Peach Fortune

Chapter 74 Monthly Exam Results 2

"Oh? So you knew the results of the monthly exam last night?" Zhang Qian glanced at Chen Zitong and smiled, "How is it? Have you made any progress?"

Chen Zitong nodded and said, "It's not bad, it's two places ahead of the last monthly exam, and it's probably sixth in the whole grade."

"It's amazing, you really deserve to be a top student. It seems that this time the first place in the class is none other than you." Zhang Qian smiled and congratulated, "Like you, you should be sure to pass the exam, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. In fact, it's very important to perform on the spot." Chen Zitong glanced at Zhang Qian and said, "If you can perform exceptionally on the spot, even if your grades are not very good, you may still succeed."

Knowing that Chen Zitong was comforting himself, Zhang Qian shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "With your good words, maybe I can really perform exceptionally once in the senior high school entrance examination. But so far, with my current grades, can I not I don't even know that I was assigned to the poor student class."

"Work harder on Zhang Qian, and the No. 20 seven in the class will stay." Chen Zitong frowned and said, "Actually, I don't like this kind of class division, but it's The school decided, we can only rely on our own efforts to try our best to keep the position. By the way, as long as your results are announced today, our bet will know who will win and who will lose."

"Oh? How many points did you score in the history test?" Zhang Qian heard what Chen Zitong said, and then he remembered that he and her still had a bet on history and politics as a bargaining chip!

"The test is not bad. I got 96 points in history and politics. Zhang Qian, you have to abide by the bet. If I win, you must listen to me! I haven't thought about other requirements yet, but there is one thing you must What needs to be corrected is that you are not allowed to read comic books in class, and you are not allowed to sleep in class all the time.” Chen Zitong said this, showing obvious confidence on his pretty face.In her opinion, no matter how hard Zhang Qian worked hard, it was impossible for him to exceed this score.

Zhang Qian smiled and said, "I'm afraid your request is a few points instead of a point? But I think I have already achieved these even if I didn't make a bet. Do you see any comic books I have read recently? There are not many deserts The main reason is that I really don't understand some classes, so I can't help but desert."

"It's best to do it ahead of time, it's better than asking you to correct it after I win." Chen Zitong was obviously satisfied with Zhang Qian's performance, "I also think you have changed a lot recently, although you don't know your grades. There is no progress, but at least the attitude is much more serious.”

"Are you complimenting me?" After hearing these few words, Zhang Qian felt that he was undoubtedly very useful, and said with a smile, "Actually, classmate Chen is quite gentle, kind, and understanding. But now our bet The appointment hasn't been announced yet, so I have to wait for my results to find out who wins and who loses, and I don't want to lose to you."

Chen Zitong was taken aback, and said with a speechless smile, "Zhang Qian, don't tell me, do you think your score in this history and politics test will surpass mine? Do you think you can get a score of 96 or more?"

It is no wonder that Chen Zitong asked suspiciously. You must know that history and politics are mostly based on rote memorization of materials, and human memory is not a computer. More or less, they will always forget or even make mistakes. They can get 96 The score is already a great achievement.

However, Zhang Qian still felt that he would not necessarily lose, and insisted on waiting until the results were announced to be sure. Doesn't this mean that he is full of confidence in himself and thinks that he can surpass Chen Zitong?

"Be a little bit sure, don't you know after class?" When Zhang Qian said this, the two had already arrived at the door of the classroom.Before Chen Zitong opened his mouth to speak in a funny way, he walked into the classroom quickly.

Zhang Qian entered the classroom on the front foot, followed by Chen Zitong on the back foot. This pair of deskmates entered the classroom one in front of the other and quickly attracted the attention of many interested people. Some students in the classroom started whispering.

Among these students, there were many male students who admired Zhang Qian, were jealous of Zhang Qian, and were hostile to Zhang Qian, but the one with the ugliest face at this time was probably Xu Tiesing who was sitting in the back row of the first group.He stared fixedly at Zhang Qian who was sitting in his seat, his whole face was livid and obviously very unhappy.

How could Zhang Qian not feel Xu Tiesing's hostile gaze?It's just that he didn't want to pay attention to it at all.The two were already bitter rivals, whether it was the morning meeting incident or the underground boxing field, there was no doubt that the two were completely at odds.Now that they have become mortal enemies, what do they care about?

After handing in the homework for the weekend, Zhang Qian opened the textbook aimlessly and looked at it for a few times, then sneaked a glance at Chen Zitong who was endorsing the book there.During this weekend, Zhang Qian not only won a huge sum of money, but also met two very beautiful beauties.

One is Miss Cheng Rou'er, and the other is Qian Yuxin, a police officer. Compared with Chen Zitong's youthful beauty, these two beauties have their own merits.After thinking about it, Zhang Qian couldn't help laughing at himself secretly. He looked like an ordinary man, and he was not immune to beautiful women. He always wanted to compare one or two.

But having said that, Zhang Qian really has more and more feelings for Chen Zitong.No matter in terms of her age, her temperament, or her beautiful style, she was actually the type he liked.It's a pity that her status as the daughter of a thousand gold made him feel like a mountain was blocking him.

If it was before, Zhang Qian really didn't even dare to think about it. Maybe one day he and Chen Zitong might really be together.But now Zhang Qian, who is gradually gaining self-confidence, really feels a little ready to move in his heart.

Especially when he has a huge sum of 15 yuan, Zhang Qian's self-confidence has obviously been greatly strengthened!What about Xu Tiesing?But he is the son of a wealthy businessman, is he worthy of Chen Zitong just because he is rich?The Chen family only appeared extremely noble because of Chen Xuwu's status as the chief of the bureau, but if he really achieved something through hard work, he might not be worthy of Chen Zitong!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the feasibility is very high, but a little excitement really flashed in Zhang Qian's eyes, maybe, maybe, really... I have the possibility of chasing the goddess of the school beauty even with my ass ?

"Bell!!!" A piercing bell for the end of get out of class immediately brought Zhang Qian back to reality from his beautiful dream.He sighed helplessly and shook his head bitterly.Maybe he really has a slight chance of pursuing the school belle Chen Zitong, but at least it is impossible now.If you think that you can become rich and handsome in an instant after earning 15 yuan, it would be too stupid.

Throwing away the temporarily unrealistic fantasy in his mind, Zhang Qian began to seriously consider the possible plot to kidnap Wang Zhiqing on Thursday night.Although the underground boxing arena was destroyed and the morality association was severely damaged, the boss of the morality association still escaped. That is to say, it is very likely that Ji Shengchong's meticulously planned plot against Wang Zhiqing on Thursday night will not be cancelled.Zhang Qian was also thinking, should he communicate with Wang Zhiqing in advance and tell her about this...

Amidst Zhang Qian's entanglement and hesitation, the class bell rang, and teacher Ye Wenhua, the head teacher, walked in from outside the classroom.What she held in her hand was a report card, and she knew without even thinking about it. The results written on this report card must be from this monthly exam.

The report card in Ye Wenhua's hand quickly made the whole class nervous.Except for Chen Zitong and other good students who knew their grades in advance, I am afraid that more students do not know their grades in this monthly exam, so they will naturally be worried.After all, the monthly exam results are related to one's own ranking.

"Students, before the Chinese class, I will announce the results of this month's monthly exam." Ye Wenhua seemed to have a good face, and he didn't look very angry.I saw her put down the report card in her hand on the podium, and continued to speak slowly, "Our class performance this month is much better than last month, and I would like to congratulate No.1 in this class, class monitor Chen Zitong. She With excellent grades, she successfully ranked sixth in the whole grade, and she is also the student with the best grades in my class. Everyone should learn a lot from her and work hard to catch up with her!"

When Ye Wenhua said this, the whole class immediately burst into warm applause. Chen Zitong smiled shyly, as if he was not proud of victory or discouraged by defeat.Zhang Qian also felt that she deserved the applause. After all, it was the respect she earned by studying hard, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.

"Except for Chen Zitong, the rankings of most of the other top students in my class have not changed. They can maintain the results of last month, and some of them have improved slightly. They are all very good." Ye Wenhua suddenly changed the subject, his expression changed Some turned cold and said, "However, the grades of the middle school students are not ideal, especially Xu Tiexing, whose grades have dropped a bit in this exam, from No. 18 in the class to No. 25. You have to know that if you are still hovering around 25 next month, then you will not be far away from going to Class B of poor students."

Being criticized by Ye Wenhua's name, Xu Tiesing suddenly couldn't hold back, and lowered his head from green to red.Although I don't know if it's because of these recent incidents that he has neglected his studies, but if he still takes the next month's exam in this state, then it is estimated that he will really be assigned to a bad class go.

"Okay, that's the general analysis. Next, I will report the specific grades and class rankings of each student." Ye Wenhua obviously didn't intend to say more about Xu Tiesing. After all, Xu Tiesing is a rich second generation. People who don't want nothing to mess with are unhappy.

As Ye Wenhua began to report the results of each student, Zhang Qian became a little nervous at this time.It's not because he cares about his ranking in the class, but because he really cares about his history and politics grades.This achievement is related to the bet with Chen Zitong, and even more related to his dignity as a man!

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