Peach Fortune

Chapter 16

"Dad... are you really going to borrow money from Director Chen Xuwu's house? It happened so many years ago, will he accept it?" Looking at the magnificent fountain at the entrance of the high-end community not far away and the two rows of domineering Indus trees, Tree, Zhang Qian always feels that this fact is a little unreliable. The Zhang family and the Chen family are obviously families in two worlds. Is it possible to borrow money now?He continued worriedly, "What if that Uncle Chen doesn't miss his old love?"

"It's been so many years, and to be honest, I don't know much about my heart. Cough cough... Let's go and meet first, we've come to this point, and we have to break through..." Zhang Hailong sighed softly, with Zhang Qian came to the gate of the community.

On the sunny waterfront, these four golden characters carved on the stone pillars at the gate immediately reflected the high-end and luxury of this community.This is a high-end residential area located in Xincheng District, Andu County. It is full of row houses and villas. Chen Xuwu's family is actually in this area. Needless to say, he must be very rich.

However, the general authority should not reveal how rich he is, how could he live in such a high-end community?Originally, Zhang Qian was quite skeptical about this, and even thought that his father had found the wrong place.But after Zhang Hailong explained, he understood that the house here was not bought by him, but by his wife.As for Chen Xuwu's wife, I heard that she had already started a business before he became the director, so she naturally had the financial resources to buy such a high-end real estate.

"You two! Hey, I'm calling you. What kind of place is this? You can't just break in!" Just as Zhang Qian and Zhang Hailong were about to enter the entrance of the community, a security guard walked over from the security booth next to him, his eyes from The two of them glanced at each other and frowned, "What are you doing here? Have you passed the registration review? You don't look like the residents in the way you are dressed, and all outsiders have to register and review. This is not where anyone wants to come and leave. Just go where."

Zhang Hailong was obviously stunned, and he was a little puzzled, "Comrade Security, we are here to find someone, and we need to register and review?"

"Of course, countless people come here to look for people every day. Anyone who doesn't register and check is allowed in. Is it possible?" The security guard said here, looking at Zhang Hailong with a hint of disdain, and then said, "Recently there are thieves Entering the community for frequent operations, we have been on guard all the time, there are thieves on the surveillance who wear similar clothes to you, I think you are suspected of being with them."

Obviously, the security guards have misunderstood, mainly because there is a big problem with Zhang Hailong's attire.Because he doesn't go out all the year round and lives in a difficult life, he hardly has any decent clothes. He is still wearing the old-fashioned army uniform seven or eight years ago, and he is thin and yellow because of illness. He looks like those old old men. Farmers are no different.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Zhang Qian became angry immediately. It's okay to look down on him, but no one is allowed to look down on his father!

"It's the same again. Look at the virtues of the two of you. You have the nerve to go here and lie about looking for someone. The residents here are all rich or expensive residents. How could there be friends like you? I just doubt it. You guys It’s not looking for someone, is it true that you want to go in and steal things?” The security guard said here disdainfully, “Let’s go early if you are more sensible, or if I find out, I will call the police.”

"You are the thief! You are slandering and slandering! What, you almost look like a human in your clothes? You think you are just a security guard, what right do you have to look down on my father!" Zhang Qian was angry Chong Chong said, "Let me tell you, so what if we are poor, does this mean that we can't have rich friends? Don't look down on people, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, believe it or not, one day I will live here too!"

The security guard said impatiently, "Hey, he's talking nonsense. If you don't want to be looked down upon, weigh yourself. Don't embarrass yourself here. Hurry up, or I'll call the police!"

"You..." Zhang Qian was really angry. He absolutely couldn't bear his father being looked down upon. He grabbed the security guard's collar and said, "Why did you let us leave? It's not your house inside. You have What qualifications do you have to point fingers at!"

"What are you doing? You still want to hit someone? F*ck!" The security guard was not a vegetarian. Seeing Zhang Qian grabbing his collar angrily, he immediately couldn't bear it anymore, and punched Zhang Qian first.

However, what he didn't expect was that the fist missed, and Zhang Qian easily dodged it!You know, security guards are generally the work of veterans. Although they have been retired for many years, their skills are better than ordinary people, but this fist was dodged by Zhang Qian at will, which undoubtedly made the security guard think he was I read it wrong.

Soon, the annoyed security guard threw out another punch, this time he punched carefully, and swung it towards Zhang Qian's cheek, no matter the speed and strength, he was sure that this punch would undoubtedly be a sure hit !

The sound of breaking through the air was fleeting, and the fist finally stopped quietly in the air about five centimeters away from Zhang Qian's cheek, and the security guard's second punch was empty again.

"This, this is impossible!" The security guard thought that he had encountered a ghost, and his face was unbelievable.However, Zhang Qian would not be polite to him, and would not be rude to him, so he kicked this guy hard in the stomach, and said loudly, "I will make you look down on me!"

The security guard who got kicked screamed and fell to the ground. This scream also made other security guards in the security booth rush out, at least four or five of them.This time Zhang Qian panicked. He was able to defeat the security guard just now, relying on the deceleration function of moving objects brought by the potion, but this function can only be effective for the target that the eyes focus on, but now it is so There are many people. Without mastering this ability proficiently, Zhang Qian will definitely not be so stupid as to think that he can resist.

"Go, go, son!" Actually, it didn't take long from the security guard's attack to the security guard being knocked down to the ground. It was too late for Zhang Hailong to react. Facing so many security guards rushing to Xingshi to question him, he was extremely anxious. He wanted to pull Zhang Qian out of here.

Zhang Hailong wanted to drag Zhang Qian to escape, but his sick body could no longer exercise vigorously, and he coughed violently after running a few steps.It was impossible for Zhang Qian to leave his father alone, so he could only bite the bullet and stop!

"Where are you going, stop for me!!" Soon, the security guards who caught up surrounded Zhang Qian.Zhang Qian could clearly feel the anger revealed in their eyes.The beaten security guard came over clutching his stomach, pointed at Zhang Qian and cursed, "Catch this brat, he is quicker than anyone else, he is probably the thief who haunted the neighborhood recently! Catch him and hand him over to the police!" "

When several security guards heard this, they wanted to reach out to catch Zhang Qian.

"Didi!!" But at this moment, a car's light shone on everyone, and a car stopped in front of the entrance of the community, and honked its horn.This is because the place where the security guard and Zhang Qian formed a group happened to be in the middle of the driveway at the entrance, blocking the way of the car.

"What's going on? You're standing in the middle of the road, and you're still letting the car pass?" The driver leaned out of the car window and complained to the security guards, "Quickly get out of the way, don't block the driveway!"

Seeing the aggressive approach of the driver, a security guard couldn't help but frowned and said in disbelief, "We are catching thieves, the car will pass first! Your car is going to some place in the community, you have to get off and register."

"Get out of the car and register? Are you kidding me? Take a good look at the license plate of this car!" The driver smiled coldly and said casually, "This neighborhood is quite high-end, why is the quality of security so poor and so blind?"

"You..." The security guard was about to retort a few words, but when his eyes fell on the license plate, his whole face turned pale from fright, and he hurriedly said to the crowd, "What are you still doing, hurry up and turn the driveway Get out of the way! This is the deputy county magistrate's car!"

As soon as they heard the name of the deputy county magistrate, several security guards who were frightened immediately retreated towards the sides of the driveway.When the car arrived at the entrance, the security guard nodded and apologized, "I'm really sorry for wasting your time. The main reason is that we just caught two people who are suspected of being the most likely to have recently carried out theft in the community." Criminals, that's why they're blocking the driveway."

"No, you misunderstood, my son and I are not thieves, we are not bad people, we are really here to find someone!" Seeing that the security guard said that he was catching a thief, Zhang Hailong couldn't help explaining loudly, "We are really here to find someone , The person we are looking for is Chen Xuwu, he is the director of the Construction Bureau, and he lives in Unit 8 of this community!"

"Director Chen? Hmph, do you think we're stupid? You're still looking for Director Chen, you're lying! If you really want to look for it, why didn't you tell me!" The security guard gave Zhang Hailong a look in disbelief, and waved, "Take They arrest them first, and wait for the police to send them away!"

"Wait!" At this moment, a clear and pleasant female voice suddenly sounded in the deputy county magistrate's car, and soon, the female voice was heard again, "Lao Liu, since he gave the address, it is natural It is possible that they are really looking for Chen Xuwu. We happen to be going to Chen Xuwu's place too, so we will give them a ride, and when we see Chen Xuwu, we will naturally know whether they are really looking for someone."

"This..." The driver, Old Liu, didn't continue talking before he finished speaking. He poked his head out of the car window again and said, "Let these two people go in with us to meet Director Chen face to face, and call the police if they get caught. Take them away."

How dare those security guards talk back to the driver of the deputy county magistrate, so they immediately nodded and bowed in agreement.Zhang Qian saw all this in his eyes, and the difference between the front and back of the security guards made him hum in a low voice, "A bunch of bullshit things!"

Soon, the car door opened, Zhang Qian helped Zhang Hailong into the passenger seat, and he opened the back door and got in.Before he got into the car completely, he raised his head and smelled an obvious charming fragrance, and when his eyes fell on the back seat in front of him, he saw the strange woman who had just made a voice in the car.

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