Peach Fortune

169 Chapter 1

"Get out of the car, brother, this bar is our destination!" Yu Wei turned off the car key, opened the car door and got out, Zhang Qian got out of the car with him, looking at the brightly lit door of the bar in front of him , the sound of a shocking sound coming from inside has been faintly heard.

Zhang Qian is so old, this is really the first time he has come to a place like a bar.In the past, he only heard people mention everything in it, or saw the rich and rich people inside from the TV. He used to really dream that he could go in and have fun, but now he really has this opportunity to try it. When experiencing it, he was a little timid again.

"Yu Wei, we are only seventeen years old, can we go in and out of such occasions?" Zhang Qian whispered, "Shouldn't bars be allowed under the age of [-]?"

"The rules are like this, but the rule is that the dead are alive. This bar is the property of the True Dragon Club. I am the person in charge of the Andu County True Dragon Club. Do you think it is okay for me to go in?" Wei rolled his eyes, put his arm around Zhang Qian's shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's go, go in and have a look, let you know the beauty of the night!"

"But..." Zhang Qian still hesitated, but Yu Wei pushed him into the door.The deafening music inside instantly increased several times. When the two passed through the somewhat sealed corridor and entered the bar, Zhang Qian was deeply shocked by the colorful lights and the extremely lively scene inside.

There are probably dozens of bar tables in the entire venue of this bar, and dense crowds are either standing or sitting, dancing and shouting heartily in the direction of the DJ by the dance floor, and on the brightly lit dance floor, many young people Beautiful, sexy and hot girls are dancing to their heart's content, surrounded by many booing men.

Everything here is full of passion and a feeling of venting, the loud and explosive music, the dancers wearing short sleeves and miniskirts twisting their waists, the fragrant and exciting pictures make Zhang Qian's blood start to burn And the feeling of boiling up.

"How about it? Is it cool? Let's drink first, and if you don't feel better after a while, go to the dance floor and have a good time, vent all your unhappiness!" Yu Wei smiled and said here, facing the front not far away The well-dressed girls standing in a row pointed at each other and said with a smirk, "These are all hostesses, tell me which one you like, and I'll call you over to drink with you, and you can play however you want. You can touch them however you want, how about it? Although they are not as pretty as your beloved school belle, they are not much different with makeup on, their bodies are also top-notch, and most importantly, they are not reserved!"

As a man, Zhang Qian was a little moved by what Yu Wei said, but then he shook his head resignedly and said, "Forget it, I just want to drink some wine to vent, and these women who play on the spot don't need to accompany them." .”

"I said Zhang Qian, you just can't let go, okay, if you don't look for me, I will envy you!" Yu Wei proudly raised his eyebrows at Zhang Qian, and pulled him towards the central area of ​​the bar .

As soon as the two of them walked to the periphery, there was a row of people in black suits standing there, and it was obvious at a glance that they were members of the gangsters. When they saw Yu Wei, they immediately cheered up one by one, bowed together and shouted loudly , "Happy President!!"

Yu Wei nodded towards them with some momentum, and he glanced at one of them and said, "Lao Liu, are you on duty tonight? Is the business okay? Is there anyone here to make trouble?"

The young man named Lao Liu hastily walked out of the team, came to Yu Wei's side with a smile and said flatteringly, "President Yu, don't worry, who doesn't know that Max is the territory of the True Dragon Club , who dares to act wild, brothers are vegetarians? You can play with confidence, hehe, two new girls are here recently, they are beautiful and good at playing, President Yu is interested, I will call to identify and identify for you ?”

Yu Wei knew that the sixth child was trying to curry favor with him. When he saw two men, Zhang Qian and him, coming to the bar, he naturally wanted to find two escort girls to serve him. He couldn't help laughing, "Okay, just call me. This brother doesn't like it, so I'll take two of them alone, and have fun with them!"

"Okay, President Yu, you're awesome, haha..." The sixth child's laughter was obviously full of lust, and it was obvious that he was not thinking of anything good.Under the guidance of the waiter next to him, Yu Wei took Zhang Qian to the best booth next to the dance floor.

"How about it? You can only sit in this booth if you spend six thousand and sixty-six, but I don't need a penny." Yu Wei pulled Zhang Qian to sit on the spacious sofa in the booth, and smoked a cigarette with Erlang's legs up He said, "Zhang Qian, how else can you say that you don't know how to enjoy happiness? Originally, my position is yours, but you don't want it, see? You are all uncles, this is called enjoyment, This is called life!"

Zhang Qian smiled and didn't answer. He actually didn't want to hurt Yu Wei who was already enjoying himself so much. The real life is not just like him who is rich and luscious. This kind of psychedelic life only in the lights at night will one day will wake up.Yu Wei is different from him. He has no family. He has enough food for one person and the whole family is not hungry. He has no idea of ​​starting a family. Playing with women is like changing clothes. He does not want to get true love at all. He and Yu Wei are people from two worlds. So he rejected the invitation of the gangster True Dragon Club, and gave this opportunity to Yu Wei.

"Come on, come on, meet President Yu soon, let me tell you first, if you make President Yu unhappy tonight, then you two won't be able to hang out here in the future, do you understand!" Just as the waiter started When the wine and fruit plate were placed on the coffee table in the booth, the sixth child just now came over with two girls with heavy makeup, one of them was wearing a suspender skirt and black stockings, and she belonged to the slim type, while The other is wearing a short skirt and a lace shirt, with long blond hair hanging loose, and a plump figure. It really looks like a pair of sisters.

"Hello President name is Susu, and my name is Luanluan. Please take care of me." The two girls greeted Yu Wei with coquettish smiles, needless to say how much coquettishness there was in their tone.Zhang Qian felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard it, it seemed that this woman's whine was really unbearable.

Yu Wei smiled and patted the empty seat beside him, and the two women sat on the left and right sides of him naturally, and leaned their tender bodies softly on Yu Wei's body.It seems that Yu Wei has long been a veteran, so he hugged the two hostesses one by one very naturally, looking at his appearance, not to mention how much he enjoyed himself.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my good brother, Boss Zhang. You should respect him a little bit later. He is huge." As soon as Yu Wei said this, Zhang Qian wanted to strangle him to death. his impulse,

"Boss Zhang, come here. It's the first time we meet. Let me offer you a toast." Before Zhang Qian could speak, the slender girl named Su Su brought the red wine poured by the waiter to Zhang Qian. It's hard to refuse anything, so I can only stare at Yu Wei, then helplessly pick up the wine glass and drink it down.

Speaking of drinking, Zhang Qian's frequency of drinking is really pitiful. To be honest, his drinking capacity is above average. After drinking this glass of red wine, he immediately had some reactions.But before he rested, the plump girl named Luan Luan also toasted him. Zhang Qian shook his head repeatedly and was about to refuse, but unexpectedly, Luan Luan leaned on Zhang Qian's lap unscrupulously, and directly The whole person posted it like this!

The strange touch on the thigh made Zhang Qian feel very embarrassed very quickly. He hurriedly wanted to back away, but unexpectedly that Luan Luan had already leaned on his body, the full chest squeezed his arm, and the red wine glass Just after touching in the air, she had already gulped it down.

Zhang Qian's old face was red, and he felt that half of his body was a little stiff. His hand was pressed under Luan Luan's body and he didn't know where to put it. For a moment, the embarrassing wine glass was still held in the air.

"Boss Zhang, I've already drank all the wine. It's not good for you..." Luan Luan squeezed her body on Zhang Qian's body coquettishly, and even held the red wine glass with a pair of small hands, directly pointing the glass to Zhang Qian. Qian Qian's mouth fed it!

"Okay, Luanluan really has good skills, haha!!" Yu Wei saw that Luanluan had already hung half of his body on Zhang Qian's body, and even fed him a second glass of red wine, and laughed and patted his arms around him. Susu's thighs in black stockings raised her glass and said, "Susu, you have to feed me too!"

"Okay, Chairman Yu...he has very good skills..." Su Su winked and drank the red wine into her mouth, and directly printed it on Yu Wei's mouth!She even fed Yu Wei mouth to mouth!

Zhang Qian stared wide-eyed at such a beautiful scene around him, he didn't expect Yu Wei to have such fun, and kissed each other directly mouth to mouth!He was so surprised that he completely forgot that Luan Luan's body was still hanging on his body!At this time, Miss Luanluan glanced at Zhang Qian with winking eyes, then giggled and said, "Boss Zhang, you are so fascinated by watching, do you want to try it too? Then let's have a good time too." , I promise you will be very comfortable..."

Before Zhang Qian opened his mouth to refuse, Luan Luan actually poured the red wine into his mouth, and was about to print it on his mouth!

"Yu Wei! Zhang Qian! You... what are you doing!!" Just when Zhang Qian was frightened and hurriedly raised his head to avoid Luan Luan's red lips, suddenly there was a burst of scolding with a delicate and angry color The music sounded, and when Yu Wei, who was still immersed in the kiss, looked in the direction of the scolding, there was a hint of panic and surprise in his eyes.

And Zhang Qian took advantage of this moment to avoid Luan Luan's kiss, turned his head and looked in Yu Wei's direction, only to see a person wearing a black dress standing not far from the booth, with anger and dissatisfaction on his pretty face Isn't the beautiful woman Cheng Rou'er, the daughter of the president of the True Dragon Society?

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