Peach Fortune

Chapter 134 Security Guards Can Be Heroes 2

"Dididi..." A burst of police sirens came from far and near, accompanied by harsh car horns, which immediately made the entire migrant worker team panic.At this time, before they could make any moves, the police car drove to the periphery and stopped steadily with the sound of brakes. As soon as the door opened, a large number of heavily armed policemen came down, and they moved quickly along the square in front of the Gold Coast gate. Spread out in formation, the black shields and black electric batons lined up, making a crisp and orderly sound when they hit the ground!

The majesty displayed by the police in front of them is absolute, and it is even more shocking in front of these migrant workers who have never seen anything in the world. Just setting up the formation like this has already made these migrant workers completely confused, and all of them looked panicked. Don't talk about being at a loss, and quickly gather together, how dare you smash the car or do something to the owner?

Zhang Qian's hanging heart finally calmed down. With the appearance of the police, the chaos was about to come to an end.But looking at the messy, battered and battered cars in front of him, and those owners who were injured on the ground, some of them were covered in blood, Zhang Qian knew that this matter was probably far from over.

Speaking of it, Zhang Qian also felt that he was unlucky enough to encounter such a thing on the first day of work.But since things have happened, there is no need to complain too much.In fact, it is not bad that only a few people were injured in such a chaotic situation. If these migrant workers are more crazy, if the murder and arson happen, it will only be more troublesome.

"Excuse me...can I come out?" Just when Zhang Qian was relieved, the female car owner's voice of inquiry sounded again in the nearly scrapped purple Beetle car.

"Of course, those migrant workers have left the neighborhood now, and the police are surrounding them. They don't dare to do anything anymore. You can come out." When Zhang Qian said this, he actively wanted to open the purple car door, but the result was I found that the door was broken at some point, and it seemed that it couldn't be opened no matter how hard I tried.

In desperation, Zhang Qian looked into the car, just as he wanted the female owner in the car to kick the door open with his foot, but saw the frightened face of the female owner, and couldn't help but After being obviously stunned, he lost his voice and said in surprise, "You, aren't you from the TV station...Anchor Zhao?"

It turned out that the woman sitting in the car at this time turned out to be the female news anchor Zhao Anru that Zhang Qian saw on the TV just now.At this time, she was wearing a white female professional suit, and her slender legs in flesh-colored stockings were curled up with her delicate body. Short safety hammer.

At this time, Zhao Anru was like a bird of fright. How could she be as calm and composed as a female anchor on TV?But when encountering this kind of thing, no one would be able to calm down, let alone she is just a young and beautiful woman to put it bluntly?

"You, you are..." The panic in Zhao Anru's beautiful eyes was gradually dissipating, she looked at Zhang Qian's face and seemed to remember something, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered, you are the director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. ..."

"Friend, hehe." Zhang Qian reminded with a smile. Just as he was about to continue speaking, he was shocked to find that because Zhao Anru's beautiful legs were curled up, and he was wearing only a pair of flesh-colored pantyhose, there was a touch of color under the professional skirt. The rich purple color was printed directly in his eyes, which immediately embarrassed him.

At this time, Zhao Anru seemed to sense something from Zhang Qian's expression, and hastily put down a pair of beautiful legs, which finally resolved the embarrassment.

"All troublemakers, listen up! We are the policemen of the Andu County Police Station and the first team of the Armed Police. You have violated the laws of China. Now I order you to raise your hands and squat on the ground to surrender! For those who do not actively cooperate personnel, we will take you away by force!"

The serious order sounded from the loudspeaker on the police car at this moment. The hundreds of migrant workers who came to collect debts at the gate of the Gold Coast community had completely lost the momentum of vowing to pay debts just now. After they calmed down, Seeing the messy appearance of these smashed cars in front of them, I am afraid that they already felt some remorse in their hearts. Seeing the heavily armed police blocking their way at this time naturally broke their inner defense line even more.

Not long after, these honest migrant workers in the past finally followed the police's orders and squatted on the ground one by one, raising their hands high...

The police quickly rushed forward and began to arrest these troublesome migrant workers. However, due to the large number of these people and the serious shortage of police manpower and vehicles, they could only transport them in batches. All the migrant workers were brought together under the golden wall by the gate.

The ambulance from the hospital arrived following the police car, and soon the doctors and nurses began to bandage and treat the property owners who were injured in the conflict and the injured security guards who rushed into the crowd to rescue them.At this time, the short-term embarrassment between Zhang Qian and Zhao Anru has basically resolved, and he is instructing Zhao Anru to kick open the car door with her jade feet in black high heels.

Hearing the slamming sound of the car door, in order to avoid the embarrassment just now, Zhang Qian turned his body around consciously, so as not to accidentally see Zhao Anru's spring again.It has to be said that Zhao Anru's figure is very slender and sexy, and those beautiful legs are even more heart-throbbing, so Zhang Qian simply came out of sight, otherwise it would not be good to give people the impression of a pervert.

After finally kicking the car door open, Zhao Anru slowly got out of the car.Maybe it was because she was trapped inside for too long just now, her legs were slightly stiff and numb, and she couldn't stand up straight, so Zhang Qian had no choice but to let Zhang Qian support her.Unexpectedly, this support was good, not only the fragrant wind made him almost lost, but also revealing a touch of whiteness, tenderness and fullness when viewed from a high to low place, and the most important thing was that his hands were holding the pretty The slender waist held by one hand is really refreshing but restless.

"Thank you Zhang Qian. If you hadn't saved me in time, I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to deal with those crazy migrant workers." Supported by Zhang Qian, Zhao Anru said gratefully, "Just now I really I was so frightened, I must be very embarrassed now, I made you laugh..."

"How come, you are still the same as the image on the TV, beautiful and temperamental." Zhang Qian is telling the truth, a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, even if she is in a mess, she can still be charming with a frown and a smile.

Complimenting beautiful words is naturally the most pleasant to women, Zhao Anru finally showed some smiles, she looked at Zhang Qian and said strangely, "Zhang Qian, I remember that you were wearing a school uniform last time? Students, right? Why did you become a security guard here again this time?"

"Hehe, I'm a temporary worker, and I'm just here to work on weekends." Zhang Qian explained casually, and asked, "Actually, I'm also very curious. I saw you on the TV in the security department just now. How could this be so?" You're here again and surrounded by those migrant workers?"

"Oh, that's because Andu County TV Station is a recording and broadcasting TV station. Our news is recorded an hour in advance and then uploaded to the computer room for playback, so when you see me on TV, I'm actually off work." When Zhao Anru said this, she said helplessly, "If I had known that something like this would happen, I'm afraid I should have had a rest in the TV station's office just now and come home later."

Zhang Qian looked like this before, he really naively thought that all TV news was broadcast live.When I accompanied Zhao Anru to the gate, I saw that many other slightly injured owners had arrived nearby, and many of them were angrily protesting and complaining to the police standing there.That's right, they were originally just residents here, but they got involved in this conflict inexplicably, and they were wronged and annoyed for sure.

However, looking at the dejected migrant workers who had been controlled by the police and gathered in the distance, Zhang Qian actually felt a little sad in his heart.After such a thing happened, how could those migrant workers want it?They just want to get their hard-earned hard-earned money sooner...

"Hey... Both parties in this conflict are actually victims. To blame can only be blamed on the unscrupulous developer of the Gold Coast community. He violated the law and bribed officials to provide convenience for himself, but he didn't know that it was nothing in the end, and he also harmed these people. The poor migrant workers can't get their wages, and our owners also suffer." At this time, Zhao Anru also showed a trace of helplessness and sigh in her beautiful eyes, and she could see that she sincerely sympathized with these suffering migrant workers.

Zhang Qian had a flash of inspiration and said, "Anchor Zhao, aren't you the hostess of the TV station? You can't do a good interview on this matter. This is rare news."

"You think I don't want to?" Zhao Anru shook his head helplessly, "It's a pity that the freedom of the press is limited. Reporters dare not interview such a vile thing. Even if they did, the TV station would not pass it. But When this happened, the officials in the county should take it very seriously, but the migrant workers at the head might have to suffer a lot.”

Zhang Qian nodded in agreement.Shoot the top bird, catch people and catch the typical.It is impossible for so many migrant workers to be held accountable, and a few key figures who incited emotions will definitely be caught and arrested. I don't know who will be so unlucky.

After Zhao Anru regained her ability to move, she was taken away by the police for a statement-making investigation, including the compensation for her basically scrapped car.And Zhang Qian returned to the security team.Because of the chaos caused by Yu Xiaoren, most of the more than a dozen security guards in the security team were slightly injured, and a small part were seriously injured. The only ones who escaped from the migrant workers' riot were only him and the two who rescued them. Men's Wu Liuyi.

"Captain Wang, look who is here to express condolences to you!" Just when Zhang Qian wanted to chat with Wu Liuyi, who was standing beside him in a silent military posture, Yu Fenggong did not know when he brought a potbellied The police officer walked over, and behind him were several other police officers, among them was an acquaintance of Zhang Qian, Qian Yuxin, the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Zhang Qian really didn't want to meet this friend of his sister's, but he didn't expect Qian Yuxin to see Zhang Qian as soon as he walked over. She was a little surprised and at the same time, she didn't forget to wink at him, which was obviously meant to say hello.Zhang Qian had no choice but to respond with a silly grin.

Speaking of which, after the incident at Jianzui Mountain, Qian Yuxin took the initiative to visit her home twice, saying that she was invited by Zhang Lin, but only she knew what the actual purpose was.As soon as she got home, she kept asking him about Wang Zhiqing's kidnapping one by one, which made him feel a little bit burnt out, afraid that he might say something wrong.So now Zhang Qian is really afraid of Qian Yuxin.

Although she looks good, but such a beauty, he feels that he is not blessed to accept it...

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