Peach Fortune

Chapter 175 The Incomparably Fragrant Healing Part 1

"Zhang Qian? What did Yu Wei whisper in your ear just now?" The car started slowly, and Cheng Rou'er beside him smiled curiously at Zhang Qian, "What words made you lose your mind like this."

"Ah? No, it's nothing." Zhang Qian shook his head hastily, he didn't dare to say what Yu Wei and Cheng Rou'er said.Looking at Cheng Rou'er who was sitting beside him, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva at the seductive body wrapped in the black dress made of tulle and silk.After the ambiguity at the bar booth just now, he now feels that when he sees Cheng Rou'er, his mind will be reminded of that exciting scene, and his body will react instinctively.

In desperation, Zhang Qian instinctively lowered his head to avoid Cheng Rou'er's delicate body, but unexpectedly, Cheng Rou'er's pair of white and slender beautiful legs, and her jade feet wearing pink Nike sneakers under her beautiful legs came into view.It seems that unless he leaves the car, there is no way for him to keep Cheng Rou'er out of sight...

Fortunately, the hotel is really not too far from the bar under the Dragon Club. Five minutes later, a luxuriously decorated hotel suddenly appeared outside the car window.It was only then that Zhang Qian remembered that the reason why the entertainment venues were concentrated here was because there were nearly a dozen large and small hotels in this area.And the leader among them is naturally the luxurious five-star Kaiyuan Hotel in front of you.

The biggest special feature of this New Century Hotel is the large fountain pool built at its gate.At this time, the colorful lights are shining on a row of white fountains ejected from the fountain pool. Against the background of the lights, the fountain originally composed of water changes into various lusters, which looks magnificent, not to mention. It looks very high-end.

The Mercedes-Benz drove around the fountain pool towards the main entrance of the New Century Hotel. Zhang Qian couldn't help but carefully looked around at the environment here, secretly feeling very satisfied.The reason why I have to take a closer look is because my grandfather's birthday banquet will be held in this hotel soon.Of course, Zhang Qian has no such ability, and everything is handled by the Chen family.Yanqing had already told him that grandpa's birthday had already been decided, and he was just waiting for that day to come.Naturally, Zhang Qian didn't feel any embarrassment about the Chen family organizing the birthday banquet. After all, he helped the Chen family so much, and it was just a small birthday banquet, so what should he not do?

"Cheng Rou'er, every time you come back to Andu County, you always stay in this hotel?" Zhang Qian glanced at Cheng Rou'er beside him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "You're really rich... It's expensive to stay here for one night."

"I don't know very well. Anyway, I made the appointment in my father's name. I can live wherever I can." Cheng Rou'er showed a trace of worry on her pretty face at this time, and said cautiously, "Zhang Qian...are you It's too wasteful not to like me? Then, then I will change hotels to live in the future..."

"No, no, no, it's your freedom to live. I don't like or dislike anything." Zhang Qian shook his head and waved his hands to explain, "Cheng Rou'er, I don't seem to be so narrow-minded. I don't like everything, right?"

"Oh, it's fine if you don't have one." Cheng Rou'er patted her chest lightly, sticking out her tongue playfully to make a reassuring look.Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel a little lost at her pretty appearance, and turned his head away in embarrassment.

Although Cheng Rou'er's worry was suspected of being wild, it was undoubtedly an expression of the importance she attached to herself, which made Zhang Qian's heart somewhat warm.From birth to now, besides family members, who would care about themselves like this?This kind of care makes Zhang Qian, who has been living a poor life and has been looked down upon by others, feel respect and care.

After getting out of the car, Cheng Rou'er hurriedly got out of the car to open the door for Zhang Qian, and then carefully helped him out of the Mercedes-Benz.After instructing the driver a few words, she then helped Zhang Qian into the lobby of the hotel.The two have always been close to each other. Although Zhang Qian wanted to deliberately keep a distance, he was interrupted by Cheng Rouer's enthusiastic support every time.

After taking the elevator to the top floor of the hotel, and going through the long corridor to the deepest part of the room, Zhang Qian was shocked to find that the suite Cheng Rouer was talking about was so big.

In this suite, the overall decoration is European style, and the large living room of nearly fifty square meters is fully equipped with high-end furniture and everything you expect.And there are four doors along the living room, that is to say, there are four living bedrooms in this suite!

" this the presidential suite?" Zhang Qian has never eaten pork, so he has never seen a pig run. The rich people in TV dramas often live in the presidential suite, and it looks no different from the suite in front of us. The same leather sofa, the same large-screen TV, the same wall with various oil paintings, and the same marble dining table...

Cheng Rou'er put the medical insurance in her hand on the spacious coffee table and opened it, pushed him to the back of the sofa, looked for cotton and alcohol for disinfection, and said, "It should be, I didn't ask the details, it was ordered by my father .”

"My dear..." Although Zhang Qian didn't know how much the presidential suite in this hotel cost per night, at least five or six thousand would be the starting price.He can only stay for one night after spending so much money. He has never experienced such a luxurious life and enjoyment, so he can't help but sigh.Don't think that the Dragon Society is just an illegal gangster, but Cheng Rouer's easy access to the presidential suite shows how rich her father is.

"Come on, let me help you disinfect the wound on your arm with alcohol first." Cheng Rou'er took the initiative to pull Zhang Qian's arm and put it on her pair of beautiful legs. The cotton was gently placed on the red, swollen and bruised area.

Alcohol was wiped on the wound, and Zhang Qian's face turned pale with a sudden burst of burning pain.Although he gritted his teeth and didn't shout out, the pained expression undoubtedly betrayed him.

"It hurts, right? Hold on, and it will be fine after the alcohol disinfection." Cheng Rou'er saw Zhang Qian's expression of pain, and couldn't help but hastily blew on the wound. The warm appearance of the red lips exhaled made Zhang Qian's There was another burst of warmth in my heart.At this time, he was a little embarrassed to find that his hand was on her slender and tender legs at some point, so he could only stiffen his arms and turn his head away, not daring to look again.

After frantically smearing the potion on the wound on her arm, Cheng Rou'er blushed slightly and said to Zhang Qian, "Zhang Qian, if you want to apply the potion to disinfect the wound on your back, you have to... give your clothes to the wound first." Just take it off, you..."

"Oh, okay, I'll take it off myself." Zhang Qian wasn't that hypocritical, he knew he had to take off his clothes to heal his back injury, he was a big man, how could he be afraid of getting naked?Without Cheng Rou'er continuing to say anything, he reached out to unbutton his clothes.

"Hiss..." But at this moment, due to his body moving, a tearing pain came from his back immediately, which made him gasp.

Cheng Rou'er saw at a glance that Zhang Qian touched the wound on his back when he unbuttoned it, and hurriedly pressed his hand, and said a little shyly, "Don't move, be careful to touch the wound, still, let me do it... ..."

Before Zhang Qian could react, Cheng Rou'er blushed and stretched out a pair of small hands to the bottom button of Zhang Qian's shirt, and quickly undid the first button.As one button after another was undone in the little hands, the shirt Zhang Qian was wearing was gradually opened, and Cheng Rou'er's little face became more and more beautiful.When she unbuttoned her chest, her little hands couldn't help trembling slightly, which undoubtedly showed the tension and panic in her heart.

Zhang Qian really enjoys the joyful feeling of being undressed by a beauty. Now he really can't help but rush forward to hug her body, and directly push her down on the sofa to perform Fa-rectification on the spot.It's just that reason still managed to restrain his absurd thoughts. After all, Cheng Rou'er made such ambiguous actions because she wanted to give him medicine. If she was really going to push her down, wouldn't that be a suspicion of taking advantage of someone's danger?

Soon, Zhang Qian's shirt was completely taken off by Cheng Rou'er, and the red and swollen mark on his back caused by the iron rod was clearly visible.Cheng Rou'er, with a flushed pretty face, said a little embarrassedly, "Zhang Qian...the wound on your back is inconvenient to clean on the sofa, lie on the bed, can you go to bed?"

bed?Zhang Qian glanced at Cheng Rou'er in embarrassment, but saw her delicate body sitting next to him, and it was really inconvenient to wipe the hand holding the sterile sanitary napkin, so he nodded with a helpless wry smile, "Okay...then, You lead the way?"

"Oh, okay, okay..." Cheng Rou'er hurriedly stood up shyly, maybe because she stood up too fast, but her center of gravity was not stable, and she sat back on the sofa again.The elasticity of the sofa made her tremble up and down. It was nothing at all, but Zhang Qian was about to get up at this time, but his face was facing Cheng Rou'er's chest!

The turbulent waves, the plump and firm twin peaks swaying close at hand, this kind of strong visual impact made Zhang Qian almost stare straight at him!

"Zhang Qian? You, why did you have a nosebleed? Did you hurt your nose from the fight just now?" Cheng Rou'er didn't notice anything unusual at all. When she stood up again, she found that Zhang Qian beside her didn't know when There were two nosebleeds, and he couldn't help worrying, "How is it? Do you feel okay?"

Faced with Cheng Rou'er's question, Zhang Qian could only shake his head dumbfounded.He is really suffering and can't tell, what kind of nose injury is caused by too much anger, okay?

In desperation, he had no choice but to take a few tissues from the coffee table to plug his nostrils.Under the guidance of Cheng Rouer, Zhang Qian walked into the master bedroom of this apartment with her, which was the room where Cheng Rouer lived.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Qian was attracted by the luxurious decoration inside, looked left and right, and finally focused on the big bed in the middle.Indeed, this bed is big enough, and not only is it big, it is also a special round bed, covered with a high-end duvet that echoes gold and purple. Just by looking at it, you don’t know how comfortable it is, let alone sleep on it How good it feels.

At this moment, Zhang Qian couldn't help thinking evilly in his heart, if he could sleep on this bed with Cheng Rou'er tonight, what kind of enjoyment would it be?

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