Peach Fortune

Chapter 40 I'll Prove

Zhang Qian sneered, he put all his hopes on Hao Ren who was standing behind him.As long as Haoren proves that he didn't let the snake go, then Xu Tiesing's analysis will undoubtedly be self-defeating.

"Ms. Ye, I, I was concentrating on listening to the principal on the rostrum, and I didn't notice whether Zhang Qian who was standing in front had let go of the snake." Haoren lowered his head and said silently, "When I find out When something goes wrong, the scene is already chaotic."

boom! !Zhang Qian's eyes widened, as if struck by a bolt from the blue!He didn't expect that Haoren didn't prove it for him, but gave him an ambiguous answer and directly evaded it!But soon Zhang Qian came to his senses and understood why Hao Ren, who had always been a good man, would do this.Naturally, he was complaining by doing this, didn't he blame himself for revealing the fact that he gave Chen Zitong a birthday present?

At this moment, Zhang Qian's face instantly turned extremely pale. The helplessness and pain of being deeply wronged made him clench his fists and tremble all over!He doesn't hate Hao Ren, it doesn't matter whether Hao Ren did it intentionally or not, because he did it on his own, he deserves it, he owes Hao Ren!But Xu Tiesing's hatred for him, he was thorough, and he remembered it deeply!

Yu Wei was forced to drop out of school. Originally, Zhang Qian was very dissatisfied with Xu Tiesing, but because he had money and power, he could only keep his dissatisfaction in his heart.But now that he has actually attacked himself, Zhang Qian immediately listed Xu Tiesing as his worst enemy together with new and old hatreds!

"What are you staring at? You are not guilty of being a thief. I never thought that you are the culprit. Mr. Ye, a person like Zhang Qian shouldn't be in our class, and he has lost his face. You said , How much will the reputation of the third and sixth classes of junior high school be affected in the future? I’m even ashamed to meet people.” Xu Tiesing faced Zhang Qian’s angry eyes without the slightest fear at all, and said triumphantly, “Zhang Qian, it’s really not me Speaking of you, it’s you who don’t like studying well, why do you hate school so much? It’s the honor of our class that makes such jokes, you know?”

"Xu Tiesing!!" Zhang Qian was so angry that he lost his mind by Xu Tiesing's sarcasm. He yelled frantically and rushed towards Xu Tiesing, but was blocked by the students next to him.

"Ms. Ye, look at him. After he was discovered, he became so angry that he wanted to beat someone. This kind of bad student with no quality should be severely punished!" Xu Tiesing pretended to be innocent, pointed at Zhang Qian and turned to the side Ye Wenhua, who was very angry, said, "Teacher, people like this should be expelled from the third and sixth classes of junior high school. No one likes a classmate who likes snakes and is rude to stay in the class!"

Ye Wenhua was obviously very angry, and when Xu Tiexing said this, he immediately became even more angry and said, "Zhang Qian, you are so majestic, you dare to attack your classmates in front of the teacher, do you still have the law! You Don’t you want to stay in this school anymore? If you don’t want to stay, call your father to go through the withdrawal procedures! As long as you withdraw voluntarily, no one can stop you!”

"Ms. Ye, don't listen to that bastard's nonsense, I am not the one who set the snake at all, he is the one who set the snake!" Although Zhang Qian was very wronged and angry, he still forced himself to calm down when facing Ye Wenhua. , "Because I offended Xu Tiesing, this guy hated me. This is a conspiracy. He deliberately wanted to harm me!"

"Hit you? Hehe, classmate Zhang Qian, may I ask what you deserve for classmate Xu Tiexing to harm you? Is your grades better than him, or is your family richer than him? You said he hated you because he deliberately wanted to frame you. What about the evidence? If you show the evidence, I can believe your words, but if you can’t, then don’t talk nonsense here! Instead, you must quickly explain and admit your own problems! All the teachers and students in the school are waiting How about dealing with this matter, if you are more conscious, I can ask the principal to handle it leniently, but if you still have this attitude, then you won't have any chance!"

Sensing Ye Wenhua's strange eyes, feeling the strange eyes of the students around him, Zhang Qian knew that he couldn't speak now, no matter how he tried to defend, it was useless.Xu Tiesing's words have won everyone's trust, as if he, Zhang Qian, is really the culprit who set the snake to destroy the morning meeting!

This feeling of being wronged is really very uncomfortable, Zhang Qian feels aggrieved, very aggrieved, but right now there is no way to prove himself.Xu Tiesing's seamless conspiracy made him fall into it without any precautions.Zhang Qian had to admit that his vigilance was still a bit low. He didn't expect Xu Tiesing to dare to bully himself so unscrupulously!

Faced with so many pairs of eyes looking at him, Zhang Qian's heart was half cold.In his opinion, it is almost impossible to make a comeback in such a situation.However, do you really have to admit aggrievedly that you set the snake yourself?Once you admit it, you really don't regret taking the medicine!However, now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, even if he doesn't admit it, he probably won't be able to change the final result.

The entanglement made Zhang Qian's face turn livid. He had never felt wronged like this, and wanted to prove his innocence like this!The faint sneer on Xu Tiesing's face was like a mockery of his helplessness, which hurt to the bone...

"Ms. Ye... I, I have something to say..." Just when Zhang Qian was showing despair, thinking that he was powerless, Chen Zitong who was standing by the side suddenly blushed and stood out from the crowd .

"Zitong? Do you have anything to say?" Ye Wenhua was a little surprised why Chen Zitong came out to speak at this time, but Ye Wenhua naturally trusted this beautiful monitor with excellent character and learning, and couldn't help laughing, "What do you have to say?" Just say it, it's okay."

Not only Ye Wenhua, but all the students present were very curious about what Chen Zitong would say at this time. Zhang Qian glanced at her helplessly, his face still numb.From his point of view, what Chen Zitong said might only make him more wronged and suffer more misery...

"Teacher... I, I was standing next to Zhang Qian in the morning meeting just now. So I can see Zhang Qian's every move." Chen Zitong seemed to muster up the courage to continue when he said this, "I From the morning meeting to the present, I have not seen Zhang Qian reach out to touch his pocket, or even let go of the snake, so I think he is innocent."

"What??" Chen Zitong's words caused an uproar in the whole class.Ye Wenhua and Xu Tiesing stared wide-eyed, obviously feeling a little inconceivable about Chen Zitong's words.Of course, Zhang Qian was the most surprised person. He stared at Chen Zitong not far away in astonishment, as if the sun was rising from the west.

Ye Wenhua asked in disbelief at this time, "Zitong, this is not a joke, did you really see that Zhang Qian didn't release the snake?"

Before Chen Zitong could speak, Xu Tiesing said urgently with a cold face, "Zitong, don't talk nonsense, don't prove things you didn't see! I don't believe you have been staring at Zhang Qian for so long just now, otherwise how would you know Didn't he set the snake on purpose?"

"It's the real Teacher Ye. I can prove that it wasn't Zhang Qian who released the snake." Chen Zitong didn't even look at Xu Tiexing, and turned to the head teacher Ye Wenhua with a blushing face, "Before the snake just appeared, I felt the snake It should have been thrown from behind. At that time, I thought someone had dropped something, so I turned my head and looked. When I saw clearly that it was a snake, I was so scared that I wanted to run away, but...I hit Zhang Qian in the end. The snake was not far from me, if he threw it, I would definitely feel it."

With Chen Zitong's proof, it is undoubtedly tantamount to temporarily clearing Zhang Qian of the crime of letting snakes out. After being shocked, Zhang Qian let out a deeply aggrieved breath with lingering fear.

Zhang Qian glanced at Chen Zitong gratefully, and his impression of her changed almost instantaneously at this moment.At this time, it was he, Zhang Qian, who felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed, and felt that he seemed to treat the belly of a beautiful woman with the heart of a villain.

Indeed, if we analyze according to Zhang Qian's logic, with Chen Zitong's temper, and the fact that the two of them have deep misunderstandings and misunderstandings, and combined with the embarrassing situation of falling into his arms three times just now, this little girl is probably In any case, it is impossible to speak for Zhang Qian.

But the reality is always so unexpected, who would have thought that when no one was willing to speak for Zhang Qian, it was her, Chen Zitong, who spoke for him and proved Zhang Qian!Although I don't know why Chen Zitong spoke for him, but no matter what, she undoubtedly helped Zhang Qian clean up his suspicion.

Zhu Shi seemed a little nervous at this time. Just now Chen Zitong said that the snake seemed to be thrown from behind. Isn't that tantamount to saying that he has a serious suspicion?At this time, he glanced at Xu Tiexing who was beside him, and Xu Tiexing, who was in anger, didn't even pay attention to him, and immediately said to Chen Zitong with a sullen face, "Zitong, what you proved all happened after the snake appeared, There is no way to absolutely prove that Zhang Qian is not the culprit, so don't blindly divert everyone's attention and let the real culprit escape like this!"

"I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth." Chen Zitong said calmly and firmly, "We should not let any bad person go, but we should not wrong any good person. If there is, there is, and if there is no, there is no. I think Zhang Qian is innocent!"

"But apart from Zhang Qian, no one has this motive and suspicion at all. What you said just now is not absolutely convincing. This is all your own analysis. What about the evidence? You can't come up with any evidence!" It seemed that Xu Tiesing was determined to kill Zhang Qian, and he even did not hesitate to talk to the woman he liked, Chen Zitong.

Chen Zitong looked at Xu Tiesing with disdain and said, "Then you have no evidence to prove that Zhang Qian must have done this, right?"

"You..." Xu Tiesing was at a loss for words, he glanced at Ye Wenhua and then argued, "The snake appeared near here, except for Zhang Qian, everyone else has been ruled out, I can definitely deduce that it was Zhang Qian who did it! "

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