Peach Fortune

Chapter 61 The Last Card 2

Lu Xing felt that the leopard walking beside him stopped suddenly, and before he could react, he was shocked to find that at some point, the black and cold muzzle of the gun had already pressed against his temple!In this box, who is the only person with a gun?Isn't it his subordinate, the most trusted leopard?

"Leopard? You, what are you doing!!" Lu Xing's face turned pale in an instant. He tried hard to look at the leopard with his eyes in disbelief, but due to the problem of the angle, he still couldn't see the leopard's face. figure.Almost instantly, he seemed to understand something, and roared out of embarrassment, "Leopard! You, you are a traitor!! Why? Why did you betray me!!"

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm not a traitor, and there is no such thing as betrayal at all. Because I was the first group of undercover agents placed by the True Dragon Society in the Daoyi Society from the very beginning, and it is also the last card that the True Dragon Society will control you!" Leopard grabbed Lu Xing by the neck, held a gun to his head, and slowly said from behind him, "Boss Cheng knew that you were too ambitious and unreliable when we first cooperated with you, so he specially sent me You and several other undercover agents have been lurking in the Moral Society, but you didn't know it, and you appreciated me because of my bravery, so I became your deputy, but in fact, only Boss Cheng, not the second, was the one I obeyed. two people!"

"" Lu Xing's eyes widened. At this time, he obviously felt that he was not only cheated, but also cheated badly!His face became a little decadent, and he suddenly burst into a bitter laugh, "Hahaha... I think I, Lu Xing, have been cautious all my life, but I didn't expect that I was not as alert as Boss Cheng! It turns out that this bastard has already sent someone Lurking by my side, did he give an order that if I disobey the order of the True Dragon Society, he will let you find a chance to kill me?"

"Yes, that's the reason why Boss Cheng sent us to lurk." Leopard said here, and suddenly he pushed Lu Xing's head with his gun hand, and immediately shouted at those members of the moral society who were nervous and about to move around, " Lu Xing is in my hand, if he dares to move, I will immediately blow his head!"

Sure enough, this kind of threat was the most effective. When the subordinates of the Doji Society heard the leopard's roar, they were so frightened that they dared not move, and slowly backed away.Although they were very unwilling, what could they do? The boss, Lu Xing, was under control. If the boss' life was hurt, who would bear the responsibility?

"Leopard!! If you dare to come out of this door today, I will let you know how powerful I am, Lu Xing!!" Lu Xing blushed, and roared hysterically, "Thanks to my trusting you for so many years, It turns out that you are a lackey of the True Dragon Society!!"

Leopard didn't answer Lu Xing's words, but at this time the old man on the side sneered, "Lu Xing, I said you would regret it, but you ignored my words. Are you comfortable now? Satisfied? Huh, Mr. Cheng You are not such a fool, today not only will we leave here safe and sound, but we will also take you away and let you explain clearly in front of Boss Cheng! Leopard, what are you waiting for, we will retreat!"

Hearing Lao Gan's words, the leopard held Lu Xing and slowly approached the people of the True Dragon Society. Lao Gan led the people and kicked open the door of the box first. Under the vigilant escort of the True Dragon Society, Cheng Rou'er was protected. In the middle of the crowd, he just squeezed out of the box and came outside the door.

As soon as the members of the True Dragon Club went out, the subordinates of the Daoyi Club in the box immediately chased after them, and took out their walkie-talkies to ask for help. It was a mess for a while.But soon they all chased them back and forth, and the originally overcrowded box was suddenly empty, and the silence was extremely strange.

In the corridor on the second floor of the underground boxing arena, the members of the True Dragon Club held Lu Xing and slowly pushed forward.In front of and behind them, there were people from the Daoyi Society holding knives and sticks. Obviously, they didn't make way for the purpose of slowing down the speed of these people from the True Dragon Society and delaying it for a certain period of time.

"Get out of the way, or I'll just let your old heads bloom!" Lao Gan knew that if this went on, he would have many dreams sooner or later, so he had to leave here as soon as possible and escort Cheng Rou'er to leave safely.He winked at the leopard, and the leopard knowingly took a gun to the head of Lu Xing, who was being held hostage, obviously making a silent threat.

Although the subordinates of the Daoyi Society had an absolute advantage, but because the boss Lu Xing was in the hands of the people of the True Dragon Society, of course they did not dare to act rashly.

At this time, Lu Xing, who was being held hostage, snorted coldly, and suddenly said, "Leopard, you and I have been through life and death for so many years, you should be clear about our relationship. You should also know how I treat you, why do you have to tell the truth?" The dragon will work hard? Follow me, you are already the vice president, and the popular and spicy ones can lose you? But what about following the real dragon? They are hard to protect themselves now, and you expect them to give you greater benefits? Leopard, I will give you one last chance, if you let me go and point your guns at them, I can forget about what happened before. How?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Leopard's mouth, he pushed Lu Xing forward hard, and said calmly, "Stop talking nonsense, go quickly! Lu Xing, your condition is attractive, but it's a pity, it's impossible for me, Leopard, to be attracted by you." It was bought. Do you know why? Because Boss Cheng has saved my life! Since I was a child, I have given my life to Boss Cheng! You asked me to betray him? There is no way!!"

"It turns out that it is like this... It seems that Boss Cheng really thinks of me, Lu Xing, and even sends undercover agents so well! Okay, enough skills!" Lu Xing said with a sneer, and turned to the window by the corridor. Looking outside, he suddenly said with a gloomy face, "It's a pity that I, Lu Xing, am not a soft persimmon, who can be manipulated and deceived at will! As I said, I am the boss here today. Don't think about leaving here, I will do it when I say it! Boss Cheng has your hole card, sorry, I also have my own hole card!"

"Kang Dang!!" As soon as the words came out, Lao Gan was just about to refute in disdain, but at this moment, he only heard a clear and strange gunshot from not far away, and the glass near the corridor shattered instantly!

"Leopard!!" Lao Gan stared wide-eyed, watching the bullet piercing through the broken glass hit the leopard's shoulder in an instant, and bright red blood splashed out immediately!The shoulder of the leopard holding the pistol was attacked, and soon the arm fell limply. At this moment, Lu Xing hurriedly pushed the leopard back, but the whole person was desperately rushing towards the subordinates of the Daoyi Society. go.

"Don't let that bastard run away!!" Lao Gan yelled hastily, of course he knew what it would mean to all the members of the True Dragon Society here if Lu Xing escaped successfully!

Leopard gritted his teeth in pain and switched the pistol to his left hand, raised the muzzle to point at Lu Xing who was desperately running away, and pulled the trigger!

With a gunshot, Lu Xing fell to the ground in response, and at this time there was another gunshot outside, and this time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the leopard was shot directly in the head, and immediately fell to the ground heavily with blood flying everywhere , Seeing it is dead, and there is no possibility of any life.

"Kill!!!" Seeing that Lu Xing was shot and fell to the ground, the subordinates of the Douyi Society no longer had any worries. Except for two or three people who hurriedly helped Lu Xing up and protected him from leaving quickly, The other subordinates raised their machetes and sticks one after another, roaring loudly and rushed towards the members of the True Dragon Society!

At this time, Lao Gan hurriedly took the pistol from the fallen Leopard, and said to his subordinates, "Brothers, let's fight these bastards! Be careful to protect the eldest lady, there are snipers shooting from outside the corridor." Cold gun, don't get close to the window!!"

Before he finished speaking, the subordinates of the two sides quickly fought together. The two sides who killed the red eyes didn't care about any danger, other than killing, they were killing each other. The corridors that are not spacious are completely blocked.

"Bang bang bang!!" In addition to killing those who resisted desperately, Lao Gan took Cheng Rou'er, who was obviously pale, to the end of the corridor under the escort of three or four subordinates, and met the Daoyihui subordinates who blocked them He shot directly without hesitation, piercing through the bodies of the guys who were desperately rushing towards them one after another.

Blood flew everywhere, bullets mixed with swords and swords, screams, shouts, collisions, and fighting were intertwined, and the scene was in chaos.Not only that, because of the continuous gunshots, the gamblers around the ring downstairs on the second floor had already heard it clearly, and the panicked people began to desperately want to escape here quickly, rushing to the exit for a while The crowd suddenly became chaotic.Everyone desperately wanted to squeeze out, but it became more and more chaotic.The sound of gunshots made the entire underground boxing ring into chaos, but the life and death of the boss here, Lu Xing, is unknown. At this time, no one has the ability to come forward and control such a chaotic scene.

"Miss, with persistence, we are about to reach the stairs, and soon... ah!!" Just as Lao Gan shot and killed the men of the Daoyihui who rushed over, they rushed out a bloody road and came to the end of the corridor. Just when he turned his head excitedly and told Cheng Rou'er that he was about to get out of trouble, a long machete suddenly appeared and directly hit his arm holding the pistol!

The sharp machete slashed down fiercely, and Lao Gan's arm was broken in two in response!The front half of the arm holding the pistol fell to the ground without warning, and the severe pain made him unable to help but let out a heart-piercing scream!

"Uncle Gan!!" Cheng Rou'er's face turned pale from fright and she screamed sadly. She hurriedly wanted to rush over to help Lao Gan, but was stopped by the guards around her.The painful old man blushed, staring at the member of the Daoyi Society who cut off his arm, and slammed into the man with his own body!

Soon, the man and Lao Gan were knocked out of the corridor and came to the stairs.At this time, Lao Gan was immediately exposed to the peripheral vision, without the protection of the corridor wall, his body was instantly exposed to the sniper's vision...

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