Peach Fortune

Chapter 174 There Are Two Beds In The Suite

"Since we lost, let's agree. You should be very clear about what the bet was just now." Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard Wang Peng concede, and almost fell to the ground.If he hadn't gritted his teeth and held his breath, he really couldn't even say these words.

In the fierce fight just now, he relied entirely on his own strength to fight desperately. Not to mention his arm and back were injured by the iron rod, he felt weak all over.In fact, he is only at the end of his strength, and his mind is still aching. Who knows if the special ability will fail.If Wang Peng really continued to fight fiercely with him, it would be hard to say what the outcome would be.

Faced with Zhang Qian's aggressiveness, Wang Peng turned from embarrassment into anger for a while, "Zhang Qian, don't go too far! It's not up to you whether the Gannan Gang will leave Andu County or not, I..."

"You agreed to the bet just now, don't talk to me about the reason here. If you want to bet, you have to admit defeat. Since you admit defeat, you have to get out of Andu County with the Gannan gang!" Zhang Qian gritted his teeth and sneered, "What? Can't afford to lose? If you can't afford to lose, you're still an asshole. If you don't feel ashamed, I'll feel ashamed for you!"

"You..." Wang Peng really wanted to refute, but he couldn't say it at all. Who would let him lose?

In fact, Zhang Qian, Yu Wei and the others knew in their hearts that Wang Peng was neither qualified nor capable of leading the Gannan Gang out of Andu County. This bet was undoubtedly a big problem for him that he couldn't complete.

"Fuck you!" In the end, Wang Peng gritted his teeth and said, "I am not the leader of the Gannan Gang. I have no ability to let the Gannan Gang leave Andu County. Even if you kill me, there is nothing you can do! I can only agree. You guys, I voluntarily resigned as the chairman of the Gannan Gang's Andu Branch, and then left Andu County, never taking another step! In this way, you are always satisfied!!"

At this time, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei looked at each other, and they seemed to be discussing whether to accept Wang Peng's compromise plan.After thinking for a while, Yu Wei snorted and said, "You said it yourself. I don't want to see you in Andu County in the future. Now you can get out. I hope you will abide by the bet and disappear forever!"

Seeing that Yu Wei agreed to the plan, Zhang Qian took back the iron rod that was stretched out.Wang Peng stared at Zhang Qian viciously, and after struggling to get up from the ground, he took the subordinates of the Gannan Gang and left in despair.Originally, he wanted to bring people to the bar run by the True Dragon Club to show off his power, but now not only did he not give the True Dragon Club a disqualification, but he also lost the face of the Gannan Gang, and even made him lose the position of president of the branch. , This may be called stealing chickens without losing money.

After the Gannan gang left, the crisis in the bar was naturally resolved.Zhang Qian held on until now, but he couldn't hold on any longer, and immediately his body became weak and he fell to the ground.At this time, Cheng Rou'er, who was on the side, hurriedly ran to his side with an exclamation, and hugged him tightly in her arms.

"Zhang are you? Don't let anything happen to you..." Seeing Zhang Qian's ugly face, Cheng Rou'er couldn't help crying with red eyes.

At this time, Yu Wei also came to the side, nervously concerned, "Zhang Qian, are you okay? I remember that you were always good at dodging before, why did you get hit twice this time? How is it? Hurt?" Is it great?"

Zhang Qian really had a hard time and couldn't tell. If he knew that his special ability to dodge would disappear for no reason, it would be impossible for him to ask for a duel with Wang Peng.Until now, he is still at a loss as to why the special abilities produced by his body after changing the genes come and go?However, of course he wouldn't tell Yu Wei about this kind of thing, so he could only shake his head helplessly and said, "It's okay, I just exhausted my strength just now, and my body is a little weak from the pain of two sticks, I'll be fine after a rest .”

Before Zhang Qian could continue to say something, Cheng Rou'er hastily rolled up the sleeves of the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing, and found that the arm hit by the iron rod was obviously red and swollen, and even a little purple.When Cheng Rou'er saw this situation, she couldn't hold back the tears that rolled down her pretty face anymore, and choked up with distress, "Look at you, you're all hurt like this and you still say it's okay... Zhang Qian, why are you so stupid, you want to let yourself Injured... I know, you want to drive away these enemies for the real dragon, but you don't have to work so hard... How can I repay your kindness..."

Zhang Qian opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak.He really couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, obviously Cheng Rou'er completely misunderstood.The reason why he was so desperate and took the initiative to challenge Wang Peng was mainly to make Wang Peng dare not go to the supermarket opened by Uncle Wang to make trouble again, not for any real dragon club at all.But on the surface, it seems that he is really trying to stand up for the real dragon society, so it's no wonder Cheng Rou'er is so grateful to him.

But this matter was misunderstood, and Zhang Qian didn't know how to explain it, so he could only smile awkwardly, "Don't be like this Cheng Rou'er... Many subordinates are watching, I'm fine, I was beaten twice Next, just rub some safflower oil on it for a few days, it's fine."

"It's okay, it's all swollen so high..." Cheng Rou'er wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, glared at Yu Wei and said, "Yu Wei, what are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and get the medical kit, Zhang Qian's wound needs to be cleaned up quickly, or it will definitely swell even more tomorrow!"

"Ah?" Yu Wei was stunned, and said bitterly, "That...Miss, this is a bar, where did you get the medical kit...Here, why don't we go back..."

"Back? Where are you going back? Back, Zhang Qian's wound needs to be cleaned up quickly. How about this? My driver has a medical kit in his car, and the hotel he lives in is not far from here. Send Zhang Qian to me first. I'll clean his wound first." When Cheng Rou'er said this, she saw Yu Wei staring at herself in a daze, and immediately realized the slang in her words, she couldn't help but blushed, and stared shyly. , "What are you thinking about, I ordered a hotel suite with... two beds..."

As soon as she said this, Cheng Rou'er's face couldn't help but become more ashamed, obviously thinking of the ambiguous incident with Zhang Qian in the booth just now.At this moment, Zhang Qian couldn't help being embarrassed, he coughed twice and said, "I, I'd better go live at Yu Wei's place... This injury is nothing, just apply some medicine and it will be fine."

"No!!" As soon as Zhang Qian said it, Cheng Rou'er and Yu Wei answered almost in unison, and they couldn't help but looked at each other and were stunned.Yu Wei smiled and said first, "Zhang Qian, don't you know your blessings while you are in the midst of blessings. Missy invites you to stay in a hotel but you still can't stay, and you want to go back with me to squeeze some kind of kennel. How can you be so stupid in the world?" Besides, although the injury on your body is a skin trauma, if it is not treated in time, it will easily cause wound infection. If the injury becomes serious, how will you explain to your family? You are the benefactor of our True Dragon Society, no Take care of your injury, we are also sorry, don't we? Miss, do you think I'm right?"

Hearing what Yu Wei said, Cheng Rou'er nodded shyly, "What Yu Wei said makes sense, Zhang Qian, don't be brave, and listen to us. Yu Wei, take two of your men to help Zhang Qian out first. Bar, I'll call the driver to bring the car over, and I'll meet you at the gate later.

"Okay, miss, leave it to me, you go and call a car first." Yu Wei hurriedly supported Zhang Qian from Cheng Rou'er's hand, and Cheng Rouer looked at Zhang Qian, then turned and left the bar with some reluctance.

It wasn't until Cheng Rou'er's beautiful figure disappeared from sight that Yu Wei sighed enviously and said, "Zhang Qian, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Such a beautiful lady cares about you, but you don't appreciate it. I I can see that Cheng Rou'er really likes you, I don't understand, what's so good about that school belle? Could it be that a beautiful young lady like Cheng Rou'er can't compare to the school belle you love in your heart? As the saying goes, thousands of Don't give up the whole forest just because of a single flower! What's more, you still failed to pursue the school flower, why don't you have a good talk with the eldest lady?"

If Zhang Qian hadn't had the ambiguous and lingering relationship with Cheng Rou'er in the booth, perhaps he wouldn't have thought anything about Yu Wei's words.But now, he had to think deeply about these words.Of course, he is not a fool to see Cheng Rouer's kindness to him. Now that Chen Zitong has rejected his admiration, whether he should treat and cherish Cheng Rouer's affection for him is an urgent question for Zhang Qian to decide.

But... Zhang Qian himself is also at a loss.He said in a daze, "Yu Wei...Actually, I'm also confused. Tell me I don't like Cheng Rou'er...Cheng Rou'er is so beautiful, beautiful, kind, and seems to have a crush on me. Such an excellent girl doesn't like that It's not a man at all!"

"Since this is the case, what else is there to say? Come on! Chase!" Yu Wei helped Zhang Qian, and slowly led him to the bar door while anxiously said, "If you don't take the initiative, are you really letting others Women posting? Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, you keep saying that I don’t understand women. You really think that Cheng Rou’er is one of those enthusiastic, open-minded, playful accompanying girls. If you don’t open your heart, people will take the initiative to fall in love with you hug?"

Zhang Qian smiled helplessly. Yu Wei didn't know that Cheng Rou'er had already embraced him... But the question is, is he really ready to give up Chen Zitong and accept Cheng Rou'er?

Helping Zhang Qian out of the bar, before Yu Wei wanted to say anything else, the black Mercedes-Benz had already parked in front of them smoothly.Cheng Rouer didn't know when she was sitting in the car, she opened the back seat and said to Yu Wei, "Yu Wei, help Zhang Qian in, be careful not to touch his wound."

"Okay!" Yu Wei responded immediately, carefully supported Zhang Qian and got into the car.The moment he put Zhang Qian into the back seat, he whispered in his ear, "Zhang Qian, if you have a chance tonight, take advantage of it, man, don't let your mother-in-law look down on you, just be fine. , What women need is care and love, not rejection and sadness, understand?"

Before Zhang Qian could react, he smirked and slammed the rear door shut...

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