Peach Fortune

Chapter 65

What if you find another boxer and let him clash with these guards?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian looked left and right, but he didn't find any other boxers at all.What's more, when he thought about it, he felt that his plan was a bit ridiculous, so what if he found a boxer?Not every time a grumpy boxer comes to cause chaos for you will successfully attract the attention of the guards.

Wait... Thinking of this, Zhang Qian seemed to have grasped a key point in his mind. He thought about it silently, and suddenly his eyes shone brightly, and he couldn't help but whisper excitedly, "Yes, making Chaos! As long as it can cause confusion and panic in the crowd, they will definitely want to leave the warehouse as soon as possible. In this way, how can it be possible to block the chaotic collision of hundreds of thousands of people with only six or seven guards at the exit? us……"

"And we can take advantage of this chaotic situation and escape without a doubt!" Before Zhang Qian finished speaking, Cheng Rou'er next to him couldn't help but happily accepted his words, nodded and said, "This method is feasible, we Hurry up and try it!"

Zhang Qian glanced at her, and said with a wry smile, "But the question is, how can we create panic and confusion in the crowd? At this time, it would be great if there was a gun, as long as the gun is fired into the sky, the loud gunshot will Definitely create panic."

When Cheng Rou'er heard this, Mei Mou couldn't help but brighten up and said, "If you want gunshots, I have a way. Just now, after we escaped from the second floor until we mixed into the crowd, there was a sniper hiding on the high roof He kept shooting at us, and then he stopped shooting because I hid in the crowd and he couldn't find me. If I let the sniper find me on purpose, then it can attract him to shoot this way, causing chaos gone?"

"Sniper? On the roof?" Zhang Qian subconsciously glanced at the lofty warehouse roof, and sure enough, he could vaguely see someone appearing there.He just felt that this method is feasible and wanted to open his mouth to confirm it, but soon he was stunned and said with some doubts, "Cheng Rou'er, you said that the sniper kept shooting at you, so how could you be safe and sound?"

"Because the sniper's target was me, but he didn't shoot me directly. He shot and killed the men around me who were protecting me." Cheng Rou'er answered honestly.

Zhang Qian felt the cold sweat on his back, and suddenly he roared out of control, "The people who shot and killed were all the subordinates who were protecting you? Oh my God! Then am I considered protecting your subordinates now? If you lead This sniper shoots, isn’t he aiming at me? Are you trying to get me to take bullets?”

Cheng Rou'er was stunned, she patted herself on the forehead, and seemed to realize it, "That's right, I almost forgot, so what should I do?"

"I..." Seeing Cheng Rou'er's concerned face, Zhang Qian couldn't help but blushed and almost vomited blood!If it wasn't for the fact that this chick was so beautiful, Zhang Qian really felt that he would not be able to control the urge to use violence against her...

Taking yourself as a target, no one would be willing to do it instead!

For a while, the two fell into silence.Seeing that the flow of people around him became less and less, Zhang Qian couldn't help feeling very anxious.But the problem is that the risk is too great to bet on his life.

Looking at the high rooftop in the distance behind him, Zhang Qian couldn't help hesitating and hesitating.At this moment, Cheng Rou'er gently tugged at his sleeve, and whispered nervously, "Zhang Qian, that boxer seems to have been arrested, we have to move quickly and get out of here."

Zhang Qian was startled, and looked along the commotion of the crowd in the distance, and sure enough, the boxer who had clashed with the members of the Daoyihui was being dragged towards the door by the two of them.The boxer obviously paid a heavy price for his hot temper, and he didn't know how many people he knocked down, but now he can be described as horrible, with injuries all over his body, and blood is still dripping on the ground.

The tragic scene of the boxer made Zhang Qian instantly think of what it would be like if he was caught.This reverie immediately made him feel a little creepy.No, I can't continue to wait like this to die, I have to find a way to escape!

Zhang Qian glanced at the platform again, gritted his teeth, and said to Cheng Rouer, "Cheng Rouer, the only way now is to attract the attention of the sniper and let him shoot in this direction to create chaos, we will follow your instructions Do it the way you want."

Cheng Rou'er was taken aback, and said in surprise, "But, the sniper will shoot at you first?"

"I don't have time to think of other ways. Shoot at me, just shoot at me. I'll try my best to avoid it." Zhang Qian said casually, and pulled Cheng Rou'er towards the empty area beside the crowd.

Cheng Rou'er was puzzled and worried while walking, "The bullet is so fast, how can you think of a way to avoid it? Zhang Qian, this is not a joke, if you are shot, your life will be in danger!"

"Then is there any way, can you think of a better way?" Zhang Qian glared at her, and threatened with some dissatisfaction, "I said, Miss Cheng, you dragged me into the water, and even if I die, I won't be a ghost." Let you go, I will haunt you every day, okay?"

Of course Cheng Rouer knew that Zhang Qian was deliberately scaring her by saying this, she sighed helplessly, and then slowly said, "Zhang Qian, thank you for helping me get here all the way, you are innocent, you must not Put your life in it. If... there is really no way... then I will accept my fate. Zhang Qian, if you hand me over to the members of the Douyi Society, they will definitely let you go. You... yourself Get out of here..."

Zhang Qian was taken aback, he didn't expect that Cheng Rou'er would rather hand himself over to the enemy than let him die, he couldn't help being moved.He shook his head and replied, "The Daoyi Society is not that stupid. I want to hand you over, and they will definitely not let me go. After all, as long as you kill me, no one will know your life or death, right?"

"Then...then what should I do?" Cheng Rou'er's anxious beautiful eyes had faint tears, and she blamed herself pitifully, "It's all my fault, my temporary fear, which caused you to fall into danger. ..."

"It's meaningless to say these things now, so let's follow your method." Zhang Qian said with a flash of firmness in his eyes, "I believe that I can escape the sniper's bullet."


"Come on, there's so much nonsense, do what you're told! Do you really want to be raped by those guys from the Doyi Society?" Zhang Qian stopped before Cheng Rou'er could speak again. Shouting, Cheng Rou'er couldn't help shivering suddenly.

In desperation, Cheng Rou'er glanced at Zhang Qian, and said deeply, "Zhang Qian, you must live. If I can go out this time, I will definitely repay you well!"

"Don't talk about these things, let's talk about it first!" Zhang Qian waved his hand, he is not in the mood to study the question of repayment now.At this time, the two had reached the edge of the crowd, and they happened to be in the viewing area of ​​the rooftop. As long as Cheng Rou'er ran out of the crowd, they would definitely attract the attention of snipers on the rooftop.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Qian pulled Cheng Rou'er beside him, and said seriously, "Run out later, I will use my body to block you, the sniper will definitely shoot, and the target must be me. If ...I mean if I get shot, you run back into the crowd and figure it out on your own, and if I dodge the bullet, run into the crowd with me and force that guy to shoot into the crowd and cause chaos ,Do you understand it?"

Cheng Rou'er's nervous body trembled a little, and she nodded unconfidently.Zhang Qian glanced at the roof at this time, and said loudly, "Run!!"

Soon, following Zhang Qian's order, Cheng Rou'er and Zhang Qian rushed out of the crowd and appeared in an empty area with no one there.He was protecting Cheng Rouer's side. It was too obvious for the two of them to be the target in this open area, because there was no one or object around them to cover their bodies!

"Bang!!" Just a few seconds after Zhang Qian kept staring at the direction of the rooftop, a gunshot rang out, and the bullets shot towards him immediately!

Slow down, slow down, slow down for me! !

Zhang Qian shouted in his heart, his heart was beating rapidly, and his whole body was nervously staring at the bullets coming from the direction of the roof!Although the size of the bullet is small, under Zhang Qian's special ability to slow down the moving object, the speed is still slowed down quickly, and the rapid forward impact instantly turns into a slow movement like slow motion.

However, unlike other objects, the bullets of the sniper rifle were too fast and very small, so when Zhang Qian slowed down with his eyes, the bullets were already hundreds of meters away from his body.At this time, Zhang Qian was so nervous and excited that he couldn't help sweating profusely. After all, he was betting his own life!

Staring at the bullet that was still slowly flying towards him, Zhang Qian suddenly muttered in his head, and began to try to change its trajectory!

Indeed, the reason why Zhang Qian dared to take the risk of taking Cheng Rou'er out of the crowd to let the sniper shoot him was because he had two biggest reliances, one was to slow down the movement speed of the object, and the other was to change the speed of the object. Movement track!

The bullet fired from the barrel is undoubtedly a high-speed moving object. As long as its trajectory can be changed a little bit, the error will inevitably increase exponentially after such a long distance.That's why it's a thousand miles away!And Zhang Qian's plan is very simple, he just wants to change the trajectory of the bullet a little bit, so that the bullet can't hit him!

However, although this special ability has been used when playing roulette in a casino, he doesn't know if it is suitable for bullets, so he is actually gambling, betting on his own special ability, which can save his life! !

"Ding!!" There was a crisp sound of impact on the ground, and a burst of dust immediately floated from the hard concrete floor. The bullet finally hit the ground hard and missed Zhang Qian's body!

It worked! !Zhang Qian was overjoyed. He knew that the bullet was originally aimed at his body, but now he forcibly changed the trajectory and escaped the doomed catastrophe!

"Run back!!" Zhang Qian didn't have time to rejoice, he turned his head and pulled Cheng Rou'er who was beside him, and rushed towards the nearby crowd!

"Bang bang bang!" The bullets rang out again after only a short two or three seconds like running water. After the continuous gunshots, the bullets shot into the panicked crowd one by one, and the innocent gamblers who died tragically were splashed with blood in that instant. The gangsters fell to the ground one after another, and suddenly a bigger chaos broke out in the crowd!

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