Peach Fortune

Chapter 60 The Last Card 1

"Lu Xing, how is it? It's beyond your expectation, right? This world is always full of miracles, isn't it?" Lao Gan sneered with a hint of sarcasm, "Now, we can calculate the bet just now Is it? You bet on the red team to win, but the red team player lost in the end, so according to the bet, you should restore the [-]% bonus that the underground boxing arena gave to the True Dragon Club."

Lu Xing glanced at Lao Gan, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Old Gan, do you really want me to fulfill the bet? This five-cent bonus is really more important than buying a real dragon in Taiping, Andu County ?”

"What do you mean by that?" Lao Gan's expression changed when he heard it, and he frowned, "Buy Taiping? Are you trying to blackmail us?"

"Threats? You said this, I never said such words." Lu Xing took out a cigar, lighted it slowly for himself, and then continued, "But, you better weigh the current situation, But don’t let yourself be paralyzed in the fog and elevate your identity too high. I will leave some time for you to think about it and wait for your final answer. I am a person who has always been nostalgic, but sometimes, when benefits When the reality is greater than everything else, I will also be cruel and make some actions that I can't understand myself."

After Lu Xing finished speaking, he just smoked his cigar and kept silent.At this time, Laogan's face had become very ugly. He glanced at Cheng Rou'er beside him, and said in a low voice, "Miss, it seems that this guy is really willing to meet with Zhenlong for the five-star bonus and you." Turned his face. What gambling, it's just an excuse he made! Now he will show his ugly face when he loses. Look at what he means. If we don't know the current affairs, he will definitely do it. What should we do now? The hole card, Do you want to use it?"

Cheng Rou'er shook her head lightly and said, "Wait a little longer, don't do this unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Okay...but Missy, your safety is the first factor. If Lu Xing is really crazy and wants to do something, then I will fight my cards and send you out of here safely!" Old Gan's eyes revealed With an incomparably determined look, it can be seen that he is very serious in his words.

Cheng Rou'er bit her pink lips lightly, and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, Lu Xing put down her cigar at this moment, and said, "Okay, you have almost discussed the reason, and tell me the result. You think I should fulfill the bet , eat the five-in-one red, and then spit it out?"

The old man glanced at Cheng Rouer, Cheng Rouer stared at Lu Xing with beautiful eyes, and said firmly, "Uncle Lu, the reason why I call you uncle is because you have cooperated with my father before, and you are considered friends. I have always I always think that people can't just look at immediate benefits. Although birds die for money and people die for food, it is worthwhile to share some benefits and keep them stable for a long time. It can only become the target of public criticism, and there is no regret. Yes, the real dragon society is currently relatively difficult, but I believe that after this hurdle, the real dragon society will still be the leader of the underworld in the Jiangnan area. You should also carefully consider whether to Offending such an enemy with such a petty profit!"

After hearing this, Lu Xing let out a disdainful laugh, "Miss Cheng, what you said is quite reasonable, but the problem is that I don't see any signs of the real dragon's recovery now, let alone the president, he doesn't Son, there is only you as a daughter, who will inherit the Dragon Club? I think it is likely only his future son-in-law? If I want to be your father's son, then I am a bit wronged at my age, but being a son-in-law, I am naturally very happy. As you said, if the True Dragon Society is really powerful, it will belong to my son-in-law in the future. What do I have to be afraid of? What do I have to be afraid of offending? Just tell me the answer. , OK or not, give me a happy word!"

"It seems that you are really determined to fight Zhenlonghui? Do you really think that even if you get me, my father will recognize you as a son-in-law?" Cheng Rou'er sneered, "You are a little bit Isn't that naive?"

"No, no, no, I think your father will definitely agree, because he has no choice at all now. Internal and external troubles, what he needs urgently now is funds and help, and I happen to have everything he needs. If I If he gets your words, I believe he will recognize me as a son-in-law." Lu Xing said with a light smile, "If you don't try, how will you know?"

"Despicable, shameless!" Cheng Rou'er, who had always been calm, couldn't help biting her teeth angrily when she heard this, and spit out curse words.Her pretty face was as cold as frost, and her delicate body trembled slightly, "I didn't expect you to be such a guy who took advantage of others' danger. Back then, my father shouldn't have opened an underground boxing arena for you! Let me tell you, I didn't A woman who will become a villain like you is even less likely to give up the [-]% of the profit! You must fulfill the bet, otherwise you will be the mortal enemy of my True Dragon Club! Lu Xing, you will definitely regret it!"

"It seems that you guys made the decision I don't want to hear the most. Okay, I respect your opinions. But what I want to tell Miss Cheng is that whether I will be unlucky in the future is a matter for the future, but right now you think , so what if you make a decision? Here, I, Lu Xing, are the boss. I say one is one, and I say two is two! I, Lu Xing, if you want you to be my woman, you, Cheng Rouer, must be mine. The woman! Do you think you can escape from my palm? Humph, you woman, I'm going to fix it!" Lu Xing's face turned sharp instantly, and he shouted loudly, "Leopard, what are you still doing!"

"Crack!" The sound of the bolt being pulled suddenly sounded in the hands of the fellow nicknamed Leopard, and before the staff of the True Dragon Society could react, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the True Dragon Society standing not far away. Miss Cheng Rou'er!

"Dangerous, miss!!" Cheng Rou'er stared blankly at the muzzle, showing shock for a moment.And the old man next to him has seen the big world after all, he quickly reacted and rushed in front of Cheng Rou'er, using his body to block the gun!

Seeing this exposed pistol, Lu Xing's ugly face has been completely exposed.All the subordinates of the True Dragon Club looked very ugly. After all, in China, the control of guns is very strict. Let alone in a small county like Andu, even in Pinghai City, it may be difficult to find a few. Get a firearm.But no one expected that the Daoyi Society would have a gun in its hand!

There is a world of difference between having a gun and not having a gun. Nonsense, the bullets of the pistol are so fast, and at least five or six good players can be killed in one burst. There are only a dozen or so of the Dragon Club's men standing in this box. In other words, the leopard alone can completely defeat them!

At this moment, the situation between the two sides in the private room was once again at a point of imminent tension. As long as one side made the first move, the situation would immediately become unmanageable.

"How is it? My moral society is not bad, right? In order to get this pistol, I spent a lot of effort and a lot of money, and it was not for nothing. If you want to resist, let you taste what a bullet is like !" Lu Xing sat on the sofa coolly, and sneered at Cheng Rou'er, whose face was a little pale, "Miss Cheng, it's not me who miscalculated, but you! The problem now is very simple, or, I force it Let you stay, but Lao Gan and his subordinates will all be taken to the mountains to feed the wolves. Or, if you stay voluntarily, I will give the True Dragon Society a bonus, and Lao Gan and the others can leave safely. Which one to choose? It's up to you to choose which path, I've always respected women."

He talked about respecting women, but in fact he had already driven Cheng Rou'er to a dead end.The current situation is completely unfavorable to the True Dragon Society, and they are in danger of being killed at any time!At this time, Lao Gan suddenly said in a deep voice, "Lu Xing, it seems that you have already prepared to attack us! I don't know where you got the courage. Do you really think that you can kill us and everything will be fine? You Don’t you want to keep this underground boxing field going? If you dare to attack us today, I guarantee that you and your morality will disappear in Huaxia Kingdom soon!”

"Yo, the tone is not small, but it's a pity that your old man is only the president of the Andu County branch, not Boss Cheng! No matter how I say this, it sounds like a desperate growl? Hmph, don't use this kind of nonsense to scare me, let me tell you, it’s up to you, it’s useless to say anything! If you want to survive, it depends on how your beautiful Miss Cheng Rouer chooses!” Lu Xing has obviously decided to tear his skin apart, and he will not I was too worried about Lao Gan's threatening words, and said with a sneer, "Chinese people live a day-to-day life. If you want to make a bigger career, you have to fight hard! Nonsense Say no more, Miss Cheng, you can make your decision before grinding out my patience!"

Cheng Rou'er looked at the triumphant Lu Xing in front of her, her pretty face gradually became serious.She sighed softly and said helplessly, "Lu Xing, originally I wanted to have a good talk with you, and it would be best if we could turn hostility into friendship, but who would have thought that your ambition would be so big. If so, then I have nothing to do with you." It can be said, it seems that you don't want to keep the family business in front of you, and you don't care about becoming a pauper again. Then it's time to end it, let's make it today! Let me tell you, I, Cheng Rouer, like those who are upright Man, not a speculative, despicable and shameless villain like you, you want to get me, just dream!"

The smug smile on Lu Xing's face gradually dissipated, replaced by a strong murderous intent, his gaze flickered, and he said coldly, "Okay! Since Miss Cheng doesn't give Lu Xing face, then I, Lu Xing, will There is no need to show you face, Leopard, go and catch her!"

"Yes, boss!!" The vice president of the Douyi Society called Leopard raised his gun and walked towards Cheng Rou'er from behind Lu Xing. At this time, Cheng Rou'er's beautiful eyes were staring at him A faint sneer suddenly appeared on the beautiful face of the leopard.

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