Peach Fortune

Chapter 52 The Underground Boxing Arena 1

There was a slight smile on the corner of Zhang Qian's mouth, and suddenly he began to exert strength, and the whole person rushed towards Yu Wei.His fist struck out quickly, and hit several parts of Yu Wei's chest fiercely while his body was flying.

Yu Wei is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. He kicked very cleverly and wanted to defuse Zhang Qian's offensive. However, what he didn't expect at all was that when he kicked halfway, Zhang Qian's Turning his head strangely, this kick that was supposed to hit was missed!

not good!Yu Wei widened his eyes and was about to react when it was too late. Zhang Qian, who dodged the kick, hit Yu Wei with his fist accurately, and immediately knocked him down to the ground with the impact of inertia!

Yu Wei reluctantly stood up from the ground, he looked at Zhang Qian strangely as if he was looking at a monster.Patting the dust on his body, he could only say helplessly, "I surrender, I surrender, you are such a monster, how long has it been, it's really good to have this kind of reflexes and attack routines through training , I am no longer your opponent. Hehe, with this level, I guess if you go to the underground boxing ring, as long as you don't meet a strong boxer, you will have no problem winning a round or two."

"It's just a fluke. Today you have to explain some offensive moves to me. I'm still confused about a few places."

Zhang Qian continued to ask Yu Wei for advice modestly, Yu Wei naturally had no problem, and patiently began to explain and analyze some offensive moves and routines for Zhang Qian.Before I knew it, it was past noon.After a simple meal, the two resumed training.

After all, underground boxing is an extremely cruel competition. Regardless of whether you win or lose, if you cannot effectively protect yourself and inflict maximum damage on your opponent, then you may be seriously injured or even killed.This point must not be taken lightly, so even if there is still a chance to practice for 1 minute, it is tantamount to giving yourself an extra guarantee.

After a whole day of training, Zhang Qian undoubtedly became sharper and stronger in attack.After Yu Wei had nothing to teach, he handed it over to Zhang Qian, so he could only conduct confrontation training with him.At first Yu Wei managed to succeed, but soon Zhang Qian became more and more courageous, and Yu Wei was knocked to the ground several times by his sneak attack.Today's Zhang Qian is more than several times stronger than when he first obtained the special ability!

The stronger Zhang Qian is, the more secure it is for Yu Wei, and the happier he is.Not long after that, the afternoon passed again, and Yu Wei finally couldn't help shouting to stop after being thrown for countless times, and said with a wry smile, "If I'm going to be thrown by you like this again, I'll have to break my waist .Okay, okay, let’s stop playing, let’s go eat a big meal first, and after we’re full, we’ll go to the underground boxing ring to start a killing spree and make him a lot of money!”

"Okay! Let's have a good time, and then go to the underground boxing ring to make a lot of money!" Zhang Qian was also aroused by Yu Wei. At this time, he stood like a god of war under the setting sun, standing on the construction site Waiting for the moment of the outbreak!

The old wood processing factory in Andu County, located in the outskirts of the old city, was originally the leader of the county's wood industry and one of the three major economic sources of the county.Andu County is a large mountainous county with rich forestry resources. It has been relying on felling trees and processing wood as one of its main fiscal revenues all year round. The former wood processing factory is one of the pillar enterprises.

However, the times are developing. Since Andu County began to gradually develop the tourism industry, and felling trees was not allowed to destroy the vegetation and forests, the wood processing factory was gradually forgotten by people. After closing down, no one was willing to buy the factory because of its remote location, so it was abandoned. for nearly ten years.In recent years, this piece of land was bought by a mysterious owner, but no new construction was started.Except for a few large warehouses in the factory, this place can only be described as desolate and dilapidated.

That is to say, in such a remote suburb, and in such a large warehouse, more people can be accommodated for illegal gambling.What many Andu people don't know is that the warehouse of this old wood processing factory has now become an underground boxing and gambling place!

After Zhang Qian and Yu Wei went to the best restaurant in Andu County, Hu Chi Hai, to have a drink, they came here by bicycle.Facing the ruins in front of them, it was hard to believe that a large-scale underground boxing match would be held here tonight.

Of course, these are all illusions, and the dilapidated surroundings are naturally used to confuse the police and law enforcement officers.After Zhang Qian and Yu Wei continued to go deep into the timber factory, they quickly encountered several vigilant guards. After questioning the two of them, someone led them deep into the central area of ​​the timber factory and came to the front of the timber warehouse. .

Just standing on the periphery of this huge warehouse, they could already hear the noisy shouts and shouts inside, and the bright light from the top of the warehouse undoubtedly told them that what was being held inside was an underground boxing match, and it must be crowded with people. Crowded!

If you only look at the consumption in Andu County, it is obviously impossible for this underground boxing and gambling venue to be so large. According to Yu Wei, the reason why the owner who controls this underground boxing venue can make this boxing venue so popular It was booming, and the main reason was that he vigorously attracted gamblers from other counties and cities around Andu County to come and spend.Because Andu County has a beautiful environment and is a newly developed tourist area, many gamblers come to gamble and enjoy the beautiful scenery, leisure and entertainment at the same time. Naturally, it is more and more popular with more people.

Led by the guards, the two came to the small iron gate next to the warehouse gate, where four or five guards were holding the handles.Zhang Qian took a look at these guards, and found that they all seemed to be very vigilant, and they were holding weapons such as machetes and iron bars tightly in their hands.

This made Zhang Qian feel a little strange. This underground boxing match should have been held more than once or twice. Why are these guards still acting so vigilant, as if there is danger at any time?

"It's strange, what's going on today, there are at least three times more guards here than when I came last time, what? Could it be that some important person is coming?" Before Zhang Qian's strange thoughts disappeared, the side Yu Wei was already surprised in a low voice, "Why do I feel that the atmosphere is very dignified tonight?"

Zhang Qian patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter how dignified we are, we just need to win the money after participating in the competition and leave. This is not a place where we can speculate blindly."

"That's true..." Yu Wei nodded in agreement. The water in the underground boxing ring is too deep, so there's nothing for the two of them to study. It's true to concentrate on making money.

After entering the warehouse, Zhang Qian suddenly felt the shouts and heat waves coming towards his face, and the strong lights made him almost unable to open his eyes.After a few seconds of getting used to the environment inside, he realized that the entire huge space in the warehouse was almost full of crazy gamblers, at least as many as a thousand people!These people frantically shouted loudly around the ring in the center, and on the ring, the two boxers were already fighting fiercely, and from time to time, the sound of punches would be heard through the loudspeaker, causing bursts of cheers.

This kind of scene, just looking at it, inevitably makes one's blood boil.At this time, Zhang Qian tried his best to keep a calm mind, and then took out a black mask from his pocket and put it on his face.

Covering my face, I naturally don't want someone to recognize me.Zhang Qian heard the news about underground boxing from Ji Shengchong, Xu Tiesing, and Chen Gang. These three people will definitely come to the underground boxing tonight to fight. If he does not wear a mask on the stage, he will definitely be recognized by them.It's not that Zhang Qian is afraid of them, but that he doesn't want other people to know about his boxing in the underground arena. After all, it's not something glorious. Immediate expulsion or withdrawal from school.

Yu Wei naturally understands that Zhang Qian doesn't want to show his true face. After all, it's better to keep a low profile and be careful about such disgraceful things.

The two walked along the crowd to the inside of the extremely spacious warehouse. Zhang Qian looked around, but found that there were dense crowds everywhere. It was obviously unrealistic to find Ji Shengchong and the others among so many people.However, there are corridors and aisles built of iron stairs around the interior of the warehouse, leading directly to the VIP room-like box on the second floor of the warehouse. Maybe Ji Shengchong and the others are also in those boxes.

Since Yu Wei has been to underground boxing matches several times, he is naturally familiar with the routines of the competition. Before he came, he had already talked to Zhang Qian about the precautions and the registration process.The cash register not far from the right side of the arena is the place to bet, and the gambling odds will be determined according to the qualifications and superficial data strength of the boxers of both sides, and will finally be displayed on the left side of the arena before betting. on the monitor.

As for boxer registration and registration, it is done in the registration area outside the boxer rest area.The procedure to become an underground boxer is actually not complicated. After all, this is not a regular boxing match. There is no heavyweight distinction. As long as you dare to fight, you can fight against guys who may weigh three times your weight regardless of life or death.

The most important procedure for becoming an underground boxer is actually a life-and-death contract.After all, underground boxing is full of dangers, and life and death are determined by fate. You don't know whether the opponent's fighter will hit you hard. Here, people who are often maimed and killed have no place to appeal, because they are on the stage. Before, everyone will be required to sign this life-and-death contract, and the organizer will not be able to pay more compensation because of you.

It is impossible to say that Zhang Qian is not afraid or nervous.After all, he is only a 17-year-old young man. Who would not feel fear when encountering such a cruel scene?But in order to make money, Zhang Qian could only do his best. Fortunately, he possessed special abilities that ordinary people did not have. No matter how useful it was in actual combat, at least it gave him enough psychological comfort and confidence.

After breaking up with Yu Wei, Zhang Qian, who came to the registration area alone, said to the burly man who was registering in front of him, "Hi, I'm here to sign up for the boxing match."

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