Peach Fortune

Chapter 49 Someone Visits

Standing outside the door was a gentle-looking middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit and gold-rimmed glasses.He was holding two gift boxes in his hands, with the brightest smile on his face.However, when he saw Zhang Qian at the door, his smile soon turned into a trace of astonishment.

"I'm sorry, I may have gone to the wrong door." Before Zhang Qian could speak, the middle-aged man showed an apologetic expression, turned around and was about to leave.

Zhang Qian was taken aback, and then came to his senses, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Excuse me, are you here to see the county magistrate Wang Zhiqing?"

The middle-aged man paused, turned around to look at Zhang Qian again with some doubts, and said with a little surprise, "Yes, I'm here to find County Magistrate Wang."

"Then you didn't go to the wrong door. This is my sister's temporary residence." Zhang Qian could understand why this middle-aged man would turn around and leave thinking he had gone to the wrong door. After all, Wang Zhiqing came to Andu County by air, and in She didn't have any relatives or friends here, so Zhang Qian was naturally surprised when he appeared suddenly.

However, what surprised the middle-aged man even more was Zhang Qian's title.He widened his eyes and said in shock, "You are of County Magistrate Wang??"

Only now did Zhang Qian realize that he had gotten used to it and slipped the tongue. Now it was too late to change his words, so he could only admit embarrassingly, "Yes, I am her younger brother...but don't get me wrong, I am just Wang Xian. The godbrother who grew up in Andu County has no blood relationship with her."

" that's how it is. Hehe, I remember County Magistrate Wang is a cadre sent by the capital, and he probably doesn't have any relatives in Andu County. I thought you were also from the capital, but now it seems that I misunderstood Already." The middle-aged man suddenly realized with a smile, "Unexpectedly, the county magistrate Wang recognized you as a younger brother not long after he came to Andu County. It seems that you are deeply liked by the county magistrate Wang..."

"Hehe, how should I put it... The acquaintance between us can be regarded as fate." Zhang Qian said with a smile after a perfunctory sentence, "Excuse me, are you..."

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot to introduce myself." The middle-aged man slapped his forehead at this time, shook hands with Zhang Qian with a smile and said, "My name is Guan Weimin, and I am the deputy director of the Andu County Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Director, you can also call me Old Guan, haha."

"Guard for the people...official for the people?" Zhang Qian was taken aback, and couldn't help laughing, "Director, your name is really good. It seems that you are a good official who considers the common people."

"Haha, the name was chosen by my parents. I guess they want to use homonyms to teach me not to forget the people when I become an official." The director seemed a little embarrassed when he said this, and whispered, "I'm here... Those who want to visit the next county magistrate Wang, I wonder if magistrate Wang is... convenient?"

Zhang Qian thought for a while before saying, "County Wang is cooking now. I don't know if she has time. If you are in a hurry, Director, I will go in and ask. See if she is willing to see you?"

"Okay, okay, then trouble brother Zhang Qian." The director seemed to think of something when he said this, and hurriedly took out his business card and said with a smile, "Little brother Zhang Qian, since you belong to the county magistrate Wang Be a younger brother, then we can be friends and get together more when we have time. This is my business card, just call me if you have anything to do."

Zhang Qian took the business card, how could he not know what Guan Weimin was thinking?Sending him a business card was purely for Wang Zhiqing's sake, and she was treating herself as someone to curry favor with.But it's also true, the titles of elder sister and younger brother will obviously make people think how close the relationship is, but in fact, only he knows that he and Wang Zhiqing have only met three times after all their efforts.

It is estimated that the director of the bureau had to ask Wang Zhiqing to show such respect to Zhang Qian.In fact, he naturally knew very well in his heart that if the two were siblings, respecting Zhang Qian meant respecting Wang Zhiqing.

When Zhang Qian walked into the room, Wang Zhiqing, who was wearing an apron, happened to come out of the kitchen with cooked dishes.She glanced at Zhang Qian and smiled, "Who's coming outside?"

"Sister Zhiqing, the deputy director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Guan Weimin, said that he has something to discuss with you." Zhang Qian said truthfully to Wang Zhiqing.

Wang Zhiqing put down the dishes and put them on the table. After thinking for a while, she chuckled and said in a low voice, "This guy seems to be ready to move. Well, let him come in. I want to hear what he wants to do here."

Zhang Qian naturally doesn't understand the affairs of the officialdom, but he knows that any official has great power. If he can make friends with a few, there will be only advantages and no disadvantages.As long as they rely on officials on Wang Zhiqing's side, they may be of great help to him after making friends.However, he understood a truth from the morning meeting incident. In this Huaxia Kingdom, whether it matters or not will directly lead to two results.If it wasn't for Wang Zhiqing who deliberately went to the school to investigate for him in the morning meeting incident, then even if he found out the truth, he probably wouldn't be able to change the principal's decision at all.

Not to mention, Wang Zhiqing went there that day only in the name of inspection and investigation. If she went there as Zhang Qiangan's sister, even if Zhang Qian couldn't find evidence, the principal would not be able to punish him in any way.This is the benefit of having a backer behind you.

"Zhang Qian? What are you thinking? Go, invite the director in, don't let people wait too long." Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't leave for a while, Wang Zhiqing thought he was worried about something, so she couldn't help smiling, "Don't worry, I can already basically understand the meaning of the director's coming here, and there will be no major problems."

"Oh, I see." Zhang Qian nodded, and quickly walked out of the door again.Guan Weimin obviously didn't have the slightest impatience. Seeing Zhang Qian coming out again, he piled up his smile again.

Zhang Qian didn't say anything to him, so he led him into Wang Zhiqing's room.Guan Weimin seemed very reserved, even Zhang Qian could feel his nervousness when taking off his shoes.

When he walked into the living room and saw Wang Zhiqing who was taking off his apron, Guan Weimin's restraint seemed to become a little stronger, and he hurriedly smiled and said respectfully, "I'm sorry, County Magistrate, I'm still here to disturb you during off-duty hours Rest. These are some beauty care products my wife bought from South Korea. She can’t use them all by herself, so I borrowed flowers and offered them to Buddha to bring you some. My wife said that if you use them well, she can ask her friends in Korea to use them again. Go buy some, of course you will have to spend money at that time, ha ha."

Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel that this person is quite capable after the director's words.Ordinary officials fawn on the leaders to give gifts, and they want to talk about how expensive and good the gifts are. If the leaders like it, they will definitely say to give more. How can they be like him? You can ask a friend to buy it, but you will be charged for it.It's as if this gift can be bought at any roadside stall.

But in fact, these are all excuses, and they just make it impossible for you not to accept this gift. Any fool knows that this gift is definitely not as cheap as he said.

After Wang Zhiqing glanced at the two gift boxes in his hand, she didn't say much, she nodded and said, "Since you're here, let's sit down. Zhang Qian, go make a cup of tea for the director."

"Okay!" Zhang Qian made a cup of tea with a smile and handed it to Guan Weimin, and said with a smile, "Director Guan, you drink tea."

"Okay, okay, thank you little brother Zhang Qian." Guan Weimin is almost forty anyway, and calling him little brother Zhang Qiansheng is already a great way to save face.After he took a sip from the teacup, he thought for a while before saying, "Hehe, County Magistrate Wang, I'm here this time because I want to talk to you, or... do you have a study here, let's chat alone?"

When Wang Zhiqing heard this, she immediately understood that Guan Weimin didn't want Zhang Qian to hear some private words.At this time, Zhang Qian smiled consciously, "You guys talk, I'll go to the kitchen to clean up."

Guan Weimin smiled gratifiedly at Zhang Qian, obviously praising him for his understanding of current affairs, but at this moment Wang Zhiqing said, "Zhang Qian, you just sit down. Director Guan, Zhang Qian and I are siblings, we have a relationship. It doesn't matter what you say in front of him. There is no secret between me and him. "

When Wang Zhiqing said this, not only Guan Weimin was shocked, but even Zhang Qian was also very surprised.

Wang Zhiqing trusted him to this extent?Or is there a third person who must be present for Guan Weimin and what she said?For a while, Zhang Qian was not sure what the real reason was, so he could only listen to her and sat down on the sofa obediently.

Guan Weimin's face changed and then returned to normal, and his gaze towards Zhang Qian obviously changed.If it was said that he was only polite and cautious to Zhang Qian just now, he has undoubtedly become more serious and careful now.Perhaps in his heart, Zhang Qian is no longer as simple as Wang Zhiqing's ordinary younger brother.

"County Chief Wang, it's like this. I want to ask you to report on some recent work in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau." Guan Weimin adjusted his mentality, and respectfully said to Wang Zhiqing, "With the old director retired from illness, our Industrial and Commercial Bureau has recently returned. Launched a series of special campaigns to crack down on counterfeiting of tobacco and alcohol products and destroy counterfeiting dens. It can be said that the actions have gained a lot. According to incomplete statistics, this special anti-counterfeiting campaign cracked down on six counterfeiting dens and confiscated counterfeit wine ..."

Director Guan was about to talk eloquently, but unexpectedly Wang Zhiqing stopped his words by reaching out her hand.After taking a look at Director Guan, Wang Zhiqing said with a displeased face, "Director Guan, if you come here just to report to work with these data, I think the person you should be looking for is not me, but County Chief Ji, or the leader Secretary Qian, if they don't have time, it's Deputy County Magistrate Liu who is in charge of industry and commerce, and my scope of responsibility is the culture, education and health system, which is far removed from industry and commerce."

Zhang Qian didn't know the routines of the officialdom, and he didn't know who to contact for the reporting work, but he quickly discovered an important point from the words of the director in charge, that is, the old director retired due to illness.This simple word of sick retreat made him seem to understand something very quickly.

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