Peach Fortune

Chapter 58 Boxing Showdown 1

"Next, the contestants from both sides have come to the center of the ring. Only the referee gave an order, and tonight's match officially begins! All spectators who are ready to bet, don't miss this opportunity if you haven't bet yet, contestant Wuying's odds are 15 to 1, if he wins, he will get fifteen times the compensation, if you don't vote, you will miss out!" The host used his very charming voice to seduce the gamblers, with the purpose of Naturally, I want them to place more bets.

Maybe it's because Zhang Qian's figure is too thin, the betting money in the betting pool is much less than that of the previous evenly matched group arena matches, and up to now it's only a million yuan.And the bet on Zhang Qian was only tens of thousands.It seems that these gamblers have already pronounced Zhang Qian out, and no one would be optimistic about him at all.

After waiting for another minute or so, seeing that there was no desire to increase the wager on the monitor, the host raised his arms loudly and said excitedly, "Then, let everyone wait for a while." Let’s start the qualifying round of the underground boxing match again! The red team’s Black Overlord will fight the white team’s Wuying, whoever wins will be announced after the match is over!!”

"Kill him, kill him!!" The gamblers around the ring began to shout excitedly, and the neat slogans resounded throughout the warehouse, deafening.Zhang Qian knew in his heart that almost the vast majority of these gamblers were supporting the Black Overlord in front of him, but he didn't care about these things. What he really cared about was the 30 bets he got after winning!

The referee's whistle sounded in the ring, and the underground boxing match officially began!Facing the sneering opponent Hei BaWang, Zhang Qian was in a state of vigilance all over his body.In this arena, there are only wins and losses, regardless of life or death, so if you want to win the game, you must do everything you can, and you must not be sloppy at all, let alone underestimate the enemy.Black Overlord may be able to underestimate the enemy, but Zhang Qian, who has no fighting experience at all, said that this will be the first boxing match in his life, he can't lose, and he can't afford to lose!

The rules of underground boxing are so simple that there is no need for special instructions. The referee has no role at all except blowing the whistle. Boxers fight in the ring, and the one who falls to the ground is the loser. There are no fancy or tricks to speak of.

"Boy, you lie down and surrender now, and I don't need to hit you hard." The black overlord stared at Zhang Qian in front of him, with a smile that was sure to win, "Of course, if you really want to die, I will I don't mind giving you a ride."

Zhang Qian listened to Hei Bawang finished speaking, showing a plain expression, and said casually, "I found that you really talk a lot of nonsense."

The smile on Hei Bawang's face disappeared in an instant, and was naturally replaced by extremely angry and murderous eyes.He collided his fists fiercely, and sneered with a trace of cruelty, "Okay, since you're looking for death, then don't blame me for being cruel. Boy, look at the trick!!"

It can be seen that the Black Overlord was really angered by Zhang Qian. His burly and strong body was very close to Zhang Qian, and suddenly he punched hard, a powerful left uppercut Just like this, he rushed towards Zhang Qian's thin body!

When the Hei Bawang punched out, there was a burst of cheers and excitement from below the ring.Obviously, this exciting scene made the gamblers start to get excited.Boxing matches are all head-to-head contests, punches to the flesh, and tricks that see blood. Such a match will undoubtedly stimulate people's senses and make people feel a sense of blood rolling.

At this time, in the VIP box on the second floor, Lu Xing was crossing his legs triumphantly, and seemed to enjoy this kind of competition very much.On the other hand, the real dragon society and others had solemn faces.Whether it's the speed or strength of his punches, Black Overlord is impeccable.If such a punch hits, let alone this thin and thin player wearing a black mask who is called Wuying can resist it, even a player at a higher level may find it difficult.

"Could it be, this punch is over..." Lao Gan said helplessly, "Miss, the difference in strength between the two sides is simply incomparable!"

Cheng Rou'er's beautiful eyes were fixed on the thin figure standing in place on the ring, and she didn't speak.Because she and Lao Gan have the same views, in front of the black overlord's burly body full of muscles, the contestant named Wuying is really too thin...

Zhang Qian stood there calmly, his eyes fixed on the fist that came from the Black Overlord.He didn't panic at all, but it could be seen that his face was stern at this time, as if he was facing an enemy.

Zhang Qian's expression was seen by the Black Overlord, and he laughed, obviously full of confidence.The fist that was swung rapidly enlarged in front of Zhang Qian. In the eyes of outsiders, all this was only a second or two, but no one knew that at this moment, in Zhang Qian's eyes, the black overlord The left uppercut full of power and speed slowed down almost instantly, as if in slow motion, the speed slowed down by more than ten times!

"Whew..." The sound of piercing the air rang in Zhang Qian's ears, and under the gaze of everyone in the audience, just in the blink of an eye, Black Overlord's powerful left uppercut was tightly pressed against Zhang Qian's side. The face was scratched, but it did not cause any harm to him.

As the saying goes, a small mistake is a thousand miles away, one is a hit, the other is a miss, and the two completely different results correspond to imagination and reality.The reality that surprised everyone appeared. Maybe many people felt sorry for the black bully, because his punch was only a hair's breadth away, but a miss was a miss, and a miss was a miss. No matter how you say it, the result It was Zhang Qian who was still standing where he was safe and sound, and was not hurt by his fists at all.

Hei Bawang's eyes widened, and the expression in his eyes was full of disbelief.Perhaps when he thought about it, his punch was undoubtedly a sure-fire punch, how could Zhang Qian dodge it by such a small margin?

In the private room on the second floor, Lu Xing slapped the coffee table with one hand and yelled that it was a pity.The old man sitting next to him took a long breath, turned his head and glanced at Cheng Rou'er.At this moment, Cheng Rou'er's pretty face also showed some surprise, but more, it was an accident.

It seemed that there was no time for all the people who were paying attention to this match to dream and regret. Hei Bawang threw a left uppercut into the air, and Zhang Qian, who was standing where he was, suddenly moved!His figure rushed towards the Dark Overlord in an instant, and he actually chose to take the initiative to attack!

"Looking for death!!" The black overlord didn't feel too frustrated when he missed the blow. Like many people, he always thought it was just Zhang Qian's luck to escape.Seeing that Zhang Qian dared to fight back, he couldn't help but hastily stepped back two steps, quickly adjusted his balance with his skilled boxing skills, and threw another powerful roundabout punch towards Zhang Qian's face!

Compared with the left uppercut just now, this straight punch may not be as powerful in terms of power, but in terms of speed, it has become faster because the distance between the two has shortened.The fist rushed out like the wind, perhaps many people didn't even see clearly how the black overlord punched!

However, a situation that surprised everyone again appeared, Zhang Qian still didn't show any panic, just tilted his head slightly to the left, and the high-speed straight punch passed by his ear again like this!

Hei Bawang was really dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that all this was true, but before he could react, Zhang Qian's attack was already deceiving him!Hei Bawang, who opened the door wide in the panic, had no time to defend, and was soon hit by Zhang Qian's punch on his left eye socket!

"Bang!" Although Zhang Qian is thin and weak, the power of the attack is not very great, but the eye socket is the part of the face that is most likely to block the line of sight. If the eye socket is hit and the skin becomes red and swollen, the interference effect on the line of sight will undoubtedly be great. very obvious.

"Dong dong dong..." Hei Bawang stepped back again and again, covering his left eye socket, bending over in pain for a long time without getting up straight.This sudden change made the gamblers who were still extremely lively in the arena instantly widen their eyes and open their mouths wide, but they completely quieted down in shock!

"What!!" In the VIP box on the second floor, Lu Xing almost jumped up from the sofa, and the expression on his face was naturally extremely incredible.He probably never expected that the red black overlord, the player he chose in the ring, would be knocked back and injured by such a thin opponent!

"Okay, okay!!" At this time, the old man who was beside him couldn't help but screamed out of excitement. He turned his head happily and said to Cheng Rouer, "Miss, this guy really didn't expect that there is such a thing. One hand! Did you see it just now? This guy dodged the opponent's punches twice in a row. His agility and quick reaction are really unexpected! Judging from this situation, it is very easy for us to win hope. so big!"

Cheng Rou'er also had a smile on her pretty face, and she said lightly to the old man, "Uncle Gan, didn't I say that that man doesn't look like he came to the ring to seek death, he doesn't have well-developed muscles and a burly figure But dare to come to the underground ring to be a boxer, it is very likely that he has certain other strengths."

"Yes, yes, hehe, I'm afraid some people are going to miscalculate now." Lao Gan said with a smile, turned his head and glanced at Lu Xing, who was standing there with a somewhat unsightly expression, the meaning in those words was obvious However, he was secretly mocking Lu Xing.

Lu Xing glared at Lao Gan, and said with a sneer, "Old Gan, Lao Gan, don't be too happy, the game is not over yet, who knows if that kid was lucky just now? Let's wait and see!"

"Just wait and see!" Lao Gan is not afraid of him, Lu Xing, thinking that when he was in Andu County, he didn't know where Lu Xing was!If it weren't for the fact that today's situation is not good for Zhenlong, he wouldn't give Lu Xing any face!

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