Peach Fortune

Chapter 37 Cold War

Chen Zitong stared at Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes wide open, and after a brief absence, she undoubtedly became more delicate and angry.She sneered and said, "Zhang Qian, stop being so sentimental. Collecting homework in advance is the task assigned to me by the teacher before. I am only performing the duties of the monitor, so I don't have the time to get entangled with poor students like you. Besides, It's not that I look down on you, but based on your current grades, it's simply impossible to get into a high school."

Unlike before, although Zhang Qian and Chen Zitong often bickered, it was completely different from the current bickering.From Chen Zitong's words, one can hear how dissatisfied and indifferent she is to Zhang Qian.Zhang Qian smiled lightly. He knew that after the Chen family's birthday reception, Chen Zitong had completely misunderstood him. I'm afraid that at this time, he was probably classified as a guy like Ji Shengchong.

Standing upright, he is not afraid of the shadow being crooked, and Zhang Qian didn't intend to have too much interaction with this outstanding school girl at the same table.Whether fiancee or fiancee is in the past tense, Zhang Qian also has self-knowledge and will not really have any unrealistic fantasies.As for whether he passed the exam or not, it is useless to talk about it, so there is no need to say more, the facts will naturally prove everything.

"Zhang Qian, your homework." The math class representative happened to come to Zhang Qian's desk at this moment, glanced at him and said with a smirk, "Have you not copied it yet? If you haven't copied it well, there is nothing you can do about it." Who told you to sit at the same table as the class monitor who has to collect homework in advance? If you don’t hand in your homework, wait for the teacher to call you to the office.”

Zhang Qian glanced at him, ignored him, took out his schoolbag, handed over the math homework book and said, "Sorry, I miscalculated, my homework has already been done, and there is no need to copy it."

"What??" The class representative looked at the digital homework book in Zhang Qian's hand, his eyes widened as if the sun came out from the west, full of disbelief.At this moment, even the beautiful eyes of Chen Zitong who was sitting next to him flashed an unbelievable look.

People always feel accustomed to the things they are accustomed to, and they always feel shocked and surprised by sudden changes.For a poor student like Zhang Qian, almost all of his homework for a year was completed by copying, and now he suddenly completes it independently, which will naturally make people feel very abnormal.

After receiving Zhang Qian's homework book, the math class representative opened it up and saw that, as expected, all the questions had been prepared, and there were quite a lot of writing.However, after a careful look, the math class representative couldn't help laughing and said, "Zhang Qian, why don't you copy your homework anymore? I can see a lot of mistakes in this topic, so you Just wait to be scolded by the teacher."

"If you scold, you can scold. Whoever starts from wrong to right, don't be afraid." Zhang Qian said casually, "I believe there will be fewer and fewer mistakes in the future."

The math representative glanced at him, collected his homework and turned to leave.Then class representatives from other disciplines came, and Zhang Qian handed in the homework one by one.Chen Zitong next to him took a deep look at him before he suddenly said, "It seems that you really want to rely on your own efforts to pass the high school entrance examination, but do you think that your dedication will be rewarded?" ?”

"You don't need to worry about this, why? You don't think that I won the bet in order to let you fulfill the bet and become my girlfriend?" Zhang Qian said with a light smile, "You don't have to Worry, I have made it very clear in front of your parents that our engagement is invalid, why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!" Chen Zitong was immediately a little annoyed by Zhang Qian's tone of voice, pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Zhang Qian, what do you mean by that? Is it that I, Chen Zitong, dare not bet with you? Huh, in my opinion, it is impossible for you to pass the entrance examination by yourself, if you can pass the entrance examination, so what if I fulfill the bet!"

"It's up to you what you think." Zhang Qian rolled his eyes and replied, "I advise you to win the history subject in this month's monthly exam first, and then I'll talk about it."

"It's easy to win you, let's ride a donkey and read the libretto, just wait and see!" After Chen Zitong finished speaking, he stopped talking to Zhang Qian and began to tidy up his desk.Zhang Qian was also happy and quiet, lying on the table and continuing to squint and doze off to supplement sleep.

The study in the third grade of junior high school is extremely intense. After the morning self-study is over, the morning classes will officially start.Different from the past, Chen Zitong clearly felt that Zhang Qian, the poor student at the same table beside him, had undergone almost a complete change.The comic books in his drawer were gone, and so were the scribbles on the scratch paper.In class, his head was always lowered, he was either dozing off or his eyes were lost, but now he was listening attentively, as if he was a different person.

If it was in the past, Chen Zitong would naturally feel very pleased with Zhang Qian's change of being progressive.But now, she was a little surprised to find that she was a little nervous.Yes, nervous, Chen Zitong felt this way for the first time.

"Are you kidding? Am I afraid that I won't pass him in the history class? How is this possible! With my grades, would I still lose to Zhang Qian?" Chen Zitong shook his head angrily, feeling that he was really a little neurotic. .With Zhang Qian's academic performance, even if he makes up for it now, how effective will it be?You know, there are only three months before the senior high school entrance examination. In such a short period of time, the ugly duckling can't turn into a swan, let alone him?

In fact, Chen Zitong really overthinks Zhang Qian.Although Zhang Qian was listening to the lectures very seriously, but in many places, what he listened to was just cloudy and foggy.Without anyone to guide him, his homework is too much behind, and it is impossible to catch up overnight.

Faced with many questions that he could not understand at all, Zhang Qian had no choice but to take the textbook after class and walk to Haoren's seat, hoping to ask him to help answer the questions.

"Hao Ren, please help me to answer these two questions, please? Ren's eyes swept over, but he couldn't help but froze.

Cold, extremely cold.Hao Ren's gaze made Zhang Qian feel something was wrong, and he couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with you, Hao Ren?"

"What's the matter? What's the matter you said!" Hao Ren stared at him coldly, and said with a straight face, "solve the problem yourself, don't bother me!"

Zhang Qian felt very puzzled, the usually honest and good man turned out to be aggressive today as if he had eaten gunpowder, there must be something wrong with it, isn't it?After thinking for a while, he frowned and said, "Hao Ren, what do you mean, I don't seem to have provoked you, did I?"

"Zhang Qian, you didn't provoke me, and I didn't provoke you. I just don't want to see you, and see your hypocrisy!" Hao Ren turned his face away and hummed softly, "Don't agree to what you can't do, Deliberately embarrassing me, people like you are the most hateful!"

"What... why did I embarrass you?" Zhang Qian said inexplicably, "You have to explain clearly, why did I offend you?"

Haoren turned his head and glared at him angrily, and asked through gritted teeth, "Did you promise me not to tell about the birthday present? But did you do it? Now the whole class knows that I gave the birthday present, But I don't have the guts to give it to Chen Zitong in your name. In private, I say that I am timid, that I am useless, that I am a coward who doesn't even have the courage to chase girls! I, my face Lost it all! Chen Zitong must be very dissatisfied with me, and I, I must have a very bad impression in her heart!"

Zhang Qian heard this in a daze, and finally understood what was going on immediately.He immediately became a little angry, why did he only tell Chen Zitong about the birthday present on Saturday night, and it has already spread to the whole class today?Who leaked the news?Only Chen Zitong and Xu Tiesing were classmates at the Chen family's reception, so apart from Chen Zitong who told the secret, it must be Xu Tiesing!

Turning his head, he saw that there was no trace of Xu Tiesing in the class at all. He didn't seem to come to school at all today!In that case, Chen Zitong is undoubtedly the one who told this secret!This woman... actually knows how to play such little tricks?

"Hao Ren, listen to my explanation. I had no choice but to say it at the time. I..." Zhang Qian wanted to explain to Hao Ren, but before he finished speaking, Hao Ren stood up and walked outside the classroom. I don't want to listen to his explanation at all.

Looking at the back of Haoren leaving, Zhang Qian knew that the only friend in the class and himself were completely lost.Thinking of this, he felt furious in his heart, turned his head and walked back to his place with a livid face, and smashed the textbook on the table hard!

Chen Zitong was just doing a problem when he was startled by Zhang Qian's noise.She immediately turned to Zhang Qian with some dissatisfaction and asked, "Zhang Qian, what are you doing? Didn't you see him doing homework? What do you mean by making such a loud noise!"

"What do you mean? It doesn't mean anything! I'm just not ashamed that some people make a fuss about trivial things! Chen Zitong, why are you angry at me? I have no objection. Is it necessary to engage in such small tricks?" Zhang Qian snorted softly, " I used to think that although you were a bit of a nosy and stinky fart, you still had a good character, but now it seems that you are really despicable and shameless!"

Chen Zitong was baffled by what Zhang Qian said, and frowned, "What are you talking about? Zhang Qian, how can you swear at people casually? How mean and shameless am I?"

"I swear at people? Don't you dare to do it yourself?" Zhang Qian was really angry, and said angrily, "It seems that you not only have a problem with your character, but you are also a villain who likes to pretend!"

"You..." Chen Zitong was also irritated by him, and asked loudly, "Why do you say that about me? I have a problem with my character? I'm a villain? Zhang Qian, don't go too far!"

"Too much? Am I too much like Miss Chen? I told you that the birthday present was given to you by Haoren, why did you let the whole class know? How much does it make him hate me? I promised him not to tell this secret, but I just blurted it out because I couldn't help but didn't want you to misunderstand me. But I really didn't expect you to be so badass!" Zhang Qian It's really annoying, Haoren is his only friend in the class, but now there is a misunderstanding because of such a thing, you said he was wronged or not!

"I...I don't!" Chen Zitong's beautiful eyes widened, and he shook his head hastily, "I really don't, I didn't say it!"

"Who said it if you didn't say it?" Zhang Qian sneered, "Could it be me? No one else would know except you and Xu Tiesing, and Xu Tiesing didn't come to class at all this morning, didn't he?" Could it be that what you said is still what a ghost said!"

"You..." Chen Zitong clenched her fists tightly, her pretty face flushed with anger, and she said through gnashing of teeth, "Zhang Qian! If I didn't say it, I didn't. Believe it or not, it's up to you! You are really unreasonable. I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

"You think I want to talk to you? Cut!!" Zhang Qian looked disdainful, turned his head and lay down on the table.In his heart, he naturally thought that Chen Zitong's reluctance to talk to him was obviously a sign of guilt.The two of them had been arguing constantly since they became the same table, but now they have completely fallen into the ice valley, completely fighting a cold war.

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