Peach Fortune

Chapter 57 The Shocking Odds

"Boy, look at your figure, you dare to come here to fight underground boxing before weaning? Hahaha, you are so ridiculous!" Beside Zhang Qian, a strong boxer suddenly laughed mockingly , His eyes fell on Zhang Qian, and he said contemptuously, "You people who want to die are really, why do you come to this kind of place to commit suicide? There is no way to seek death, and some of you can even lie to insurance or something." Compensation is really stupid."

Zhang Qian glanced at him and said calmly, "I'm here to win money, not to die. If you want to commit suicide, I have no problem."

"Hehe, the kid is quite kind? I can't see that you are not big but you are not small, win money? Can you win?" The strong man sneered, "It's just you?"

"It's up to me." Zhang Qian said with firm eyes, "I dare not tell others, but you and I will definitely win. Because a boxer who doesn't know how to respect his opponent cannot be of any level."

"What are you talking about! Boy, are you looking for death!" The strong man stood up from the bench abruptly, walked towards Zhang Qian, and said with an angry face, "Do you believe that I will chop you up?"

"Save some saliva and energy, and save it for the competition. It will be miserable if you don't get beaten all over the floor." Zhang Qian rolled his eyes at him, and said casually, "Just relying on your mouth to show off your strength will not change anything. Instead, it’s just a cowardly expression.”

"What are you talking about? You say I'm cowardly? You're looking for death!!" The strong man swung his fist angrily and wanted to hit Zhang Qian. At this time, the boxer next to him immediately reminded him that fighting in the rest area is a must. Those who are directly expelled from the competition.

Somewhat resentfully withdrew his fist, the strong man snorted coldly and stared at Zhang Qian with disdain, "Let's wait and see, it's best not to be met by me in the ring, or you must look good!"

Zhang Qian turned his face away and ignored it. For him, today's goal is to win the game, not to quarrel.If he really met this guy in the arena, he would naturally not let him down.

"Stop arguing, stop arguing, calm down!" Just as the strong man was annoyed by Zhang Qian's indifference and wanted to say something, a staff member in a suit walked in from outside, holding a After looking at the list, he raised his head and said, "Tonight's match has ten groups of players. The first group has already been selected, and the player on the red side is the Black Overlord."

"It's me?" The burly man who mocked Zhang Qian thought he had heard it wrong at first, and after being obviously stunned, he immediately asked the staff nervously, "Who is my opponent?"

The staff member glanced at him, pointed at Zhang Qian, and said, "Your opponent, Bai Fang, is a player named Wuying, that's him."

Zhang Qian was also really surprised at this time, he didn't expect that it was really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and he actually became a real opponent in the ring with this guy.Before he could express anything, the burly man nicknamed Black Overlord next to him showed obvious joy, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, God really has eyes, and he really made me and this kid grow up together!" I lost my opponent, and my luck is not so good when I meet this kind of opponent!"

"Is there any mistake, such a strong heavyweight boxer as the Black Overlord, the opponent is such a thin boy? Is there any suspense in this match?" "There is no suspense, the Dark Overlord must have won." I don't know how to choose a player, but let that kid go in the first round, is this the rhythm of killing him?"

The other boxers in the waiting room started whispering. Obviously, no one would be optimistic about Zhang Qian, because compared with the Black Overlord, Zhang Qian was indeed too thin, as if the Black Overlord could knock him down with just one punch. .

"The red square and the white square will come to the ring with me now. Your match will officially start after the odds are out and the betting is complete. Let's go." The staff doesn't care about the difference in strength, he only knows to follow the rules.Soon, he led the Black Overlord and Zhang Qian, nicknamed Wuying, out of the rest area and headed for the ring.

Although Zhang Qian said it was very easy just now, but after all, this is the first time in his life to participate in an underground boxing match, and he doesn't really know what to do in his heart.The boxer named Hei Bawang was burly, and he looked like a powerful fighter. If he wanted to win against him, he would have to work on his agility and ingenuity.

The two soon entered the arena of the competition together with the staff.The arena of the underground boxing arena is actually not much different from the real competition arena. After Zhang Qian put on the issued gloves, he stood in the corner of his own white arena.And that black overlord is obviously more familiar with the ring, he didn't rush to the corner of the red ring, but fought a decent set of boxing on the ring, which immediately attracted warm cheers from the audience .

After Zhang Qian and the black bully stepped onto the ring, their names and odds updated in real time immediately appeared on the huge monitor next to them.Zhang Qian turned his head to look at the monitor, and a surprised expression soon appeared on his face.

What's happening here?Zhang Qian obviously didn't expect at all that his odds on the monitor had already exceeded double digits, and the numbers were still changing!It was not until 5 minutes later that the number 15 was finally displayed.

15 to 1!The odds have been shown clearly, that is, after betting, Zhang Qian's odds are fifteen times that of the Black Overlord, that is to say, if Zhang Qian wins, then the basic bet can be multiplied by fifteen times!This is simply a shocking odds, Zhang Qian suddenly realized at this time, if according to this odds, then if he wins, the 2 yuan in Yu Wei's hand will directly become 30!

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian's heart couldn't help beating nervously!

30!Even if Yu Wei and him share a share, each of them will have as much as 15!For a poor man like him, 15 yuan is considered a huge sum of money, let alone [-] yuan, what kind of concept is that!

"Gudong..." Zhang Qian swallowed hard, trying his best to keep calm.After all, the game hasn't started yet. If you really want to get the 15 bet, you have to beat the red black bully in this game.

Before coming, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei made a simple estimate and thought the odds should be between five and eight, but they didn't expect their estimate to be too conservative. With Zhang Qian's thin body, those gamblers dared not spend their funds. Betting on him, and betting on Hei Bawang one after another, the gap between the bets between the two is getting bigger and bigger. If the odds are not scary, then it is not normal!

Zhang Qian, who was in excitement, squeezed the rope on the ring, his eyes revealed the desire to win.He is eager to win, because as long as he wins, he will have 15 in cash. Not only can he repay the money owed to the Chen family, but he can also give his father a medical treatment and lung washing!Not to mention completely curing the disease, at least it can alleviate the disease.Therefore, he must win, must win!

What Zhang Qian didn't know was that besides him and Yu Wei hoping to win, there were people in the VIP box on the second floor above the ring who wanted him to win the game even more.

Cheng Rou'er looked at the thin man nicknamed Wuying who was standing in the white rest area on the ring, her eyes were faintly filled with expectation, hoping that he would perform a miracle and defeat his opponent.But in fact, from the bottom of her heart, she didn't have much hope for such a miracle.

"Miss... this, this player is too..." Lao Gan naturally saw the white player who was betting on this side in the ring, his eyes were full of worry, and he whispered, "I have been left behind in the box The subordinates outside secretly sent a signal, and if they lose in a while, they will kill them. Even if there is only the last person left, they must take you out of here safely. After all, we have a hole card in our hand. If we use that Card, I think the success rate of escape will be very high."

Cheng Rou'er sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Let's talk about it when the result of this competition comes out... Although I don't have much confidence in this Bai Fang player, I always have a faint hope, after all, he dares to come to fight with his size Underground boxing, I'm afraid it's not as simple as wanting to die. That hole card is the last hope of the True Dragon Society in Andu County, and it's best not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Hey... I don't want to use that hole card either, but... Humph, I'm afraid that guy in the ring doesn't know at all. Our hopes are all pinned on him. I don't know, how many rounds this kid can survive ..." Lao Gan also sighed helplessly, shook his head and stopped talking.

"Good evening, everyone in the arena!!" The host's voice suddenly came from the speaker, which immediately ignited the atmosphere of the spectators in the warehouse. The host standing in the center of the ring with a microphone continued loudly. Opened the mouth and said, "This month's underground boxing competition will start the qualifying round again tonight. Among the contestants tonight, many are fledgling newcomers. At this time, the shadowless contestant standing in the white corner is the first time Get on the ring to participate in the competition! Please give him some applause and encouragement!!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the expected applause didn't ring out, instead there were bursts of heckling and cursing, and it was unknown who threw the mineral water bottle first, and soon all kinds of rubbish were thrown at Zhang on the ring. Flying in the direction of Qian, mixed with the words of getting out.Obviously, the gamblers under the ring didn't like Zhang Qian.That's right, in the eyes of many people, such a thin and thin man is not only worthless to bet on but also affects the excitement of the game.

"Ahem... Now, what I want to introduce is the Black Overlord of the red side! The Black Overlord player has already won two matches and lost one in the qualifying round. If he can beat the white side Wuying tonight, then he can win With a record of three wins and one loss, he entered the second knockout round! So this game is undoubtedly very important for him! Next, we welcome the red team Black Overlord!!"

Contrary to Zhang Qian's unpopularity, when the Black Overlord was introduced, the crowd immediately screamed and cheered, even fools could tell that guys like the Black Overlord were the favorites of gamblers , they always believe that if you don't have a strong body, you can't be a good boxer.

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