Peach Fortune

168 Chapter 1

"Zi Tong? Why did you come down alone, where is Zhang Qian?" Yan Qing, who was busy in the kitchen, found that her daughter was standing at the door of the kitchen at some point, her pretty face was flushed, and she couldn't help but ask strangely, "Dish It’s not cooked yet, are you hungry? How about some snacks first?”

Chen Zitong shook his head lightly, his beautiful eyes clearly revealing a complicated and preoccupied color.Seeing her daughter's expression on her face, Yan Qing naturally knew that something must have happened, she couldn't help calling her husband Chen Xuwu to help him continue cooking, she took off her scarf, and took Chen Zitong to the small bedroom on the first floor.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Yan Qing looked at her daughter Chen Zitong who was bowing her head and said nothing, frowned and said, "It's Zhang Qian who bullied you? No way... Zhang Qian doesn't look like anything Bad guy, he's very gentle, how could he bully you? How did he bully you?"

"No... Zhang Qian didn't bully me..." Chen Zitong shook his head, and whispered, "I'm just, just shy and afraid to face him, that's why I came downstairs."

"Shy? What's there to be shy?" Yan Qing looked at Chen Zitong a little strangely, and said earnestly, "My good daughter, Zhang Qian is the nobleman of our family now, you can't make him angry, can your mother's company It all depends on his help to bring the dead back to life! What’s the matter? Tell Mom?”

Chen Zitong pursed her pink lips, blushed and shyly told what happened just now.Originally Yanqing listened very seriously, but after listening, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Zitong, Zitong, you say you are too. It's normal for a boy to like to peek at girls! You're just being watched by him, and you won't be short of arms or legs. Why are you so nervous? Just Because of this, you feel ashamed to see others? You, you, I thought something was wrong!" Yan Qing said with a coquettish smile, looked at Chen Zitong and then changed the subject, " Daughter... I used to think that Zhang Qian was not a good match for you, and I didn't want you to go to his house to endure hardships, so I was very opposed to the doll kiss your father ordered. However, through this period of contact, I found that I was a little bit wrong. He is indeed a young man with strong ability, brains and ability to do things. Although his family is not good, but as long as he has the ability, I believe he will be able to make a fortune. I can see that although the boy didn't say anything, he also voluntarily resigned Marriage contract, but he must still like you very much in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't work hard for his mother's affairs, right? The key now is that you have feelings for him? "

"Mom! What are you talking about...I, I am still young, I have never thought about such a thing." Chen Zitong shyly pulled Yanqing's clothes and said coquettishly, "Zhang Qian and I are classmates and friends It doesn't matter, don't make wild guesses!"

"What random speculation, you ghost girl, don't use these excuses to perfuse me. I don't know how little you think. If you really don't have any interest in Zhang Qian, you will treat him so well? I remember, your boudoir Even your brother won't let him in, let alone Zhang Qian! If you don't like him, I won't believe it!" Yan Qing said with a smirk, "I know, you don't want to have any marriage contract, but The relationship between you and Zhang Qian is not restricted by the older generation, it is up to you whether you want to be together or not."

As if Yan Qing had caught his mind, Chen Zitong said quietly after a long silence, "Actually, I don't know, I'm very confused. Mom... I, I'm a little worried about my relationship with Zhang Qian. One will change how to get along...I am very confused, I really don't know what to do..."

"Silly girl, you have to fight for your own happiness. Zhang Qian likes you. If you like him too, it will be a matter of course. Why do you need to worry about so much?" Yanqing said with a chuckle, "But you both You are still young, you have plenty of time, and your studies are the most important thing, and the two of you will spend more time together to cultivate your relationship, and then you will naturally not feel that you don’t know how to get along with each other.”

Chen Zitong nodded lightly, it seemed that she agreed with her mother.However, at this time, she didn't know that men are proud animals, and if they refuse, there will be many problems.Maybe in her opinion, the decline was just because she was not mentally prepared, but for Zhang Qian, such a refusal meant that she didn't like him, which was a great blow to his confidence.

After the food was cooked, Zhang Qian went downstairs to have dinner with the Chen family.In order not to let the Chen family find out his inner disappointment, Zhang Qian took the initiative to show a smile, trying to pretend to be as cheerful as usual.Naturally, Chen Xuwu and Yan Qing did not notice Zhang Qian's abnormality, and even Chen Zitong thought that the embarrassing scene just now had passed and everything had returned to the usual rhythm.

It wasn't until Zhang Qian walked out of the gate of the Chen family that his eyes revealed a deep sense of helplessness and decadence.Being rejected by the woman he loves, even if this situation falls on anyone, it must be very difficult.Feeling the chaos in his heart, he walked out of the gate of the community where the Chen family lived, but he didn't get over it.

This kind of lovelorn emotion is very complicated, Zhang Qian is in a bad mood, so naturally he doesn't want to go home.After thinking about it, he called Yu Wei and asked the boy to come out to accompany him.Maybe being accompanied by a brother can relieve the stinging heart a little bit?

"Didi!!" Zhang Qian stood on the side of the street and waited for about 10 minutes, when suddenly a car horn sounded behind him.He didn't pay attention at first, but who would have expected that the car would drive directly in front of him. After the door of the passenger's seat was opened, he immediately saw Yu Wei sitting in the driver's seat.

"What are you still doing, get in the car!" Yu Wei honked the horn triumphantly with a smile and said, "How about it, we also own cars now."

After Zhang Qian glanced at the car, he sat in the passenger seat with a smile, and couldn't help but click his tongue, "Okay President Yu, how long has it been since I haven't seen you, even the car is driving , Not bad, did you buy this car yourself or will Zhenlong send it?"

"I bought it myself, a second-hand Jetta, [-], how about it?" As soon as Yu Wei put into gear, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car slid and drove forward rapidly. He couldn't help but said proudly, "Is the power good? I bought it It’s been a long time since I bought this car.”

"Excellent, it seems that President Yu is really developed." Zhang Qian patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll give you the 2 yuan I borrowed last time. Is it okay?"

"Look at you, who are we and who are we? It doesn't matter if you don't pay it back." Yu Wei smiled and said, "If it weren't for you Zhang Qian, I wouldn't have the life I have today. I am grateful to you It’s too late, so what if I give you some money to spend?”

"No, feelings and money belong to one yard. If you owe money, you have to pay it back. It's only right." Zhang Qian said with a soft sigh, "Brother, you are happy and happy, but I am in a bad mood. To tell you the truth, I lost my love today, and I didn't want to go home, and I had no one to accompany me, so I had to call you out."

"Broken love? You?" Yu Wei was surprised at first, but soon he seemed to think of something, and he came back to his senses and said, "You won't be rejected for confessing to the school girl you like? Damn! What? If a woman dares to look down on my brother, I will lead someone to kill her!"

"Kill you dead head! Stop talking useless nonsense." Zhang Qian said helplessly, "I don't want to go home now, I just want to vent the depression in my heart. Find a place."

"It's not easy, go drink!" Seeing Zhang Qian's look down, Yu Wei couldn't help but encourage him, "Zhang Qian, isn't she just a woman? There are so many in this world, you must have not eaten meat yet." Let’s go, today I’ll let you see what flowers are red and willows are green! School belles are nothing, I can arrange a reinforced company for you in one night!”

"Bullshit! You don't understand love at all, don't talk nonsense, you are playing with women, I am pursuing a woman you like, can it be the same?" Zhang Qian was really speechless, "You said drinking, where to drink ? To your house?"

"Hey, you'll know when we get here, I promise you can vent all the unhappiness in your heart tonight, just watch it!" Yu Wei said with a smirk, regardless of what Zhang Qian is With an expression on his face, he accelerated with a kick of the accelerator.

In the car, Zhang Qian called his sister Zhang Lin and made an excuse that he was staying at a friend's house tonight and would not go back.Zhang Lin didn't think too much about it, after all, Zhang Qian was a man and not a woman, and it was impossible for him to have any major problems if he didn't return home at night.She just told Zhang Qian to pay more attention to safety outside.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Qian realized that something was wrong, because the road in front of him was obviously getting farther and farther away from Yu Wei's house, and they were heading towards the suburbs of the new city. He couldn't help but wondered, "Yu Wei, what are you going to bring Where do I go to drink? It seems that your house is not in this direction, right?"

"My house? Forget it, you probably won't be in the mood to drink as soon as you enter my kennel." Yu Wei smiled mysteriously, "Don't you want to vent? Don't worry so much if you want to vent. Listen to me tonight and make sure you let me drink." You drink to your heart's content!"

Zhang Qian originally wanted to say that he couldn't drink much, but when he thought of Chen Zitong's rejection of him, he felt restless for a while.That's all, just drink it, I'm going to let it go today!

The car drove steadily and quickly on the empty avenue, and after about ten minutes, it arrived at the entertainment area on the outskirts of Xincheng.As soon as Zhang Qian saw the feasting lights on the street here, he immediately understood where Yu Wei wanted to take him to drink.

On this entertainment street, apart from singing ktvs, there are nightclubs, bars, saunas, massages, bathing and foot baths and other entertainment venues. After all, Andu County is a tourist county, and there must be a lot of entertainment venues in tourist places.Of course, the area with many entertainment items is also a place where the underworld gathers. Apart from the underground casino, the second important source of income for the True Dragon Club is undoubtedly here.

In the end, Yu Wei's car stopped in front of a max bar that seemed to be the biggest here.

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