harassed them one after another. Several security guards waved rubber batons nervously and beat a few migrant workers, which aroused public anger and was drowned in the monstrous sky. In anger.

Because of Zhang Qian's special ability, he cleverly avoided the migrant workers attacking him one by one, and moved towards the depths of the crowd nimbly.On the other side not far from him, Wu Liuyi was very domineering and insisted on using his superb martial arts to overthrow a large number of migrant workers. Finally, these troublesome migrant workers were frightened and backed away one after another. No one dared to confront him.

This Wu Liuyi, if it was in ancient times, must be a fierce general who charged into battle!Zhang Qian couldn't help secretly admiring him. If he had Wu Liuyi's skill, coupled with his special ability after genetic modification, wouldn't he also be able to become a martial arts master?

The more he thought about it, the more interesting Zhang Qian had an idea at this time, that is to ask Wu Liuyi to teach him how to practice martial arts!However, Wu Liuyi's personality is indifferent and withdrawn. It may not be that simple for him to teach him martial arts, and now is not the time to think about it.

Drilling left and right, Zhang Qian quickly penetrated into the crowd of migrant workers by virtue of his ability to slow down his movement speed.He is like a slippery loach. Several migrant workers tried to catch him, but they couldn't catch him. He always dodged and escaped cleverly.However, although his opportunistic methods are very effective, they are always limited. When the space for moving around becomes narrower and narrower, his ease of doing things quickly becomes dangerous.

At this time, he had already arrived at the area to be reached, and a purple Beetle car was parked in front of him.The door of this car was also deformed by the beating, and one side of the window was broken, but the door was accidentally not opened by the migrant workers.At first, Zhang Qian didn't think too much about it, but when he leaned into the car, he realized that the reason why these migrant workers didn't open the door was because the owner in the car was holding a red escape hammer. knocking on the edge of the window to prevent the migrant workers from reaching out to open the door!

Looking at the pair of small white hands that were exposed from time to time, Zhang Qian naturally understood that the person trapped in the car should be a female owner.At this time, he didn't care too much. After avoiding the attack of a few migrant workers, he knocked down a few of them. After being attacked a few times, he finally staggered to the vicinity of the car.

As soon as he leaned into the car, Zhang Qian picked up the shards of window glass on the ground and waved it loudly, "Anyone of you who dare to approach me will deal with it! Don't blame me for not reminding that the glass is very sharp. If you want to be bloodletted, you can try it. Try!! If you continue to make trouble like this, it will be a criminal case, and you know it is against the law? The police will come soon, and then we will see how you end up!!"

Perhaps it was Zhang Qian's threat that bluffed the migrant workers around, or maybe his shouting calmed them down in their madness for a while. The surrounding area of ​​the purple Beetle was temporarily safe. There was a look of dissatisfaction, but he didn't dare to take a step forward. Obviously, he began to have concerns.

Seeing that these migrant workers did not intend to surround the car, Zhang Qian secretly heaved a sigh of relief, turned his back to the car and knocked on the doorway without looking back, "The owner of the car, I am the security guard of the Gold Coast. Be safe, hide in the car and don't come out, I will protect you outside!"

There was silence in the car, and it seemed that the hostess of this car was a little scared.But also, when encountering such a large number of migrant workers making trouble, smashing cars and dragging people, it is impossible not to be nervous and afraid.

"Thank you... Thank you..." After about tens of seconds, Zhang Qian heard a pleasant female voice in the car. Although he felt that the voice seemed familiar, he didn't look back. The back is open to the eager migrant workers in front of you.

The stalemate continued, and the irritability of the migrant workers began to rise again.Since they could not get the arrears of wages, their behavior today was just a normal salary asking, but it turned into such a large-scale chaos. This will undoubtedly be the most serious group salary asking incident in the history of Andu County. It will definitely add another weight to the already problematic event on the Gold Coast.

Zhang Qian doesn't know what the county government will do when they find out about the trouble, but fortunately Wang Zhiqing is not in charge of people's livelihood and construction, so she will definitely not be implicated. It might not even alarm the province, right?

After Zhang Qian's side was fine for the time being, Wu Liuyi's side was also progressing very smoothly.Because Wu Liuyi's kung fu is really good, usually more than a dozen people teamed up are no match at all, and these migrant workers are really scared, and when they think about their smashing cars and beating people, the nature is already very bad, and they all start to feel timid all of a sudden. Not surprisingly, the scene began to cool down gradually.

However, is it still useful to cool down now?The car was also smashed, and the crime was committed. These migrant workers have changed from victims to perpetrators, and they cannot escape their responsibility.

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