Peach Fortune

Chapter 17 The First Arrival at Chen's House

pretty!This was Zhang Qian's first feeling when he saw her.

Cool!This was Zhang Qian's second feeling when he saw her.

temperament!This was Zhang Qian's third feeling when he saw her.

When these three feelings come together, it is naturally a beautiful woman full of temperament, with a cold face and a feminine look!Although she only has short hair and is wearing a black suit and uniform, this just happens to give full play to her unique femininity.Such a woman may not look amazing at first glance, but the more she looks at her, the more connotative she becomes, the more fascinated she becomes, and the more attractive she becomes!

It is obviously unlikely that such an elegant woman will be the deputy county magistrate. Could it be the deputy county magistrate's wife?Thinking of this, Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel that his guess should be correct.In terms of beauty alone, the wife of the deputy county magistrate might be slightly better than her elder sister Zhang Lin, but if she added her unique temperament, she might not be on par with her, and even slightly overwhelmed her.

Zhang Qian thinks that beautiful women are definitely not bad. After all, he has lived with beauties like his sister Zhang Lin for so many years, so his aesthetic concept is naturally much higher than ordinary people.Chen Zitong is still immature, and if he matures, his beauty can be compared with them.

"Seeing how young you are, you shouldn't have anything to do with Chen Xuwu, right?" The woman didn't seem to shy away from Zhang Qian's sizing her up, and said after the car started, "If I'm not wrong, it should be your father." Come to find someone? I hope that helping you is the right choice."

"Thank you for your help. Don't worry, my father does know Director Chen Xuwu. They have been old friends for decades." Zhang Qian wanted to try his best to prove that he was not lying, and explained, "Chen Xuwu has been away from Andu County for many years. , They haven't seen each other for many years, and then I saw him on TV, so my dad wanted to come with me to meet him."

"That's it..." The beautiful woman nodded and said nothing.Although her face is very delicate, she doesn't look cold.But she doesn't speak too much, and she often gives people a cold and noble feeling with her gestures.

Zhang Qian didn't dare to look more at the beautiful woman beside him, after all he still understood the basic manners.I have already looked at it just now, but it would be a little rude to look at it again.

The car walked along the entrance to the interior of this sunny waterfront community. Rows of row houses built around the small island stood by the lake. And the bursts of ripples.There is a large lake in Andu County, named Andu Lake. The lake is clear and boundless, and the environment is elegant. Almost all high-end residential areas in the county are built around the lake. First, it can sell landscape buildings, and second, it also highlights the environment. with grades.

Walking along the flat driveway, after passing through the rowhouses of the first few units, the car finally stopped steadily in front of the rowhouse located in unit [-].Zhang Qian has never seen so many beautiful houses at such a big age. The No. [-] row house in front of him is a European-style retro building, which is almost the same as the European buildings in the textbook. It stands along the shore of the lake, which is more like It is a beautiful handicraft.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Qianpo helped his father Zhang Hailong to the gate of Unit [-]. There were more than a dozen cars parked here, and a lot of laughter could be heard from the courtyard of the row house, which seemed to be full of people.

Now, Zhang Hailong was a little worried, and he frowned at Zhang Qian in a low voice, "Zhang Qian, what kind of activities are going on here? Why do there seem to be many people here? What, what should I do? If you meet Chen Xuwu alone, if there are so many people, it will be bad if you lose his face."

Indeed, not only Zhang Hailong didn't expect it, Zhang Qian also didn't expect that there would be so many people in Chen Xuwu's house tonight, but the matter has come to this point, they can't go out here until they meet Chen Xuwu.If they leave now, not to mention that the security guards outside will not agree, I am afraid that even the wife of the deputy county magistrate behind him will not agree.There is no other way but to bite the bullet and meet each other.

"Dad, take one step at a time. Anyway, you've already come, so let's see if that Uncle Chen is willing to recognize us." Zhang Qian said with deep eyes, "If he recognizes us, it proves that he still misses us. Yes, but if he despises us and refuses to recognize us, then we will leave immediately, as if we have met an ungrateful villain!"

"Okay, Dad listens to you." Zhang Qian said, Zhang Hailong nodded in agreement.Just at this time, the gate of the courtyard was opened, and a handsome young man in a suit walked out from inside.Zhang Qian reckoned that this man was about 25 or [-] years old, probably not much different from the wife of the deputy county magistrate.

"Oh, County Magistrate Wang, hello, hello, it's really an honor for our family to have you here to attend the party! I'm really sorry, my dad is busy greeting County Magistrate Ji right now, so he really can't make time, so he I have no choice but to pick you up. My name is Chen Gang, and to be honest, I have had some contact with you, hehe, our company took over the recent project of building a teacher's building for the Education Bureau."

Magistrate Wang!Zhang Qian stared dumbfounded at the beautiful woman beside him. Under Chen Gang's warm welcome, her true identity was already revealed.It's not the wife of the deputy county magistrate at all. The young and beautiful woman in front of me is actually the real deputy county magistrate!

Are you kidding, how can such a young and beautiful woman be the deputy county magistrate?At least in Zhang Qian's 17-year career, no matter whether it was on TV or in a meeting arranged by the school, he had never seen a county magistrate who was so young and so beautiful!Even if it's just a deputy county magistrate, that's surprising enough.

The shock this brought to Zhang Qian was indeed huge, and there was obviously a feeling of admiration.Soon, he finally understood why the magistrate Wang had such an incomparable temperament. Apart from his innate charm, of course he also had the authority of an official!When you become an official at the level of deputy county magistrate, how can you not have your own majesty.But it is precisely this kind of majesty that undoubtedly adds a lot to her beauty and makes her even more uniquely charming!

"Mr. Chen, you're being polite. It's only right for your father to entertain County Magistrate Ji. I'm new here and I still have a lot to learn from my peers. Just be as casual as you like. However, I suggest that Mr. Chen should cancel the project of the Education Bureau as soon as possible. The teacher's home is not suitable for our Andu County." The beautiful county magistrate Wang spoke coldly and flatly, at this time she politely raised the gift in her hand and said, "A small gift, for your sister."

"Oh, it's good enough for you to come, what gifts do you bring, haha, then I will thank the county magistrate Wang on behalf of my sister." A trace of solemnity flashed in Chen Gang's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and he said with a smile I came here to receive the gift, looked at Zhang Qian, then extended my hand to County Magistrate Wang enthusiastically, "County Wang, please come inside quickly, many social elites in the county have arrived, they I can’t wait to chat more with you who just took office to build a relationship.”

County Magistrate Wang didn't shake hands with her, but just nodded and wanted to move forward, but at this moment she seemed to have thought of something, and said softly, "Chen Gang, these two are here to find your father, I saw them at the door Just bring them in by the way, and you can take them to find your father."

"Oh?" Chen Gang's complexion changed at this time, squinting his eyes carefully looked at Zhang Qian and his father Zhang Hailong, seemed to hesitate to speak, nodded and said, "Okay, I see, County Magistrate Wang, you go in first, this matter I can handle it."

"Okay." The beautiful county magistrate Wang quickly walked into the yard. When her beautiful back disappeared, Chen Gang suddenly chuckled and said, "I was just wondering why the friend that magistrate Wang brought You can dress so shabby, so they were brought in from outside by the way. Tell me, you are some kind of relatives of my dad, what do you want to help? There have been too many things like this recently, and my dad just transferred two people from other places. Within a month, you will come rushing over like locusts, hehe, there are too many monks and too little porridge, just don’t open your mouth like a lion. How do you call them? Are they my father’s relatives, or my mother’s relatives?”

"You..." Although Chen Gang said very plainly, there was a hint of sarcasm in the words.Obviously, after Chen Xuwu developed, many of his relatives came to ask for help, and Chen Gang seemed to include his father and son in this.Chen Xuwu was born in the countryside, so his relatives probably dressed similarly to Zhang Hailong. It is normal for Chen Gang to have such a misunderstanding.

However, even if the misunderstanding is justifiable, Chen Gang can't treat his former relatives and friends with this attitude and tone, right?Why, when you are developed, you start to be arrogant and arrogant, and look down on your poor relatives?It's all about being arrogant and looking down on people!

Zhang Qian just wanted to speak angrily, but Zhang Hailong reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him.At this time, Zhang Hailong glanced at Chen Gang, and said with a smile, "Just now, you have grown up so much, it's no wonder you forgot me. After so many years, you probably don't have any memories. I am your uncle Hailong, Do you still remember? When you were young, you were sick and had a fever, and I sent you to the hospital, and you had to be hugged before you would sleep, hehe, you were still young at that time, and you always called me daddy."

When Chen Gang heard this, his pupils shrank sharply, and after frowning, he said in surprise, "You, you are Uncle Hai Long?"

"You still recognize me?" Zhang Hailong looked a little excited, "After so many years, I never thought you would recognize me."

Different from Zhang Hailong's excitement, after Chen Gang showed a burst of surprise, his eyes began to flicker, and he even laughed in a panic, "Hehe, well, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you have changed too much. I didn't recognize it. I really didn't expect you, Uncle Hai Long, to come today, this... I, I'll go tell my mother right away. In this way, I'll let someone take you to the room and wait, okay?"

Seeing what Chen Gang said, Zhang Hailong was naturally very happy.After all, he was very nervous about coming here. The two families used to be equal, and even the Zhang family was better, but now the two families are very different. Chen Gang can say that he was arranged to wait in, at least it didn't mean that the Chen family disliked him. them.

"Aunt Niu? Come, come here, take them to the reception room and entertain them well." Seeing that Zhang Hailong agreed to come down, Chen Gang called the maid named Aunt Niu who was next to him, and led the Zhang family towards the reception room. Go in the direction of the small door.

Chen Gang looked at the backs of Zhang Hailong and Zhang Qian, and his brows were deep. At this moment, he was obviously stunned, and he slapped his head as if he had suddenly realized, and murmured, "Oh, why did I forget this, the old man had an appointment with the Zhang family. Dear baby! That young man just now... should be Zhang Hailong's son? Well, this is a door-to-door proposal? No, no, I have to tell Mom the news first! My good sister, you can't really follow this poor Boy, brother, I still rely on you to get rich!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Gang hurriedly walked into the gate of the yard, and walked quickly towards the reception...

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