Peach Fortune

Chapter 75 All Grades 1

History and politics was a subject that he had worked so hard to learn. If he still couldn't beat Chen Zitong, it would be a huge blow to Zhang Qian's enthusiasm and confidence in studying.It is precisely because of this that Zhang Qian, who has never cared about his grades, is more serious than anyone else when he listens to the teacher's grades in the newspaper for the first time.

"Hao Ren, 98 in Chinese, 115 in Mathematics, English... the class ranks No. 14." After reading this, Ye Wenhua glanced at Hao Ren's seat, frowned and said, "Hao Ren, your monthly The test is also four places worse than last time's No.10, you have to keep working hard, don't really fall behind."

Sitting on the seat, Haoren's face turned pale. He nodded with a gloomy expression, but he didn't speak.Obviously, he himself felt a little dissatisfied with such a result.

"Wu Yu, Chinese 68, Mathematics 60, English...ranked fourth in the class." Ye Wenhua suddenly sneered sarcastically at this time, and said, "This Wu Yu is finally the bottom one in the class as everyone expects. Your nickname Is it called the second child of Wannian? It's a pity that Zhang Qian didn't give you the chance to continue to be the second child this time. Wu Yu, Wu Yu, you are really speechless."

"Hahaha..." Ye Wenhua's words immediately caused the whole class to burst into laughter.Zhang Qian couldn't help but chuckled lightly, but he felt that Ye Wenhua's name-calling was also being ridiculed.

It turned out that this classmate named Wu Yu was also a poor student who didn't study. He and Zhang Qian had almost no suspense and were always the second-to-last and first in the class.However, every time Wu Yu took the exam, he always seemed to be a bit unlucky. He was always inferior to Zhang Qian, so over time he was nicknamed Wannian Er Er by his classmates.Unexpectedly, this title was known by the class teacher Ye Wenhua, so there were some teasing words just now.

"Teacher? This, how is this possible! I don't believe it!" Sitting there, Wu Yu almost jumped up, and hurriedly opened his mouth full of disbelief, "Teacher, you must have read it wrong, right? How could I not even Can Zhang Qian fail the exam? My grades in all subjects are not much different from the previous monthly exams, this is impossible! How could Zhang Qian surpass me with him alone?"

"What? Do you think the difference between the penultimate and the penultimate is really that important?" Ye Wenhua obviously disdain Wu Yu's disbelief, "If you get the first place in the class but the second in the class, then I It's really a pity, you shouldn't be called speechless, but boring!"

"Hahaha..." The whole class burst into laughter again, obviously Wu Yu became the focus of ridicule from all the students.And Wu Yu obviously couldn't hold back what the teacher said on his face, and he didn't dare to speak out after muttering a few times.

Seeing that Wu Yu was a little unconvinced, Ye Wenhua sneered and said, "Okay, since you don't believe me, then I will convince you. Zhang Qian is really not what he used to be, that's why he and Chen Zitong became classmates. After playing the table for a long time, his grades have improved by leaps and bounds. Although his current progress is not very obvious, but I believe that if the current situation continues, it will definitely get better and better."

"Zhang Qian? Just rely on him??" "Did I hear correctly? Teacher Ye actually praised Zhang Qian? Oh my God!"

All of a sudden, the students in the classroom started whispering to each other in disbelief. The chaotic scene in the classroom naturally aroused Ye Wenhua's displeasure. After she gave a heavy cold snort, the classroom returned to silence.

"Wu Yu, listen carefully. Zhang Qian, who was the bottom one in the past, scored 103 points in Chinese, 72 points in mathematics, 94 points in English, and 79 points in science." Ye Wenhua paused before looking up, "Zhang Qian’s performance in Chinese and English has improved a lot. Although the comprehensive score of mathematics and science is only over 70 points, compared with his previous situation of only [-] to [-] points, it is still a small improvement. Moreover, he has really improved the most, It is a supplementary course of history and politics.”

As soon as Teacher Ye Wenhua's words came out of his mouth, not only Wu Yu's eyes widened, but almost everyone in the class was shocked!

Who is Zhang Qian?That's the worst poor student in their class, the problem student who is almost at the bottom of the exam every month!That is a character who copies homework all morning, reads comics in class, and doesn't even want to read or want to read!But now, how could it not be surprising that such a result was obtained all of a sudden?

Chen Zitong, who was sitting next to Zhang Qian, also had a feeling of admiration in her beautiful eyes. At this time, she leaned over her pretty face and whispered, "Zhang Qian, how did you do it? I remember that you basically passed the monthly exam last month. How many points? How long has it did you improve so much all of a sudden?"

After Zhang Qian took a look at Chen Zitong, he smiled lightly, "I didn't tell you, I just don't want to learn. If I study hard, I will be afraid myself!"

Seeing Zhang Qian who was quite proud, Chen Zitong couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "Don't be so smug, wait for your historical and political achievements to be announced later, I think you are still afraid of yourself!"

Zhang Qian smiled and did not answer, but at this time Ye Wenhua on the podium announced, "Students, I want to announce something here. Although I am shocked, I think it is a good thing. Our class is so In many monthly exams, except for Chen Zitong who got the first place in the whole grade in mathematics, we have never won the first place in any other subjects. But this monthly exam, unexpectedly, our class got a new one. No. [-]. Although this No. [-] is not very important, at least it is No. [-], right? Moreover, this No. [-] person is beyond anyone's imagination."

Ye Wenhua said many firsts, which made the students dizzy.But generally speaking, there are more people who understand it. To put it simply, someone in the class took the No.1 in a single subject in the whole grade.

Now, many students couldn't help showing curiosity, wanting to guess who got the No.1.Class 1 of the third year of junior high school was just an average ordinary class, so to be able to get the first place in the whole grade once, even if it was just a single subject, would undoubtedly bring glory to the class.What's more, Teacher Ye said that this No.[-] was unexpected by anyone, which made the students even more curious and suspicious.

"Hehe, you don't need to guess, I guarantee you won't guess." Seeing the students whispering in the audience, Ye Wenhua couldn't help but chuckled, "The subject that got the first place this time is History and Politics, although it is a supplementary course, But it's also important. Student Chen Zitong scored 96 points in this class, which is already very high, but I didn't expect that there are still people who got 99 points in this class! Only one fill-in-the-blank question was wrong!"

"Wow..." As soon as Ye Wenhua's words came out of his mouth, there was an uproar in the audience.

Zhang Qian felt a little nervous. He was guessing whether the student Ye Wenhua was talking about with a score of 99 was actually him.Although he knew that he performed well in this exam, he still had no idea that he could get such a high score.He wasn't even sure that Chen Zitong, who could pass the test with a score of 96.

While Zhang Qian was nervous, Chen Zitong also showed surprise and surprise.She obviously didn't expect someone to overwhelm her with an almost abnormal score of 99 points in the history test, but from the beginning to the end, she didn't think that this score would be achieved by Zhang Qian at all.

"History and Politics has a score of 99, and the student who ranks first in the whole grade is..." Ye Wenhua said, his eyes slowly fell in Chen Zitong's direction, and he smiled, "It's Zhang Qian!!"

Quiet, eerie silence, except for the teacher Ye Wenhua's loud shout, the sound waves in the whole classroom were shaking so fast, it was so quiet that even a needle falling on the ground might be heard.When Zhang Qian's name was called out from Ye Wenhua's mouth, even Zhang Qian was stunned.

Zhang Qian had guessed that his score might be a little higher than Chen Zitong's at most, or maybe a little lower than hers, but who would have thought that his score was a whole three points higher than hers!Above the limit of 95 points, one point more would make a huge difference, let alone a full three points more!

However, after being shocked, Zhang Qian was naturally happy. After all, he had achieved such good grades, received praise from the teacher, and won the bet from Chen Zitong. Why not do it?

Who would have imagined that a poor student who is often the bottom one in the class would be the first in a single subject in the whole year, which undoubtedly surprised all the students.Among the classmates, the one who was the most shocked and unexpected was undoubtedly Zhang Qian's deskmate, Chen Zitong.

For others, Zhang Qian's astonishing test results are at most unbelievable, and it's okay to be surprised.But she was different, she had made a bet with Zhang Qian on the subject of history and politics, but now Zhang Qian beat her 99 with a score of 96, so naturally she lost the bet.

Chen Zitong probably didn't even think that he would lose even a second ago.In her opinion, it is impossible to lose to a poor student like Zhang Qian.But now, she had to admit the fact that she really lost, and she lost completely without any suspense!

A burst of deep loss rose in her heart. For Chen Zitong, the most unacceptable thing was that a top student would be compared to a poor student, and even lost to him!This made her proud heart suffer a great blow.

"Teacher, this is impossible!! Zhang Qian must have cheated, he must have cheated to get such a high score!" Just after the students reacted one after another, they began to look at Zhang Qian with strange eyes. A voice suddenly sounded at this time!Xu Tiesing stood up from his seat with anger and disbelief, pointed to Zhang Qian who was not far away, and continued, "How can a poor student who is the last one achieve such amazing changes? There must be something wrong with him. It must be cheating!"

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