Peach Fortune

Chapter 66

The crowd was in chaos again, and the pressure on the exit immediately doubled.

The panic-stricken crowd frantically began to squeeze here.Since there is only one exit in the entire warehouse, it is like a bottle full of water has only one mouth. In the fright of the gunshots, the exit was quickly crowded with people fleeing in a hurry, and only a few guards wanted to maintain it. Order is simply not possible.

Among the chaotic crowd, Cheng Rou'er's delicate body was like a small boat drifting with the current, being bumped by the crowd around her, she was tottering from side to side.She could only desperately hold on to Zhang Qian's arm who was walking in front, as if she was holding on to a life-saving rope in a storm.

I don't know why, although she was in such an environment, Cheng Rou'er didn't panic at all, and she showed a stable smile, which made her beautiful face even more stunning and moving.

Zhang Qian doesn't have time to care about Cheng Rou'er's expression now, his only thought now is to escape from this damn place as soon as possible!Their strategy was very successful. The continuous bullets fired by the snipers above the rooftop caused panic among the crowd. The guards at the exit watched groups of people running out in front of them, completely powerless to control them.

And the chaotic crowd obviously made the subordinates of the Daoyi Society who were searching for Cheng Rou'er a little overwhelmed at this moment.It's good enough for them to keep their figure in this crowd of people moving forward, so how can they continue to follow and look for Cheng Rou'er!

In this way, Zhang Qian and Cheng Rou'er were temporarily safe.When the two walked out of the exit quietly in the crowd, no guards noticed at all, so they were fooled by them and escaped smoothly from the chaotic warehouse.

Since it was night, as soon as he left the warehouse and came outside the gate, the surroundings without lights immediately dimmed.Zhang Qian pulled Cheng Rou'er away from the crowd without a sound, and quickly hid beside a huge abandoned machine, covering their bodies.

After waiting for a while and not finding anything unusual, Zhang Qian then turned his head and glanced at Cheng Rouer, who was next to him, and said, "You are basically safe now, but there may be some patrolling guys on the periphery." , you have to be careful around them."

Cheng Rou'er's pretty face was completely covered by the darkness, but her big bright eyes could still be seen clearly.Obviously, she showed a hint of gratitude at this time and said, "Thank you, Zhang Qian, thank you for saving me from danger. You are my benefactor, and I will definitely repay you. You... Can you give me your contact address?"

"Forget it, I don't expect you gangsters to repay your gratitude or anything, I just want to give you some advice, Cheng Rou'er, your character is so weak, you are not suitable to deal with a guy who fights and kills like **, you yourself Let’s do it for ourselves.” Having said this, Zhang Qian looked around and said, “Today, I’m a good person and I’ll do it to the end. When I came here just now, there seemed to be no one patrolling. I’ll take you out through the small opening over there. Then we part again."

Cheng Rou'er glanced at Zhang Qian, seemed to hesitate to speak, and finally bit her pink lips and nodded.Although Zhang Qian didn't see the expression on her pretty face because of the darkness, he could already see from her eyes that she agreed, so he couldn't help holding her little hand again, and walked towards the direction where he and Yu Wei came.

Because it was already dark, Zhang Qian and Cheng Rou'er had no lights, so they moved very slowly.But even so, they gradually began to distance themselves from the crowd.This wood processing factory has been abandoned for so long, it is said to be a gate, but in fact it has already been dilapidated, it is just the main passage.Although there are still walls around, some places have already started to collapse. When Zhang Qian and Yu Wei came, they walked in through a collapsed wall.

The wood processing factory itself has been in a state of neglect for a long time, so most of the area is deserted.Zhang Qian dragged Cheng Rou'er and kept groping forward, but he didn't meet any members of the Daoyi Society on the way.At this time, Zhang Qian finally calmed down, and smiled at Cheng Rouer, "You are lucky, it seems that we should be safe, and those guards are probably desperately looking for you among the crowd who came out. Come on, it shouldn't be a problem."

When Cheng Rou'er heard Zhang Qian's words, she smiled and said gratefully, "Thank you Zhang Qian, if it wasn't for you, I might not have come out at all. The only person who came to negotiate with the True Dragon Society was me, and I survived. You are me." savior."

"I can't afford to be a savior, but then again, why did you take such a risk to come here? Is it worth it for so many people to die? Before you came, you probably didn't think that the other party would do something, and so many people would be killed, right? "Zhang Qian is actually quite curious. You said that this gangster with such a strong real dragon society came to negotiate and was beaten so badly. Didn't there be any news in advance?

"Zhang Qian, in fact, we really didn't expect that Lu Xing of the Douyi Society would be so bold that he would turn against Zhenlong. It was Lu Xing who invited us to negotiate. If we had known this earlier, we would definitely not..."

"Wow wow wow..." Just as Cheng Rou'er was halfway through her words, suddenly the sirens rang out all around, and a row of bright car lights immediately illuminated almost the entire periphery of the wood processing factory!

"Listen, people inside, you are already surrounded, immediately squat down and raise your arms to surrender, immediately squat down and raise your arms to surrender! Those who resist the corner will be dealt with as criminals at once, and dealt with as criminals at once!!"

Then the loudspeaker sounded, and bursts of warning words resounded through the sky.Zhang Qian stared blankly at the light shining in front of him, and said in shock for a moment, "Damn it! Why are the police here?"

"It's not good... Could it be that Uncle Gan's subordinates knew that things had changed and called the police on their own initiative?" Cheng Rou'er guessed in surprise, "When we came, we left two or three subordinates outside in case something happened. .”

Zhang Qian was a little speechless, "What are you doing, the gangsters will also ask the police to help? What should we do now? There are all policemen outside, and we can't get out! The opening where I came has been blocked by the police up!"

"No, I can't be caught by the police. My identity has already been documented at the police station. If I get caught, it will definitely have a big impact on the True Dragon Society. What should I do?" Cheng Rouer just said Speaking of this anxiously, he was stunned and said, "No... I remember that Lu Xing has a good relationship with the Andu County Police Station. It is impossible for the police to come as soon as the police is called? Could it be..."

"Could it be what?" Zhang Qian also felt very strange. It stands to reason that the local police in the underground boxing arena could not know about it. They must have bribed the relationship a long time ago.But why did these policemen not arrest people sooner or later, but why did they come to round up at this time?He guessed in surprise, "Could it be...someone wants to ban this casino?"

"Impossible. Lu Xing is very active in this area. This underground boxing field has been open for more than ten years. How could anyone want to ban him?" Cheng Rou'er said in a slightly anxious voice after thinking about it, "I think It is very likely that the other enemies of the True Dragon Society called the police! And it must be an order from the city, which made the police station in this small county helpless to arrest... Their purpose is probably to want me to be arrested. Catch it, so that the real dragon will be worse!"

Zhang Qian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I said, Miss Cheng, is your True Dragon Society wrong? Why are there so many enemies trying to harm you? Then what should we do? If you are caught, won't you be in serious trouble? "

"Yes, if I'm caught, then the underground boxing ring and gang fights will all be blamed on the True Dragon Society. My father's situation is already very dangerous. If something like this happens now... "Cheng Rou'er anxiously grabbed Zhang Qian's clothes and said, "What should I do... I, do we still have a way to escape from here? Zhang Qian, help me..."

Zhang Qian shook his head helplessly at this time and said, "Miss Cheng, the main passage outside the wall and those collapsed trails have been put under control by the police. Can you go out?"

"Then...then can we hide somewhere? So that the police can't find us?" Cheng Rouer said with tears in her voice, "I must not be caught by the police, absolutely not..."

You can feel the panic and anxiety in Cheng Rou'er's heart just by hearing the voice, Zhang Qian sighed softly, "Don't worry, I'll think of a way. This hiding is definitely impossible, and the police will control the large number of people in a while After the crowd, there will definitely be a carpet search, and it is impossible to pass through any corner. The only way now is to leave here before the police conduct a careful search. But... now all the places that can pass are blocked Control, unless..."

"Unless what?" Cheng Rou'er's beautiful eyes lit up, she seemed to have blind trust in Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian smiled bitterly and said, "Unless we climb over this high wall."

Cheng Rou'er looked up at the three-meter-high fence not far away, and immediately shut up.Just by looking at the high wall, you can tell that it is almost impossible to climb over.

This old wood processing factory used to be a well-known enterprise in Andu County. The people used to be poor, and they made a lot of simple furniture, stools and wooden tables by themselves, so people often came into the factory to steal wood.In the end, the factory had no choice but to strengthen the fence and build such a high wall.

After Zhang Qian raised his head and thought carefully for a while, he turned his head and walked nearby to search for a while, and soon found a wire drawing wire from the abandoned machine, with excitement flashing in his eyes, he said, "It seems that God still cares Ours, I know that there are metal wires in these wood processing machines. With this metal wire, it will be much easier to climb over the wall. Miss Cheng, before the police have searched here, you are so light , I will lift you up first, and then I will pull this metal wire to support you to slowly fall to the other side, and you pull the metal wire again to let me turn over. With this metal wire, both of us can You can climb over the wall to reach the street outside, so you can leave here without anyone noticing."

When Cheng Rou'er heard it, she was very excited and said happily, "That's great, Zhang Qian, you are so amazing, you can think of such a good idea!"

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