Peach Fortune

Chapter 25 Find a county magistrate to be your sister

"Don't be ashamed, a poor student pays back [-] a year, only ghosts will believe it!" Xu Tiesing, who was next to him, said sarcastically with obvious disbelief, "I guess I can pay you back in decades."

"I'm talking to Uncle Chen, why do you interrupt?" Zhang Qian glanced at Xu Tiesing, and said coldly, "I'm afraid it's not your turn to speak here as an outsider, right?"

"Outsider? You say I'm an outsider? I..." Xu Tiesing wanted to refute angrily, but his voice stopped abruptly.His eyes widened, but he didn't know what to say.In fact, firstly, he is not from the Chen family, and secondly, he is not qualified to meddle in other people's affairs here, so he is indeed an outsider.However, being called an outsider by Zhang Qian in front of so many people, he obviously felt very uncomfortable in his heart, thinking that he had lost face, and he couldn't help but feel more dissatisfied with Zhang Qian in his heart.

Chen Xu stared blankly at Zhang Qian, obviously he did not expect that the young man in front of him would reject all these conditions.To be honest, for anyone from an ordinary poor family, there is no reason to disagree with such generous conditions.Compared with such a big benefit, how much is the backbone worth?Giving up such a good condition in order to save face is a bit of a loss, and it will be too late to regret it later.

Isn't it?Whether it's a marriage contract with Chen Zitong, or a recommended admission to Chong Gao, this is an excellent opportunity to change the trajectory and path of his life, but he chose to give up categorically, as can be seen from Chen Xuwu's eyes, In addition to surprise and surprise, he always felt that Zhang Qian was a little impulsive and not very satisfied.

"Zhang Qian, you have to think about it. This is not the time to be arrogant and arrogant. Once you pass this village, don't go to that shop. Don't regret it in the end." Chen Xuwu said to Zhang Qian seriously, "This But the best opportunity in your life, I hope you don't miss it."

Why didn't Zhang Qian understand what Chen Xuwu meant?In fact, he was very grateful to Chen Xuwu in his heart. After all, he was probably the only person in the entire Chen family who really valued himself and his father.But sometimes, gratitude is gratitude, and dignity is dignity!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Qian said solemnly, "Everyone has their own personality and temper. Some people are willing to bear the burden of humiliation in exchange for a chance to change their lives, but I won't. I will only move forward step by step. , to rely on my own ability to obtain my own future. Therefore, I think very clearly, Uncle Chen, this is my choice, and I will not regret it."

Hearing Zhang Qian's decisive answer, Chen Xuwu shook his head helplessly and said, " are still too young, anyway, since you insist, I can't say anything, after all, this is your own choice, I respect you. Hai Long, What do you mean?"

Zhang Hailong glanced at Zhang Qian next to him at this time, and said with emotion, "Xu Wu, I actually don't know whether Zhang Qian's choice is right or wrong, but this is the first time I have watched him grow up. Seeing him make his own decision so seriously, my intuition tells me that I should trust my son. He has grown up and has his own ideas, and I should support him. Since Zitong is not willing to do the marriage contract, he reluctantly agrees. There is no good result, since my son said that he has to pass the Chonggao exam by himself, he does not need to be recommended. Even if he fails to pass the Chonggao exam, as long as he is willing to continue studying, then I am relieved. "

"That would be great. Our two families are very happy, and we won't be embarrassed when we meet in the future. Hehe, in the future, Brother Zhang can bring his sister-in-law to play here often. Sometimes Xuwu and I want to find a friend to talk to. Difficult, then Zitong and Zhang Qian's marriage contract is cancelled, it's pretty good between us older generation just talking about friendship, isn't it Xu Wu?" Seeing Zhang Hailong at this time, Yan Qing agreed with Zhang Qian's refusal of the previous agreement Regarding the marriage contract, he couldn't help but hastily spoke up, deliberately winking at Chen Xuwu, the meaning was very clear, he just wanted to settle the matter before the Zhang family repented.

Chen Xuwu nodded, but remained silent.Although Zhang Qian rejected the engagement, it was obvious that he was a little unhappy.Of course, this unhappiness was not directed at the Zhang family and his son, but obviously at his wife and son.If they hadn't been fanning the flames, how could the Zhang family have rejected this engagement?Even if the engagement is canceled now, he doesn't feel any joy.

The matter finally came to an end. In the end, Zhang Qian refused to escort Chonggao and canceled the engagement with Chen Zitong, which made the Chen family heave a sigh of relief.The reception continued, Chen Xuwu took Zhang Hailong to the side to reminisce about the past, while Chen Zitong left the yard without any mood at all.As for Chen Gang, he seemed a little embarrassed and didn't want to stay here any longer, so he picked up his wine glass and walked into the crowd with Xu Tiesing to greet the guests attending the reception.

As for Zhang Qian, he walked to the fountain pool in the yard alone, a little bored, and stared quietly at the spray of water sprayed out of the pool, and became dazed.

The matter of coming to Chen's house was over, but Zhang Qian felt that the pressure on his shoulders increased many times almost instantly.Originally, he really didn't want to continue his studies in high school and university, and he just wanted to devote himself to the society and work hard to make money to support his family.But now his idea is no longer feasible.Now that he has promised his father to fight for this breath, he must work hard to pass the exam, relying on his own diligence to get into the high school, let those who look down on the Zhang family see that Zhang Qian can still go to the key high school without being recommended !

The goal is great, and the vowed words are also very relieved. However, when he simply analyzed it at this time, he knew that he was indeed a little too optimistic.

Among other things, there is only less than three months before the senior high school entrance examination, but his grades are among the bottom three in the class, and within the bottom ten of the whole grade.And to be admitted to the high school, at least the score must be ranked within the top 150 among the [-] students in the whole grade. It is simply impossible for him to change from the bottom of the whole grade to the positive in these three months. task.

However, it is precisely because of the difficulties that the challenge has meaning.Zhang Qian believes that he has a strong memory, as long as he works hard, he can fight hard.Even if you fail in the end, it's an honor to lose!

I don't have much grasp of learning, so I can only work hard.And making money is even more of a problem.Zhang Qian said that he would return the Chen family 2 yuan with interest in one year, which is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for him.If he just relied on him to work as a security guard for the monthly 1000 yuan, it would be impossible to save even a penny if he didn't use it.What's more, security is only a part-time job, and there is a possibility of being fired at any time. If you want to pay back the 2 yuan, you have to think of other ways...

"You don't mind if I come to disturb you?" Just as Zhang Qian was thinking about something in a daze at the fountain, the county magistrate Wang, who was wearing a black lady's suit uniform, suddenly came to him with a glass of wine, making him stop thinking Zhong woke up immediately.

"County Chief Wang? Don't bother me, I'm just bored here, so I'm in a daze." Zhang Qian stuttered when he saw the beautiful and temperamental County Chief Wang.It's not that he hasn't seen beauties before, but it's the aura exuded by this young but beautiful female county magistrate that makes him feel a little inexplicably nervous.Perhaps, this is caused by the aura given to people by officials.

The colorful lights around the fountain refracted from the sparkling water on Wang County Magistrate's beautiful face, giving people a dreamlike feeling.I saw her slowly drinking the red wine in the glass, and her pink lips were stained with the brilliance of the red wine, making her seem more colorful and attractive.Zhang Qian quickly averted his gaze, afraid that his special ability to slow down moving objects would appear at this time, staring at the dignified magistrate's red lips non-stop, not only embarrassing, but also courageous.

"Your name is Zhang Qian, right? I'm Wang Zhiqing. Speaking of which, I'm seven or eight years older than you, so I can just be an older sister. You don't have to be so rigid." Wang Zhiqing's calm eyes fell on Zhang Qian's face, which was rare. She smiled slightly, "If you don't mind, just call me Sister Zhiqing."

At this moment, Zhang Qian obviously felt that he couldn't turn his head around. What's the situation?The dignified young and beautiful deputy county magistrate actually offered to let him be called sister?If it is said that anyone has this kind of treatment, I am afraid that he will not believe it if he is killed!There must be some reason for this, but Zhang Qian is just a poor and poor student. Is there anything worthy of the attention of the county magistrate in front of him?

Seeing Zhang Qian's stunned and incomprehensible look, Wang Zhiqing couldn't help but chuckled, "Are you wondering why I took the initiative to ask you to call me sister, aren't you?"

"Eh..." Zhang Qian couldn't deny that he was indeed thinking about this question.He coughed in embarrassment, "I... I, Zhang Qian, am just a poor student who doesn't study well and has no skills. How can I call you sister..."

"I think you have it, of course you have it." Wang Zhiqing looked at him seriously and said, "Not everyone dares to be upright and confident on this occasion, push back the generous conditions with full of arrogance, and give back the very tempting alms What’s more, your family situation is still very bad. Your actions may be stupid as a person who pursues interests first, but from the perspective of being a human being, I appreciate it. Your performance. Of course, this is not the reason why I want to contact you. Do you still remember that you stopped a thief who was trying to steal a wallet on the side of the road a while ago?"

Zhang Qian was stunned, and after a brief recollection, he suddenly realized, "Ah, I said, why does your back look familiar to me? You, you are the lady whose wallet was almost stolen!"

"Hehe, you probably didn't see my face, because when I turned to you, you were already chasing the thief. That's right, I was the lady whose wallet was almost stolen." Wang Zhiqing chuckled faintly, "You don't I know, maybe because of your unintentional act, you helped me a lot. At that time, there were items that were very important to me in my wallet. If it was stolen, the consequences would be disastrous. I always wanted to thank you, but I didn't know any information about you until I saw you surrounded by security guards at the gate of the community just now."

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