Peach Fortune

Chapter 50 The Real County Magistrate 1

"Magistrate Wang is really quick to talk. In fact, I also know that you don't have much to do with the work of industry and commerce, but I just want you to know that since the old director of industry and commerce was unable to preside over the work due to illness, I have been directing and controlling the rectification work with all my strength. , pushed forward with all their strength, as for the two deputy directors, Lin Changhua and Liu Weiye, they didn't make any contribution at all."

As if knowing that Wang Zhiqing would say these words, the director of the bureau smiled wryly at this point, and continued with a long sigh, "But now, the rectification work is about to end, but they all go to the county to ask for credit. I have always been a pragmatist, yes Since I was young, I was highly valued by the old bureau chief, and I have been promoted step by step to where I am today. I have no backing and background, and I can't listen to the sky at all. I don't talk about the relationship between County Chief Ji and Lao Liu, but about the relationship between Liu County and Lin Changhua. Relatives, it is impossible for them to reuse me just because I am down-to-earth and capable of achieving results, and the county will discuss the candidate for the director of industry and commerce. If I don't see the right direction, then I really have no chance."

Seeing that Guan Weimin started to get to the point, Wang Zhiqing didn't hide it too much, she looked very sincere, and couldn't help smiling slightly, "Director Guan, I told you, I'm in charge of culture, education and health, not industry and commerce. I don't think there's anything I can do to help."

"No, Wang County, since you were sent to Andu County, no one knows that you are highly appreciated by Secretary Qian. If you are in front of Secretary Qian..." Guan Weimin seemed to feel that his words were too direct and explicit, and could not help coughing dryly He said twice, "Don't get me wrong, I just want you to build a bridge for me. No matter what the result is, I will be grateful to you. I won't say much about the polite words. If I can become a The person in charge of the industry and commerce will definitely follow the lead of you and Secretary Qian!"

Zhang Qian kept his head down and drank his tea. Although he didn't understand the ups and downs in the officialdom, he also knew that he couldn't and didn't have the right to make any noise at this time.This Guan Weimin looked really anxious, he actually spoke so bluntly, even if he was just an ordinary junior high school student, he could already hear it clearly.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this matter is very simple. Guan Weimin wants to be the director of industry and commerce, but he has no backing and background, so he can only find Wang Zhiqing who has just come to Andu County, has a leader to support him, but suffers from lack of a follower.One lacks a loyal subordinate, and the other lacks a boss who can do their best. Wang Zhiqing and Guan Weimin's situation can complement each other perfectly.

However, Zhang Qian glanced at Wang Zhiqing at this time, but found that she did not show any interest, as if she was indifferent to Guan Weimin's loyalty?

"Director, I already understand what you mean, but Secretary Qian, I think I have to report to you before I can give you any news." After thinking about it for a while, Wang Zhiqing said, "Because I am not in charge Business and industry, so I can’t be 100% sure about the result.”

Guan Weimin's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "That is, that is, as long as County Magistrate Wang can help me say a few good words, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will be grateful to Guan Weimin and remember your kindness for the rest of my life !"

"It's not that exaggerated, it's just a matter of little effort. Besides, the leaders in the county are all watching your work. God has eyes. People who are really down-to-earth and hardworking will shine everywhere and will not be buried." Wang Zhiqing Speaking of this, he stood up and smiled, "Director, it's getting late, why don't you have a light meal with me?"

How could Guan Weimin fail to understand the meaning of Wang Zhiqing's words, this was the order to expel the guests.After being stunned, he immediately stood up and smiled, "No, no, my guy is still waiting for me at home, so I won't bother County Magistrate Wang and your brother for dinner. Goodbye."

After saying goodbye, Zhang Qian took the initiative to send Guan Weimin out of the room.Outside the door, Guan Weimin took a deep look at Zhang Qian and said with a serious smile, "Zhang Qian, since Wang County recognizes you as a godbrother, how about I take the liberty of calling you Zhang Qian's brother?"

"Why is the director so polite? You can call him whatever you like, that's my honor, Zhang Qian." Zhang Qian flattered him, and the relationship between the two suddenly became much closer.

"Haha, good! I like your bold personality." Guan Weimin patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "From now on, you will be my brother, brother, if you need to speak up, if the county magistrate Wang is not good Come out and ask your elder brother to do it for me!"

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Guan first. If I have something to do in the future, I will have to trouble you." Zhang Qian smiled and shook hands with Guan Weimin.For Guan Weimin's tricks, he was almost courteous. In fact, Zhang Qian also knew that this guy wanted to have a good relationship with him. He just wanted to get online through himself and Wang Zhiqing. However, this kind of relationship can be used, of course, so why refuse?

After seeing off Guan Weimin, Zhang Qian walked back to Wang Zhiqing's room. Not only were four home-cooked dishes placed on the dining table, but there were also two goblets filled with red wine.Wang Zhiqing had already taken her seat early, looking at Zhang Qian with a smile on her face.

"Sister Zhiqing, I'm a junior high school student. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol?" Zhang Qian also sat down with a smile, pointed to the red wine in the glass and said to Wang Zhiqing, "If you want to drink this wine, you must let me drink it when you get home." My sister can't scold me."

"You can scold me, brother, it's rare for me to have dinner with you for the first time. Naturally, we have to drink some red wine to celebrate such a meaningful day." Wang Zhiqing picked up the red wine glass with a coquettish smile, and stared at Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes. The red lips opened slightly, "It's almost this year, how can I be considered a junior high school student, don't think I don't know, the current students are all rebellious to the point of rebellion, why not drink some wine?"

Looking at Wang Zhiqing's beautiful and charming appearance holding the wine glass, Zhang Qian couldn't help but almost swallowed, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, if it's sister Zhiqing who wants to drink, then I'll drink some with you .”

"That's right!" Wang Zhiqing smiled openly, suddenly full of flair.After she raised her glass and touched Zhang Qian, she said happily, "Brother, cheers for our first dinner."

"Ah?" Zhang Qian was taken aback, just staring at Wang Zhiqing in a dumbfounded way as he immediately drank the red wine in the glass completely!He really didn't expect that such a cold, arrogant and charming beauty like Wang Zhiqing would drink so violently!

"Hehe, I'm happy today, happy." Wang Zhiqing also seemed to feel that she drank too fast and it was indecent, so she stuck out her little tongue in embarrassment. This playful action fan Zhang Qian was obviously in a sluggish state.

Not to mention how cute and seductive Wang Zhiqing is sticking her tongue out, it's completely different from her usual dignified face when she puts on a straight face!If Wang Zhiqing was an ice and snow beauty when she was working during the day, then she is undoubtedly more like the beautiful sister next door, this is probably her true face.

Unconsciously, Wang Zhiqing poured herself another glass of red wine, took a few mouthfuls of food and ate, she seemed to think of something, she suddenly sighed sadly, "Zhang Qian, thank you, I haven't seen anyone for a long time. Accompany me to have dinner at home, this feeling is really good, sister, I am very happy."

"Sister Zhiqing, don't say thank you, I should be the one who should say thank you." Zhang Qian drank the red wine gratefully and said slowly, "If you didn't go to the school for research on my behalf, maybe I may have already received a demerit penalty, and I am not even qualified to read any more books."

Wang Zhiqing smiled at Zhang Qian, her pretty face was full of indifference, "It's nothing, the main thing is that you can stand the test, if you really let the snake go, it's useless even if I go. By the way, I'm very surprised, why I wanted to reveal that I was your sister-in-law that day, but you didn't want to refuse? I think you should know that if my relationship with you is exposed, just call your principal Li, For my sake, he will definitely cancel your punishment."

"I understand, but I won't do this." Zhang Qian shook his head and said, "Because I was wronged at all, so I don't have to pay for those who framed me. What's more, I know the identities of Sister Zhiqing and I The fewer people there, the better, I don't want to bring trouble to Sister Zhiqing."

"Silly brother, since I can recognize you as my younger brother, I'm not afraid of you causing me trouble. As long as it's something you have reason to do, of course I will support you." Wang Zhiqing said with a charming smile, and drank her red wine again.Perhaps it was because of the rising strength of the glass of red wine just now, at this time Wang Zhiqing's pretty face flushed a little, and she was already a little bit drunk.Zhang Qian felt like a deer was running amuck in his heart when he looked at the delicate and charming appearance with winking eyes like silk.

Zhang Qian has always believed that a man's concentration is relative to a specific situation. No matter how good a man's concentration is, unless he has physical problems, it is impossible for him to be indifferent or nervous when he sees a beautiful woman. , not excited.Although he recognized Wang Zhiqing as his god-sister, and she was seven or eight years older than him, he still couldn't stop himself from being deeply attracted by Wang Zhiqing's beauty.

Wang Zhiqing is different from Zhang Lin, Zhang Lin is her own older sister, no matter how beautiful she is, Zhang Qian doesn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts, but Wang Zhiqing is just the god-sister she recognizes, her frowns and smiles are charming, coupled with The effect of alcohol is obviously to fascinate Zhang Qian.Fortunately, Zhang Qian has the heart but not the guts. He knows very well what the consequences will be if he is disrespectful to Wang Zhiqing, so he insists on burying the desire in his heart deeply, and dare not have any revealed.

Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't speak, Wang Zhiqing ate a few mouthfuls of food and said with a smile, "Zhang Qian, do you know why I'm so happy today? In fact, besides your arrival, it's also because of Guan Weimin's arrival. Do you know that Guan Weimin is the first deputy department official to come to visit since I was transferred to Andu County as the deputy magistrate. I finally tore open a hole in the officialdom of Andu County, and finally opened it situation!"

Zhang Qian was obviously taken aback, and said in surprise, "Really? Then why...why did you feel like your attitude didn't matter just now?"

"It's just a trick of being an official. If Guan Weimin knew how much I really wanted him to take refuge in me, he wouldn't come to the door so humbly today to get straight to the point. Sometimes, even if the situation is desperate, he can't show the truth. thoughts and feelings. The more people can't figure it out, the more they can deter the opponent and stabilize the morale of the army." Wang Zhiqing said with a smile, "Forget it, you don't understand when I tell you, anyway. My sister is very happy, because I believe that as long as I open the door, my work in Andu County will become more and more smooth in the future, and I will definitely achieve results! I just want to let those in my family see it, and I just want to fight for myself. Tone!"

As soon as Wang Zhiqing finished speaking, it seemed that a trace of melancholy and anger flashed across her pretty face, and she drank all the red wine in the glass in one breath.Soon, her pretty face became even more crimson, and her delicate and ruddy skin seemed as attractive as dripping water.

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