Peach Fortune

Chapter 36 Zhang Lin's Decision

After hastily bidding farewell to Uncle Wang and his wife, Zhang Qian returned home in a bad mood. He didn't have the desire to continue to struggle and read. Instead, he began to turn grief and anger into strength in the bathroom, and practiced the offensive moves Yu Wei taught him. and skills, as well as the special abilities that appear after changing the body's genes through injections.He wants to work hard to improve his abilities as soon as possible, and before next Sunday, he must improve as much as he can.

After a night of trial and error, Zhang Qian finally had a preliminary understanding of his special abilities after he experienced the same severe brain pain and black eyes as in the casino.

In general, besides the improved memory, he has only discovered two special abilities so far.One is to slow down the speed of the object, and the other is to change the trajectory of the object.However, these two special abilities are not infinitely usable. The ability to slow down the object’s speed probably consumes less energy, so it can be used more than dozens of times in a row, while the ability to change the trajectory of an object consumes a lot of energy. Zhang Qian’s experiment If it is used continuously, it can only be used three to four times at the same time at most, and the phenomenon of brain pain and loss of ability will appear.

And if the pain in the brain does not appear, then as long as you rest for five to 10 minutes, you can continue to use the special ability.But if there is brain pain and darkness in front of the eyes, then within four or five hours, don't want to continue to use special abilities.

For such a situation, Zhang Qian naturally didn't know why.It can only show that there is a limit to the number of times you can use special abilities every day, too many of them will definitely be bad for your health.For him who is going to go to underground boxing tomorrow, it is inevitable that he should pay more attention in his heart, but he must not use up his ability when he is doing it, otherwise he will put himself in danger.

After testing his special ability, practicing offensive moves and skills, and taking a shower, Zhang Qian went back to his bedroom desk and continued to memorize the thick history textbook.Maybe other subjects can be put aside temporarily, but history is not good. His bet with Chen Zitong is on this month's monthly exam, and the monthly exam is only a few days away. He doesn't want to lose to Chen Zitong, so that he can't afford it. Walk.

Sister Zhang Lin made a cup of hot tea with concern and placed it in front of Zhang Qian who was memorizing it by rote. Looking at her brother's serious appearance, she showed a beautiful smile of relief.After she quietly closed the door, she walked into the living room and told her father Zhang Hailong and mother Qin Suzhen about it, and the two elders couldn't help but nodded to express their satisfaction.

"It seems that Zhang Qian is really going to study seriously, hey, that's good, that's good..." Zhang Hailong coughed lightly, then said to Qin Suzhen, "This kid went to Chen's house, It seems that I was really stimulated, and I am really relieved."

"He, Chen Xuwu, is still willing to fulfill the marriage contract back then, so he is a man of his word." Qin Suzhen snorted softly when she said this, "But the rest of the Chen family can't do it. They look down on Zhang Qian and my son? Don't want to fulfill it yet?" Engagement? Hmph, they will definitely regret it!"

"Okay, what are you talking about with such useless words? Interesting?" Zhang Hailong glared at his wife Qin Suzhen and sighed, "The problem now is that Chen Xuwu borrowed 1 yuan, but Zhang Qian said he would pay back [-] yuan. , I think this silly boy was depressed just now, is he worrying about this matter? Hey, yes, this is an extra ten thousand debt for no reason, how can I pay it off..."

"Isn't Zhang Qian doing it for the face of our old Zhang family? I think he did the right thing." At this time, Zhang Lin thought for a while and said, "Dad, don't worry, there is still a year to go, and there is plenty of time to do it." Prepare. I may get a salary increase next year, and I will pay it back then."

"Hey, it's [-] yuan. You still need to buy medicine and pay Zhang Qian's living expenses. How can you save money..." At this time, Qin Suzhen said helplessly, "The brewery is in a downturn, and my salary is getting paid every time. No, it looks like it will go bankrupt soon, and if it really goes bankrupt, it will be even more difficult for the family."

Zhang Lin looked at her frowning parents, her eyebrows were also slightly frowned.After thinking about it, she raised her head and said firmly, "Dad, Mom, no matter how poor our Zhang family is, we must support the family. My younger brother must continue his studies, and my father must continue to see his illness. If It really doesn't work... I, I'd better get married."

Hearing that their daughter was going to get married, Zhang Hailong and Qin Suzhen didn't know what she was referring to.This is obviously not because she really wants to marry, but because she wants to get money in exchange for the Zhang family to tide over the difficulties!Zhang Hailong opened his mouth, but when he wanted to refute, he found that he couldn't speak.

Is a penny a hero, the pain on Zhang Hailong's face is enough to show the helplessness and boredom deep in his heart.His cough sounded again, at this time Qin Suzhen spoke, tremblingly, "Linlin... our family owes you too much, you are my own daughter, but we can't let you live a happy life Life, I am really ashamed to be your parents... But, we owe Zhang Qian even more. He still doesn't know what happened before. Your father and I promised to let him finish his studies and become a learned man. People with knowledge, Linlin, we can't do it, you must help us do it!"

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, Zhang Qian is my younger brother, and I will do my best to help him finish his studies." Zhang Lin bit her pink lips and said, "But Mom and Dad, about Zhang Qian..."

After Zhang Hailong glanced at Zhang Lin, he sighed deeply, and then said, "If you can, try not to say it."

"Linlin, no matter what, Zhang Qian is your younger brother and will be your younger brother for the rest of his life. Do you know that you must protect him?" Mother Qin Suzhen said earnestly and earnestly, "You two must help each other. , must be strong to live on!"

"Well, don't worry, Mom, no matter how hard it is, I will take good care of my brother!" Zhang Lin's beautiful eyes flashed a trace of incomparable calmness, as if a decision had already been made in her heart!


"Ha...ah..." Zhang Qian lay on his desk and yawned long and sleepy.He worked so hard last night, and finally memorized nearly half of the history book, and the direct consequence of creating such a result was that he was three hours later than usual, and didn't fall asleep until one o'clock in the morning.No, when he came to school early in the morning, he was listless and fell asleep. If he was given a bed now, he might be able to sleep soundly.

Today is Monday, morning self-study is the busiest time for this guy to copy homework, because it is obvious that he can only complete the homework assigned on the weekend by plagiarism.However, this time it was surprising that Zhang Qian did not borrow homework from anyone, including Hao Ren who had already arrived in the classroom.

If you thought this was the most incredible situation this morning, you'd be wrong.When the students turned their attention to Chen Zitong who had just stepped into the door of the classroom, a strong aura had already followed.

Today's Chen Zitong didn't wear a ponytail, but let the shawl fall casually. He was wearing a sky blue jacket and a denim skirt of the same color. His slender and delicate legs were wrapped in black long cotton socks Only a round and fair leg was exposed between the hem of the skirt.Although she was still slim, beautiful and pure, no matter how she felt from the cold expression on her pretty face, she didn't seem to be in a happy state.

Later, she stood on the podium and made an announcement, which caused many students who had not completed their homework to complain.

"Starting today, the time for homework collection for each subject representative will be brought forward!" Chen Zitong glanced coldly at the entire classroom, finally set his beautiful eyes on Zhang Qian, bit his pink lips and continued, "In the future , Homework should be handed in as early as before the first class starts and before the start of self-study. If it is handed in late, the representatives of each subject will not accept it, and let him hand it in to the teacher himself!"

"Wow..." As soon as Chen Zitong's announcement came out, the whole class was in an uproar.Handing in homework in advance may be fine for those good students, but it is undoubtedly fatal for poor students.Which night do poor students usually do their homework seriously?Obviously impossible!Most of their homework was copied during the early self-study period. If the homework was collected in advance, how could they have so much time to copy?Furthermore, in addition to poor students, many students with medium grades also suffer from headaches. Although they can do homework by themselves, they will definitely encounter some problems that they don’t understand and can’t solve. Fill in the homework, so it will inevitably be very embarrassing for them.

However, as the monitor of the class, Chen Zitong undoubtedly possessed absolute authority in the class. The representatives of various subjects dared to raise any objections, so they couldn't help but stood up and put away their homework.At this time, Zhang Qian raised his head and looked at Chen Zitong with a sneer of disdain.

This little girl seemed to be on the right track with him.Maybe all the students in the class didn't know it, but he was the only one who understood in his heart that the reason why Chen Zitong did this was because he wanted to deal with and deal with him, a poor student who hated him so much at the same table?It's a pity, who is Zhang Qian?That's the master who eats soft but not hard, if you want to come, he is more violent than you!He is not afraid of going head-to-head!

"Turn resentment into revenge, not bad, you must have been thinking about this trick for a day?" Chen Zitong came down from the podium, before his butt was hot, Zhang Qian smelled the fragrance from her body, turned his head and smiled at her , "It's a pity, if I used to be really uncomfortable, it's a pity that you seem to have forgotten, I said that I will study hard, and I will pass the high school exam. Since I have to pass the high school exam by myself, how could I still How about copying homework?"

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