Peach Fortune

Chapter 27 The Secret Discovered by Accident 2

"Of course not, it's just... I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with County Magistrate Wang?" Xu Tiesing hesitated, "I really can't think of any good opportunity to do this."

Ji Shengchong sneered, and said darkly, "My father told me that on the 26th, that is, the next Thursday, the beautiful deputy county magistrate will go to Fuwen Township Primary School to conduct research work. Fuwen Township is poor, with rugged mountain roads. But in one day, it must be very late to return to the county seat, and she is still temporarily staying in a hotel, so it is completely possible for someone to attack her near her residence without anyone noticing, what do you think?"

After Chen Gang and Xu Tiesing looked at each other, they both fell into deep thought without speaking.Zhang Qian, who was hiding by the tree not far away, saw all of this. Not only was he dissatisfied with Ji Shengchong and the others' conspiracy, but he was also worried about Wang Zhiqing's safety.On Thursday at the end of the month, it seemed that something big was going to happen to Wang Zhiqing, but Zhang Qian didn't know how to tell her.After all, the two of them haven't yet gotten to the point where Wang Zhiqing believes everything he says, and casually saying a conspiracy without evidence can only be regarded as a prophecy. Such absurd prophecies, let alone Wang Zhiqing, who is the deputy county magistrate, may be regarded as other people. I won't believe it either.

"This is an opportunity, but we can find someone to do the math." Xu Tiesing showed a bit of ruthlessness, "Who told her to meddle in our profitable business? If my father knew about this, he would definitely be furious and support us .”

"No, your father can't tell him. What we want to do to the county magistrate Wang Zhiqing is only known to the three of us and the guy who did it. Remember not to tell anyone else, including your parents." Ji Shengchong said seriously, " The fewer people who know about this matter, the better, so as not to leak the news. Although Wang Zhiqing is not very powerful in Andu County, she must not be underestimated. Who would be a simple guy who was transferred from the capital? The character? Her background must be very scary, if we let her know that it was a plot by us and she will hold her grudge, then it will be troublesome, do you hear me?"

Chen Gang and Xu Tiesing nodded. At this time, Chen Gang was a little worried and said, "Why don't we... let's not do this kind of thing? Although the teacher's home project has a large loss of capital withdrawal, it can be borne. Take a step back and the sea and the sky will be brighter. Or forget it?"

"Forget it! Chen Gang, why are you, like your father, always wanting to do panacea and stay out of it forever? Let me tell you, don't even think about it!" Ji Shengchong said coldly, "The three of us are just a piece of grass now No one can escape the grasshoppers on the Internet! Your father, Chen Xuwu, doesn’t know how much of the investment you made with us is illegal, right? Want to withdraw now? It’s too late!”

"This... I just said it casually, what you said is ugly." Chen Gang's face changed, and he said with some embarrassment, "I didn't say that I must quit, the company between me and Xu Tiesing is still in operation, How could I leave alone."

"That's right, Mr. Chen. Only by working together can we make a lot of money and gain a foothold in Andu County!" Ji Shengchong seemed to think of something and said, "Next Sunday night in the warehouse of the abandoned wood processing factory There is an underground boxing match, let's go and gamble a few times, and we will probably get a good result. My friend has his eyes on a fighter who is very strong, but he looks unremarkable. The odds must be very high. We buy If he wins, he will definitely make a steady profit. Also, if we go there, we can also look for candidates to deal with Wang Zhiqing. Those guys who engage in underground boxing are mostly outlaws. We have to make good use of these people. I know a force that runs this underground boxing gambling, and I will go and talk to them when the time comes."

"It's a fool not to make money if you have money. Last time we went to an underground boxing match, we made tens of thousands of dollars. It would be great if we could make so much money this time." It can be seen that Chen Gang seems to be interested in this kind of gambling-like illegal boxing. Sai was not very interested, but Xu Tiesing was very excited, and immediately replied, "Next Sunday night, right? Well, Brother Chen Gang and I will be there on time."

"Okay, let's do this first. You should think about this matter carefully. If our real estate company wants to develop, we must pull out the thorn in the flesh. I will call you after I confirm, and we will make a decision together when we come out. "When Ji Shengchong said this, he turned and walked towards the direction where his father, County Magistrate Ji, was.And Chen Gang and Xu Tiesing didn't continue talking, and they also dispersed and left.It seemed that Ji Shengchong's bold plan made them flustered.After all, what they have to deal with is not a small character, but the deputy magistrate of Andu County!Who would you be nervous about?

It wasn't until the three of them left completely that Zhang Qian came out from the woods.His face was gloomy, and his mind was still immersed in the conversation between the three of them just now.After paying half the salary, he made a decision and murmured, "No way, Wang Zhiqing is the sister I just met. It is impossible to let her fall into the conspiracy of these three people like this. On Thursday night at the end of the month, I We must find a way to protect her from being calculated."

Before he could figure out how to protect Wang Zhiqing, his father Zhang Hailong walked out of the side door of the row house and immediately came into Zhang Qian's sight.Accompanied by Zhang Hailong was Chen Xuwu, and it could be seen that the two had a happy conversation without any estrangement.

"Dad, I've been looking for you just now, but I didn't expect you to go into the house." Zhang Qian walked quickly to Zhang Hailong's side, nodded to Chen Xuwu next to him and said politely, "Hello, Uncle Chen."

"Okay, the young man is nice and has personality. Although I don't agree with your rejection of the engagement, I appreciate your temper." Chen Xuwu smiled slightly at Zhang Qian, turned his head and said to Zhang Hailong enviously, "Hai Long, you have A good son, hey... my son Chen Gang, although he has some money now, but his eyes are higher than the top, sometimes he knows how to make do with those rich people, I am really worried that he will get out of the money hole Come, but I don't know how to educate him. His mother doesn't care, but supports him in business, what do you call this?"

"Look at Xu Wu you said, your son Chen Gang is making a lot of money at such a young age, that's his ability, what else do you have to worry about." Zhang Hailong looked in a good mood, and said to Chen Xuwu, "I see Now, you have to look away, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, why should you be too strict, it may be self-defeating instead. Let nature take its course, as long as young people are sensible."

"I hope." Chen Xuwu sighed, looked up at the room on the third floor, and said solemnly, "Hai Long, I will talk to my daughter about the marriage contract, after all, it was agreed before. thing, this..."

"Forget Xu Wu, since your daughter is not willing, then don't force others to make things difficult. Having a marriage contract is actually not a good thing. Let the past be over. This will be good for both of us, and don't create any estrangement. Alright, me and Zhang Qian will leave first, you still have to entertain so many distinguished guests, I really feel sorry for bothering you." Zhang Hailong seemed to take it easy, and he didn't want to mention the marriage contract anymore.

Chen Xuwu nodded and said, "Then Hai Long, you go back first. I will visit your house when I have time. I haven't seen Suzhen for a long time. Next time I go, I can have a drink with Hai Long. Oh, I forgot that you are sick You can't drink alcohol, hehe...Your illness looks very serious, I know a doctor in the hospital, or you..."

"No need for Xu Wu, my illness is chronic, and I can't see it all at once. You have helped me a lot, and I will come to you when I need it, cough cough..." Zhang Hailong shook his head and refused, coughing twice and reluctantly With a smile on his face, he said, "Then let's go, the two families will walk around more in the future, goodbye."

With Chen Xuwu's wave, Zhang Qian helped his father, Zhang Hailong, leave the courtyard of Chen's family, and walked along the road towards the gate of the community.Zhang Qian endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said, "Dad, just now Uncle Chen said he wanted to see a doctor for you, why did you refuse? If your illness can be cured, then..."

"Zhang Qian, do you think your father is someone who has no eyesight?" Zhang Hailong interrupted Zhang Qian's words and sighed, "Now the Chen family and the Zhang family are families in two worlds, and they are no longer eligible We are talking about brothers and sisters on an equal footing. Except for Chen Xuwu, no one in the entire Chen family, even those guests, would want to deal with us, and no one would look down on us at all. Chen Xuwu was willing to treat me, but I lost I'm sorry for that person. You are right. The poor have nothing, but they still have some backbone. Your father and I are here just to sell an old face to help you in the future, but even you are not willing to accept this How can I, Zhang Hailong, be the kind of guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death? Asking Xu Wu today for a loan of 1 yuan is already shameful enough, how can I have the nerve to ask him to help me treat my illness!"

After listening to his father's words, Zhang Qian quickly understood.Yes, Chen Xuwu did still regard his father as a friend, but the rest of the Chen family no longer really respected his father.It is already very embarrassing to take the 1 yuan from the Chen family. If Chen Xuwu is asked to help treat the disease, then I don't know how the Chen family will be dissatisfied with their father.Rather than being insulted, it's better to have the backbone to refuse directly.

Thinking of the 1 yuan, Zhang Qian felt that the pressure on himself had undoubtedly increased.He swore in Chen's house that if he borrowed 1 yuan, he would have to pay back 2 yuan with interest a year later. Money is undoubtedly astronomical.

Frowning, Zhang Qian quickly thought of what Ji Shengchong said in the corner of Chen's courtyard just now about underground boxing and gambling, and couldn't help but think secretly.Although Zhang Qian doesn't know the rules of underground boxing, he can be sure that it is not much different from the boxing gambling in the movie.This kind of gambling method that relies on boxers fighting each other in the ring to determine the outcome, and betting on the final settlement according to the pre-match odds is not difficult to understand.

If it was before, Zhang Qian might not even have the qualifications to think about this way of making money, but now it is different.After possessing the ability to slow down the speed of objects, Zhang Qian didn't dare to be sure about other aspects, but he was undoubtedly invincible in fighting.As long as it's not a group fight, he might not be able to win a one-on-one match, but it is absolutely impossible to lose, so this underground boxing match has a great chance to make a lot of money!

"Zhang Qian? What are you thinking?" Seeing that his son seemed to be preoccupied, Zhang Hailong couldn't help comforting him, "I know what you said at Chen's house just now put a lot of pressure on me, so don't worry too much, father. I'm also thinking about it. If you work hard and still can't get into the high school, that's okay. If you get into the general high school, you can get into the university. As for the money, you Uncle Chen said, although it is a loan, but Next year, just repay him the principal, no interest.”

"No, what you say is just the water that is thrown out. Don't worry Dad, I think I will pay back the money if I have the ability." Zhang Qian secretly made up his mind and squeezed his fists, full of self-confidence, "I It’s not Zhang Qian from before, I’m sure to impress everyone!”

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