Peach Fortune

Chapter 62 Rush

Before Lao Gan could make any other moves, a gunshot fired, and the bullet fired by the sniper pierced his chest in an instant!

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spewed out of Laogan's mouth. At this moment, he opened his mouth to Cheng Rou'er, who was not far away in the corridor, looking at him sadly, with his eyes wide open, and shouted loudly while spitting out blood foam , "Quick, come out quickly... Miss, I, I will cover you and go, go!!!"

"No... Uncle Gan..." Cheng Rou'er looked at the old man covered in blood, and shook her head unwilling to let him die like this, but the subordinates around her had already pulled her and rushed out of the corridor, wanting to rush down the stairs , mixed into the chaotic crowd below that has completely lost control!

"Bang!" The sniper's gunshot rang out again, Lao Gan took a deep leap, and immediately rushed to Cheng Rou'er and her men protecting her!The bullet pierced into his shoulder in an instant, and blood spattered, making his blood-stained clothes turn darker red again.

"Go... Hurry up!!" Lao Gan seemed to be crazy. After being shot, facing the members of the Daoyi Society chasing from the corridor, he blocked the corridor with his body. At the entrance of the stairs, desperately blocking the progress of those guys!Soon, machetes, iron rods and other weapons fell heavily on him one by one, and the fallen veteran was soon completely overwhelmed by the members of the Moral Society...

Cheng Rou'er's delicate body trembled slightly, and she continued to flee quickly down the stairs under the pull of several Zhenlonghui's men.The sound of sniper gunfire from the opposite rooftop still rang out from time to time, and from time to time, some of the men protecting her body fell to the ground with a muffled grunt after being shot!Soon, of the four men protecting her, there was only the last one who was only close to her!

After paying the lives of three subordinates and Lao Gan, Cheng Rou'er and the only protecting subordinate finally ran down the stairs and mixed into the surrounding crowd in a panic.The chaotic crowd undoubtedly provided Cheng Rou'er with the best natural barrier. The two deliberately avoided the high roof area, which blocked the sight of the sniper on the roof, making it impossible to clearly distinguish and find Cheng Rou'er's body in the crowd. figure.The sniper finally stopped shooting temporarily, which undoubtedly gave Cheng Rouer a breathing space for a certain period of time.

However, Cheng Rou'er is obviously far from safe.

If she really wants to leave here safely, she has to avoid the snipers' search, and follow the crowd through the warehouse door to stop the members of the moral society.At this time, the fierce fight on the second floor has obviously also aroused the guards of the Daoyi Society at the gate of the warehouse. They have already passed through the chaotic crowd and are coming here with weapons in hand for reinforcements.

In this way, these members of the Daoyi Society have actually surrounded Cheng Rou'er. If she wants to leave here smoothly and stay close to the only subordinate around her, it is obviously too difficult...

"Miss!! Look, Miss is there!!" Just as Cheng Rou'er's eyes flickered with a hint of worry, there was a shout from the right, and soon there were seven or eight subordinates of the True Dragon Society Quickly gathered towards her.When they got closer and took a look at Cheng Rou'er, it became clear that these people in front of them were all among the dozen or so subordinates who were stopped and waited on the second floor just now.

"Where are the others?" Cheng Rou'er looked at them, frowned and said, "There was a fight upstairs, this negotiation is a trap, we have to leave here immediately."

"Miss, we have roughly guessed that the guys at the warehouse door just now attacked us as soon as they heard the gunshots upstairs. Fortunately, we reacted quickly and rushed here while resisting, so we didn't cause too many casualties. Miss , what about the boss? Why aren’t you with me?” One of the leaders among these subordinates asked a little strangely, “Did you get separated?”

Cheng Rou'er's beautiful eyes darkened, she lowered her pretty face and didn't know how to answer.The guard beside her had no choice but to bite the bullet and said in a trembling voice, " protect us..."

Having said this, the guard couldn't continue talking any more, and all these veteran subordinates stood on the spot in a daze, and fell into shock and grief for a while.The atmosphere here was eerily quiet, but the surrounding crowd was incomparably chaotic and noisy, and the contrast between the two clearly formed a strong contrast.

"Everyone, don't be stunned. The boss has told you that you must send the eldest lady out of here safely. We are all the elites of the Andu Branch of the True Dragon Society. We will pledge our allegiance to the True Dragon Society! Now, our task is to protect Miss, get out of here safely!!" The leader of these people was the first to react, and angrily said to his brothers, "Anyway, we are going to die here anyway, let's kill one more bastard from the Moral Society, just It’s like avenging the boss one more time! Brothers, let’s go!!”

The words of the leader aroused the blood of all the subordinates of the True Dragon Society. They protected Cheng Rouer's surroundings, led her to squeeze through the chaotic crowd, and rushed towards the gate!

"Bang!!" Just as the group of people hadn't walked much distance, the sound of gunshots reappeared, and the bullet was shot from the air on the rooftop, directly hitting the chest of a member of the True Dragon Society at the back of the hall!That subordinate fell to the ground with a muffled groan, blood gushing out wildly, seeing that he was dying.

"Go, go! A sniper is aiming at us. They all try to hide their bodies from the rooftop area and run to crowded places as much as possible!" At this time, Cheng Rou'er couldn't help reminding her that she really didn't want to see these desperate people The men who protected her suffered another casualty.

Hearing Cheng Rou'er's words, the men protecting her immediately followed suit. Sure enough, with the protection of the chaotic crowd, the snipers on the rooftop seemed to lose their target again, and the gunshots disappeared again...

"Yu Wei? Yu Wei!! I'm here!!" Zhang Qian tried his best to maintain his balance, not wanting to be pushed back by the gamblers who crowded around him and wanted to leave in a hurry. Yu Weishi, who was struggling to squeeze out from the cashier, immediately shouted in a hurry.

Yu Wei turned his head and saw Zhang Qian, and desperately wanted to get closer to him.Because the crowd was too chaotic and crowded, he moved very slowly, and it took a lot of effort to finally reach Zhang Qian's side.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... It's messed up, it's all fucking messed up. The gamblers at the cash register are all reconciling their accounts, and I managed to squeeze it out." Yu Wei grabbed Zhang Qian's arm, panting After a few breaths, "What happened? I thought I heard a gunshot just now?"

"I don't know what happened. It's probably gang fights. Let's fight. Don't say it's useless, have you taken out the bet?" Zhang Qian didn't care what caused the confusion, he just wanted to He knew whether he had won the bets he earned from fighting hard in the ring.

Yu Wei smiled badly, reached out and took out a bank card from his pocket, and said happily, "Aren't you asking nonsense? 30, that is more important than my life. I will leave willingly without taking it out?"

"All 30 is in this card? Haha, it's great! Then what are you waiting for, let's go, if there is a fight here, don't get involved, it will be difficult to get out!" Zhang Qian Qian patted Yu Wei on the shoulder and said, "It's too much trouble for the two of you to walk through this dense crowd, why don't you just leave separately, wait for the phone call tomorrow, how about going to the bank to withdraw money together?"

"Okay, then I'll take a step first. Anyway, the money has already been put into the bank card. Even if the card is lost and there is no password, it can't be taken out. Don't be afraid." Yu Wei waved goodbye to Zhang Qian with a smile, and got into the chaotic crowd.After Zhang Qian glanced around, he squeezed into the crowd from the other side, and followed the flow of people towards the exit of the warehouse.

A total of 30 yuan, which is equivalent to 15 yuan per person, has been obtained. Zhang Qian feels faintly excited when he thinks about it, 15 yuan!He paid back the Chen family's 2 yuan, and there is still a huge sum of 13 yuan. How to spend this money, he still hasn't figured it out at all.But even if it cost nearly 3 yuan to do lung washing treatment for his father first, the remaining [-] yuan would be enough to make him a small rich man.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, [-] may not be a lot of money, but for Zhang Qian, who is only a third-year junior high school student and his family is poor, it is already an astronomical figure.He already vaguely understood in his heart that by relying on his special ability after changing his genes, maybe he can make more money, thus completely changing the fate of everyone in the old Zhang family!

While imagining a better life in the future, Zhang Qian followed the crowd towards the exit, and soon approached the entrance and exit of the warehouse.Due to the chaos, all the gamblers in the warehouse wanted to escape at the same time in a short period of time, so the exit was directly blocked and overcrowded, and the speed of progress was greatly slowed down. It seemed that it would take a long time to leave .

It doesn't matter to Zhang Qian, as long as there is no danger here, he has nothing to do anyway, so he is not in a hurry to leave.Since there is a lot of traffic ahead, we can only wait slowly.

"There! The people from the True Dragon Society and the eldest lady are over there, hurry up and catch them!!" At the exit of the warehouse, there was a sudden loud cry, and the crowd became commotion again.Zhang Qian stood at the same spot and looked forward, only to see a large number of guards with machetes and iron bars pounced towards the crowd at the exit, and those gamblers who didn't know the situation immediately backed away in fright. Take the initiative to give up a passage that is not spacious.And those guards passed through this passage, and quickly rushed to Zhang Qian's side!

After Zhang Qian was stunned, he quickly reacted, and wanted to go backwards.What a joke, he doesn't want to get involved in this kind of underworld fighting and killing, so it's better if he can stay away.It's a pity that no matter how much he wanted to leave, the crowd around him was already very crowded. He only took four or five steps back and there was no place for him to stay.

"Protect the eldest lady! Brothers fight with them!!" Just as the frenzied guards rushed up, there was an angry shout from the other side of Zhang Qian's position. Five or six men in suits The man rushed out from the crowd on the right, and soon the guards who had rushed to Zhang Qian's side turned around and fought with them instantly.

Zhang Qian couldn't help shaking his head, there were only five or six people here, and the guards numbered at least a dozen, which obviously suffered a big loss in terms of numbers, and there was almost no suspense in this fight.These people don't seem to be going to fight, but rather to die.

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