Peach Fortune

Chapter 26 The Secret Discovered by Accident 1

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder you brought me and my father in. It turns out that you recognized me at that time." Zhang Qianhan smiled. He really didn't expect that his luck would be so good that he helped the beautiful county magistrate. Wang Zhiqing was very busy.In fact, he happened to be out of school that day, and saw Wang Li from Class [-] trying to steal someone's wallet, so he took the initiative to remind and scare Wang Li away.

Later, Wang Li's elder brother, the hooligan Wang Peng, asked him to settle accounts, and almost got beaten up?At that time, I thought I was an idiot, and I tried to do thankless things, but now it seems that good people are rewarded... Knowing such a beautiful sister who is the deputy county magistrate, no matter how you say it, is very beneficial to me And harmless.If the relationship with her deepens in the future, it may not even become his backer!

"Now, can you call me Sister Zhiqing?" Wang Zhiqing smiled, "Well, Zhang Qian, why, it seems that you are at a disadvantage when you think of me as your sister? Hmm?"

"No, no, Sister Zhiqing, I'm not at a disadvantage. I feel that it's too late to be happy." Zhang Qian said with a smirk, "There are so many such beautiful sisters, I am naturally very happy."

"Okay, I recognize you as my younger brother. In fact, it suits my taste to be angry at you if nothing else, and I appreciate you very much." Wang Zhiqing's beautiful eyes froze slightly, and she said firmly, "In In you, I see the shadow of myself. My sister is the same as you. She never bows her head and never admits defeat when she is sure of something. When people look down on you, you have to prove it to them, thinking that you can do it, It will definitely work. Maybe it is because of this that I stay away from my parents and elders, leave the familiar living environment, and work in this small southern county. What I want is to use my own efforts to create a sky of my own."

Listening to Wang Zhiqing's words, Zhang Qian knew that this woman must have many stories.Not to mention anything else, a beautiful woman who can become a deputy county magistrate at only 25 years old, the speed of this promotion alone is enough to make many people imagine.

"Do you know why I am coming to the Chen family's reception tonight?" Wang Zhiqing seemed to be in a good mood after recognizing this younger brother, looking at the fountain not far away, she continued to speak slowly, "Although I came to Andu County not long ago. Long, but I can already feel that the various forces here are competing with each other and the complexity of the relationship. From this point of view, I really admire your Uncle Chen. He has only become the director of the Andu County Construction Bureau not long ago. But in it, he is able to do anything and everything. I came to the reception today, but actually I just wanted to get to know him better. Now that I see you, Uncle Chen is really well-rounded and has a good character. At the very least, he can persist in fulfilling his duties more than ten years ago. Commitment when you are down and down, this is remarkable in itself. A person who knows how to adapt without losing his principles is indeed a material for an official."

Zhang Qian was confused by Wang Zhiqing's analysis.After all, he is only a third-year junior high school student, so it is really difficult for him to understand the principles of the officialdom.Seeing Zhang Qian's confused expression, Wang Zhiqing smiled and said, "I just have no one to talk to, so I talked a lot in front of you, hehe, don't blame my sister for talking too much. Well, it's time for me to go too , brother, I just took office, and I am temporarily staying at the Meiyuan Hotel, a government guest house. If you have time, please visit me more. In Andu County, I am a newcomer. I am a stranger and have no friends. I have a brother like you, so I should pay more attention to it. elder sister."

Wang Zhiqing's words immediately made Zhang Qian feel very excited. Visiting the beautiful county magistrate's residence is probably the dream of many men.He also knows that people are first-timers and second-time acquaintances, and only when they come and go can they gradually get acquainted with each other and truly establish a relationship with each other.At that moment, Zhang Qian immediately nodded without hesitation and agreed.

Seeing Zhang Qian's promise, Wang Zhiqing found a piece of paper and a pen, wrote down her private number, and said, "I'm usually very busy, if you want to come and see me, you should call this number in advance to see if I'm in." Not in the room."

"Okay, I know Sister Zhiqing, I will definitely visit you." Zhang Qian took the note and smiled at Wang Zhiqing.

After bidding farewell to the beautiful county magistrate, Zhang Qian's gloomy mood improved somewhat.He also felt that it was about the same time, and it was time to leave the Chen family with his father.

Walking along the woods beside the lawn, when Zhang Qian was looking for his father, in a corner of the yard where trees were planted, he found three furtive figures under the dim light.

Zhang Qian frowned, curiously hid by the trees beside him, looked quietly at the corner of the woods, and suddenly found that he knew all three people hiding in the woods.

The fat man standing at the outermost edge of the forest was Ji Shengchong, while the two leaning against the small tree holding wine glasses were Xu Tiesing and Chen Gang.It seemed that they were discussing something, and it was quite secret, otherwise they wouldn't be hiding in such a corner and whispering.

The position where Zhang Qian was standing was obviously still some distance away from the three of them, so of course it was impossible to hear what they said.It was not far from the edge of the woods, and it was impossible for him to get closer.If it was any closer, they would probably be discovered by them.

But this is not difficult for Zhang Qian, who gave him the ability to slow down the speed of objects, so that he can analyze the words spoken by carefully observing their lip movements?

Soon, the content of the three people's conversation has completely entered Zhang Qian's sight.At this time, Chen Gang and the other three probably never dreamed that what they said had been completely monitored by Zhang Qian.

"Zitong's matter can't just end like this. Brother Gang, you must help me. Although that kid has canceled the engagement, I think your father still seems a little reluctant. He*** , Zhang Qian is really insidious, he dares to snatch the woman I like, I will never end with him!" Xu Tiesing said indignantly, "Chen Zitong is mine, no one can take it away! Since that kid won't eat a toast , don’t blame me for being cruel to him!”

"Xu Tiesing, don't worry, this matter has to be discussed in the long term. My father values ​​the Zhang family and his son very much. If we do something now, we will definitely suspect us. Besides, Zhang Qian has broken off the engagement, and it is impossible for my sister to marry him. Why are you worried about him?" Chen Gang persuaded, "To be entangled with such a poor boy is simply to lower your status."

When Xu Tiesing heard this, his brows relaxed a lot, and he said coldly, "Anyway, I'm not happy seeing this kid. He dares to make trouble in the Chen family, and even gets entangled with Chen Zitong. I must make him look good!"

"Haha, Xu Tiesing, you, you, you don't even look at who you are. Do you need us to do something about this kind of poor man?" Ji Shengchong drank his red wine, his fat face showed a sneer of disdain, and he hummed softly. He said, "This kind of thing is nothing to worry about at all. I also have a grudge against him. I have always wanted to get his sister Zhang Lin. It is rare to have a good chance, but it was destroyed by that kid. If this guy dares to I don't mind helping you to clean up Lao Tzu's good deeds. But women are not the focus now, and what is more important is the matter at hand. Don't lose the big because of small things. What we should think about now is how to deal with that just The beautiful deputy county magistrate who has not been in office for a long time! My father told me privately yesterday that at the meeting of the leadership team, our beautiful deputy county magistrate Wang had already inserted his hand into the teacher's home project we contracted to build. , I want to veto this project of the Education Bureau! You should know, once it is vetoed, what will it mean to our companies participating in this project?"

"No way? How long has the surname Wang been in Andu County? How dare he stretch out his hand so fast?" Xu Tiesing said in surprise, "My father spent a lot of money on this project, and the internal and external relations They have been bribed, and if the deputy county magistrate Wang makes a fuss, the loss will be huge!"

"How dare this deputy magistrate Wang be so awesome? The Teacher's Home project is strongly requested by the Education Bureau. Although she is the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, she is a big project that your father, magistrate Ji, is fully presiding over. How dare she have the guts " Chen Gang was also surprised with disbelief, "Is it impossible? The deputy magistrate Wang has only been in office for a long time, and he has no solid foundation, so he dares to fight against your father? Then she can't do it unless she wants to die! Although she is a subordinate of the capital cadres, but they are newcomers to Andu County. Emperor Shangao is far from saying that it doesn’t matter if you want to have connections and no connections. It doesn’t matter if you want to challenge the authentic local faction so quickly. Miss, I haven't realized that the environment I live in is already different, if this continues, I'm afraid her days in Andu County will end soon!"

"Chen Gang, you are wrong. This woman is not an idiot. On the contrary, she is very smart. Naturally, she has something to rely on for doing this. And this rely is the top leader in the county, Secretary Qian." Ji Shengchong said a little dissatisfied, " This old guy had always been a low-key person. He thought he just wanted to get along well until he retired, but he didn't expect that he would change his decline now and colluded with Deputy County Magistrate Wang. What the hell, among those who spoke out against the Teacher's House project, he turned out to be the most powerful one."

"Secretary Qian of the county party committee?" After Chen Gang and Xu Tiesing glanced at each other, they all gasped, and their expressions became a little serious.At this time, Chen Gang frowned and said, "If this is the case, then the situation may be more complicated than imagined. It is not certain whether the Teacher's House project will really be shelved."

"Teacher's Home is a big project that the company has been focusing on developing recently, and it must not be shelved!" Ji Shengchong's eyes turned cold, and he said indifferently, "Whoever dares to take action on the Teacher's Home project is doing something to us, and that is our enemy. You say , What should we do to deal with the enemy?"

Facing Ji Shengchong's question, Chen Gang frowned and didn't speak. Xu Tiesing next to him seemed to understand a little bit. After trembling slightly, he said nervously, "Brother Ji, you, don't you think..."

"Hmph, whoever hinders our good deeds, let her taste our power! Only by scaring her and leaving her alone, can we make a lot of money, what do you think?" Ji Shengchong said bluntly when he said this, "This Wang Zhiqing has just come to Andu County not long ago, she is not familiar with many places, and she doesn't have any confidantes or reliable subordinates. As long as we catch the opportunity by surprise, we can definitely catch her in the dark as long as there is a good opportunity. If something happens, it's best to control her, even if you can't control it, let this beautiful woman know that this Andu County is not a place where she can do whatever she wants!"

Hearing Ji Shengchong's words, Chen Gang and Xu Tiexing were stunned for a moment, as if they hadn't expected it.Chen Gang frowned, and said with some fear, " mean you want to deal with County Magistrate Wang? Hehe, Sheng Chong, this is probably beyond our ability? No matter how you say it, she is dignified The deputy county magistrate, just relying on us juniors..."

"If it's other officials in Andu County, no matter how arrogant I am, Ji Shengchong, I'm afraid I won't have the guts to threaten. But this Wang Zhiqing has no foundation here, and if we don't show up, even if we give her a slap in the face and give her a blow, she We can only swallow the bitterness in our stomachs. Besides, as long as we keep it secret, where will she find evidence of our crimes?" Ji Shengchong said with disdain, "I said you are too timid, adults don't want to take action We have to take action. Don’t you want the teacher’s home project to continue?”

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