Peach Fortune

Chapter 41 The Truth

"You yourself said that it was just an inference. Without solid evidence, you can't convict someone casually." Chen Zitong snorted softly, and argued with reason, "Zhang Qian is my deskmate. If he prepared a snake in advance, I won't Maybe you don't know, aren't you doing it too blindly and casually? Teacher Ye, I don't think it's right to casually instill a crime on a classmate without conclusive evidence."

"This..." Ye Wenhua was obviously a little embarrassed by what Chen Zitong said. At first, she thought that the matter was about to come to light, but she didn't expect that Chen Zitong would take the initiative to speak like this for Zhang Qian. For a while, she didn't know what to do. good.

This is probably the first time for Zhang Qian to be deeply moved by Chen Zitong. He knows that the reason why Chen Zitong helps him is not because he is handsome or because she is in love with him. On the contrary, Chen Zitong probably hates this old man so much. He didn't even know who ate her tofu, but she still stepped forward and helped him speak truthfully, which proved how noble her character was.

Just as Class [-] and Class [-] were struggling, the principal on the rostrum had obviously run out of patience. He took the microphone and said loudly, "Ms. Ye, the head teacher of Class [-] and Class [-], the whole school is waiting for you!" Answer, has the investigation been completed?"

Ye Wenhua was very hesitant at first, Chen Zitong was right, it was indeed rash for her to casually suspect a student without sufficient evidence, but Xu Tiesing's analysis was very correct in her opinion, except for Zhang Qian, the others Everyone has been ruled out the possibility of releasing snakes.This put her in a dilemma, but the principal started to force her to get the result again, and now she really became an ant on the hot pot, and was anxiously turned around.

"Principal, that... After the investigation just now, it can be confirmed that the snake was indeed released by someone in our class. However, it is not absolutely certain who released the snake at present, but there is already a suspect, that is, Zhang Qian. In desperation, under pressure, Ye Wenhua could only bite the bullet and walked to the rostrum, and reported to the principal, "However, there is no conclusive evidence to directly prove that he is the one who set the snake, and He didn't admit it himself."

"If he dares to admit it, it's really a ghost. Have you ever seen a thief who would admit it when there is no conclusive evidence?" The principal glared at Ye Wenhua and said, "This matter will be dealt with immediately. Let me see what it is called. Zhang Qian's classmate should be the chief culprit who let the snake destroy the morning meeting. It's not far away!"

For the principal, he doesn't care whether he will wrong the students or not, all he wants is the result, the result that can close the case.Otherwise, there was such a big mess in front of the school leaders and the headmaster lost face, but he couldn't even find the culprit. Where do you let him face as the headmaster?How will I lead all the teachers and students of the school in the future?So as long as things come to fruition, he doesn't care who the guy who released the snake is.

Ye Wenhua saw that the principal said so, he could only sigh helplessly and nodded to express his understanding.In fact, she already knew in her heart that the principal wanted to finalize the case, and she directly wanted to use Zhang Qian for surgery.

"Students, I am very sad. On our campus with strict discipline, discipline and love, there are still things that destroy the harmonious atmosphere of the morning meeting, create tension and chaos, and seriously endanger safety! For bad elements like this, We must resolutely resist and deal with it!" The principal said impassionedly into the microphone, "We must not tolerate the pests who dare to destroy the morning meeting! The matter has been investigated clearly, and the guy who did this bad thing is the third and sixth class of junior high school. Zhang Qian! He released snakes to create panic, thereby seriously disturbing the order of the morning meeting and endangering the lives of students. These are his serious crimes and must be severely punished!! Such a black sheep, what he did, even in school A very disgraceful thing."

Hearing his own name and the principal's heartbroken words coming from the loudspeaker, Zhang Qian's face was cold, but there was only deep sarcasm.Why didn't he know the reason why the headmaster regarded himself as the culprit without asking indiscriminately?Perhaps in the eyes of a leader like him, Zhang Qian is just a dispensable ant. As long as his majesty and face are preserved, what does Zhang Qian's life and dignity matter?

anger?pain?Or feel wronged, complain?Zhang Qian only felt that he was even a little numb, from Xu Tiesing's conspiracy, to the teacher Ye Wenhua's dodging, to the principal's indiscriminateness.What is the reason for all this?It's not because he has no grades, no ability, no ability!If he was a rich man like Xu Tiesing, would he still be a scapegoat who was slandered like he is now?

Chen Zitong was still dissatisfied and proved Zhang Qian's innocence with Teacher Ye, but what's the use of it?Now that Zhang Qian has been considered by the whole school as the culprit for letting the snakes go, even if she wants to explain, why should she explain it clearly to every student in the school?Besides, how many students would believe her words!

Xu Tiesing looked at Zhang Qian with a sneer, the mockery and viciousness in his eyes kept showing.Obviously, his plot has succeeded.Zhang Qian has become a bad guy who is the target of public criticism in this school, and will be severely punished by the school rules.Perhaps, like Yu Wei, it is not impossible for him to be forced to drop out of school...

The morning meeting was over, although the principal did not announce the treatment of Zhang Qian in front of the teachers and students of the school, but all fools know that waiting for him will definitely not have any good results.

The students gathered in the whole playground dispersed in twos and threes and walked towards the teaching building. From time to time, some people walked past Zhang Qian and pointed and whispered non-stop, showing contempt and ridicule.Chen Zitong originally wanted to go forward and say some words of comfort to Zhang Qian, but after spreading his pink lips, he finally left alone with a helpless sigh.In fact, she also knew in her heart that the matter had come to this point, no matter how much she tried to comfort her, it was of no use at all.

"Yo, who is this distraught guy? It turned out to be Zhang Qian. Aren't you awesome just now? Why, now that you know all about it?" Just after Zhang Qian's classmates had almost left, Xu Tiesing took the Then Zhu Shi came to him with a sneer, looked at him up and down, and said disdainfully, "Boy, you dare to fight me? Let me tell you the truth, I let Zhu Shi release the snake secretly." What do you want? What can you do? Hmph! I warned you that if you dare to have anything to do with Chen Zitong, don’t blame me for being rude to you. Who did you kill? With you as a poor man, I would trample you to death as easily as trampling an ant to death!"

Zhang Qian turned his head and glanced at Xu Tiesing in front of him, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, "Xu Tiesing, Chen Zitong and I have nothing to do at all, I even canceled my engagement, why are you still refusing to let me go? Use this kind of obscene means to deal with me? Do you think this is fun? If I was punished by you and dropped out of school, would you be happy? "

"Dropping out of school or not is your business, it has nothing to do with me. I just see that you are unhappy. Chen Zitong is the woman I like. No matter who really dares to have anything to do with her, she is my biggest enemy, Xu Tiesing! As long as it is an enemy, Then it must be eradicated, this is my Xu Tiesing's style of doing things!" Xu Tiesing sneered proudly, "If you want to blame, I blame you for being too old, dare to make me unable to go down the steps in front of Chen Zitong? Just a fool like you, If you die, you don’t even know how you died! Do you really think you’re someone? If you dare to say that about me in the Chen family, if I don’t clean you up, you probably don’t know what it means to be strong!"

Zhang Qian's eyes were flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Xu Tiesing! You will kill yourself if you do too much unrighteousness. Aren't you afraid of my revenge? Let me tell you, I will remember that you cheated on me today, sooner or later." One day, I will get back all my capital and interest!"

"Yo, I'm so scared, don't scare me, I'm timid, I can't stand being scared." Xu Tiesing said this pretendingly, couldn't help laughing, suddenly restrained his smile, and turned towards Zhang Qian said coldly and disdainfully, "You are the only one who deserves to threaten me? It's a big joke, don't be ashamed to say it here! If you want to take revenge on me, just come, I will still be afraid of you? I saw you just now. My good friend Haoren doesn’t feel good if he doesn’t help you? Hehe, Haoren is also stupid, how could he have a friend like you? If it wasn’t for my calling Zhu Shi to tell you about your birthday at Chen’s house The gift was given by Haoren and the secret was spread out. Who would have thought that an honest student like Haoren would have a crush on Chen Zitong? Hahaha, he is an idiot who dare not even give Zitong a birthday present face to face, but wants you Send, such a shameful thing has been revealed, if he is not angry, then he will be a ghost! As for you, do you think that Chen Zitong said this, so you hate Chen Zitong to death? Hehe, I just want to make you and Chen Zitong more and more misunderstanding The deeper it gets, Chen Zitong will hate you more and more, hate you more and more!"

After listening to Xu Tiesing's words, Zhang Qian clenched his fists instantly, trembling with anger, his heart was burning with monstrous anger!It turned out that the birthday gift was given by Hao Ren, and Xu Tiesing was also the one who planned it!He deliberately asked for a day off in order to deceive others, and then asked Zhu Shilai to spread the news.In this way, in fact, Chen Zitong did not leak this matter at all, but Zhang Qian still foolishly blamed Chen Zitong for this, and completely misunderstood her!

Annoyed, regretted, guilty.Zhang Qian didn't know how to express his feelings at this time. He realized now that Chen Zitong was not a mean girl at all, and she didn't do this at all, but he still blamed her in his heart!But what about her, Chen Zitong?Not only did he not feel resentful because of his own blame, but he also took the initiative to prove his innocence!Compared with these two incidents, there is a strong contrast, which makes Zhang Qian feel repentant!

For the first time, Zhang Qian had no dissatisfaction or prejudice towards Chen Zitong, but only gratitude and appreciation.It was also at this time that his feelings towards Chen Zitong were gradually changing...

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