Peach Fortune

Chapter 51 The Real County Magistrate 2

"Sister Zhiqing, no matter how many unhappy past events you have in your heart, don't drink too much, okay?" Seeing Wang Zhiqing drinking like this, Zhang Qian couldn't help but feel a little scared, so he couldn't help suggesting, "Drinking is easy to hurt your body, or we should still drink alcohol." Let's eat?"

"No, I just want to drink, I don't want to eat." Wang Zhiqing was obviously a little drunk, she looked at Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes, and said with red lips, "Brother Zhang Qian, do you know how bitter my sister is? How painful? I stay alone in this small Andu County in Jiangnan Province, but fortunately you are with me, so I have such a little bit of warmth..."

"Sister Zhiqing, you drank too much, why don't you take a break?" Zhang Qian could tell that Wang Zhiqing was already a little drunk, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and tentatively said, "I'll make you a cup of tea Right? This way you can sober yourself up."

"Sober up? Why should I sober up? I want to drink!" Wang Zhiqing drank another glass of red wine before Zhang Qian could react.She burped softly, and her delicate body suddenly collapsed, leaning against Zhang Qian beside her!

Zhang Qian hurriedly supported Wang Zhiqing's soft and delicate body, and it felt good to embrace the beauty, but it's a pity that he is not in the mood to appreciate it now.At first, I thought that Wang Zhiqing could drink a lot, but who knew that she really passed out after drinking three glasses of red wine in a row!

"I, I must prove it to them, I, I will not admit defeat...I...I still want to drink..." In the dazed nonsense, Wang Zhiqing's smile showed a hint of drunkenness. Charming and charming, the crimson pretty face is extraordinarily beautiful under the light, especially the seductive red lips, which are smooth and rosy, and those who watch it want to go up and kiss them hard!

"Slap!!" Zhang Qian slapped himself immediately, waking up from the pain that he was almost unable to extricate himself from.He secretly spat at himself, how could such a nasty thing be done while others were in danger?This is my god-sister!No matter how beautiful she is, you can't blaspheme her when she's drunk!It's a crime, it's a shameful act!

"Sister Zhiqing? Sister Zhiqing?" Zhang Qian regained his composure, and called Wang Zhiqing a few times, but there was no response at all.At this moment, he could already be sure that Wang Zhiqing was completely drunk, so it was not a problem for her to keep leaning by his side all the time.But the problem is, the current Wang Zhiqing is completely unconscious, so she can't just rest with her alluring body like this, right?

Zhang Qian felt that there was faint sweat on his forehead. After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind. With great difficulty, he hugged Wang Zhiqing's body into his arms and barely stood up from the chair!

Zhang Qian finally had a deep understanding of what it feels like to have warm, fragrant and soft jade in his arms. At this moment, his hand was really awkward, whether it was placed on the elastic, round buttocks, or the thin and boneless slender buttocks. Pretty waist?The more confused you are, the more frantic you are, the more you bump into places that shouldn't be touched...

As the bodies of the two hugged and leaned together, Wang Zhiqing's soft and plump chest jade rabbit was tightly pressed against Zhang Qian's chest, bursts of seductive and charming fragrance rushed to her face, coupled with the softness of her hands, This kind of intense stimulation almost killed him, a teenage man!

Gritting his teeth and persevering, enduring all kinds of pleasure in his brain, Zhang Qian finally carried Wang Zhiqing into the bedroom with difficulty, and carefully placed him on the bed.

Gently pulled away the snow-white duvet, just when Zhang Qian was about to cover Wang Zhiqing's body with the quilt, suddenly Wang Zhiqing's small hands stretched out and hung around his neck, instantly covering Zhang Qian completely. Without warning, he pulled down on her body!

"Don't leave me... Ah Wei... Didn't you always want to kiss me? I, I figured it out, I asked you to kiss... No, I should be the one who wants to kiss you!"

Before Zhang Qian could understand, Wang Zhiqing's charming red lips aimed at his lips, and pressed them hard!Zhang Qian opened his eyes wide in an instant, feeling that his mouth was being pried open by Wang Zhiqing's inexperienced jerky, and a slippery little tongue clumsily got into it, tightly entangled with his tongue!

"Boom!!!" Zhang Qian felt that his brain went blank for an instant, and he crashed immediately!In fact, it was not the first time he had kissed a girl. That day, Chen Zitong and him accidentally touched each other's mouths, but Zhang Qian didn't understand what a real kiss is until now!

Zhang Qian's rationality was quickly overwhelmed by the desire for Wang Zhiqing's passionate kiss, and his hands began to wander dishonestly over Wang Zhiqing's body.Until he touched the soft and plump real twin peaks, the intense stimulation and pleasure made him shiver uncontrollably, and his reason returned to his heart almost suddenly!

The wide-eyed Zhang Qian hurriedly pushed Wang Zhiqing away, and their entangled lips separated instantly.After he took a few steps back from the bed, he gasped heavily and tried to force himself to wake up.

Calm down, calm down, calm down!Zhang Qian slapped himself hard again, and only then did he control the feeling of urgency in his heart.Looking at Wang Zhiqing who was flushed on the bed and murmured from time to time with tears streaming down his face, he could conclude that the Wang Zhiqing just now was still in a state of drunkenness, but he just mistook him for another man.

Zhang Qian didn't know who Ah Wei was, but what he knew was that this man must be very important to Wang Zhiqing.The more he thought about it, the more afraid he felt. If he couldn't control himself and something happened to Wang Zhiqing, then he would be happy and comfortable for a while, but when Wang Zhiqing sobers up tomorrow, will the relationship between the two still exist?Not only that, if Wang Zhiqing blamed him and hated him, then any excuses made by Zhang Qian would be useless.Why?Because Wang Zhiqing was drunk, he took him for the man named Awei, but he was not drunk, he was in a sober state!

Zhang Qian calmly controlled himself and walked to the bed again, and gently covered Wang Zhiqing's perfect delicate body with the snow-white duvet.After taking a deep breath, he finally took a longing look at her beautiful face, turned and left the bedroom...

Dragging his bicycle and walking on the road illuminated by the lights at night, Zhang Qian's mind kept replaying the scene that happened in Wang Zhiqing's bedroom just now.The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was doing the right thing. In the end, rationality overcame desire and allowed him to escape.But I have to say that Wang Zhiqing's passionate kiss just now made him experience such a moment of distraction and ecstasy. In front of a stunning beauty, a man's line of defense is really too weak.

Originally, Zhang Qian wanted to take advantage of the good atmosphere of dinner today and drink red wine, and tell Wang Zhiqing about Ji Shengchong, Chen Gang, and Xu Tiexing's plan to deal with her, but unexpectedly, it turned out that Such an ending ends.He had never dared to tell Wang Zhiqing about this, mainly because he felt that his relationship with Wang Zhiqing was not that good. It would be a bit abrupt for him to say it rashly without evidence.

However, after Guan Weimin's visit, Zhang Qian knew that Wang Zhiqing treated him as the only relative in Andu County.She is too lonely, too lonely, and needs people's care and company too much. Although she is the deputy magistrate of Andu County and holds a high position, in the end, she is just a young and beautiful woman. What she needs is not power, but It is pampering.

Zhang Qian didn't know why Wang Zhiqing traveled all the way from the capital to Andu County alone, but he knew that many complicated events must have happened to this woman, including the Ah Wei she was talking about, her family, and the people she hated. The stories about those people and her are rich and complicated, and they are beyond the comprehension of Zhang Qian, a poor person living in the county...

I don't know why, Zhang Qian is not proud of Wang Zhiqing as the deputy county magistrate at this time, but feels a little sad and pitiful for her. It can be seen that she is not living happily. She wears a mask of indifference during the day and Facing the vacant house alone, this kind of life would be a kind of sadness to anyone.

"In the future, even if I can't help her more, I should still care about her more." Zhang Qian made up his mind for himself, and sighed softly, "Wang Zhiqing, I should become a happy woman instead of being like this now. All the sadness and resentment are in my heart and cannot be resolved..."

Thinking about Wang Zhiqing all the way back home, she washed up early and lay down on the bed.When his elder sister Zhang Lin entered the room in her pajamas, looking at her graceful figure, Zhang Qian instantly thought of Wang Zhiqing who was lying on the bed drunk.The unrestrained desire in his heart was about to move again, so scared that he hurriedly covered his head with the quilt to block his sight, and then slowly fell asleep.

When Zhang Qian woke up from his sleep in a daze, his sister Zhang Lin who was sleeping next to him had already disappeared without a trace.He rubbed his eyes, and then remembered that today is Saturday, and the underground boxing match will be held tomorrow night.

After he hurriedly dressed and washed briefly, he went out and called Yu Wei.The two made an appointment on the phone to meet at the abandoned construction site where they met last time, and Zhang Qian rode his dilapidated bicycle towards the destination.

Coming to the abandoned construction site, Zhang Qian saw Yu Wei smoking a cigarette at a glance.He threw the bicycle aside, walked over and smiled at Yu Wei, "You bastard, you have become a smoker at a young age, what good is smoking, look at you one after another."

"I don't know what's so good about smoking. At first I thought smoking was stylish, but then I became addicted and couldn't quit." Yu Wei threw the cigarette butt on the ground and laughed, "It's business, you know, these days I didn't sleep well with 2 yuan in cash in my arms. I have never touched so much money in my life. My dear, why do you think I am so lucky when I go to the casino? How can I win so much money? "

"What is this little money? After tonight, you will definitely not be able to sleep even more." Zhang Qian smiled at Yu Wei and said, "You should think about how to spend the money you have earned!"

"That's a problem, haha, but you still have to win the game. Come on, try your tricks with me. Your defense should be fine. The most important thing is that your offense is not sharp yet, so you need to continue to practice." Yu Wei posed smartly, waved to Zhang Qian, and said, "Come on, let's see if you have improved after this week."

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